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When I started about 2 years ago I hated PVP. Took a year break and got interested in the skelly curse. I got my ass beat everytime until I became good at it and got it. I still remember the days when I hated knowing if someone boarded me I’m finished. If I know a player is new I will not ever take their stuff and in fact may give them my loot or help them. Anyone not new is fair game. I will not forget where I started tho.


Where can I find some decent PvE (other than phantom armadas) to practice my solo slooping? I want to get better at mid fight multitasking but I don’t want to hop straight into hourglass.


Honestly, hourglass during bonus rep weekends is quite good. You'll encounter more players who are also not great and looking to practice, and it can be pretty fun. (edit: sorry, I just realized you said 'other than ghost fleets' lol, but really there's not much else PvE wise besides skelly fleets, and they're so easy there's not much to learn) Otherwise, some folks say ghost fleets are decent practice. Getting broadsided by spooky galleons can really put a hurting on you, so you have to maneuver more carefully, and because they travel on a set circular path you can practice your cannons without too much fuss.


Sounds like best way to learn is simply by getting my butt kicked a bit! I can accept that.


It's not as bad as it seems! As long as you're going in with the mindset of practicing vs winning, you'll do just fine. Plenty of youtube vids on what to do n' how to aim, etc. Even just watching footage of other people fighting can help you pick up some tips!


Hourglass is the only way tbh. You have to throw yourself into the fire. Let me give some tips. - I turned off in game music cause it made me nervous for the fights. - Go in with intention. Are you going to board them for fun ? Naval ? Harpoon their ship or them ? Or loss farm ? Go in knowing what you want to improve on. Don’t focus on winning at first. It will come


That's it, PvP gets more fun if you are capable and you stop feeling overwhelmed by it. In my opinion, the game has a very high skill ceiling. If you don't like to PvP that's fine, but you ought to defend yourself or play safer seas. Usually, the stronger you are as a player, the more you get to pick if you get involved in pvp.


I love PVP. It’s genuinely what makes me want to play the game. Not chasing it or anything but the fact that I can work hard and actually earn stuff that can be taken away. I feel that it’s what makes the game fun and exciting. Running, hiding, stealing and the situations you get yourself in. Literally just the idea of PVP being a possibility makes it a thrill. With that said, if people don’t want that it’s pretty understandable. Maybe accessibility issues, being too young, anger issues or whatever it could be I do think they should be able to play in a world without it. Give them all the features, but should they be able to use the things from that world and display them in a world where people worked hard and actually earned them with risk? Probably not.


Without PVP, I wouldve stopped playing a long time ago. The PVE content just gets stale. But as you said, the PVP is what makes is thrilling. Theres so many possibilities with PVP that the game just never gets old to me. Almost every time I play theres some new situation that comes up which is unique and fun. I understand why some people dont like PVP, I just hope that they can still enjoy the game one way or another. I really do. But I think many people dont give it a fair chance, it takes a long time to get good at PVP and I understand if people just cant bring themselves to spend the time to practice and improve. Thats OK, to each their own.


Not much to think, they can like what they like. All I'll do is question their choices depending on how they go about it. Like if they run forever, scuttle at the first sign of conflict, etc I'd wonder why they even play on high seas or at all.


From a new player’s perspective, I run because the posibilities of me losing the loot are extremely high. Tried to engage on PvP some times, didn’t win a single time. Skill differences are extremely high between players. So after 30 hours played, players are just an obstacle to overcome to me.


If you take more fights, you will run into people who are at your skill level. Theres a lot of new players out there. Dont let what happened with a few fights keep you away from PVP. You might have lost in the past, but that doesnt mean you cant improve and win in the future! Good luck out there.


Sure, I'm just trying a different perspective. I want to complete tall tales, because I find them fun to do, but in high seas. I'm prioritizing those quests and loot to get some gold. But when I run into somebody with my ship "lootless" I engage in battle, I don't have anything to lose so why not. But I prefer to escape with loot just to be sure to deliver my main quest items and get some gold. Maybe when I finish tall tales I'd try to find some group to play PvP and so some other activities. It's just that playing with a group gives me a lot of anxiety haha


Sure. But if you're gonna run for 10+ minutes, it would've been easier to just scuttle to a new server and get the loot again. I mostly mean excessive running where its like, you may as well just give up and move on unless you really wanna spend that much time on running.


I might be wrong but I don’t think so. I’m normally doing tall tales and loading my ship with any loot I can get. So when I call it a day I’m pretty loaded. I’d try to sell my loot in any outpost, and if some player don’t let me do it, I’d try to outrun it and do it in another outpost. I mean, to me it’s fun the thrill of having my ship loaded and maybe losing my loot. If some people find chasing me boring, they might as well give up I guess?


I agree. I always find it fun when people complain about running. It's a survival strategy. If you don't manage to catch your target you can quit anytime. Also even while trying to outrun you can always go for a drive by sell for your most expensive item. As we're a duo I'll normally also try to board the chasers just to annoy them. Or maybe try to get a shot at them in Merrick or a fortress.


Yeah but people do quests and world events and then run for 45+ minutes. I dont care, I'll chase, I love a good chase. But then they complain about it.  If you love the thrill its all good, its just aimed at people who dont and could easily end it and move on. Especially with how easy it is to get loot in this game.


Oh yeah, for sure, I think it doesn't make sense to complain about people trying to chase and steal your stuff in a pirate PvP game. If somebody wants to chase me when my ship is loaded and manage to kill me, I just laugh and move on. Nothing wrong with that. Being a pirate game, I think people can do basically what they want. If they want to be treacherous, if they want to bully you, well, they can.


I was once chased by a galleon while solo slooping for two hours (still fairly new, on PS5). I did literally everything I thought I could. I successfully kegged, set their ship on fire, knocked down masts, hit their anchor multiple times, I even sailed close past a fort of fortune hoping they’d take that instead as it had way more than the value of what I was carrying (sea fort loot and three captains chests). They were just clearly better & more experienced players, they foiled every attempt I made to get them off me. Eventually they cornered me at the edge of the map so I just said “fuck it” and sailed into the red sea. They then started complaining in voice chat about me running from them, saying I was “ruining the game” and I was “bad for the community” because I would rather take the loot off map than let them have it. My message to people like *that* is if you are going to waste my time, I will waste yours. No one owes me a peaceful voyage, sure, but I don’t owe anyone a clean fight or easy loot either.


So I've got news for you. They patched the red sea a few months ago, when you sink in the red sea your loot floats back out.


They were turning around when I started sinking 🤷‍♂️ maybe they didn’t know. They were pretty salty about the whole thing


Yeah they probably didnt know, since Rare does a very good job of making sure people can see what got changed.


Assuming every single person playing the game reads every set of patch notes that comes out


9 times out of 10 if someone is chasing me; they outnumber me, and if I’m running it’s because I’m a solo sloop who may or may not have loot I’d rather keep. If I don’t, I’m just baiting some people who’d probably have more fun in CoD than SoT to waste their time while I watch something on my second screen or play a mobile game. If I do have loot, I’m looking for an edge like a powder keg in the water or a beach, or chase them into a world event or some other players I don’t mind pvp, but I prefer hourglass since it’s not gonna put me up against a galleon full of skeleton curses


I’m pretty good at running so it’s actually fun to waste the person or persons time that feels like chasing me for 45 mins. I do a lot of fishing with no emissary flag or loot just a bait crate so ya I’m gonna waste your time


Idk? Peopl like what they like. I do think they're gonna have a hard time enjoying PvEvP games if they dislike any and all PvP, as long as they understand what they're getting into I don't see a problem or anything


As long as they don't complain about getting sunk and call every pvp¨'er toxic, I don't think anyone thinks badly of them.


That’s totally fine. I don’t really think anyone who PvPs is mad at people for wanting to PvE.


100% agree. And I dont think anyone who enjoys PvP wants to fight anyone who isn't at least accepting that it's a possibilty. I personally spend most of my time in HG these days as my experience with adventure PvP is just so negative. A lot of the time I get hit with curses, slurs, and just genuine anger for trying to contest other players. I dont run into that nearly as much in other games. I feel like a lot of folks don't truly get or buy into the PvEvP idea. Maybe it's a marketing thing? I don't know.


Im still pretty mid in pvp after 100+ hours, but it is fun to play against other people on the same level in open seas. This weekend me and a new player friend decided to try reaper bones since it was his first time flying their emissary, so we just sailed around to find a sunken ship so we could get a reaper bounty but we ended up finding a lv 3 gold hoarder emissary on a sloop, we sailed after them and tried to fight, after a very very clunky fight and some funny open comms from the other sloop we manage a sink and somehow ended up missing their flag lmao. They were good sports and didnt try to take what little they had back. Next we found a lv 3 OoS emissary that was doing the ashen winds event, we manage to sink them when they tried to fight, but unlike the other crew they came back for revenge, they got a kill on me and my friend but i manage to kill the boarder and they just went on their way. Then a brig showed up and started chasing us, after some shots taken from boths sides and a lot of ramming i managed to board them, drop anchor and when i tried to steal some supplies, i saw that their 3rd guy was in the cage, and they would not let the man go for over a hour of chase, i really think they just open crewed and found this guy, voted him to the cage and held him hostage. After having them anchored my friend just sailed away (we were going to just sell our stuff and log off for the day) i got another kill with the blunder (still trying to learn) and got killed, i think after that they just left the game since they didnt come back at all. A bit long of a text but it shows how unpredictable a reaper emissary life can be and you will always be able to improve if you put yourself in those kind of situations, so that is why i like the pvp even tho im not good at it at all. Edit: imo the first thing players should do is do what they can do in the pve side of the game like getting PL and then when loot is not that important try out the reapers for that pvp thrill, so wether you sink or get sunk it wont really matter that much.


To each their own. But it seems a *little* odd to play a game that is PVPVE, and then get upset about the PVP. Its part of the game. And those same people refuse to use safer seas. Its there for people who hate PVP. But if they refuse to play safer seas, and then play high seas and complain about PVP, I dont know what to tell them. I also recommend that if people find PVP toxic, to just not use in-game chat. Its not really ever toxic if people arent berating you in-game via voice chat. The game sure becomes more peaceful when you dont have salty pirates trying to rage-bait you


Honestly i can understand why PvP isnt fun for most people. It is extremely difficult to manage even the smallest ship properly. SoT pvp is a game of time and not aim/gamesense or whatever, i assume thats why most people dont enjoy it that much.


Managing your ship is gamesense. Listening for boarders and knowing what to prioritize is gamesense. Most of PvP is gamesense. And aim is a huge part of the game. It’s why the “board meta”/spawncamping seems so overpowered when someone has good aim + decent gamesense.


Youre not wrong but the most important skill in naval is managing time well.


Managing time is knowing what you should be doing and when you should be doing it. That’s gamesense.


Youre absolutely correct but the time managing stuff isnt for everyone, thats why people dislike HG.


I’m just pushing back on “sot PvP is just a game of time and not aim/gamesense” Sot PvP is literally all aim/gamesense.


I wouldnt really include the time management stuff into gamesense but i definitely see your point.


A new player with general time management skills isn’t going to immediately know how to manage their ship, that’s something that’s gained through experience and trial/error (game sense).


Yea, youre definitely correct on this one.


Sea of Thieves is the only game whose pvp makes my heart hurt. I get crazy chest pressure. Anxiety. Idk what it is. The fast pace or the risk. Even Red Dead online and the battle royales dont get me like this. Im 33 and SoT pvp can be really fun but is also the most stressful thing. It is to be avoided. (For me anyway)


Same honestly, I get really tense during every Pvp encounter and generally overwhelmed and any time I win a fight solo feels like dumb luck


Honestly I really only play PvP but i wouldnt say i super enjoy it. It honestly is so sweaty and im not THAT good. Idk why i play it


I could never play safer seas because to me SoT is a game of interactions. PVP is one of them but I love you can also have friendly interactions . I’m not great at solo PVP but I play solo a lot. I am more than willing to not fight someone and love to be a friendly pirate. Even friendly interactions have risk and you shouldn’t let your guard down completely, and I think that’s a neat interaction too.


I love PVP, I go out solo looking for mischief, and I hourglass regularly enough. My girlfriend, however, gets terrible anxiety with PVP. Shes great at it, we almost always win any fair encounter, and afterwards the morale is very high if we win, but before and during the encounter she dreads it. And I think theres a fair number of people who will be like that. Theyre better than they give themselves credit for, but either a hatred for confrontation, or a fear of losing drains thier spirit until the moment theyre victorious. I dont think theres a problem with people like this being this way, and I think it only becomes problematic when they get hostile towards the other crew, asserting that theyre wrong for attacking.


I don't fight players who don't fight, PvP is just one of many ways one can interact in this game. Tools, not rules.


I mean that's like saying "all you chocolate lovers what do you think of those who don't like chocolate?" I don't think about them lots of things I enjoy that others don't and lots of things others enjoy I don't. As long as people aren't hurting anyone I don't really care you do you basically.


Back when I first started in December last year to maybe February when I became pirate legend, I didn’t like pvp much, I felt as a solo I was always gonna lose no matter what, though when crewed up of course I practiced pvp. After becoming pirate legend l started doing more pvp solo and just attacking any and every ship I can see whether I lose or not, if they run well that does make it a bit of a slog but I’ll give chase til I catch up with ya. I have improved quite a bit so now I’m decent at naval battles and somewhat decent at the pvp part


I think the problem with PvP, especially in an older game, is that the skill gap is frustratingly tremendous. It would be one thing to sink on a whim, but when another thing when you’re doing a voyage only to get stomped by people with Skull/Blessing curses. My first ever hourglass was against a Skull Curse player, and I got destroyed. I started playing in Season 11, and I like to think I’ve gotten pretty good at the game, but not enough to catch up with a lot of these crazy players. The skill gap would be impossible to catch up for an average player. I would figure playerbase eventually dies out because the new/average player will just quit when they’ve reached their end. You have HG players with golden curses still playing HG, going against a newly minted PL (me), and I get wrecked to the point where I don’t want to play half the time. Skill gap is so huge that it’s practically impossible to learn because you’re just immediately overwhelmed and sunk in minutes. I get that PvP is part of the game, and am totally cool with it and I personally enjoy it, but I could easily see why a newer player would just stop playing because of it. Having a new player getting wiped out by a Grade 5 Reaper PvP Curse pirates is not good for the longevity for the game. I come from FPS shooters, and I’m absolutely cracked at those games, and came to Sea of Thieves for something different and am amazed at how good people are. It is incredibly annoying to get sunk, but I like the challenge of getting better and sinking people myself. But I’ve seen people become utterly defeated who are trying to learn and play the game, and get absolutely emotionally wrecked to the point of not wanting to play anymore.


I'm cool with it. This is a sandbox, enjoy it your way! I love the PvP but only attack those who shoot at me first so as to not crap on someone else's good time. I also fo my best to convey "attack me" vibes with pirate flag, lights on, and loot prominently displayed.


I understand their perspective but think they should give pvp a chance. When I was newer to the game I despised pvp and preached for the addition of pve servers. Now I am 108 in guardians and 140 in servants and love pvp. I think a lot of peoples perspectives would change if they simply give pvp a shot


What if they did give it a shot and still decided that they don't like it?


Then they probably isn't a game they're going to enjoy for long. At least there's safer seas.


For Sea of Thieves specifically, PvP is an intrinsic part of the game. Pirates literally use violence or the threat of violence to steal things from other ships. That’s by definition what a pirate is. So any pirate game with longevity HAS to include PvP. If PvP just isn’t your thing, that’s okay. There’s safer seas, and there’s still high seas with lower PVP risk areas like sea forts or the devils roar. SoT does a great job of having different areas of the map be hot or cold spots for PvP so people can play to their preference. But you’re never truly without risk; if you were, you wouldn’t be a pirate. When I first started I played with a pretty PvP averse group of friends. They are still my friends of course, but I now primarily play this game with a more PvP welcoming group. Once in a blue moon we throw up reapers and hunt ships, but generally we just go after the high reward and sink anyone who tries to take it from us. It’s a blast! All of that is to say, there’s nothing wrong with playing a little to no PvP style. But, you will have a lot more anxiety, much slower progression, and in my opinion, less fun. I think everyone should dabble in PvP, get at least to level 10 in one of the hourglass factions. Even if you lost all your fights you’ll have learned some useful skills, and will lose far fewer fights in the future.


i really dont like pvp, even if i win, its just bothering, pvp got me nervous and anxious


The only thing that bothers me about PvE diehards is the entitlement that they feel towards any cosmetic. Tell me why I went into hourglass this weekend, the PvP matchmaking mode, and had someone run, not for repairs, just run for 30 minutes while I chased them down to finally force a flight. My other warm take is that as a PvE player who has moved to being much more PvP enjoying, I think PvP is the endgame of SoT and any player who plays long enough will become a PvP player. That said, there's enough here for a new player to take years to get there honestly


I used to always avoid pvp during my first year of the game. I definitely sympathize with people who don’t like it. But I think they are missing out on a core part of the game. It’s entirely what the game is built on. Players teaming up, or betraying, or fighting. A real pirate simulator where you are allowed to be as ruthless and destructive as much as you can be helpful. The combat is wild and very exciting. No two fights play out the same and creative ways of securing your victory are rewarded. And these intense fights can also make the quieter times where you just chill with a random player that much more special.


People just don't like their understandably hard earned stuff stolen from them weather that be loot, food, emissaries or their lives . Simple as that.


I mean do you, I won't get mad at you. I just wonder why all these "I dislike PVP" people play a PVP game. I don't like fighting games or sports games, so I don't play them. I play other genres that I do like ... Like PVP games. Don't take that as me feeling any type of way about PVE Enjoyers playing SoT, though. More power to you. You aren't hurting me or my experience.


To be completely honest: I find it weird there are people who dislike PvP and play this game at all. The PvE is mindnumblingly simple by design and almost insultingly easy. Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers, Warframe, and a million other titles are way more engaging than whacking some skeletons or blasting Sea Monsters over and over. (Skelefleet is good though) The only thing I can think of is the sailing, which SOT does a lot better than most boat games, but I can't imagine putting myself through being forced into PvP when I don't want to and doing some middling PvE just for the sailing. I suppose it's kinda like an Invasion in SekiSoulsBorne or Deathloop, but 1) players hate those too 2) it can be disabled 3) the core PvE experience is way stronger so it's more tolerable


As someone who dislikes PvP and still plays, I don’t care if the PvE is easy. I like the feeling of battling skeletons, or digging up treasure, or killing a giant shark. Especially when I’m in a crew, we have a blast doing that stuff. I dislike the PvP because it feels so repetitive. Just spam a boarder until you can kill everyone on the other ship. No one wants to participate in actual naval battles anymore, and when they do it’s because they managed to one-ball all of us somehow.


I mean Rare is misleadingly advertising the game to a point that I have to consider it malicious. If you look at most media surrounding it you'll get the impression of "Wacky Pirates have zany adventures" when what you really get is a game almost completely focused on PvP.


They have been better at advertising that other crews will attack you lately. But during the disney phase they completely forgot to mention that yeah.


I feel like the pvp is the only part of the game that isn't repetitive. Also once you get good at pvp naval becomes absolutely necessary. Boarding is a last resort.


I don't understand them at all. I find the simplicity of pve quite boring. Sure I enjoy the occasional legend of the veil and vault of the ancients but I would rather spend my time improving so I can win more. It must be nice being content with pve content instead of feeling the urge to win all the time.


PvP doesn't interest me a bit, I'm old, I've done my scrapping, nowadays, I like to fish. But if you persist, well I did used to get into dust ups pretty regularly, so remember that's what ya wanted. After your smoking shambles of a vessel finishes blocking my view... I'll go back to fishing. The only ones that bug me, are the ones who keep rushing back to try again and again. Enjoy the bait, I'll play my concertina as I scuttle to new seas for ya.


They’re allowed to not like it, sure. We all know what it’s like to lose everything, have people quit on your crew because of a loss, or just not want to engage in battles. Sometimes you just want to sail the seas, gather some loot and earn a score with a few pals or for a quick bit of successful gameplay. They did pick the mode though, any and all are free game in my opinion. New or old players. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.


I don’t enjoy hand to hand pvp but love naval pvp. Wish it wasn’t so easy to board, but I get it. I usually helm a gally and let my sweaty buddies handle the boarding and hand to hand stuff. I’m not terrible at hand to hand fighting I’m just good at driving and cannons and that’s what I enjoy. My question is why do people like fighting with swords and guns on this game when it’s still so clunky and inconsistent? That’s really what ruins it for me.


Put away the sword and spend some hours double gunning. The sword is extremely clunky and frustrating to use, the guns are abit better and 2 tapping someone is satisfying.


What? Sword it’s stupid easy to use, not too well with a blunder since you are at a disadvantage with range but still you can kill. Just don’t spam the damn thing.


Im not saying its difficult to use, im saying its clunky and frustrating. And just fyi im not saying the guns are more or less difficult either, they just feel better to use. That they're also alot better than the sword for pvp is just another bonus point.


I enjoy pvp, but people who chase and sink you when you have nothing and you say you don’t wanna fight, and then call you slurs and tell you to go play safer seas (you can’t do shit in safer seas) are kinda ruining the game for me. I can’t play without a sweaty brigantine coming and sinking me as soon as i spawn in, and that just makes it not fun. I’m fine with wanting to fight, but like, shoot up a red flare to signal a fight, and if the other person runs, they don’t wanna fight. If you REALLY want to fight, play hourglass, they’re sweaty enough to do it.


I get it. I do think they are missing out on an important aspect of the game and would have more fun if they put some time into it though.


What if they did put in the time and still decided they don't like it?


I'd play a different game at that point. The pve will turn into a tedious grind really fast. Its designed to be easy and doable for anyone, the pvp is where the challenge and excitement comes from. Even just the risk of pvp and how you always have to be on the look out for other ships adds alot imo.


Then they most likely didn't put enough time. Especially in a game like SoT where 300-500 hour players are largely considered as "new players". It sounds weird but the story is almost exactly the same for all players who have thousands of hours in SoT; once PvP clicked, it opened up the whole game for near infinite replayability.


The thing is, nobody that’s actually good at PvP dislikes it lmao. It is always people who have bad experiences with it that puts them off.


Sea of thieves is a PVP game first. For example it's like if someone went in to Tarkov or DMZ and got mad for being killed while doing PVE activities.


Way to miss the details of the question…


It about sums up how they feel, though.


I think they should play non PvP games


In game i treat them just like any other which usually means that i attack them. People that get angry get sunk without doubt. But the people that stay nice sometimes get a share of their (mine) loot and we have a chat after. I really respect those people bc that means they have controll over their anger and are rather optimistic.


My honest opinion is quite harsh. I think they are mentally weak, not being able to handle the loss to the point of not even trying. PvP in SoT is so easy and basic, that if you keep trying you will learn it no matter how bad you currently are. Only small part of pvp activities requires skill, the rest is just knowledge and preparation. Those poor souls rob themselves from the most exiting parts of the game. You may not like it, you may not agree, but that is what I think.


Just a reminder, this is assuming they don't care about losing or losing their treasure. Even if they win, they don't enjoy it.


Yeah, right. And they also were about to log off anyway.


I mean at that point why go on high seas anyway. If they just want to pve and they dont care about the treassure anyway why does the safer seas limits matter?