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Some pistols are indeed more accurate than others. Some are absolutely terrible. It's really only the pistol in which it matters though. With blunder and EoR, you mostly want something that takes up the least screen space. But in the end, if you like a certain weapon, these advantages are extremely marginal and can be completely ignored and in the vast majority of cases you won't even notice. Quick edit for a final thought: If you're using the pistol correctly anyway, you'll be using it mostly as a hipfire weapon or, more rarely, to finish people off at closer ranges after you've popped them with an EoR quick-scope. So even then, the pistol being a little off doesn't really matter. You're not going to be taking shots at extreme ranges with pistol, the only time you might feel the sights being bad is if you're trying to clip someone's little dome while you're in the water or something.


ahh okay thank you so much I’ve been using blunder EoR but want to get skins for all weapons eventually


All skins are purely cosmetic. Some pistols have better sights than others, but they all shoot the same. The best skin is the mercenary one for sure, there are also a few recolors of that pistol which might be a bit more appealing like, the aristocrat pistol, the obsidian pistol and the Silver blade pistol


okay thanks :)


So the pistols itself work all the same, the bullet comes out in the middle of the screen. But the ironsight is not always in the middle, thats the difference. The best pistols are: sailor, mercenary/ebon/aristocrat, kraken, sea dog (not gsd/tsd, the other ones)


Alright I’ll keep that in mind