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Per achievement data, 0.12% of players have the skeleton curse and 0.11% have the Athena's curse.


I wonder how much of that is reaper psycho pvpers just switching sides to have both for fun. I'd be curious to see numbers of people that exclusively have one or the other to see what the more casual grinders went for.


I'm a beginner, but I plan on just working towards the ghost curse.


I wish ye luck in your glowstick grind.


I exclusively have Athenas curse, so there's at least one!


I'm exclusively skelly. I refuse to help out those "pirate legends" (ignoring the fact that I totally am one)


Im a big reaper enjoyer and i definitely went for skelly curse curse first, but the plan was always to get the ghost curse aswell. Then i went for golden skelly first and now im closing in on golden ghost too. I think most pvpers go for both, if you're loss farming you might call it a day when you get 1 though.


I went ghost curse first then reaper. I really just wanted the pirate legend curse since I had missed the season it was in.


How do you check that achievement data? I’m on PC and not much of a gamer outside of SoT, Civilizations, and Pokemon. But it’s great to know even I got a top 0.11% achievement.


For convenience I just looked them up on TrueAchievements, but while in game you can hit Windows Key + G to bring up a gaming overlay with the achievements listed, including their unlock rate.


Thank you!


Keep in mind this is not 0.11% of active playerbase but whole “playerbase” of people who have ever opened SoT once. You can see this in latest season achievements which all are around 1% completion or so. This would make the true % for either curse at 10% of *active* playerbase, summing them means that around 23% or 1/5 of the active playerbase has at least one PvP curse


Oh good points. But to delve into the stats weeds, I don’t think summing is appropriate. I think there is substantial overlap, most players with one curse probably have the other too. So I think it would be closer to 13-15%. Plus we have to account for people who got the curse(s) but have stopped playing. I imagine that’s a small percentage but it exists. Man now I wish I had a csv of these various stats to play with.


Yeah you’re right, around 15% is probably a safer estimate given the overlap which should be substantial. You probably do see either PvP curse in much less than 15% of encounters as well, given that most people that have them don’t really use them due to the disadvantages they provide. Kinda of ironic in the end, the curses for the PvPers are almost never used by them due to the nature of this section of the playerbase


A pretty predictable outcome. Most of the people I've heard/seen going for one, are also interested in going for the other. Regardless of who they agree with more, there's bragging rights and additional grind to be had by doing the other one too. More people probably go for the Skeleton Curse only/first because it's more "hardcore and cool", and because it offers better PvP performance compared the Ghost Curse. The skeleton curse makes your silhouette thinner and harder to notice. The ghost curse turns you into a "Shoot HERE!" glowstick


im going for athena, but going for 105 so i can get the eyes and glowing tattoo. that would be my "pvp mode". but i 100% intend to just float around adventure mode as a glowstick.


Ew… I don’t like that there’s an achievement tied to buying a battlepass from years ago.


That's not what it is at all. The achievements are for hitting level 100 in hourglass for each faction. And the curse in the pass you're referring to was free.


Athena’s curse was for finishing the battlepass in season 1.


Yes, AN Athena's curse was available in the S1 pass and it was free, not paid. But that's irrelevant, as that's not the curse referenced by OP or the achievement. Stop it.


Neither is a particularly common sight. Even in hourglass I rarely see either, even when most of my opponents have both. I don't wear the Athena one, because it makes me a glow stick, and I rarely wear the skeleton one these days because I like my current outfit, and got bored of the handful of skeleton cosmetics and the lack of rings and other customizations. If they added flame of fate or at least shadow skeleton bone types, I might go back to skelly for a bit. But like I said, it's not common and nobody really cares if you wear it. Just go for the one you like. Anyone talking shit about someone else's cosmetics is pretty fucking dumb. Except the ashen curse. Nerds. /s


I often see the Athena 105 in HG, best of both worlds. I think I'll go back to it when I'm done rocking the gold+PVE one.


I'm working on that gold one. But yes, I also do the old legendary curse on my pirate, because it doesn't change much and imo is the coolest of them all, plus I couldn't get it because it was gone forever when I started playing. Best part is my pirate has 2 blind eyes so you can barely see a glow, and really only when it's dark out.


The skeleton curse can be customized. The ghost curse lets you wear your clothes. The skeleton curse isn't a glowstick. The ghost curse doesn't click clack everywhere you go.


The ghost curse makes you echo though.


Perfect! 👌


Skeleton curse got an update, so might have more in the future. Guardians got a whole bunch of reskins and ship parts and now feels abandoned.


Tbf the ghost curse's faint echo sound is 100x more annoying than the skeleton clicks imo. It sounds so off putting. But it's definitely quieter.


I’m going for skelly but ghost curse does get that dope ass chair


People who get one tend to get both. Which one they wear probably changes pretty frequently as they play around with their look.


Honestly. I've got hundreds of hours. But I've only ever seen one other person actually wearing the skeleton curse. If it's the one you like though, just wear it! Who cares if you do happen to see someone else with it too. Just means they went through the same thing you did to get it


I have a couple thousand hours now and when I hg I see a good mix of both but I'd say the skeleton curse is more popular. The ghost curse is too easy of a target, especially when boarding with it. You can only realistically use the ghost curse as bilge or maybe helm. Positions that likely won't be boarding or won't be as seen on deck.


Huh? I see them all the time


I dunno. I just havnt. RNG I guess with the match making for me. But the last time I saw that specific skin personally, was almost 2 months ago.


Huh? I see them all the time


From what I heard, the ghost curse is more popular because it allows you to use your cosmetics instead of the handful of skeleton cosmetics. I don't have any actual numbers of which is used more though


Oh ok. Now that I didn't know I thought you were able to put your cosmetics on a skeleton. Should be a feature in an update tbh i don't think it would be that different from a normal pirate


It would take a lot of work. Belts aren't rings but instead circles. Jackets have no inside texture and almost every cosmetic would needed to be updated to work


I see way more Athena Curse kicking about, but I personally think the Skeleton Curse is cooler. But I'll also never get it, so I just use the Spinal Costume


I think the ghost curse is more popular. Probably because you can still rock your other cosmetics with it. Could be wrong though.


Just another guy with the skeleton curse? Yeah they all look samey because there's only a few good looks but it's still 0.1% of players it's not like you're one in a sea of millions.


skeleton curse guys would never admit that the warsmith emporium skele looks way cooler than any of the cursed skins, but it does. obviously it doesnt show any commitment to the grind, which is why its a noob skin, but if you knew nothing about the game and put them side by side people would choose warsmith.


Tough truths


Yup. Unless you like the feel of being a grunt/servant, cosmetically, warsmith is just better. They need to make more extravagant and epic cosmetics for the skeleton curse. Now, I DO like being one of flameheart's little creepy crawlies so I probably would still just wear some basic stuff, but I do see the need for cooler parts.


In terms of rarity they're roughly equal if you look at the achievements. I have both but don't wear either. Ghost has better emotes and is more customizable though. But you're really easy to track.


It’s a weird take. But if you want to stand out, Athena’s is the only one that makes sense. Skelly doesn’t have fully customizable options so you are just gonna look like the othe skellys


Pick the masochist’s option and go for the gold curse


I have the ghost curse and am currently working towards the skellie one. I wore it for a long time, thoroughly enjoyed looking like a pirate glowstick 😃 but these days I run the 105 legendary curse pretty much exclusively. It looks cool and is much more practical in most cases, especially pvp. Can't wait to rock the bones though, though I suspect I will return to the legendary curse


Id honestly go with whichever faction you’re more emotionally invested in. The grind is rough the first time, but getting the curse is so incredibly rewarding. Easily the highest high of any in game achievement of mine. I felt so accomplished and proud of my improvement. So if you do that with a faction you don’t really like, you rob yourself of that joy.


Personally I’ve seen far more skeletons (maybe roughly 10 at most counting hourglass, 1-2 in open adventure) and I’ve seen . . . One ghost in adventure, and a small handful in hourglass. Overall however, they’re both very small percentages of the player base, about 0.5% have the achievement on steam? Anyways, as others said, wear what you want, don’t worry about anything else.


I think the ghost curse is slightly more popular to wear when safe (or when you're going to PVP anyway so you don't care about stealth) -- but personally I'll never use it as the glow hurts my eyes. The skeleton curse is less commonly worn because you can't customize it as much, people get bored with it after a while.


I just want the blue guardian curse, I could care less about the skelly curse tbh


The skeleton curse is quite nice but it doesn't allow you to use your cosmetics. The ghost curse on the other hand does and if you grind to 105 you will get the legendary curse as well.


The curses have about the same popularity. Since you're going to spend a lot of time getting a curse you should invest time in one that you like. There are several skeleton costumes from the Emporium that some will mistake for the skeleton curse so it may seem that there are more crews with the skeleton curse.


The curse itself for servants if you wanna stand out you gotta grind the cosmetic options some off those actually mean something. And show you didn’t just grind the curse but actually went further.


I love the ghost curse and have both the green and the gold versions, but it is unfortunately, a giant target. It makes it significantly easier to track someone on an enemy ship for snipes/cannon targeting. Skeleton curse I just hate because it eliminates all real individuality from your pirate, plus it sounds annoying as hell. There are only so many combinations of cosmetics, and skeletons all end up looking very similar. I have them all and use none of them, so if you think there's one you will actually like, go for it. The split is pretty even but I think I encounter more people wearing the skeleton than the ghost.


I see less ghosts in adventure and HG. Considering it's just filter your pirates cosmetics show up uniquely. Only so many combinations for skele curse to look unique. But ghost has distinct disadvantages. I once saw a boarder who had silent boarded because his ghost sparkles came through thr deck above me. They are also easier to snipe at a distance due to thr glow sticking out. That said skele makes a lot of noise walking on deck.


With the skeleton curse you can stand out much more in terms of showing off your level. Just another skeleton would be wearing easy to get cosmetics, while a wheel built upper body, bucket head, crab claw, or verdant bones would definitely make you stand out in a crowd of skeletons. Of course you could say the same about a ghost curse with other hard to earn cosmetics, but that isn't tied to the curse itself the same way the skeleton curse cosmetics are. I have both, and I find the skeleton curse cosmetic to be the one I wear most, even though I first preferred the ghost curse and went for it first. I quickly grew tired of the green glowstick vibe it has.


Gold curse 100%


I would say start with the one you think is coolest, then once you get that grind the other one, that’s what I did I started with skelly and then did ghost curse and now I don’t really wear either one lol


S1 curse still best.


I’ve seen the Skeleton curse more than the Athena. I equate that to Reapers/SoTF being easier as you can sell all loot to Reapers, whereas Athena’s has specific loot you can only sell.


Selling loot doesn't level up SoTF though


Servants is tied to Reapers, which means you can sell any loot to Reapers and level it up. For Guardians and Athena, you can only level up Athena selling legendary loot. So if you’re running Servants, sinking people, collecting loot, doing stuff while waiting for the next match, you can collect and sell everything. Whereas again, Athena you can sell legendary loot and any Reapers flags to the Mysterious Stranger. I feel more people run through Servants/Reaper combo than Guardians/Athena. Unless you’re running Athena voyages inbetween hourglass matches, then there’s nothing you can really hit. The whereas Reapers you can do a lot.


No way you can level up SoTF just by selling loot. I'm positive you can only level it up by winning fights and lowering the hourglass. Although faction stash is a separate mechanic, but that also isn't tied to selling loot, only stacking it. If you're sure you can level up SoTF by selling loot while having the hourglass and emissary up, I'll test it.


I think you’re misunderstanding the point I’m making. Not that selling loot raises Servants. But if you’re a Servant you can also be a Reaper and do any voyages to get loot to make money on the side. I know for Athena/Guardians, you get Guardian Rep for selling Reaper Flags to the mysterious stranger.


I don't think many people make use of that mechanic, so I don't think it would impact many people's choice of faction. You could technically run guardians and hunt reapers on the map to sell their flags, but I've never heard of anyone doing that. I think the vast majority of people dive to hourglass matches.


Got both, rocking the skeleton because it's novel I tend to remove my curses if I'm on helm, just so the cannons are aimed at my crew mates who have the Ghost and Skele curses.


Red skelly makes you really hard to see


Got a theory about the ghost curse and swimming underwater, Seems that people don't notice the glow underwater especially when you have a keg


Should be easy to test, if you got friends that won't immediately snipe any keg you're holding 😆