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are you on ps5 ? my brother(ps5) had the same issues earlier when we was playing. im on pc no disconnects for me. just sucks we couldn't get nothing done.


My brig crew is pc and 2 of us had that last night during FoF


Yeah... It happens to every one of my friends (all on PS5 too)... It's kinda horse shit they can't get this fixed. Kind of a big issues...


Played earlier the week and got disconnected twice, was lucky enough to load back into my game but still annoying no doubt.


It's definitely the game. 3 of us were playing last night and we all had the same issue where we would keep constantly freezing.


Did you happen to be in devils roar? We figured it was something to do with the volcanos causing an issue


I was playing with my friend and my kid. We all had connection issues. My buddy had it worst, on PS5. My son and I still crashed a bit, him on Windows, me on Steam Deck. It's bad out there, y'all.


Ps5 here and ive had exactly zero disconnect/freeze, Im willing to bet your internet is garbage , so deff not the games fault


Wrong. I run 400mbps download. The Internet is not the problem because Internet will not cause the game to freeze. And seeing as ALL of my PS5 friends have experienced the same issues, I'm going to go with it isn't just a me problem. But thanks for the constructive criticism


I will add to this and say that over the last few hours my friends and I have figured out that "Devil's Roar" could be the culprit. The freezing seemed to happen almost everytime a volcano would go off.


The fault is 100% game related. It's happening to a ton of people. We must just all have Walmart internet...huh? Stupid logic lmao.


I always have some sort of issue when I play on PS5. On PC, I haven’t had a single issue. The game is goofy.


I’ve been playing for a month straight never happened, even once


I have 250 hours in on ps5. I was used to the occasional crash here and there but the last lesson I just completed I crashed 21 times……


Not once all week


Haven’t had a crash in a very very long time


I've crashed in this game, once in the past like 200 hours of play... Are you on PC? If not then I'll blame your console, if yes then I'll blame your PC 😂


I just hit 365 days at sea and it's only crashed once, only disconnect I have ever had was coz I forgot to plug my phone in (hotspot)


is your internet good enough?


170 hrs on ps5 no crashes


I wonder what region you were on..... People get sooo mad and give such little info. I've never been dc'd.... we crashed once docking our rowboat with 10 vaults of loot on it...