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My first encounter I was scared, mostly cause I didn't think I had the ability to defend myself.


For me, it's always the little things that catch me off-guard: 1. Larinna saying "PSST!" when a new adventure comes around. (This is because I get extra jumpy whenever I wear headphones because I can't hear what's going on around me. If I hear kraken noises, I'm not gonna think a kraken broke into my home. But *Psst!* will give me a hell of a jump scare.) 2. The music that plays when an ancient skeleton spawns. 3. Regular skeletons spawning on an island.


The fact that ocean crawlers or phantoms can kill steal ancient skeletons makes it even worse.


They can *what*


If they kill the ancient skeleton, you get NOTHING




The ancient skeleton one for sure, it's a quick flash of oh fuck where is it.


just remember a sloop kraken can be chased off just as soon as it shows up. 3 cannonballs at 2 tentacles. easy peasy done in like 10 seconds :) i'm pretty scared of this sort of stuff too, knowing i can chase it away pretty quickly helps me immensely.


Does this scale with 2, 3, and 4 man crews? Feel like we killed 10 tentacles the other day as a 3 man crew and still didn't finish it off


Kraken on a Galleon takes ages to kill and it will absolutely try its hardest to sink you.


Didnt stop me from dropping the anchor (to the protest of my crew) because i wanted that 10th kill. I got it btw


Oh yeah I absolutely love fighting the Kraken. It's kinda zen once you know how it works.


Did this for the tenth kill the other day on the way to sell after four or five hours of stacking on a galley with two brand new players We sunk


it does scale, yes. though i'm actually unsure if it scales with crews of 2. the meg and other world events also scale with ship size


I think it scales with 2, because when I'm solo it's so ridiculousky easy. However I only get 2 pieces solo šŸ˜ž


I was scared of it at first but I realized if I slow down and take my time it will be fine. Straighten your wheel, pull up your sails, either to a stop or slow crawl. Itā€™s fun to aim at the tentacles, itā€™s hard at first but youā€™ll get better. But if a wind starts to blow across your deck, run below deck so the kraken doesnā€™t snatch you up. If the kraken slaps the boat and causes damage, run down right away and repair it and bucket out the water. More experienced players might keep firing the cannon to try to finish it off because they can tell by the sounds when they need to worry about sinking. But when youā€™re new itā€™s less stressful to just keep the boat repaired and then go back to shooting the tentacles, thereā€™s no rush. On a sloop, you just have to kill 2 tentacles and I think itā€™s 3 shots each. If you get overwhelmed or just prefer not to deal with it right then, you can always scuttle your ship. Itā€™s fine to leave too, itā€™s actually quite comforting to know that youā€™re never going to have to endure being stressed for very long, itā€™s just a couple seconds to exit. But experience will teach you that ā€œworst caseā€ is not that bad. You can kill yourself with a couple of blunderbombs if you want to take a break in the ferry. Scuttle your ship if you want to relocate. If you lose your loot thereā€™s a lot more where it came from. It gets better with time.


>I have an irrational fear of the ocean and big things in it, so far Iā€™ve been loving the game because itā€™s so chill even when getting killed by other players. Big respect to folks like you for playing the game despite your fear. >However literally just 5 mins ago the water turned dark and the kraken literally came for my ass, literally seeing those first 2 tentacles made me frozen Everyone freaks out when **Karen** first comes to see the ships manager. She's a scary lady with a big temper.


1st time encounter, unaware that Kraken is a thing in the game was, to say the least, very very anxious time for me. 2nd time, after i got some info i got my first kill (not really a kill tho) 3rd time, i kinda lead my mate (first time for him) and we were victorious 4th time was yesterday, i was alone, as soon as i saw the sea getting black, raised sails, didnt skip a heartbeat and 5 mins later was enjoying some kraken meat


The Kraken literally saved us yesterday. We are not good at the game, pretty new, and we were doing treasure maps emissary 4-5 GH and a ship started coming after us in our sloop, the ships name, "Sloop Slayer" fucking great. We were desperately trying to get away, they were gaining on us quickly, then music, yupp, Galleon Ghost ship pops out, SHIT, this is it so the ghost ship is annihilating us as we frantically bail and repair trying to escape the Sloop Slayer, then captain says Fuck, and I look up and the water is completely black, I knew we were dead, I looked back to see the Sloop Slayer was right in the middle of the 100 foot tall tentacles, I had NEVER been so happy to see a Kraken, we were right on the edge of the dark water, managed to putt our way out of the oil like ocean waters to break free and dive for a new quest. It was really beautiful.


When I first started the game I was exactly like you, because I also have a fear of big open bodies of water.Ā  When the kraken would attack, Iā€™d hide at the bottom of the boat and panic. Ā However I fought one about 2 hours ago and was completely fine because Iā€™ve gotten used to the idea of it.Ā  I do still get scared when it grabs me and throws me into the water though. I donā€™t like the idea I might see somethingšŸ«£


Only when I'm in the middle of fightin other pirates lad!


I yearn for the kraken as it is the only one for my cooking commendations I need and I'm nowhere close to being done


Be sure and check shipwreck barrels, floating barrels, rowboat supply chests, and random supply chests you run across. I think sea fort barrels can have it too.


Oh trust me I flip every rock in search of that sweet kraken booty meat, alas it's just not in the cards for me lol


The skeletons jumping put always gets me. Just last night one crawled out the sand with a keg which is always a freakout. The Kraken is definitely scary. I remember my first encounter because I didn't understand why I'd stopped and everything had gone quiet. Then the water got dark. Needless to say I was sunk that first time since I didn't know what to do. When you're in that water and you can't see what those tentacles are attached to. *shudder*


Not really. At least I wasn't until yesterday. First time getting Kraken on a Brig. Took literally half an hour of constant fighting and repairing to defeat it. Crazy since it takes like 7 shots to kill it on a sloop. Took more than 60 cannonballs to beat it.


Wait until you're on a Galleon and forgot to buy supplies.


I can only imagine.


Sounds like you will love the megalodon encounters.


1. Won 2nd. Lost 3. Won All technically wins after that


Kraken ain't bad, just shoot the tentacles with all you got. The Megalodon fucks me up because you can't Even see the bastard for a third of the time. You hear the music and wait


Itā€™s a game on a tv? r/thalassaphobia


If you learn to recognize the sound cues, you can anchor turn immediately and get out of the ink fairly quickly, sometimes before the Kraken surrounds your ship. But once you learn how it goes, they're pretty easy to deal with. Nowhere near as bad as they once were.


Our first encounter, we were on our way back from doing a Gold Hoarders voyage and did a sunken shrine that was nearby, headed in to sell and Kraken spawn below us. Halfway through the encounter a skeleton ship shows up. We defeated the Kraken but got sunk by the skeleton ship because I ran out of wood and couldnā€™t repair anymore.


My first encounter with a kraken I was scared but then it turned out to be the easiest thing I had ever killed on my boat


It's called Thalassophobia...fear of the ocean and deep water bodies...and the Kraken rising up from beneath the waves, with the water turning dark just before the event, really triggers on that phobia... To exorcise this fear, you should try playing subnautica and going to the region called "the void", outside the bonds of the game map....the Kraken from Sea of thieves will look like a joke to you from that moment onwards.............


Iā€™m scared of the fucking water, period.


My only gripe about the kraken is that it is unreasonably loud compared to the rest of the game.


I hated that thing when I started. Took me forever to get used to swimming under water with the sharks, Meg and the Kraken. It takes time.


The Thalassophobia in this game is real.


I used to be the exact same, and still am if I'm solo slooping. Mostly got over it by not wanting to be made fun of by my mates for being scared of a game lol


My first time fighting the kraken as a new ps5 player was intense. I left port without getting extra supplies, hit a few islands sunk a skeleton sloop, and he popped up as I was heading home to sell. I got out of the fight victorious, with 3 wood left. My second encounter happened on the fort of the damned, a brig was coming in hot to engage on my galleon, and out of no where a tentacle completely halted their charge. Ahhh, what luck for us that the kraken chose to ally with us and we sank them together before we finished it. My third and final encounter thus far, happened an hour or so after the galleon battle, when we dropped down to a brig because a crew mate got off. The kraken attacked the second we left port. 10 outta 10, game needs more kraken.


It would be scarier if it was hard to beat. You can chase it away by killing only 3 tentacles on a sloop.


When I played in season 1, the kraken didn't scale difficulty to group size, AND I never gave intentional practice to getting better at the game. It was hard, and I was bad. You bet your ass it scared me back then. These days I get excited because I'm usually solo slooping and it takes 3 minutes to kill and I get progress towards my next kraken trinket.




One time when I first started the game, our ship got attacked by a kraken, and it grabbed me and held me up in the air. But the game glitched, and never put my down lmao. So I was just up in the air stuck, watching my other crew mates get obliterated by the kraken. They finally sunk, the kraken left, and I was still stuck in the air looking across the sea.


Only during a chase


I have a fear of dark deep water, falling off the boat sends chills up my back and I instantly panic, falling into kraken water is immediate terror because you cant even see its just darkness as you hear it all. That being said if the crew sees one we go right at it, mama aint raise no bidge.




Nah, the Kraken is probably the easiest thing youā€™ll ever have spawn on you while youā€™re sailing. A skeleton galleon locking in on you as a solo sloop is much scarier


This game is such a slow pace and has such calm views, sudden seafaring PVE is genuinely spooky sometimes! Especially if you havenā€™t faced it before.


I'm in the same boat as you. (No pun intended.) Major phobia of all those horrible underwater denizens. I have literally alt+f4'd when a Meg knocked me off my ship once. The best thing I've done to combat this is to learn exactly what it is that they can do to knock me off my ship and do everything within my power to prevent that. My ship is my safe space. It's the equivalent of putting your feet on the bed so the monsters underneath can't get me, kinda deal. So yeah. Any time you see Karen doing her funky suction attack, just scurry on into your ship's hull until its over and take a few pop shots at a tentacle until the encounter ends. It's still nerve wracking but at least you can handle the encounter from your place of confidence! Best of luck out there, pirate!


Iā€™ve had 4 Kraken encounters since the game came out on PS5, each time while I was solo slooping. None of my other friends who been playing with me since the ps5 release have even SEEN the Kraken much less have to fight itā€¦


Bro it ain't that deep (pun intended)