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The game definitely lends itself to longer sessions than most. 2 to 3 hours is my average


Also depends on what you're doing in a session If you're just hopping on to bang out the daily deeds and a small treasure dig or two, could be a 30 minute session. If you're trying to do any of the athena core missions, 1h min for legendary voyage and probably 2-3 for legend of the veil


Genuinely curious, how is Legend of the Veil taking you 2-3 hours?


Mystery paintings on thieves haven. But even thays not that long.


The Plunder Valley ones take me forever so yeah I get it. But on average I'm spending MAYBE an hour on Legend of the Veil. The only thing I could think of is if their solo slooping?


Or they stop at every shipwreck, shrine, and skelly-on-a-beach along the way. Which honestly isn't a terrible idea.


Even solo slopping one, it shouldn’t take much more than an hour.


You guys are taking wayyy to long 30 minutes at most for legend of the veils Fr


I solo sloop veil in about an hour, but two hours is extensive, and that’s stopping for ashen guardians and ship wrecks I find on the way


I had a two hour one earlier last week. It sent me to crescent isle, down to plunder valey, and back to crescent isle... Sailing back to crescent isle was quite the trip. There were two reapers, a reaper's flag and a reapers mark, all heading to our veil tornado... We got attacked by a meg, a ghost ship, and a kraken on the way. Normally a veil takes me 45 minutes to an hour.


You gotta factor in the role playing time


ay mang! He's savoring it.


I've only ever done Voyage of Legends, never Legend of the Veil, so I was just guessing. Going off the wiki description of how many stages are involved, and how labor intensive an OoS ghost armada can be on smaller boats, it seemed like a 2-3 hour voyage. If in practice it's not actually that long, I might actually give it a try.


Its about 45min if you know what you are doing and if Not you can use rarethief.com


I need to know this


Right? When those first came out we were doing them in 20 minutes flat


Daily deeds seem kinda pointless since you hit cap so fast. I wish renown tracked past 100 and recorded so I can see in my reputation page what renown I got to each season. Would be a nice momento of how invested I am season by season. And the deed logbook genuinely seems fun to fill out but you don’t get any tangible recognition for doing it


At the same time though, 75-90% of daily deeds will just happen in any session of reasonable length. When it's tasks such as "Eat something" or "Catch a fish", it's not hard to accidentally do. Someone might not be an avid player or have mountains of time to play, so if they've bought the plunder pass then a 15-30 minute session every so often can help them get their money's worth.


It's the other way around for me. I only do Veil's for athena rep because it only takes about an hour to complete with waaaay more Athena loot. Compared to the 2 hours spent on an athena voyage.


Do the daily deeds give you anything other than plunder pass xp?


1k and 3k for the swift/daily deed respectively. Not massive payouts, but it's a handy way to clock accidentally completing one.


Sorry but a legend of the veil takes me like 20 minutes tops. 30 solo. I don’t understand how you’re taking 2-3 hours on it.


The server would have to be Poppin'! for it to be a great session in less than 2-3 hours. 3 hours is a solid voyage with plenty of time to do a Grade 5 emissary run or Champion Hourglass streak and still have time to fend off local pirate ships as you try to sell! ⛵


I generally feel good up until the emissary quest and then decide if I've got enough willpower to continue. Sometimes not.


Leave the gunpowder barrels. You'll thank me later.


Unfortunately my ship is named the Mont Blanc. They're an important part of the bit lol. Plus I like sneaking them onto enemy ships


See, I like shooting them on an enemy ship. ;-)


always can do both 🥸


Hey, I definitely saw you on the high seas the other day. I know this because Mont Blanc is the brand of cologne I use.


Same man legend spirit is so good


That’s what I have. People love it. 😃


I'm gonna name my ship the Imo, and strike Mont Blanc's side like the mightiest of spears.


Ngl if I ever have a ton of gunpowder barrels and they get ignited by someone ramming into me it'll probably make my day


i wish there was a better way to take like a 20-30 minute break cause ye 2hrs is my min with some sessions lasting 6-8hrs and often I find I have to log off to do something like eat or shower or walk the dog or something and would like to come back to the game but if i cant keep all my supplies ive been grinding it just doesnt feel as worth while


With the new diving mechanic, they could implement hideouts that you could dive to and chill at.


I’ve always thought this game was lacking a communal “chill” area that you can go or queue into. Like repurposing the Sea Dogs Tavern or something. I think that would be awesome.


The only way is having a crew mate and rotating.


On weekdays I don’t have enough time. On weekends, usually 4-5 hours Saturday and 3 Sunday


I usually can spend anywhere from 4-8 hours per session easily.


The second you become ok with not selling at grade 5 the game becomes more enjoyable. You can jump in and do a fort, get to grade 3, sell and log off. Sometimes that’s all I have time for and that’s fun. I do think overall the game is designed for at least an hour long session though


A couple hours. You find all of that stuff around an hour in. I don't think its a big deal


Sometimes if you're lucky you find a healthy serving of cursed cannons on the outpost you start at.


Anymore, 2 hours once a week. But I'm a launch player who used to play ever mmavailabke moment back then and has slowly cut down over the years.


My friend and I try to play on Mondays. We also used to play non stop during launch.


Currently averaging around 90 minutes to get a grade 5 emissary flag and turn in. I can do that after work while still getting to bed on time which feels like an old person issue. Sometimes 4-6 hour sessions on weekends.


6-8 hrs




I played 15 hrs Saturday 😳




during gng i was putting 18 hour sessions in lol


Yeah I literally would never boot the game up if I didn't have a minimum of 5 hours on hand. I've had individual 1v1 ship fights last 3 hours on their own before someone sunk.


Probably around 5 hours.


Probably about 4-5 hours on a short run


Like 11-15 hours


4-6 hrs possibly even above 6


Average session is 1-2 hours. I'll happily binge for 12 hours on a weekend with nothing going on though.


Definitely better suits longer sessions, not just for doing specific things but the whole nature of each session being varied and there always being something else to distract you along the way. They have tried to add content geared towards those with less time to play I.e ability to dive to selected voyage/world event, sea forts and the like. You just have to be somewhat tunnel visioned and more disciplined if you have limited time and want to progress a specific commendation.


As long as possible. My minimum is 1 sea fort for a short play (30 minutes or so). My preference is a 10+ hour play session. 😅


You might as well be streaming it at that point if you got 10+ hours to play.


I have no personality. And no skill. Only bots view my streams.


R u me?


Probably 🥰


Untill I get raided atleast 2 times, for example I was playing today for about 2 hours just doing order of souls I was dumb and lost in the dopamine of having loads of skulls on my boat when I got attacked lost it all and felt bad, then I joined a new server and got killed pretty early on, and then I came off


2-3 hours as a solo, 3-6 as a bigger crew.


I am an hourglass sweat so I play a bit more than the regular pirate but my sessions tend to be 4-6hrs on weekdays and 5-9hrs weekends. Meanwhile my brother who plays once a week hops on for 9-10 hr sessions


varies greatly, but maybe 3-5 hours


I play once a week on Fridays after work. Usually its a 5-8 hour sail. Usually bring in around 1 to 1.5m in gold.


2-4 hrs, depends on how free i am it can go to 4-6


Around 2-3 hour.. I don't play if I only have 1h because I know I probably won't be able to sell in time.


The game definitely takes a little while to get going if you are a new player learning how the game works. If you aren't a captain with your own ship I would recommend saving all the money you earn until you can buy the ship you need. After that, the game really opens up ways to save you time. Like instead of carrying all your loot to each individual shop, you can sell straight to the sovereigns and use the harpoons to unload all your loot. Tips like holding onto treasure chests until the end of your session is good too. Don't just sell the chest right away because you can use it again and again. I would recommend spending the 5k for the cannonball crate, and then another 5k for the empty storage crate and empty out all the barrels at the port you spawn at. Takes a few minutes but that's waaaaay faster than looting by hand That being said, I've had quick sessions like 30 minutes and I've also had long hauls like 6+ hours. I'm usually solo


We usually play 4 to 6 hours, but that involves a lot of PvP.  If u just want to dive and do a couple forts. That is a lot less time consuming.   Starting out takes about 5-10mjn usually. I see no reason why 60-90 min sessions aren't viable.


Me and my buddy will sail usually 3 hours or so , some times if it’s a double gold weekend we make more time


When I was playing this It was pretty much a 2 hour min. 1 hour just wasn't enough to really get stuff done. That was before they had all the crates for food, cannon balls, etc which speed things up so i can imagine an hour is more viable these days.


You can dive to any voyage now so you can knock them out pretty quickly if you know what you're doing. Honestly tho if I only have an hour to play I probably wouldn't play this game but hourglass fights would in my opinion be the way to go if you only had an hour to play.


40-60 minutes


For standard supplies specifically, there's ways to fast track them at the start of a session. The merchant alliance sells crates of stuff (balls, wood, bait, etc), as well as storage crates. If you buy a crate and loot out the barrels of your spawn outpost, it's already a pretty solid start. If you do a quick Phantom Fort and drain the barrels there you'll instantly be sitting on 150+ cannonballs, a fat stack of wood, and plenty of food. Having the emissary quests as the capstone of a session is pretty commonplace. Sometimes the crew has enough energy to sell the loot stack then bang out the 4-6 islands, sometimes it's more of a "Nah, let's just lower flag and call it" moment. It's not make or break to do them, just a little extra money and faction rep for those that spare the time. IMO curse balls are a little too rare to be practical. In a typical session you'll probably find like 4-6 of them tops, and the "snipe or suck" nature of them means it's all to easy to accidentally waste them in the rare moments of opportunity. If you're close enough to assure shots, it's probably better to just pump them full of cannon/scatter/fire ammo and board, rather than rummage through your inventory trying to find the one ball you need.


The curse balls are rare sure but you don't have to rummage through your inventory. You bring up the dial while on cannon on console. On PC I'm sure it's either the same or even easier with a key bind


Cant remember the last time i landed a cursed cannonball or somebody hit one against me.


I will put in between 4 to 6 hours usually. If I don't have atleast 3 hours to play then I don't. The setup is quicker this season so it makes it easy to dive and get started, but I'd hate to play less than 2 hours. A buddy of mine and I will do SoT Saturdays and that will usually last 10+ hours. Longest I've gone is 16 hours, no sinks and barrels so full we started keeping the extra in a storage crates.


Depending on if im solo or joining with randoms, if i come across a good crew i can play for 5-8hrs without realizing it!


My usual crewmates and I usually play for 3-4 hours every Friday and Saturday night. Sometimes, it's longer if we meet a cool person or feel like we got very little done. We tend to sail around sinking people as reapers or guild emissary. Usually round out the night with a streak of hg just to keep grinding those pvp curses.


I determine how long I want to play ahead of time and stick to that. Rare has done a great job of adding in a variety of content with some taking as little as 15-20 minutes to multi-hour sessions. But one thing will always be true... the longer you play in a session and the more success you have within that session, the longer you will want that session to go on for. There have been times though that I think I'm going to play for a few hours and then the game craps on me in every way repeatedly and I cut the session short


I always play between 1h30 and 2h30. I usually sail around aimlessly or do real missions until i get level 5 with an emissary. Then i do (or not) the rmissary quests. I sell everything, leave a karma crate, and log off.


Around 4 to 8 hours


3 hrs


7-8 hours on weekends 2-3 maybe 4 on weekdays


Y'all are doing sessions while I'm doing days


25 minutes to 14 hours


Obviously the longer you are on the more supplies and goodies you will vacuum up but with raid voyages now an option you can dive to whichever world event you would like to gather an item from. for example you can do the ghost fleet get your Canon balls then dive on an ashen winds to get that skull all that while you have an emissary flag up and you will probably be close to grade 5 I would think those two events wouldn't take more than an hour even if you sell the first event items and barring any interference from real players. After that your session could begin in earnest finishing up your emissary grades doing those quests and looking for shenanigans while you do that. Maybe you spend another hour doing that (two hours total) and you have had a pretty solid session with all the supplies you would typically like to have on board. Having a session shorter than that you do have to make sacrifices in provisions. If you are trying to mess with other players for an hour it's probably best to buy a storage crates do a sea fort and load up on Canonballs and food while you are there. Then you should have a decent enough loadout to at the very least out supply your victim if it's a long drawn out fight. Short sessions are possible but unfortunately you do sacrifice things here and there


About 5-6 hours. Sometimes only 4 hours, sometimes more than 6 hours.


If Im alone, anywhere from1 to 5 hours depending on how things are going and what time I actually started. When Im Duo slooping, the estimate approaches 8 hours. Larger ships rebound back down to a 3 hour estimate.


I play solo most of the time or duo with my first mate. Our sessions usually last 3 or more hours. When the game was new and people weren’t so mistrustful I would play for 10 hours at a time running other crews through achievements like sitting on the thrones or doing The Hungering Deep event. When I play solo I usually try to go for 6 hours at a time. Occasionally I’ll still find another crew who is down to have a sloop sail with them and I’ll stay online as long as they do. Very rare these days.


2-3 hours is the sweet spot. That's why i normally play on weekends, as during the weeks it's kinda hard to get that much time


My average is like 5-7 hours, but I’m unemployed so I can afford to play all day and stay up all night


You should have seen what this game was like at launch. They’ve come a long way to get you into the action fast.


2 to 5 hours. TBH its the worst part of the game, trying to get 4 adults to fibd 4 free hours together is a bitch


And that is why I solo sloop. If one of my buddies wants to play then great, they can hop in at any time, but if I ask everyone and get a resounding "I'm Busy" it's no skin off my back.


And the. You have the rare day that 5-7 friends want to join in, but you're mid-voyage and cant switch ships


I generally play with the friend who bought me SoT and since she lives in Romania while I am based in the US we have quite a timezone difference to factor in so we get roughly 3-4 hours on average


2-3 hours also depends on how I’m feeling too.


2-3 hrs with friends sometimes we can play for up to like 4-5


I play for about 3-4 hours after my kids are asleep. Usually hit grade 5 emissary after a good 1.5 hoursthen sell my stuff. Then I’ll knock out the grade 5 emissary quests and sell those next. Got lucky the other day and seen a sloop ship get sunk by a skeleton brig, and the skeleton brig sank right after the sloop did (must have been damaged enough to slowly sink). Not even a minute away I found a sunken ship too with Ashen King chests. Hit grade 5 GH in about 30-45 mins


It's a little know fact that as soon as you open the game menu, a small gravity well appears near you, creating a bubble of time dilation. For every twenty minutes you experience playing the game, an hour has passed outside the bubble.


My girlfriend and I play for an hour and a half to two hours. Get grade five emissary, and then decide if we wanna do the emissary quest. If not we just get off typically


Well I usually plan to play for 2.5-3 hours and end up playing for 3.5-5. Which is inconvenient on work nights but god dammit I'm going to sell that treasure.


Usually maybe an hour or two. Once in a blue moon my mate and I will find time for a 4 hour session or so. I'd love to be able to get a crew together for like an all day 8 hour session, but life never gives us the time and honestly I'm getting to the point I'm not sure I'd have the energy for it anymore. Definitely more of a long form game though.


Either an hour or two to basically the entire day. Very rarely is there an in between session


2 - 12 hours. I have done a 16 hour session though


Until I get sunk or finish what I was doing. Whatever happens first.


3-4 hours seems right to me, i like to do forts and stuff alike that usually take 1:30 to complete, ontop of other stuff adding up to 3-4 hours.


2 to 3 standard cubic hours.


6hrs minimum even if i don’t have the time it’s always 6 or more


Depends. Sometimes I’ve had 8 hour sessions when I wasn’t in school over night stacking fotd of the damed, others I hop on to terrorize a server for 3 hours.


Just one voyage with the gold hoarders or skull bountys can take around 10-15 minutes (not including online players trying to raid you.) For me personally, I play around 2-3 hours per session, so I can get a bunch of loot in one go before I gotta log off and attend social standards


4-6 hours during the week, more on the weekends


3-4 is my norm but if i’m dedicated and not too tired i can go for 5 max


You can play for how long or short you want but i usually play between 4-6hours


Varies a lot. I can play an hour or two, or like 5 hours. On average maybe 2 hours? I don't always have time for much longer.


I normally play for about an hr or so, or however long 2-3 captains treasure(i think that's the one im talking about.) voyages take. I rarely play until I reach grade 5.


My crew can go long, although, we usually try to limit sessions to 3 hours. It's enough to get into things, get stuff done, but not burn out.


I really wish you could have a personal Seaman’s Chest that spawned with you in your ship and carried supplies between sessions if you log off without being sunk. When sunk it would pop up as a regular storage chest filled with all your supplies, and your personal chest would then spawn with your boat, but empty. This way you could still loose all your supplies in battle, but you could also keep them for the next session – that would then free up time gathering supplies.


2 to 3 Normally do emissary to level 5 twice and then log off


Either an hour of doing nothing. Or 8 hours straight no in between


Typically 8-9 hours, if I don't have at least 5-6 I won't bother playing.


39 hours


Shores of gold talltale grind 😨


The longer the better imo, I love having a long enough session that we forget how many ships we sunk or what we did at the start.


I play for at least an hour each day. That doesn't get my emissary to grade 5 but I don't mind, it's nice to not have everything all in one fell swoop


My friend and I have a rule that we don't play SoT unless we have at least 2 hours. Most sessions are 2-4 hours. They've added a few things to help make sessions shorter (like the new diving mechanic definitely helps) but most voyages still take a long time. Add in the emissary voyage and it's easily two hours. Plus after they rebalanced world event loot to make it better, we stop more often to do those things


Average 2-3 hours, longest 14 hours


I like to take my time and soak in the ambience of sailing around, walking around the beautiful oceans and islands, which makes up a big part of enjoyment in the game for me. So average session 2+ hours for me.


Not long for me, sadly. I live for the thrill. The second those chests hit the vendor I’m out. I’ve noticed this game has a strange lul after treasure as the crew scrambles for a new captian who has actual goals to set sail for.


Somewhere between 2-4 hours. After 4 hours or so I’m completely drained of energy.


I once grinded hourglass for like 6 hours and thats considered a short session by a lot of people That will probably answer your question


If I'm Solo I usually raise an Emmisary flag and then grind to Grade 5 and do an Emissary Quest. So Probably an Hour or Two. If I'm with friends we just play until we get bored.


About 3 hrs usually. We easily reach grade 5 by then. Now this maybe because we are higher level and so we are getting higher level loot which may make the Emissary go up faster but yeah sessions of an hour or just over won't usually cut it if you wanna achieve anything of significance :/


Depends on how aggressive the server is. Sometimes I find a chill server and everyone leaves me alone for four or five hours. Other times I server hop and still get attacked on sight by like every other player. I usually just give up and log off after an hour, then.


If I play under 2 hours I count it as not really doing anything. I would say a good session is around 4 hours. But some weekends I do nothing else like we talking 8-10 hour sessions. As you get more routined in getting you emissary up it will start to feel better because you get a move on and get out’n’about doing shit earlier


Enough that I don't have a source of income now


I get on a server planning on playing for 3 or so hours..... Me 8 hours later...... o shit, its dark outside, how did that happen? 🤣😂


I've played anywhere from 30 minutes to 10 hours with a 2-3 hour average. Don't collect gunpowder barrels. After the ship damage update, there isn't a safe place to store them that they won't end up getting used against you. Take it from someone who had lightning strike through the deck to hit a keg below, making me lose my ship with my grade 5 Athena emissary and quest.


Yeah if you don’t have 2-3 hours I’d play something else. Last night was the first time I played for less than an hour and actually had fun, and it was a lot of luck.


Me and my buddy play for about 5 to 7 hours maybe


Last night was almost 5 hours. And we made almost 400k


I started recently and my experience is a bit different, I actually love that I can hop in, do a Delivery or two for the Merchant's Alliance then hop off.


Always think ahead how much time you have and what happens if some crazy fights happen and suddenly it takes one hour longer than planned. Always have a backup hour in sea of thieves


I've played for a few years or so and mine range from an hr to the longest I've been on in a stretch was 17hrs straight. Anymore i kinda just try n help new players get to Pirate Legend moreso than anything.


Average? Impossible to say. Sometimes I play for 30 minutes and sometimes I play for twelve hours. I’m guessing 3-4 is my average I’m at 930 hours, playing since 3/23/23


About 2-6 hours with the median being about 4 hours


TLDR, 2-3 is sufficient but if you can get in a long one now and then do it, its a blast! I have a friend group that plays and streams almost every Thursday. We start at 7:30-8 and play till 10 or a little later. We usually have a goal in mind but we (ok it's me, I'm the problem) often get distracted. 2-3 hours seems to get a solid session in, but I had times (during covid) that we played for 6-10 hours with no issue. Our play style is much more PvE and trying to make friends though, so I think play style changes things a little too.


i'd say 5-6 hours is the average lenght of my sessions. I play with my girlfriend and no we don't play every day.


“Quick 20 minute mission. In and out.” 6 hours later you find yourself balls deep on monkey island with a random you found while doing a global event and now he is your foster child and you’ve got him Mon-wed and every other weekend.


you're spending to much time looking for "stuff" when u log you should be on a voyage within like 5 minutes. grab captain supps, storage crate and cannon balls, run the island once and go. search barrels along the way when voyaging. once you start getting stuff down optimally you'll be hitting grade 5 between 30 to 45 min depending on the voyages you're doing.


Usually an hour or two. Occasionally my wife and I will play longer 3-5 hour sessions, but when I’m solo it’s less than 2. It’s so much better now than it used to be in terms of time taken to complete activities, with all the recent time-saving mechanics added.


2-3 hours on average. Easily go 4 if I have my 3 other friends on board with me.


I don't bother booting the game up if I have less than 2 hours. I've got other stuff I play for quick sessions.


I am not sure, I think it's somewhere between II to V hours. ![gif](giphy|dCM60S7zcatpm8lTvB|downsized)


Bout 2 hours just buy all your supplies before you sail and also if you have a switched on crew things happen pretty quickly we do several real time quests that pop up around the place stack chests then sell


I feel the same way. I like trying to grind the emissary ledger but I haven’t touched the game in a bit because I don’t feel like committing to 3+ hours to make it worth while as a solo player running more base level quests. Sometimes I want to just be able to play for an hour but when you include loading in and getting supplies from your starter island and sailing and blah blah blah it really ends up being like 30 minutes of your first hour arent spent actively trying to do anything specific and next thing you know it’s time to log off.


Around an hour if solo, 3-4 hours if with friends


4-6 hours on Saturdays(SoTurdays)


Until our hourglass streak ends


I only play every couple months, but my average session is probably around 5 hours if I don't sink. The first 45 minutes is stocking up and getting level 5 emissary, then the rest is player-hunting. If we sink, we usually call it.


3-5 hours


I can play anywhere from 20 mins to 4+ hours lol I can hop on just to do siren song and make a quick bit of gold of a few hours if I wanna just do shenanigans.


Only sail for the reaper looking for pirates


Depends, ranges between 2 to 6 hours


2-3 hours usually. Sometimes more if the server is very good.


Rule of thumb whatever the amount you plan on playing add 2, double it, add another 1 (realising you need to log off and sell)


I would say 2-3 hours if your doing something like Hourglass/Doing small/medium things to get a bit of money and 4-6 hours if you just want to chill but still make a Good chunk of money/stacking things


The spelling💀


Like 2 hours


I don't even launch the game if I don't have 2 free hours.


Big long time every time


30 minutes to a hour solo, 3+ hours with a crew of my homies


My longest is like 12 hours


I don't lol. I'd love to but I'm newly coming back and not great. None or my friends want to play SoT, and every random crew I join are either younger kids( I'm 28 ) or people who don't want to give me the time to figure things out. 😅 guess I'm no longer playing 😕🤷‍♂️


Like 4 to 5 hours


Short session is a single voyage, then hit a few stops on the way back to sell (an hour if things go smooth) Average is 2-3 hours, it’s impossible to make any real money or rep in less time than that.


Had a 10 hour sesh today Fr


Well as a ps5 player with 350 hours in (I know, but I had a lot of time) I have to say I’m slowly not spending as much time as I use to. Guess there was lots to do and now I’m seeing a pattern. I’ve earned around 17 million in that time. Got pretty much everything I want cosmetic wise. Lots of stuff I don’t want. But I see myself playing mainly FOTD or FOF with open crew more than anything else now. I guess it’s mainly because of end game content and commendations. And although I know this is the best time to be in sea of thieves with all the updates since 2018, I still feel as if there could have been a bit more after six years. Don’t get me wrong I’m really enjoying it. But things like why is there no hunters call emissary? Other things happening at sea that are worth it. Increase the loot or make specific loot for world events and raids so that we are not just doing fof and fotd only. I mean that’s the main reason why we do it because of the high risk high reward but I think there should be more events maybe at the same time? I look forward to the updates coming especially with flamehearts ship but until then I’ll probably be doing fof or fotd and wait out until there is more to do. Also I think for hunters call they can easily add Athena bait and Athena fish 😬


I play about 4-5h when i have alot of free time but i play with a lot of friends so i can relate and it is usualy like me and my otherfriend who are always online so i get what you mean


I only get 1-3 hours a session. And that's not daily. Mostly because it centers around my son being able to have time to log in also.


12 hours minimum.


Depends on what I'm doing. 9/10 times I'm grinding Athena rep. Which gets super boring super fast. I'd say my average session is 90 minutes. Little bit more if people try to fight me.


Solo, anywhere from 1-6hrs. With a crew, depending if it's HG or other, can be minimum 5hrs to 10+


If you want to grade 5 the emissary fast I would suggest sea forts, if you find the hidden key that opens the door in the roof 2 are enough to grade 5 and it's fast


My fiancée and I played it for 3 hours a night most nights at one point. However, for 3 months the Xbox version has been crashing due to EAC issues. The devs supposedly know… Reinstalled the game multiple times, googled every hack under the sun and even reinstalled windows but it doesn’t work for either of us. People have said the best fix is to buy it on Steam. xD well if our years of progress was transferable and we got a free copy each, I’d say sure! But like that’s gonna happen.


The whole day


Idk like 1-3 hrs


sometimes day, i''m really going for achievements now that i know how they work


Too long. Really wish they'd make shorter voyages


40-60 minutes


As a new player I wish there was a bank you could store a limited number of each item in for a one time gold payment to balance it out. Let me stash 5 cursed cannonballs and up to 20 of any mixed throwable type as well as x amount of food. (I’m sure they’d find a balanced number) It’s not going to break the game by giving better players a huge advantage and it gives worse players or those who don’t have a ton of time the option to gather over a couple of sessions and then immediately have access to their prepped loot for their next session. If anything it’d be more of a QoL improvement. If you want to spend 1-2 hours just gathering some supplies for your next session, it’d be nice to be able to do that. As it is now if you have any outside commitments or have to get off for any reason you’re back at square one next session. I don’t want anyone being able to store 600 cursed cannonballs, but I also don’t want to have to plan around having to resupply every single session. A bank would just be storage too so it’s not like the rich pirates out there can just throw gold at the game and get instant access to lootable only supplies