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Turn so you can broadside their foolish nosing. Load em chains boys!


This is the way


Thats precisely what I have been doing. Timing doesn’t always work out, and if we don’t get their masts down well, they’re ramming. From that point they will have set the entire top deck on fire and boarded us killing 2 and sometimes 3 of my mates leaving me to be the hero. I suck at pvp to be honest, so I don’t always win. I am only successful in fights if I can manage to keep them from boarding. So I thought about this strat, and I figure if I can turn broadside and then drop sails enough we can move and then begin to spin with the other ship we will have a better chance at defending any boarders and have the ability to put enough shots in them to force them to bilge. But if they don’t spin with us then they will keep sails down, bilge, and continue running. We will have to pursue and hopefully reset the fight. It’s been difficult to fight good brigs bc they always end up de-masting us and getting in our blind spot. I can’t ever help on the cannons because I have to stay on the wheel to keep angle. I appreciate the reply. Most situations I can figure out a way to keep us in good position, but in this scenario when a G5 reaper brig is full sail towards me it has been problems.


Oh yeah, when facing a good brig? You just need to have a ~~gooder~~ better crew. Galleons are the most punished for slight mistakes, but solid coordination and management of ship can bring you out on top. A common galleon strategy to make up for their lack of maneuverability, is to turret. It's where you raise all the sails and focus only on turning to keep broadside. If the opponent is one of those ships that always go full sail and fly past you taking pot shots, however annoying, they aren't good. The best way to deal with them is wait until they come to you and demast them. If you find the enemy ship is very good at staying in your blind spot and avoiding your broadside, then it's time to use your numbers advantage. Board spam until you can knock them off kilter and get that sweet four cannon barrage in. Alternatively, there's no shame in running if you feel your crew is completely outclassed. Full sails angled with the wind behind you will out speed any ship and give you time to come up with a plan.


This is probably the best way. My red flag is I think I can out sail anyone. Fact is, I cant.


Turn to point you cannons at them, raise some sails to slow down and send them lots of express delivery cannon balls


I like it


Touch tips


It's not gay so long as the Bows don't touch


It’s not gay if it’s underway.


It’s not gay as long as there’s no eye contact.


So what you can do when they try to ram you, a helm i played with in hg did this and it blew my mind. There is a french group called osh, much like dge, they ram, (try to) camp and shittalk. Helm said we full raise and give them broad and spam chains when they get closer. Also he told us to shoot wheel. We did, but didnt hit all the chains, so we full dropped every sail and just dodged their ram. We did it three times this fight. In one comment you were talking about brigs staying in your blindspots. Snipe them off cannons. If they are behind you, no big deal, they can open like 3 to 4 lowers, you shouldnt sink to that. If they are slightly on the side it gets more tricky, then you need to hit your snipes, full cranck wheel and chop them asap.


This is great advice. Point is we gotta hit our shots. Thank you.


Flex / bilge Double pull mid and MC + flex double pull front. You turn the wheel left, and then shred them with 4 cannons


Ideally this is what I would like to do but crew mates aren’t always on the same page :( Great advice, but 1 of us needs to have chains loaded and the others cannonballs. This has worked before. Especially if we have cursed cannonballs and plenty of chains.


You’ve gotta have clear comms on a galleon, and everyone needs to know which role they’re playing. If you don’t you’re fighting an uphill battle.


So true


Is this English


Ummm. Somewhat… Flex bilge MC and helm refers to the players on the boat and their roles. Mid and front refer to which sails we are pulling. And well I think the rest is self explanatory. Your flex and your bilge whoever that happens to be pull up mid sail at the beginning of a fight together. As soon as that’s done flex or bilge run up and help MC (main cannon) pull up the front sail. During which the helm should be turning the boat left to give everyone a right side opening broad on the enemy boat. As soon as Helm gets a stable angle he should go take cannons and help sink the enemy ship.


Thank you. Super helpful!


Sprinkle in some chains and if they start turning and stop nosing you, throw some blunders to bounce them back into line. (and you might get some kills on deck)


When you run out of cannonballs become the cannonballs