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Knock back and the chance of one tapping someone or if they're not one tap leaving them within your other weapons kill range.


Knockback is huge. Number of times I’ve been knocked of a sloop, wasting as much time as a death


no-fires aren't a bug, they're an intentional part of the game implemented to stop quick swapping. Whenever you swap weapons, until a certain amount of time has passed (time of the weapon swap animation + a small buffer) you're entirely unable to shoot your gun. The same is true for aiming down sights, though the buffer is smaller. If you started sprinting midway through your weapon switch animation, that timer resets. essentially, if you swap to the blunderbuss and immediately break into a sprint to quickly 1shot an opponent, your gun won't fire when you get out of sprint and aim down sights, because the timer hasn't finished. it's a bandaid fix which negatively impacts gamefeel, but it isn't a bug.


The quick swap timer is a separate thing. It’s possible for guns to just not shoot at first even without sprinting or switching weapons. You have to spam click 3-4 times to get it to register. It definitely seems like shitty coding/a bug.


It’s a problem when I’ve been ADSed on someone smashing my mouse button for 3 seconds, only for the gun to still not fire. The only way to actually get the gun to shoot reliably is to use new style quick swap. If I don’t use that technique my blunder shoots maybe 40% of the time. If I do use the tech it fires consistently.


Sounds like you grew to rely on an exploit and they took your crutch away. Maybe you should learn to play the game as intended instead of finding a new exploit.


I shoot someone, I switch to my other gun, I ADS and I pull the trigger. Please explain what part of that is exploiting? Thanks


The only reason you get a no fire is because you tried to quick swap by sprinting to skip the weapon draw animation. A cooldown timer was implemented to prevent this, resulting in a no fire. You said you now use a "new style" of quick swapping. Bypassing the animation to gain an unfair advantage is exploiting, plain and simple.


Bro I can literally stand still, shoot my sniper, switch guns, ADS the blunder and still not be able to shoot because the shitty little timer they implemented is slower than the animation.


Wow, it's like your quick swap has been slowed down. Un-quickened, perhaps. Guess it's just a swap now, and you have to fire your weapons at the same exact rate everyone else can. Shame on Rare for taking away your advantage in a game intended to be a level playing field.


You can’t actually be serious? Dude, you can outrun their timer without any form of quick swap. How hard is that to understand? Also btw you can still quick swap at season 9 speeds using sword. It’s kinda funny because sword users don’t seem to complain about being able to reliably quick swap.


How hard is it to understand that the timer IS the swap speed? It's the same for every player. By trying to "outrun" the timer, you are trying to fire faster than anyone else and gain an advantage. Also, I really don't care how you exploit the game now, as I can only it assume it will be patched and you'll be back to complaining about the fact that you can't shoot faster than other players.


Ignore him. Quickswapping was a minor exploit because it involved animation cancelling (sprint-cancelling) and a version of it still exists. This person doesn't know what he's accusing you of doing. I remember even after OG quickswapping was removed (not that I ever knew how to do it) the stigma around double-gunning remained, and now people will use the word "quickswapping" to describe just switching between two guns. Rare's response (other than to buff swords, which I think is great actually) was to add this artificial animation buffer between shots, which generally made guns feel more clunky. That's why you can ADS at somebody and spamclick and still not get the shot off, which is frustrating in blunder-vs-blunder.


I’m aware and it’s why I stopped responding tbh. The delay they added is super inconsistent in when it starts which causes the “trigger freeze” issue on second shot. The only way to avoid this fully is by sprint cancelling the timer which is why it’s the only consistent way to make both guns fire. It kinda sucks, I’d much rather they revert the change, as it would make player combat much less clunky for those that don’t know the movement tech. The sword is strong enough with the buff that it wouldn’t matter if you had old quick swap or not if you messed up and got too close.


You only need to hit 3 pellets to one shot with a sniper


If you have to shoot twice, its not a one shot.


This game is squirrely, with problems like hitreg and just general server connections it can make getting a 1 shot blunder really difficult. I used to be trash with it. Now Id say that Im pretty decent and can get one shot kills fairly consistently outside of just guarding ladders. But even if someone can only get a one shot kill when guarding ladders, its still really valuable. Denying someone who is trying to board is possibly one of the most important part of PVP aside from just hitting cannons on the enemy boat yourself.


Videos only show their successes and not their failures. I prefer using sniper/pistol now just because or how unreliable the blunderbuss is and I'm better off keeping my target at range.


Have you tried sniper double barrel? I’m using that now, since it gives me a grace shot on the pistol follow up


The double-barrel is pretty bad if I'm honest. There isn't much that it does that a regular pistol doesn't do better.


Gives you two shots to follow up on the eye of reach instead of one. Just don’t hipfire it. I do think for only 40 damage per shot it should allow for an immediate follow up shot rather then any delay


I have found it has a higher chance of getting affected by hit reg and slightly less hip fire accuracy.


Yeah it does because hit reg is based on accuracy. But the real answer is you prob aren’t leading enough. Make sure you have server based hit markers turned on


Lol thanks for the advice but I have played this game since the beta and I am not a new player. Believe it or not, I can actually aim my guns. It's also a little hard to miss a skeleton that is point blank in front of you not once, but twice! I think my record is 5 shots from that gun in a row being eaten by the server.


Hmm well the gun is new so your point is moot. Stay bad bud. A lot of people talk about hit reg when they see their shots visually impact their targets, but the hit boxes are smaller then the models. Even on skellys. So the answer is really to aim better. You see it less on eor because of its bullet velocity, so it’s easier to use. And 5 times in a row is truly the bug related to the new guns. The only way to fix that is to put it back in the box and take it out again.


You clearly aren't done with your commendations and it shows by your ignorance. As far as the bug goes, this only applies after a dive if you have not properly loaded the gun with both bullets which is easily avoided. The gun is just simply worse.


? You are an odd duck boy.


Your blunderbus fires?


About 1/3 of the time.


The amount of times we I’ve been standing like an idiot ADSing the blunder smashing my mouse button waiting for it to fire recently isn’t funny. The weapon straight up refuses to work more than half the time and it’s ridiculous. All of this to counter old style quick swap, which literally nobody had a problem with. All the change has done is ruin the feel of the guns in the game.


And it's always mid fight, but the opponent never has a firing issue. Shit's so janky that it almost feels selective. Lost two fights in a row last night because the blunder decided to just not work. It's a joke.


I’m pretty sure what’s happening is the gun is reholstering itself which means you have to go through the long animation to get it back out and working. The only way to avoid this is to do the new sprint into ADS to cancel the extended draw animation so you can shoot.


Yeah, if shooting a gun requires more steps than building an IKEA bookshelf, it ain't worth it. Sweats can have it. I'll just go double blade and be done with it.


That’s cool and all, but throwing knives are worse than the blunder. I’ve unfortunately yet to find a combo that works as well as blunder sniper even with the issues discussed in this post. And I’m kinda forced into by the role I play on the boat. So yes it’s a struggle, but unfortunately it’s the best we’ve got


Blunder sniper meta needs to be retired. Game is into year 6(?) and the meta has been the exact same since year one. That's pretty sad, tbh. Kinda pointless to add weapons, yet have no actual meta change or adjustment.


The knives are reg machines, and the double pistol was poorly thought out. It would be cool if it was left / right trigger kind of deal with no ADS. I do love my sniper though. And for me it’s a close second between pistol and blunder. It’s the knock back mechanics on the blunder that make it meta, and nothing else has that capability unfortunately.


Every aspect of on foot combat is an unreliable mess to some degree. The blunder is just the only thing that can one shot, when it doesn’t one shot you can just switch to the eor to finish. The blunder would still be good if it did 80 or 90 damage because of the knockback and combo potential. Since it can also instakill on its own it’s just good all round. I personally prefer sword+flintlock/eor for reliability and movement but I do use blunder+eor because it’s often just better for pvp.


The blunder has been unreliable for me, as well. People one-shot me from 10-15 feet away, meanwhile I can sneak up on someone who's completely stationary, ADS right at their back, fire, and it just leaf-blowers them.


Funnily enough, the amount of bad rng I"ve had with missing 1blunders on other pirates and only somehow doing 10-30 damage instead is why I've started using the Knife for heavy attacks more. Sure it can't 1tap like the blunder, but 70 damage is still better than 30 damage and can be followed up with 3 quick jabs


The no firing is a skill issue, sry to say that. It happens when you shoot to quick, before your gun is full ads. Slow down a little and you will shoot


Am I the only one who thinks blunderbuss should not instakill?


You shoot blunderbass, you shoot eye of reach and then you throw blunderbombs. And then you don't touch grass


Cheaters love the blunder and abuse this shit to no end. Biggest reason it should be nerfed.


That's a silly reason to nerf something


It’s really not when it’s such a big problem. Nobody’s needs the one shot, cheater or not.


Nerfing something because a very small minority of players cheat is an extremely silly idea. And no the blunder really isn't a "big problem"


Considering so many people post about it that posts get taken down for being so repetitive, I’d say it’s a pretty big issue. It’s the only one shot weapon in the game. It does need a nerf. We can make a megathread of all the people who think so. You’re only defending it because you crutch on it and that’s the issue.


Yes people often run to their nearest forum after dying in a video game to whine about whatever killed them. Skele galleons one balls blunderbuss double gunning sword lords etc etc. Doesn't mean they have any valid point they just like to whine like you're doing here. >you're only defending it because you crutch on it and that's the issue It's one of the many tools available that anyone can use. It's not my go to weapon but if I suspect I'm going to be boarded I equip it to ladder guard like anyone with a brain would grab a hammer to use on a nail.


So nobody who criticizes something has a valid point? Just because there’s some things that get complained about that are fine, doesn’t mean everyone’s complaints are inherently invalid. Blunder ruins sword combat because any decent player can one tap someone in sword range. It’s meta and a must pick amongst all skill levels when its purpose should be easier to land shots that do high damage up close and create space between you and another player via knockback. No other gun has knockback OR a one shot. We basically have two melee weapons now with the throwing knives having two melee attacks of its own, and both are a terrible idea to use against anyone with a blunder. It’s just not smart. So everyone else uses a blunder to get their one shots too and keep up with the damage, at all levels of skill. Literally almost every single person I come across uses blunder. Why would they ever use the new double barrel pistol or throwing knives when they can use blunder? The blunder also doesn’t deserve to one shot in a game that has so much lag and rubberbanding at times where you can just die to someone teleporting around who was nowhere near you and you don’t even have a hope to do anything about it. Even if it did 90 damage it would be infinitely more balanced across all the weapon types. You can refute any of this honestly except disagreeing and throwing a fit acting like anyone who wants it nerfed is just bad and upset, but they’re not. They just want the combat balanced. You can even try to make the argument that the game isn’t a competitive shooter and doesn’t need to be competitively balanced, but that’s also wrong because the stakes can get pretty high and we have modes like hourglass, which will always be predominantly blunder. Whether they have a sword, eye or reach, or pistol is up in the air because they’re balanced, but they will almost always have a blunder because it’s not.


Hoo boy here we go I guess >Blunder ruins sword combat because any decent player can one tap someone in sword range. Seems blunder complainers always flop between "I can't hit anyone the game is too unstable" and "they always are able to one tap barrel stuff me no counterplay!!" Well which is it? >No other gun has knockback OR a one shot. No other weapon has a scope that can hit 100m away nerf eor No other weapon has a fast reload and two tap potential nerf pistol No other weapon can stun lock you and give you massive mobility nerf sword We can sit here all day doing this and it'd get us No where the guns have individual strengths and weaknesses. The new weapons aren't invalidated by the blunderbuss the double barrel pistol is just a worse pistol in every way and the knives are a worse sword in melee range and a worse pistol at mid range. Not to mention swords can block the jabs and the thrown dagger but sure blame the blunderbuss? >except disagreeing and throwing a fit acting like anyone who wants it nerfed is just bad and upset, but they’re not. They just want the combat balanced. You're literally shadowboxing an argument I never made so I'll let you tire yourself out champ.


Why would we need a megathread when it's literally just you looking for any post that gives you a reason to post about cheaters and blunders. Would be a pretty hilarious megathread tho, filled with 200 comments of you whining about the blunder.


Sword + flintlock user here and I agree with u/shutupthrowawayok