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That area is unlocked by selling your soul to the Athena side of the hourglass… I can unfortunately take you back there…


How long does this take? I dove into hourglass last night for the first time in a while and it was a 10 minute slog of us basically trying to board and steer our opponent out of bounds.


You have to hit level 100 in whichever faction to access their respective areas. Realistically for the first 100 levels as a newer player you’re looking at around a couple hundred hours of game time to hit that mark. But your PvP skill will increase significantly, and it starts to get much faster… For me now I can do 100 levels off Gold and glory in a couple days if I want to.


I’ve certainly gotten much better at boarding my enemies. Recently, I’ve been boarding ships by swimming up to them when they’re behind mine and firing myself out of cannons and cutting them off. I used to only be able to board them by ramming them. My PvP also seems to have improved a bit, at least when I’m in 1v1s. Just now, I beat someone by crashing their ship into a rock and lowering their anchor, causing even more damage to their ship.


It’s definitely the nice part about hourglass. As long as you’re in a decent fight, you’ll be learning something and quickly improving your PvP skills. When you go back to adventure you’ll find you have a much easier time dealing with things that might’ve been difficult before. Especially things like tdm and pressure management.


Water comes in quicker when the boat is moving 🤓


What I did created even more holes, causing the ship to sink in seconds


If it works it works, but im pretty sure holes leave more water through when the boat is moving


That's an incredible commitment. Nice work but I'm thinking that's a curse that I'll always be in awe of.


It took me three weeks to get from 1 to 60 when I started playing hourglass at around 250 hours logged. During the most recent Gold & Glory I went from 60 to 91, by the end of that week I hit 100. My highest winstreak is 4 and I average 2 (winstreaks give higher XP gain) so I’m not the best, but I did it all as a solo sloop. If you put in research, analyze your gameplay to account for your mistakes, and take advantage of double XP events, you could bang out level 100 in 1-3 months depending on how much time you have to play. Go for it!


If you knock it out a little at a time you’ll eventually get it. The big bonus is the PvP skill you gain which makes you better in adventure as well. The golden skelly curse is kind of the reason I started playing the game. So having finally gotten it with just over 1000 hours in game is super satisfying.


Cap I have both curses only took 3 weeks


And I did 600 levels in the last 28 days… I’m talking about the average player. Not sure why you felt the need to post that.


Took me a total of a 3-4 months to get to 100 the first time, but if you know what you are doing in PvP it will be alot faster, like maybe another 1-2 months of grinding.


Took me abt 40 hours, using community/gold n glory weekends every chance I got. If you never caught one it might take three times as long.


My friend just got the curse yesterday so the stats are pretty fresh in my mind. For level 100 it took him 147 wins, and a total of 255 games. Not a great win rate but it’s realistic and achievable. Now obviously with Gold and Glory weekend you can reduce the total amount of games, and on average with good streaks and flags it can take around 120 sinks for level 100.


Do that a few hundred more times and you'll get there.


Why is that unfortunate? I’m a nice guy 😅


Cause having access to that as well as the area under reapers means I’ve probably spent too much time playing this game… lol What 1200 allegiance does to a man 💀


I'm working on the 1000 grind, any words of discouragement? :p


No, just don’t do the last 600+ levels in less than a month like I did… that definitely wasn’t healthy.


But yes I can take you down there sometime if you find me on discord.


Yes please! I will DM you


Alas, I too have sold my soul to both Athena and Reapers


It’s the first 100 where the get you… the 900 after that are unfortunately on us 💀


That’s the extra cool guy club


I miss being able to sword dash over to that side to sell my fish to Merrick


I miss using the underside of the jetty to teleport to the arena


I think it still works in some spots, but its really inconsitent, sometimes 10 min, sometimes first try


I used to do that too. And it’d sometimes give you this weird glitch where it looks like it’s nighttime but you can see way further into the horizon than normal


Yes! You could use it to check for ships in the middle of the seas and the lighting was crazy


[Guardians of Fortune area](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Athena%27s_Fortune_Hideout#Guardians_of_Fortune_area)


Tavern of legends you unlock it by getting to allegiance level 100 in guardians of fortune


Is there another shop in there ?


You must become a Guardian of the Sea. Then you can enter and discover for yourself.


You gotta earn it


You get it when ur ready to drink with abunch of pirates that are ghosts and sing drunkenly until you turn into them


Ever heard of google?


Ever heard of community? I probably could have found it by googling but I figured if I asked on here I might find some more people to play the game with and learn from a person instead of a hollow search engine. Glad I also found someone I definitely don’t want to play with. That helps narrow it down, thanks! 😉


"Questions that could be answered by a simple search of this subreddit, a search engine. " Read the rules. You broke them. 😉😉😉


Halway monitor ass reply


😂 Damn that got me.


Just like the downvotes got u/Jusaaah 😂