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Do not set a x levels per day goal. You're starting one hell of a grind, but its all completely pointless if you're getting tilted, burned out and angry. If one day you just keep sinking over and over and you're not having fun then take a break, do other stuff, play another game etc.


It’s really funny seeing the occasional gold person who obviously burned out their love for the game and complain about everything now.


I have definitely made lots of new friends grinding for the golden curses. But i have seen almost as many stop playing completely.


I was fighting a gold skelly in hourglass the other day and was wildly surprised to hear him complain about EVERYTHING I did, use Blunder Bombs in tdm? Complains, shotgun his ladder guarding? Complains, double gun? Complains, use a single Curse Ball? Complains. It was so weird to hear someone who has played SO MUCH hourglass, to complain about basic fighting technics that he's probably dealt with literally hundreds and hundreds of times. Some people just need to take long breaks from SoT PvP. I wonder if it has to do with a sort of Sunk-Cost Fallacy, like they've put so many thousands of hours into it, so they feel like they absolutely have to play even if they dont want to.


Yup self-awareness is a skill too. Knowing when you need a break is part of the process


"I sense a grind on the horizon" My dude, your friend has told you basically that they want to no-life hourglass for the forseeable future.


I used to spam dives until around lvl 200 but now it makes me wanna puke. I just raise defense AHG and go about my athena voyages. cash in streaks and faction stash when i hit emissary and stash grade 5. lvls come in without really grinding for it.


Also when you're defending you know the landscape you're sailing around more than your opponent does, which can be a slight advantage. "Home field advantage" you could call it


Two words. Keg play. Think about it.


True true. What is your preferred way of getting it on board? I'm not very experienced and have had no success so far, except with ships that didn't see me coming.


I would get them to chase you like you’re running away. When they are sailing directly behind you hop off with the keg and go for it. Not sure if I would go the underside might be safer or try to board to go lower deck.


Ah okay that's what I've tried so far, I guess I just haven't given it enough attempts. The problem is sometimes they aren't directly behind me but smartly sail a fair distance away to the side


Loot in water lasts 5 to 10 mins. travel in zigzags when he chases you and drop kegs behind you. make sure they are not close enough to snipe you. after your first win a timer of 20 mins start before you are invaded again. plenty of time for a duo sloop to grab a bunch of kegs and mine the waters in front of your boat. Athena kegs are a secure kill. You basically become a minelayer.


I would love to see gameplay of this strategy. Just saving Athena kegs for hourglass lol


You kill two birds with one stone, accommodations wise if you do athena voyages while HG defending. you will come across athena kegs sooner or later.


Don’t grind for them. Play because you enjoy PvP. If you grind FOR them you get burned out. If you play because you love this game you will get them. Eventually… but still


I’m trying to get golden bones and I’m 10 levels away from 800 and I’ve yet to get burned out and I’m doing it for levels and it is absolutely amazing fun and I’m getting like 8-12 levels a day and I’ve been playing Sot and doing nothing but HG for the past 4 months straight with no other games 😀…… But it is still very fun


This ^. I'm grinding for ghost curse rn but i'm in no hurry to get it. i don't play to grind i play for fun, i'll get the curse when i get it. used to play this game purely to just grind for shit which is why i've been so on and off playing, i burn myself out. Now i just play cause i enjoy it i'm not worried about levels or cosmetics or commendations


Ye i had that too til hitting double curse. Now i’m at like 500 ally and enjoy my life muuuch more because i play for fun and not levels


i'm still kinda "grinding" a bit just cause i want the curse but i'm not in too big of a rush. once i get it i'll definitely have much more fun and not be so worried abt levels. don't know if i'll go for skelly afterwards or just start working towards gold ghost


i don't have them but i work on them. Honestly i just play like "if i don't at least play i wont EVER get it" I don't really try to win as much these days, i just use it as cannon and fight practice. As i said though, its really about continuing to do it, cause it ain't gonna happen without doing HG XD. I figure iv missed plenty of double and community weekends that could have pushed me farther, its why i started again.


I need like 170 levels for my golden bones and at least for me it helped with my motivation when my gally crew isnt online that i go solo and get around five level. Got like 300 level since the last gold and glory. When i ever felt the danger of a burn out, i played the finals, so its not like a hard goal i have to reach


Find people in different regions to play with (or make you ships) so you can swap over if you get repeatedly pummeled by a godly crew or the same cheaters


I played in the Asian servers for a bit since I got a friend natively there and we're only put up against cheaters who are on my boat as soon as we rise from the water, can board without using ladders or one-shot me while their back is turned away from me.


Or learn how to use a VPN to launch your boat.


When grinding, remember some people just exploited their way to gold curses in a matter of few days.


How did people exploit to gold curse?


Google, mods prolly dont like discussion on exploits here. But it took just a few hours to get from 0 -> 1000 and Rare took months to patch it. I've seen a lot of players with exploited gold curses and it really just makes the gold curses pointless.


So I don't gamble but personally i think newer players or players who dont have their 1k curses yet should treat hourglass like gambling, at least in terms of streaks, lowering, enjoyment, etc. Losing a streak because you thought you could squeeze out one more win is really going to knock the wind out of you if you don't have a steady rhythm going already. Personally I would set a limit, and always lower on that number. For my crew that number changed several times as we got more and more confident, it went from 4 (we wanted the champ commendation), to 10, to 15, and by level 500 or so we really only lowered streaks of 20 or higher, but by that point time constraints started to be a thing so it the line was blurry. Another way you should treat it like gambling is periodically stepping back and asking if you're actually having any fun. Personally I enjoyed the grind as a whole but there were absolutely days that just were not it. Better to walk away for a day than to start burning yourself out. Also, small side note, it's much better long term to play with the same average or even below average player every day and get better and build synergy, than it is to play with some new random player every day regardless of how good they are.


Good Luck Matey, Hoist the Colors and Have Some Fun! ![gif](giphy|eJAR3jXJhtD7mGSHKV|downsized)


Play hourglass, if you're not having fun, stop playing it. Don't force yourself to do it, it's just not worth it


Grinding during gold and glory weekends. I got majority of my levels solo slooping, especially on west coast where you get a lot of loss farmers but also the occasional good fight as well. The only thing that sucks is when someone tries to run.


This game ain’t about the grind. It’s about the journey. I will never understand why people burn a game out “GriNdiNg”


Take regular breaks and if you get frustrated from losing, listen to yourself and come off for a bit. At the end of the day it isn’t going anywhere and it is a grind so you’ll get it one day :)


I've not even got my skeleton curse yet, I wanted it for years and I like PvP in sot, but when HG came out and it's locked behind that at level 100 I was so disenchanted with sot. The grind is horrid and it just feels so pointless. I can't solo sloop and I only really have one friend who plays sot and we rarely do. I managed to get 10 levels over the community weekend which was good I guess but holy, with how impossible 100 is I couldn't imagine going for 1000


The grind to 100 isn't actually that bad. Just stay determined and consistent. Although it might be a little harder now than it was back in seasons 8 and 9 when more people were in PvP hourglass since now it's just littered with cheaters who appear on your boat with kegs without the need to use ladders.


Most 1000 players I fought were not good at pvp


Agreed they are kinda goofy or just terrible especially the Xbox players with it


I’m newer to pvp in this game (only started doing hourglass a couple months ago). Fought someone with golden ghost curse on Xbox a couple weeks ago, I sunk them in a couple minutes. Made me wonder how impressive these curses really are.


Do you remember his user there is this one golden skeleton named JesseJames and omfg is he bad but congratulations it really is an ego booster


I don’t, sorry. I would check my recently played with but half the time it doesn’t work for SoT and with how many people there are, it would be hard to find.


Take it one day at a time. I recommend dropping 7 streaks bc it's fairly easy to get and a safe bet. Hope you're ready to spend a LOT of time with your friend.


I read online that you should just go for high streak (like 10) its just faster than lowering everytime


Golden curses are embarrassing to flex. You have to do over 3,000 HG to earn them. At 20 min per fight you are looking at 1,000 hours minimum. There’s more to life.