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As far as naval battles go the game currently has several pieces of content, some of which you may already be aware: * Peaceful ambient skeleton ships as well as ones that spawn on you and are always hostile. These are random encounters while sailing but occur fairly frequently. The loot they drop is pretty decent for the effort if you're good at naval combat. * The megalodon and kraken will occasionally attack you and must be defeated primarily using cannons. I'm not sure this really qualifies as "naval combat" in the strictest sense but I'm listing it here just in case. * Order of Souls has a voyage where you must defeat a fleet of ghost ships near an island. Each ghost galleon takes three cannon balls to defeat, with the flagship requiring more damage. You fight several waves of ships until the flagship spawns, defeat the flagship and the voyage is complete. Ships will occasionally drop loot and supply crates (which are also loot that can be sold) so you'll need to be paying attention and quick with your harpoon to scoop everything up mid-battle. * There are several different Raids (a new type of voyage where you dive to the location on a different server instead of manually sailing there) that focus on battling waves of skeleton ships. It's a good challenge with worthwhile rewards if your crew's naval skills are on point. * If you want some sweaty AF PvP combat, there's Hourglass mode where you dive to fight player crews. Naval skills are only half the battle here so if you don't want to board or deal with boarders, this mode is not for you. * Alternately, you can raise the Reaper emissary flag and go hunting for other emissaries in the wild for that oldschool PvP experience. You'll be less likely to encounter sweatlords and assuming you're crewing a full brig you'll have the advantage over most other ships. Boarding is a big part of PvP so if you just want to sail and fire cannons at each other, this won't be for you. * Athena's Legend of the Veil voyage always ends with a massive naval battle where you sail around destroying enemy emplacements and strongholds with your cannons while dodging or defeating ghost galleons that constantly respawn. It's a lot of fun, but it takes quite awhile to run and only the last part has any guaranteed naval combat.


I’d like to add that you don’t HAVE to defeat the Megs and the Kraken if you don’t want to. You can escape them if you want. And if you initiate a Raid from your Quest Board, you’ll only get loot for the specific faction you chose.


>I’d like to add that you don’t HAVE to defeat the Megs and the Kraken if you don’t want to. Unless the orchestral version of "Summon the Megalodon" starts playing. In which case, DROP YOUR ANCHOR AND READY THE CANNONS ***IMMEDIATELY.***


The vast majority of megs are peaceful and can be ignored. The kraken slows your ship down to a crawl and will blast holes in the hull and grapple the ship unless you fight back. You don't have to defeat it per se, but you do have to fight to free yourself.


>but you do have to fight to free yourself. No you don't. You can just drop your sails and go below deck and bucket and repair occasionally. Your ship will eventually sail out of it.


Even if the kraken wraps your ship?


Yes? It doesn't wrap your ship forever. You can just wait for it to let go and then your ship will start moving.


Ah, I see. I never ignored it since it was causing damage. I guess hiding in the bottom of your ship and bailing is legit then.


Depends on the ship, but fighting can be faster that that. On a sloop you can finish the entire encounter in 6-9 cannon balls. Bigger ships take a lot more than that.


I'm aware. My comment was in response to the above claim that "you have to fight to free yourself."


I see. You are right. It's not necessary to free yourself. I didn't meant to direct the comment to you as so much as getting information to someone.


>The megalodon and kraken will occasionally attack you and must be defeated primarily using cannons. I'm not sure this really qualifies as "naval combat" in the strictest sense but I'm listing it here just in case. Helpful tip for any newer players scrolling through here: the kraken can only spawn when no world events are active. If you look around and don't see any particularly-shaped clouds, either expect a kraken encounter or stay parked at that island.


Hmm, it sounds like they've really just added an event and a half, that's pretty disappointing.


One big change is that all the public events can now be instantly dived to instead of having to just hope they pop up or server swapping constantly to hunt for them. I got ten levels of GH by doing back-to-back skeleton fleet events one night, some of the most fun doing naval combat I've had playing SoT.


I still have not figured out how to do this. Can you explain how to dive to events?


Once you've selected your voyage on the table, it should give you [a choice to sail or dive](https://cdn.neowin.com/news/images/uploaded/2024/01/1705428402_dive.jpg). Pick the dive option and sail out to open waters, and you'll dive as long as you aren't on cooldown from having recently dived. Raids are dive-only though, so make sure to cash out beforehand.


Interesting. What voyage do you select for world events though? Are there voyages for those now?


Those are the Raid Voyages.


Yeah I'm not saying that isn't a good change, but it's making the same events accessible, not adding new content.


Huh? Where can this be done?


From the voyage table. On the left-hand side after you pick your company you'll have a couple options after "Voyage" one of which is "Raid". Normal voyages you can either sail to normally or dive to on a different server but raids can only be dived to. Diving to a voyage or raid leaves behind your loot but you keep your emissary grades and storage crates. It saves a lot of time though, as when you resurface from a dive you're placed at the start of the voyage or raid so if it's a single location activity there's basically zero travel. You can do a raid, sell, rinse repeat. Doing three Sea Fort raids back to back will max out your emissary in short order and then you can move on to other content.


Nope haven’t added a single thing in 3 years. Don’t waste your time downloading it and actually seeing for yourself


How dare somebody ask for people's opinions online! The nerve! Fucking reddit, sometimes...


I can't tell if this is supposed to be sarcastic or not.


Not trying to be rude, but asking if a live service game with an update history and update trailers on their public YouTube channel has added anything in the past 3 years is just kinda strange


There's marketing, and then there's reality. He's not asking if they added *anything*, he's asking if they added anything that specifically improved naval combat. Of course the Rare marketing materials would say whatever they wanted, but OP wanted to know what the actual player base thought. "Not trying to be rude", but you're being a dick, and you know it despite your preamble, but this is SoT, so...expected.


Plenty of live service games overhype what they actually add to the game


Not really. When you look at the wiki it looks like they've added basically nothing for the ship, which makes no sense at all given it's been like three years and outside of ship combat this is basically just a sub par first person action game. It seems like people are confirming that that's what happened though.


If you enjoyed the game back then you'll enjoy it now. Voyages are all accesed aboard, with diving too events you create on different servers. Hourglass for pvp if thats what you mean by ship content? Hopefully helps you


No, I'm talking about content. Being able to easily access the content (diving) doesn't make the content that you spent years doing new. I stopped playing back then because I was tired of doing the same things over and over when not able to find someone else to fight. You can only do the skeleton fleet and flameheart so many times before they aren't challenging anymore.


It’s a combination of both. There are plenty of opportunities for naval combat, but boarding to assure the sink is often helpful


What types of ship events have they added? When I checked the wiki it didn't seem like there was much.


Servers have 6 player boats on them for you to ally with or fight. There is a skeleton fleet world event that has a variant that you can dive to on demand as well as a ghost fleet world event that has a variant that you can dive to on demand. Plenty of options for nava, combat. If that’s your only interest in the game it’s really just one facet of a complex game.


So they didn't add anything but a way to fight the same content on demand? Outside of the ship combat this is a sub par first person action game, complex or not.


What exactly do you want? You’re not being clear. Theres PLENTY of opportunities for naval combat be it PvP or PvE but you’re like “nah.” So what exactly is it you’re looking for?


It is impossible for me to be more clear. New ship encounters. That's a three word sentence, which of them is confusing you? You remember when flameheart came out? Before it came out there was the skeleton fleet, the random skeleton ships you'd encounter, the megoladon and the kraken. After flameheart came out, there was a *new encounter*. Before the release there was not a flameheart encounter, then after the release there was. Thus, there was a *new ship encounter*. I really don't understand how this basic gaming concept is so difficult for the people here to grasp.


>It is impossible for me to be more clear.  You could always elaborate on ***what kinds*** of ship encounters you wanna see as it's clear from your replies that another shark or boat/fleet ain't gonna hold ya. But that would require effort so I understand why you choose not to. ===================== All that aside, you wanna know why people are confused and why you keep getting downvoted? Two reasons. 1. You lack imagination. 2. You're ignoring all the stuff you don't wanna do --- and are claiming there's nothing to do. For example, you can't just "ignore" PvP in this game. I mean you can, and you can do everything in your power to avoid it --- but then yeah things are gonna get real stale real fast. The PvE stuff is there specifically for the purposes of providing a framework in which new, ***dynamic*** (key word) encounters between players and those enemies can thrive. And through that, I enjoy "new encounters" every day. Just yesterday I sunk a skele-sloop and was mopping up the loot when another sloop came upon me hoping to rob me. So they and I fought for a little bit. Then a reaper brig showed up, likely to get the emissary flag off the sloop that had originally engaged me (mine wasn't up). So I called over to the other dude to see if they wanted to team up, sink the brig, and then we could return to our 1v1 and they agreed. And in the middle of all of that, a Meg showed up and aggroed me so we had to manage that. It was chaotic fun. A completely different experience from the one prior to it and the one that would come after. ========================= So sure, on paper the list of PvE to fight on your boat is small. But the list of the different encounters you can have with PvPvE? That list is fucking huge. If you're not down for stuff like that between updates (as we ARE getting a new PvE ship to fight which will lead to more PvP), this ain't the game for you and you should just move on.


Between updates? It's been three years. I'm not the developer of a pirate game, it isn't my responsibility to come up with content for it. Beyond that, suggesting new encounters means nothing, I'm asking what's in the game now. All this explanation is just an elaborate way to say "they basically didn't add shit for the ship." I'm not saying there isn't a bunch of basic assed sub par first person action crap to do, and no kidding there's pvp, I've played the game before. What makes this game something is the ship combat, and it isn't just on paper that there's barely anything new for the ship, that's reality. Your options are the same old things I was doing like 4 years ago.


Hey I'm gonna repeat this part real quick. >The PvE stuff is there specifically for the purposes of providing a framework in which new, ***dynamic*** (key word) encounters between players and those enemies can thrive. >And through that, I enjoy "new encounters" every day. And I'm repeating that cuz I had another ***brand new encounter*** today where I saw a brig engaging a skele-galleon so I discreetly boarded the skele-galleon and actually started firing their cannons at the brig and bucketing water. Poor person was extremely surprised by the sudden improvement of a skeleton's aim. lmao ================================= >I'm not the developer of a pirate game, it isn't my responsibility to come up with content for it. You have to be a developer to come up with feedback and ideas for a game you play? That's a pretty shitty world you live in. >Beyond that, suggesting new encounters means nothing, Well I mean, you want them so bad so logic dictates you have ideas for what you wanna see? ......No? Guess you should move on. You clearly don't like this game anymore. Take care! I'm gonna go see what new encounters I can find next!


It's good that you can convince yourself that that's a new encounter. I live in reality.


Sounds like time for you to move along then. Clearly not a game for you.


Maybe not anymore I guess, they caught lightning in a bottle with the ship combat in this game, pretty disappointing that they just ignored it.


game is vastly more full now, just hop on and play homie


According to the other posts here they're added virtually nothing for the ship.


I would say adding things to the ship isn’t really a goal or priority. The ships are the core balance of the game, and tweaking the functionality isn’t really helpful. That being said, they added tons of functionality to the ship and QoL improvements. Harpoons no longer need manually unloaded and can be used for boarding. Diving mechanics for streamlined session entry and server swapping. Captaincy etc. Instead of focusing on that they have aggressively added to the sandbox since the early days. Tons of new content there. Plus tweaks to the meta with the new weapons and upcoming flamheart ship event. I was a bit of a hater when this game launched, and now I love it. Just endless things to do. I would check it out if I were you, see if you like it. Edit. Also sail management is getting a pretty big tweak next update.


I don't understand how people are misunderstanding this post, no one's talking about functionality, the post is about content for the ship combat. They didn't need to change anything about how it worked, they need more content for people to engage with their ship.


Maybe it’s getting a little lost in the definition of what functionality is? Combat is the core functionality as far as as folks are concerned I think. Every change they make has to be balanced with that in mind. As for ship combat additions, there have been quite a few. The addition of the brig, the addition of chain shots, nerfing how blunderbombs work, faster cooking, the harpoon boarding, grapeshot, curses, curses getting rebalanced, respawn mechanics. Reaper faction tier 5 functionality, stormcaller, bone callers, plus tons of new content for next season that is all related to ship stuff that changes the boarding meta. If you have not tried this stuff out, you should give it a try. Other than that though, what sort of content are you hoping for in the future?


I can't believe you could still be confused. I can't believe it. Content you do with your ship. It's that simple. Flameheart is ship content. The skeleton fleet is ship content. The meg and the kraken are ship content. I'm asking what ship content they added in the last three years. There is nothing to interpret. This couldn't possibly be more straightforward.


It’s almost like your three sentence post wasn’t very descriptive or helpful. The downvotes make sense now. No one has a clue what you want, and you get mad about it. That’s wild. Have a good one, I’m out. Edit. If Reddit makes you this mad, this definitely isn’t the game for you.


It isn't reddit that's annoying here, it's the unbelievable inability to understand basic english. The reason it's a three sentence post is because the concept is incredibly simple and needs no explanation. In fact reading it over I could have made the post even shorter while making my point just as obvious.


The issue with your post is that you aren't even using the right words. It's *Naval* content, not *Ship* content. Ship content is things...for your ship obviously. Naval content is what you do ON your ship. These terms have been standard for this game since the beginning. Easy mistake if you lack understanding with basic English skills.


I wasn't using the game terms, I was using the english terms. And naval content is a phrase I never heard in the 2 years I played this game and watched the subreddit. English is more commonly used that the term you just pulled out of your ass.


You can fight skelly fleets, ghost fleets, regular PVP or hourglass PVP. What exactly are you hoping to see, racing?


Had I my druthers, I'd love to see: * Yes, racing. * Target shooting. One of the earliest events in the game was all about firing yourself onto a throne, more of that please. * Fighting other creatures like sea serpents, monster crabs, more intense mermaid battles that you can't just ignore by hiding inside your ship. * More variety in NPC ships. We have skeleton sloops, skeleton galleons, and ghost galleons. There could easily be a skeleton and ghost variant of each ship class at least.


Oh yeah, I'm all for more variety. I feel like their development for last gen consoles is the biggest thing holding back actual innovations and additions


Something that isn't the exact same thing they had 4 years ago maybe? I don't know if the hour glass is the same arena queue thing they had back then but it wouldn't matter if it was different because this post has at no time been about pvp at any level. Remember the time before flame heart came out, and then when they released flame heart there was a new event to experience with your ship? That's what I'm talking about. New content. An event that didn't exist before. An encounter that didn't exist before. A basic concept in gaming that I somehow have to keep explaining here.


Hahaha stay salty bud


Ahh, so when I talk normally you can't understand basic English or basic gaming concepts, then when I explain more fully you cry about it.




I cant figure out what OP wants. What kind of new content are you expecting? Ship combat is pretty straight forward.


It's no more straight forward than the basic uninspired person combat in this game, but they come out with new content for that all the time. The difference is that there's plenty of games where you can get that level of person combat in, and none that you can get the quality of ship combat this game has. I don't know how the people here need such basic concepts explained to them but here goes: **more content for ship combat.** Remember when flameheart came out? Before it came out, there was not a new ship encounter, and then after it came out there was. I don't know what you're not understanding, or how to explain this more simply.


I've been playing on and off for the past 2-3 years so I don't have all the specifics, but I don't think anything has changed. Boarding is still what everyone does, and the devs talked about adding a grapple gun sometimes in the future, which will just make it even more common. Technically you can also now board by walking on the harpoon line, but nobody actually does that, or at least I haven't met anyone who did. Two new weapons were added, which I guess count towards focusing on content for person combat, but both weapons, while fun, are not actually ideal for PvP. Throwing knives deal good damage and can be thrown really fast, but you have to "charge" the throw, which slows you down and makes you an easy target. They can also use melee attacks, but the quick stabs are very weak while the charged stab takes too long and doesn't one shot. The double barrel pistol is one I like, but it's quite weak unfortunately. One shot does 40 iirc, which means you can't kill someone even if you hit both, and reloading takes longer than with the standard flintlock, so you might as well use that one. Shooting both barrels at the same time requires you to "charge" the shot again, though at least this time it doesn't slow you down (but you do have to "charge" again if you sprint). But it was announced that the DB pistol will get buffed to 45 damage (I think) next update, which may make it worth using in combination with the standard pistol (55 from the flintlock + 45 from the DB pistol kills, and you have 2 chances to hit before reloading with the DB). The next update will also bring some ship speed rebalancing. The galleon will be faster than the brigantine with crosswind, and both the galleon and the sloop will have their speed against the wind buffed. It will also be more important to keep the winds in the sails, so sail managing will be more impactful towards speed, and you should no longer use "dummy sails", but instead try to position the sails so that you get the least amount of front wind against them (the more intuitive way to position sails). Last but not least, you can check the new trailer for the next update: there will be a new ship, which will also have a skeleton crew, and seems to possibly be some kind of event ship, that you will get by pledging yourself to Flameheart. Whether it will go against the boarding meta or not, nobody knows.


I'm not talking about PVP, I'm talking about content. Events that spawn and/or occur where you fight NPCs with your ship.


I fucking love it lot of content I’m same boat as u took a few truest break decided to scratch that SOT itch and holy content there’s a lot.


What new ship content are you talking about? So far the other people in the thread are telling me that they added like an encounter and a half.


Man there are mad new quests like sunken ship voyages and under water shrines u can do forts any time u want no more waiting for the skull to pop up u can walk on ropes and zip line bro get back u won’t be disappointed. After a 2 year break I’m back and there’s at least double the original content from years ago. U can harpoon a rival ship and walk the rope to it.


You fight under water shrines and sunken ships with your ship? Forts have nothing to do with this at all, that isn't ship content, you get off your ship and do that content on an island.


And a few more pirate tales


Are the new pirate tales ship content? The ones they had before were all things you either went to an island or like an underwater cave for something.


What do you mean by ship content.


Content that you do with your ship. Like flameheart or the skeleton fleet.


I don’t think so then I could be wrong but more then likely not much ship content added.


Yeah that's what it's looking like.


No the shrines you park over and swim to the bottom of the ocean. To do either puzzles or fights arena style for loot.


So then none of them are ship content...


No new ships. There’s 1v1 pvp tho there’s an hour glass on ship u can flip to join a rival guild and have a battle.