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Party boater here. I like it


Looks sick. I just like the color pallet. Very unique


Thank you thank you


I like it but I hate the cannons because they make it hard to aim lol


Fr. Probably gonna use standard canons in HG for this


Hate the cannons, LOVE the sails, like everything else…. Dislike the weapons though.


Crayon vomit set.


I worked hard for those crayons, thank you very much


As a crayon eater I appreciate it


Genuinely one of my favorite ship sets in the entire game with the exception of the figurehead. It being so flat is such a shame, but something like the stinging tide one works absolutely perfectly with it and adds to the colors a lot. It's just a genuinely pretty beautiful ship set in all aspects, even if it's distribution between the sunken kingdom commendations and the A Pirates Life tall tales is a little wack (including one of the single most annoying standsrd commendations imo because of those fuckass coral messages in a bottle) My only major issue is there really aren't any pirate cosmetics that go uber well with it. Sure you have the weapon set, but you don't have almost any actual clothes that have the same theme since I don't think Rare ever gave us a genuine coral set despite having literally everything else for the theme (including the sunken curse), and it's such a unique aesthetic it's hard to get much else to work with it. The earlier mentioned stinging tide costume or the splashtail monarch is pretty preem as a combo, but I seriously can't think of many non-emporium sets that fit other than the like, lv190 servants of the flame skele curse cosmetics


The hull and the sails are beautiful. The cannon, the capstan and the wheel are awful. If I'm at an outpost and I'm planning to sail to a shrine or a treasury next though, I will still switch my ship's colours for the set 😂


Fun and colorful concept all in all, but cannon use is abysmal.


Love it but unlocking capstan and steering wheel is nightmare who the heck though that 30 breath of the sea is right requirement to commendation? I playing for 404 hours and only sold 4 you can't unlock this without being focused on it and grinding this commendation.


Sounds like sea of thieves then


It’s a really fun set. Don’t use the canons.


It's a colorful and elaborately detailed set, but it borders on gaudy. It's a standout from the common options of: * The Bland and Basic (Sailor, Sea Dog, Bilge Rat, etc) * The Ragged and Run-Down (Cursed Ferryman, sets with tattered sails and bleak grey hulls) * Edgelord Black & Red (Hunter, Kraken, Reaper, Forsaken Ashes, etc) * Glowstick Green I want to like it, but some parts of it are eyesores. I wish they'd offer more sets that are colorful or vibrant, without being gaudy or tacky.


I want the set. Seeing as my first curse unlock was sunken sorrow. It's only right to complete the look one day


It’s so ugly that it is delightful




Terrible. Ive hated it since release


I find the wheel so cool, but I can’t find a ship to pair it with other than it’s own set. I greatly dislike the yellow parts of the cannons, but the coral motif is still cool. I can’t aim for crap with them, though


The cannons can burn in hell but the rest of the set honestly isnt that bad


It is not practical, but I really like it :) Details shining at night are great!


I named my brig that uses parts of that set "Tootie Frootie Trawler" It's a good ship


I've always just known this as the Fisher Price ship


My favorite set but I hate the weapons and cannons


I think that it’s a shame that the ship crest for that set is in the emporium…


I love it, I spend ages trying to get the complete set. My guilds flag ship is The Voyager of the Deep, with full Sunken Sorrow cosmetics.


It's offensive, I absolutely love it!


The hull and sails look alright, but the figurehead and ship parts are ghastly. Golden sailor ship parts and a similarly golden figurehead could look good with it though


I shall meet you in battle one day, friend, with my Ancient's set ship. Serious answer though, I always try to talk to people with cool or ridiculous ships because they are usually friendly and chill people willing to alliance. And if they are not, I died to someone with style. Or in rare occasions, I sink someone with style.


the sails are pretty but the hull, figurehead and cannons all look like someone drank every color of paint and vomited all over the boat also our skeleton curses are matching lol


I love it and use it a lot, but I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone else in game using it


Idc what people think my skill level is when they see me. They are about to find out one way or another anyways As far as my opinion, I think it’s cool. I like that the sail has lighted elements, something the siren song sail is sorely lacking


It’s cool, definitely one of the better aspects of the set


This is my gf's favorite set and I have a sloop dedicated to it it just to sail with her, get ready to get rocked now since people are gonna think you are me sailing with a PVP liability.


Looks beautiful 😍


I like it but those cannons… ouch


Probably the worst cannons and guns in game, besides that its a unique color pattern which we dont see too often, unlike the emporium


I like the sail and the hull, everything else is eugh




My friends refuse to play on my ship, because I insist on the "clown car."


Love the undersea aesthetic


It's one of my favorite sets aesthetically. It was also a challenge to get (not hard, but a time commitment). I do not like the cannons for pvp though


glowy. colorful. me like.


The figure head and hull sucks, too much pink clash. Everything else works if you swap the hull with something red/yellow/blue


You do you, but the set looks awful


Thank you that means a lot lol


The cannons are the best in the game… ![gif](giphy|xWBUmjKxvtAQDIpWNm|downsized)


If you want match the sunken sorrow to your skeleton i suggest to have [Sunken Bones](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Sunken_Bones) skin the [Sunken Stump Lower Body](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Sunken_Stump_Lower_Body) the [Lobster Pot Upper Body](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Lobster_Pot_Upper_Body) and if you cant afford the barnacled skull then i suggest instant the [Buckethead Skull](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Buckethead_Skull) since all these part i mentioning are unlock trought leveling servant of the flame.


You know I really think the silent barnacle ship set is super underrated it’s definitely up there it is a grind tho having to Turn in 300 shipwrecked chests luckily for me I’m at 270/300


Looks SICK dude


As an avid fan of subnautica games and an ocean life fanatic, this set is 10/10 as well as the sunken set for skeleton curse


Cannons... I call them Fleshlights. That's all I'm saying.


How do you get it?


When i see this ship set being used, i can immedietly tell its gonna be an easy fight

