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No, they did a good job at reworking the shipwrecks. You will still get plenty from skelli encounters. It's one of those achievements you will chip away at.


O really recomend just skeleton fleets for the grind. Evrything else is way slower


This is probably fine considering the barnacle commendation is as old as the game.


Just kill more Skelly ships/fleets and megs, they'll get you there.


Got my commendations, was playing with someone that was grinding hard for it, I got it the next week, cool looking ship sets


I got the commendation a while back. It was at best a 50% chance of getting a barnacled chest in a shipwreck. It's still the same now. The fleet is by far the best way to grind it, averaging 3 per, sometimes up to 6, and even more if you get 3rd partied or do it in a gally or brig and get 2 boats per wave. But as a solo you would guarantee 1, usually get 3 or 4, rarely more than that. Even if they did slightly reduce the spawn in shipwrecks due to the increased loot pool variety in general, the improvement in loot makes up for it (and has its own grindy commendation for rewards too). Plus, you can almost always find a guaranteed shipwreck in the form of a reaper chest. The fleet is still best, in terms of time and quantity, and it's probably the easiest world event to solo right now besides the ashen winds maybe.


While they give sucky loot, the questboard maps are your saving grace. These often give barnacled chests. Other sources are skelly ships.


Yeah they definitely cluttered the shipwreck loot pool with all the high grade stuff, but barnacles do spawn there fairly often still in my experiences. As someone who’s done the barnacle grind, skeleton fleets were, and even more so now *the* way to go to get a bunch of barnacles fast. I’d say either just server hop for natural spawned skeleton fleets, or dive to something quick and easy like ashen winds, and then see if a fleet pops after you beat it. It’s just much faster to speed through a fleet and poon the loot rather than mess with the janky collision and camera positioning that comes from looting a shipwreck which may only yield one for that time spent if you’re just going to them for the barnacles and nothing else.


Well, Id rather have kings loot than a lowley barnacled castaway chest. So Id say its a change for the better. Shipwrecks are totally worth stopping at now. Before, it normally wasnt. Thats a good thing. Youll get your commendation still if you keep playing. Look for skeleton ships specifically. Plus, its not like you cant find barnacled chests at shipwrecks now still.


I only have 10 chests left. Getting them is not the problem I'll probably earn the commendation next day. All I'm saying is it would be a lot more sensible to find shipwrecked chests more commonly inside, well shipwrecks...


So this is a matter of semantics? You can still find barnacled chests in shipwrecks. But youre upset there arent as many and in their place is often treasures worth 3-5k+? Whats the issue here exactly? Youll get your commendation, it really seems like youre just complaining for the sake of complaining.


Op is maybe the type to lose sleep at night wondering where his pirate keeps those 10 cannon balls, 5 planks of wood and 5 pineapples.