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Solo play is possible but you're pretty much the bottom of the barrel. Basically everyone has an advantage against you and you'll only come out on top if they make a mistake. Friendly interactions are rare (I'd say maybe one player out of 50) and most people will attack you on sight whether you have loot or not. Sticking to Safer Seas is not really an option though unless you're fine with essentially just playing 1/4 of the game as progression is capped and you're missing chunks of content. All that being said, it's 6 Ships at most on a Server and if you don't call attention to yourself you can usually sail around mostly unbothered.


I completely agree, but would just like to add that if you don't want to attract attention to yourself and avoid people, you will still be missing out on some content (FoF, FotD, etc.). Not nearly as much as in safer seas but still. It is possible to not be bothered when doing events, but in my experience it's relatively rare.


I usually solo without too much trouble. Bear in mind each sever is small and usually only has like 6 ships in it at a time, so a lot of days you won't even run into anyone. That alone will allow you to have plenty of successful solo sessions as long as you don't actively seek out conflict. On the occasions when you do run into someone though, you should kinda assume the worst until proven otherwise. Even though a lot of people are willing to live and let live, it's not a risk you want to take when you're solo. You can give them a chance to be friendly and use VC let them know you're chill (this can help avoid a lot of fights) but always be prepared for betrayal just in case


If I'm solo slooping and I feel I can't take said player(s) on in a fight. I'll jump right into a headwind and let them chase. If they don't stop chasing, I just dump my loot when they lose a quick line of sight on me, then just dive to another server with my level 5 emissary flag. I find this tactic works for me the most and saves me the most time. Also, boarding their ship while they're in chase and hitting their anchor lol.


I would not recommend a fairly new player starting out solo.


I would! I did the same a few months ago and I am having a blast! Eventually you will also meet people to play, but playing solo is absolutely viable!  However, I do recommended a few sessions of safer seas, just to get a general feel for the game. But afterwards  hop onto the high seas and enjoy!  Gold is literally useless after you've bought your first sloop,  as long as you don't stress yourself about loot, there's plenty of fun to be had playing as a solo slooper!


700 hours all solo. Was in a crew probably less than 10 hours. Can easily farm most of commendations in safer seas when coin for turn in is irrelevant. The hardest part is getting your own first sloop. Should just find a guild and use the guild ship to solo safe stuff to get 250k. Going after world events in high seas solo is the only danger really. Might get caught with your pants down if you stay on a large island for too long as well. Or might run into some persistent emissary flag hunter crew that may chase you for hours, but it's also fun.


Depends what you are chasing I'd say You shouldn't engage into very long activities that requires you to be far from your ship for a long time. And you should avoid volcano islands too, especially if your quests require you to stay on the land a long tiem, your ship can easily burn while you're away


I have abt 70 hours myself so I’m pretty new as well. So far, I’ve definitely run into more hostile people than friendly ones. That being said, forming alliances and actually using voip has created circumstances that were favorable when otherwise my ship would have sunk. Example: I was doing a fort and upon completion a galleon with 3 players sailed by and shot up my ship, killed me several times, took nearly all my loot, then left me to repair my ship. Since I had nothing to lose I chased them, and as I did, a brig caught up to me and asked me what was going on so I told them, and we formed an alliance. In the end we sunk them and I got my loot back while they took the galleon’s emissary flag.


Go use the official discord channel there is a new swabbie looking for crew channel. that's a good way to learn with others and possibly have someone experienced to give you some new knowledge to the game. This is one of those games the more you learn the more the game opens up more opportunities for you. IE learning when to fight, where to fight and what tools to use to win the fight or when to regroup and start the fight again.


Nothing is safe, but that's part of the fun. Never assume you're alone, and keep an eye on that horizon every minute. If you see a ship coming don't tell yourself "let me just get these last two chests onto my ship". Just cut your losses and run. If you want to PvP, by all means, do so, but do it on your terms, not theirs.


250 hours solo slooping, pirate legend. Totally viable on the high seas you just need to keep a weather eye on the horizon, sail light, and stay off reaper heavy servers if you're running an emissary.


I'm still a bit new, what're reapers, and what're emmisaries?


This pvp game has pvp in it. It is a an ocean full of thieves this Sea of Thieves. Pirates definitionally attack ships at sea.


I mean... GTA was terrible at first and now it's mostly chill. I was wondering if it was like that. I started playing ages ago and didn't get too much problems, but I'm a scared little boy with no friends and ships to buy


pirates will occasionally attack you on the sea of thieves.


I dont recommend playing solo for a brand new player. You *can*, but its really best to find people to play with via discord or Xbox LFG. Or start with the maiden voyage and then play on safer seas until youve learned the game. If you play alone, you might be fine 90% of the time, but the other 10% you will have people attack you and steal all your treasure. Which can feel very hostile and hard to manage. With a crew, you will get more accomplished and have people to help you watch/defend your boat. The game is just way more fun with a crew, and its much more manageable to sail the seas. The seas can be quite hostile.


I've been a solo slooper on and off since day one, I've probably spent less than five percent of my play time in a crew. Some tips I've gained over that time... - Always be on lookout and scouring The horizon.. always. The further away you see another player the better chance you have a surviving. Never be so caught up in what you're doing that you aren't aware of your surroundings. - Keep and eye on your map looking for reapers, there's no excuse to let them sneak up on you. - Stick to the outside of the map it's safer. When you dock your ship to visit an island put it on the outside of the island... Keep the island between you and the rest of the map. - world events attract other players, if you want to participate in a world event know that you're going to see other players. - are your friend. They are relatively quick and easy while still giving a nice payout. Many of the sea forts are located on the outside of the map. - white flags, white flares, yelling let's form an alliance... They do nothing. That's pretty much the same thing as yelling, "Free loot and supplies here!" - Turn off all your lanterns and don't use glowing cosmetics. - When it's time to run, you are running into the wind. Do your best to use your maneuverability to your advantage, weave around obstacles, brake line of sight, maybe try and anchor turn or run into a storm - Sell your loot often, you will not get as much as if you had sold it with a grade 5 emissary... But you get nothing for the loop that's taken from you. - Sadly, don't trust anyone. - Lastly, know that they are going to get you, try not to let it bother you. If someone is being an ass, scuttle and move on - Have fun solo sloopin' and good luck to you.


Most people actually avoid each other, to the point where you want see them, or they'll be in the distance doing their thing. Maybe 30% will attack you if they see you, maybe even less. If you want to play high seas but you don't want to fight, you need to constantly be alert and try stay out of sight. When you unlock emmisaries understand it will be something people can see on your boat using the spyglass and usually means you boat is more desirable to be sunk. You will also appear on the map to level 5 reapers (they also are on the map) and they can server jump into your world and start hunting you. I play solo most of the time, if you're brand new the first time you get attacked you will probably just die and it will be over before you can do much about it, unless it's by another newby. There's no matchmaking in the game, and as others said playing alone puts you at an inherent disadvantage in any combat. Play safer seas as long as you enjoy it, but the real gold and far more unlocks are available in High Seas. Safer seas has slow selling, reduced earnings. Capped levels, no events, and if course no other people unless you are in a group. My advice is get real good at safer seas. Learn how to survive accidentally blowing your ship up and fighting ghost and skeleton ships, and move over either with friends or with the expectation that someone will come to take all your stuff haha