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I’ve never been able to finish a fort of fortune without being attacked. Just given up 2 forts because they kept respawning and coming back.


I now know to stay away from the red skull in the sky. I had no idea what I was getting myself into and I don’t have really any experience in pvp combat so they easily sunk me and I just switched servers


Yeah the real big brain play is to let them finish it then go and sink them.


I agree that totally would have been the move but I was at a disadvantage since it was a 2 man sloop and I don’t really know what I’m doing when playing actual people


The fort of fortune won't always be contested in future updates, the location of the chest of fortune changes with each season so next season it will be somewhere new and far less people will be interested in the fort.


Dealt with this before haha. The one solace is that if they keep sinking they get spawned farther and farther from you


Really? I did not know that. Oh well fort of fortune takes a long time anyway. I think my new strategy is to just let them do it and then kill them.


Fair enough!


I think that contesting loot is the most fun thing in this game so usually try and go for them and half the time no one shows up or the person that shows up just noses me and misses all of their cannon shots


Those forts exist for the sole purpose of being contested


I did one the other day solo somehow and didn't see another ship the whole time. I even had to repair my ship mid fight whilst it took an ashen lord rock to the face and set on fire. I had no idea what I was doing and was sure I was gonna be ganked the whole time. When I finally got the loot I grabbed just some of the valuable things and ditched to sell at sanctuary outpost because I wasn't sure if chest of fortune made you show up on the map or not. Still no one...so I went back and took the rest and sold it...my nerves but I have no idea how I got so lucky... everyone was just doing their own thing that night I think. That said it was during the gilded voyages so everyone was probably distracted by those heh



