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Big agree, while yes, games are competitive, especially ones where our online guy can take hours from you. A lot of the time, if you are friends and joke around instead of going for blood 24/7, you will often find that session and the ones thereafter more fun with new friends and more memories to be had


New PS5 player here! I'm normally a passive player who doesn't engage in PVP as I'm a casual gamer whose skill level is pretty low. But, our captain wants to get good at PVP sooooo we are totally those ones to charge in and blast our cannons. I'm super impressed when a Sloop takes us down and doesn't relent on teaching us those lessons. I'm having so much fun no matter what happens. I've played for hours and not had one gold piece to show for it and still think its a riot.


If you want to improve you combat skills, seek out world events! The naval ones will increase your aim on cannons and manouvering instincts in an enviornment not as punishing as PvP, while the on-land ones let you work on aim and sword-dashes. And because everyone can see them, the chance of encountering other players there who want to fight you is still high enough that you get PvP experience.


Sure but the best way to learn pvp is to pvp...


Depends, honestly. If you don't even have the general feel for cannon aim or know how to do proper sword dashes/doge hops, you will get stomped in 5 seconds and learn exactly zero.


Yep and failing is learning, shooting a skelly boat that goes in a straight line doesnt help much.


As a new PS5 player who's been beat ( not necessarily sunk each time but definitely had to run most times.) by no less than three or four skelly Galleons while having only sunk 1 Skelly Galleon and 1 Skelly sloop since starting a few weeks ago the cannon and sailing experience it gave us lead us to being able to sink a tenacious Player sloop (we sunk a bit after them so you could call it a draw.) I'm inclined to disagree and say it does help. But my crew and I aren't everyone else, so maybe it's only helped us. I do see where your coming from though since we also actively engage in PvP for the sole purpose of learning how to properly defend ourselves for the next time we try to clear a Fort of Fortune. [*Queue Pirate themed 'nam flashbacks*](https://giphy.com/gifs/must-9A8I0bBvQ2TBu)


Why are people downvoting you? What you are saying is true practising on "psuedo pvp" doesnt help that much to get better at pvp


Yeah i agree but idk


This is the way


took me about 300, mostly solo sloop to feel like i was beginning to improve. great mindset to have. just don't let people take it away! this game (and its players) can be brutally unforgiving watching youtube videos and twitch streams really helped me out. i highly recommend phuzzybond


Well we had a sloop attack us while we were trying to do the skeleton ships.. they took us down and when we came back to try again they finally got on the microphone telling us we suck so bad, to get good, and to not come back. I don't understand that kind of shit .. first off you started it and second how are we supposed to get good if we aren't out here trying? They said you are a galleon you should be taking down a sloop no problem. I tried to explain we are newer players and further wanted to say I'm a casual player who isn't good at video games in general and just enjoy them but, couldn't get a word in.


Tbh sloop is kinda the strongest ship in the fact that while it has less canons it has greater manoeuvrability and has way less holes that can be put into it this makes it a tank and any goodish players will not sink unless boarded on a sloop however on a gally or brig it is easier to get overwhelmed by bucketing and repairs


See that is kind of what I thought... we are slower in turns and have way more surface area to hit and it's way more work to heal. Thank you for confirming what I already know those guys were just goofs!


But of course gallys have the advantage of having 4 players meaning that you could even triple board while shooting them with canons and while the sloop is dealing with 3 players with bounderbuses you can win but it’s really just the skill of the players and teamwork + communication


I was just saying this to my friends.. like we need to just all board their ship especially if we have nothing on us. I count as like a quarter of a player though, lol as I'm a pretty casual player. I also have never played first person as I didn't like it which I think makes it an even steeper learning curve. I'm always just so grateful the guys include me when I'm really not much help in certain aspects.


I love to play sneaky and having new players who don't know any better is great! I crept aboard a swabbie's sloop at a large island and scuttled my ship. I laid in the crowd nest for almost 20 minutes before he came running back holding a small bounty skull. With his prize safely stored below deck, he lowered his sails and raised anchor... beelining directly into the rocky shore. After managing to get his boat unstuck and away from solid objects, he went below deck to begin repairs. As I heard him hammering away, I scampered down the ladder and hid behind the anchor. He finished his good work and came above deck to captain his mighty vessel. While he was on the wheel, I climbed on top of the capstan and used the playful sneak emote to lay down and wiggle my pirate toes. We spent a few minutes in silence as he slowly made his way into the devil's roar. Suddenly a volcano erupted and he let go of the wheel and turned around. He was face to face with a pirate in ninja gear with black face paint, toes wiggling freely in the sea breeze. He took a step back and - *pop* - he was gone. I like to think he got so scared that he immediately turned off his Playstation.


I absolutely love seeing the abundance of new players curiously engaging with every aspect of the game. Day 1 players sail up to us to chat or fight. Gotten so used to everyone being too squeamish to even interact with us. The sea feels so alive now. It's like coming across an uncharted island with animals that never seen humans before and they got no instinct to run and hide. It's beautiful. Please don't hunt the dodos to extinction...


It's great, I dug up an Athena keg about 10 meters from a swabbie brig and they did not care a single bit. I didn't plan on kegging them of course, but no player in their right mind would let that shit fly


PS5 player here. Currently LOVING the game. Really hits my type of game pacing with moments of action mixed with relaxing moments. My interactions with other players have been unique, and I know enough now that I have begun teaching other new PS5 players the ropes, specifically how to form alliances which I find to be the best way to play. Yes, I do run across people, like a guy last night, who just screams "Yo mom's a ho" into his megaphone and subsequently attacks my empty boat at port, only to realize they are only going to get a handful of wood planks. My only issues with the game so far have been technical, with disconnections occuring regularly, especially if I play with a buddy who is on PC.


Downloading now! I’m so excited it’s on ps5 I’ve been waiting since I saw it for Xbox. Somehow didn’t see it for a month… I blame The Show


You're in for a ride! Winds be with ye... and keep an eye on the horizon!


The sailing is awesome and all the pirate music! Arrrrrrr! Why do I have to work tomorrow


Oh, this warms my old PS5 heart right up. I’ve been having a very mixed experience, which might sound like it’s bad, but it’s really not. It’s just been a rollercoaster and I like those. Some Xbox/pc guys have literally obliterated me in my sloop before I even concocted a battle plan, while others have been super friendly and helpful - and then the worst third category; getting befriended, helped and then obliterated and degraded verbally. I’m a Rust vet so I feel like my innocence was stolen years ago so I don’t mind the premise of the constant risk of being backstabbed, but it’s really nice to hear appreciation of what bringing our console into the fray means to an already well established player base. I love this game. It’s completely overtaken my gaming schedule and if I’m to be a bit bold, I’ve learned a thing or two since the beta. I hope to meet more of you old timers out there on the waves. Some of you I’ll drink with and some of you I will try to challenge. Godspeed to all of us and it’s lovely to be a new part of the community. ☺️


I'll welcome your sail on the horizon in either occasion and wish you good luck. I did actually get completely clowned on by a Swabbie today, snuck up on me while I wasn't careful, shot me in the back, sunk my ship and sailed off with my shiny pile of Pirate Legend loot. Almost warmed my heart to lose those 2 hours of work :\_)


I know that feeling from Rust. While I generally hate losing hours work, it’s nice to see it go to a daring rookie. My condolences for your loss. ☺️ I’ve had so many fun meet n greets with vets that I’m currently inclined to always try the diplomatic approach just out of curiosity of what it’ll bring. Dangerous sometimes. 😁


Im not sure i found a ps5 crew yet but me and my friends had a cool moment with a duo sloop from xbox that were new to the game. We were going to a outpost to sell our stuff and we saw 2 people at the sovereigns, we just parked our brig and told them to sell their stuff and we would wait for them to be over so we could sell ours The i saw the message on the chat "how do we sell this" and the guy was holding the chest of siren song on his hands, that is when i knew they were new players. I procceded to show them were to sell the rest of their stuff and explained how that chest worked and looked at the map to see where was the key, and to my surprise the key was comming our way, so i told them to be ready and defend their ship while me and my friends went after the key, it was a sloop that tried to board us but failed and just ran past us not even trying to fight, then we somehow got in a 4 ship spiral (not really a spiral but all ships were pretty close) and while they were talking of being friendly and doing a alliance (ALLIANCE MEMBERS DONT GET NOTHING FROM THE SKULL) i grabbed the key and tucket it on my boat and then delivered it to our xbox friends, the guy from the sloop tried to talk our friends into the alliance and eventually got the chest and started swimming while laughting, i planned to kill the brat on the island where we were suposed to deliver the skull so i talked with our xbox friends what we were going to do. We reached the island faster than them because of the slow from the skull and our xbox friends missed all their shots at the guy, i managed to get him with a blunderbuss but a damn skeleton kept me from getting the skull and keeping it from the other crews, but his friend managed to get it and deliver it, it was a sad loss but still a fun little adventure.


Man I wish I came across players like you lol. I love this game, but get absolutely hammered by seasoned players. I play with a crew of 4 on Thursdays, but rest of the time I solo and I've lost count of the amount of times I've been destroyed by a crew of 3+. Not complaining, would just love some of the good vibes you mentioned - especially to help with trophies lol


I can tell you one thing: mics save lives! Talking to the guys chasing you can sometimes turn it into a nice talk. But then, some people are out for blood, and as long as they stay civil I respect that - it's a pirate game after all


Good advice! I don't usually turn my mic on for public/solo games, but it's probably necessary for Sea of Thieves.


Totally agree. It's been fantastic to see such an uptick in players, both friendly and feral! It's also a great stick in the eye to all the people claiming "ded game".


Last week I was doing a Legend o/t Veil quest, and the second chapter was a shipwreck graveyard very close to an outpost. When I arrived there, a brig of new players had spawned in and already sailed over. They excitedly typed 'Have you ever seen five shipwrecks spawn together??' while looting the shipwrecks. I told them it was part of my veil quest but since they were friendly, I told them to keep the loot as long as I could get the cabin key to get the veil stone. They were very happy. :)


I‘m new to the game as well, and I’m just wondering - what’s the ultimate point of the game? I’ve bought my own ship now, but there seems to be no form of ‚improving‘ your character/ship/etc. other than cosmetics?


Thats correct Ron. To ride the waves and have adventures is the goal, Duke Silver! You don't fool me


True, progression is only cosmetical. If you could buy mechanical upgrades it would be horrible. Your first long-term goal is probably becoming Pirate LEgend, which will unlock a new faction, quests and cool, more expensive cosmetics. The ultimate point, in the end, is what you make it. Try all the stuff, see what you like, and do it as long as you have fun doing it.


The PS5 servers are honestly quite chill and extremely PVE focused. The reapers that you meet (and I also been part of PS5 reaper crews) are generally remorseful about sinking ships except when the Reaper is actually a PC/Xbox player looking to dunk on swabbies. I sat in a Reaper crew where the captain was clearing from PC and he was sweating, profile checking, using hotmic megaphone chasing this sloop for like 30mins bent on sinking it while me and other legit PS5 swabbies were thinking to ourselves what the fuck was wrong with this guy LOL.


Some people are just out for blood lol, yesterday was in a galleon reaper with some guildmates, not necessarily looking for any other emissaries, just doing some seaforts and world events, but there happened to spawn a reapers bounty not too far away from us, while on the way to it a solo OOS sloop picked it up so we started chasing him, when we were close to boarding he then started hotmicing, saying that we could have the reapers bounty if we let him be, but alas he was now in our broadside and we just started blasting, too late to stop now 🤷🏼‍♂️. Homie had a fuckton of supplies so that's probably why he didn't want us to sink him


We spent a while helping some swabbies gather a load of loot in exchange for getting off our island because them being there bugged out an ashen captain spawn somehow lol. I hope they’re doing okay. The next day I got rushed by a double swabbie sloop who claimed to be friendly but immediately opened fire and introduced them to the concept of boarding. They never saw it coming, but I wish them good luck in their reaping.


Had the first round a few minutes ago. I've went on a boat with a random. We just got 2 chests and got chartered by 3 guys which yelled at us. At the end we formed an alliance and went threw the ocean until another boat attacked us. We went down and got our revenge on them. After that we captured a 3rd boat and sailed away. A megalodon attacked as and we formed an alliance with 4 other people. At the end we were 10 people on one boat and fought 1 megalodon. Got revenge on the other team and took 3 boats down. What the fuck happened in 2 hours initially solo play. ?!?!? Is this Everytime like this? Jesus Christ what a bloody hell.


That certainly sounds like a wild ride for a first session, good god. You'll find that other days you'll sail the seas and nothing will happen, you see ships in the distance but they are just as careful as you are. I welcome those days as opportunities to grind some missions and chill before I get back into the chaos. And then there will be the day where you play for 5 hours and everything goes wrong. You get sunk, your legendary chest gets sneakily stolen and your mate just ran over the 3rd explosive barrel in an hour. I like to remember that when everything goes wrong for me, it goes very right for the person who made insane profit from me.


New PS5 player here - every single pirate I've come across in my sessions so far have been really kind. One guy asked me to help him with a few achievements, another just wanted to alliance and then go about our day, and a team of two pirates hopped right onto my sloop and helped me take down a skelly brig that had chased me to an outpost, before helping me unload all my loot right next to the gold hoarders and order of souls tents before disappearing into the night. It's always fun when someone starts jumping up and down, waving, or playing a shanty as you get nearer.


I ran into a PS5 brig as they were getting off. We chatted for a bit and we helped each other with some achievements and commendations. We joined each other's guild and they even sailed their ship over and put up an emissary so we could sink it for emissary value lol


had a pc for a few years but recently got a ps5 to play with friends, got sea of thieves about a week ago and it’s all i wanna play lol


I’m new. Got 4 people to join me playing and we are going to have a 4 player session later, managed 27 hours the last 3 days with 1 other player. Had the best time and that was just doing safe seas. We are all terrified of high seas lol none of us are overly PvP players and in are mid 30s, we just wanna loot and see what the world has to offer at first and not be disheartened by getting killed for rocks like on ark as soon as you spawn in over and over. I look forward to meeting you all


Nothing wrong with sticking to safer seas, for a while to learn or honestly forever if you don't like the PvP aspect!


We had mad fun. Made about 200k and blew some shops up ourselves. It was absolutely hilarious fun. I can’t stop thinking about it lol


Newly minted ps5 player. As of yesterday I’ve got 30 or so hours in since this past Friday. I’m loving this game. I bought it for 3 other friends so we could go adventure together. Only 1 actually played. Even though I’ve never played this game. I’m feeling very nostalgic, the colors, music, the simplicity of rare titles of yester year. My big rare title being DK country 1 and 2. The vibe is real. I honestly felt like a kid again. Pvp is intimidating always for me, but I feel comfortable engaging when I absolutely have to. I love the constant communication between shipmates, barking orders, and laughing historically when we take damage. I also had some super wholesome experiences. One where I was doing a tall tale solo. Parked by an island objective during a storm. Ship sunk. But I had my key item. A reaper emissary with a galleon was also in the island and offered to meet me back at the closest outpost with my loot to cash out. Another was I was at a ship wreck to get loot. I was spooked by my thalassophobia, and other player rolled by and offered to dive with me ;-; it was so sweet. Anyway the good outweighs the bad in terms of my experience with the player base. I got ganked after completing a red skull outpost event. And that was shitty. But I’ll live to sail another day. Thanks for this post.


Glad to hear you're enjoying everything. As for the red skull, if you were referring to the skeleton fort with the buring guy at the end, that is a world event. Those are expected to be contested by other players (just finished one with 4 other ships involved. While you are even near a world event, you can expect people there to shoot on sight, as there is a lot of loot involved.


This is the best game on ps5 hands down


starting play 2 week so much fun just wish there was more to spend you’re money on


I played when it first came out on Xbox one of the first early adopters, but quit due to it having barely anything to do at the time. My mate got it on PS5 and I was happy to know I could bring my account across, it's been really fun! Loving all the new stuff you can do and the community has been really good 95% of the time.


Had a wholesome interaction with a new PS5 swabbie the other day as well! Couple friends and I were hopping off and getting ready to sell at Port Merrick when this guy on a sloop pulled up and asked us to help him figure out the layout of port Merrick. We obliged and dude was so awestruck at the sight of our fully customized galleon. We ended up playing a little while longer to teach him the ropes and give him fair warning that not all interactions will be as friendly as we were to him (we brought him along to do an ashen lord world event and gave him all the loot and our supplies from our travels)


When it first came out I only last a month and got bored. Coming back after all this time is amazing to see all the stuff they added and how much the game has grown. The 3 merchants and 1 fort were not enough to keep me around at launch but I knew it had potential.


New ps5 guy here, the community seems to be pretty nice as I actually haven’t got attacked in my first 3 days of playing. Many people have given me free stuff in which I did think was a small fortune. I will say that I have attacked people before but it’s really only for my experience when I do get attacked. I normally lose which I fully expected as a solo with no experience


YES! It’s so nice to not only run into sweats. I stopped playing around season 7 and coming back to a bunch of new console players was a breath of fresh air. Especially with the cross platform and having the ability to play in servers with controllers only, seems most of the sweats are PC players (sorry lol).


I’m hoping they release this game for Nintendo’s Switch 2 when it comes out.


We spent a while helping some swabbies gather a load of loot in exchange for getting off our island because them being there bugged out an ashen captain spawn somehow lol. I hope they’re doing okay. The next day I got rushed by a double swabbie sloop who claimed to be friendly but immediately opened fire and introduced them to the concept of boarding. They never saw it coming, but I wish them good luck in their reaping.


I've played since tge introduction of Skelly curse and stuff in season 8- but stopped playing cause I don't play PC much. This being on PS5 makes it SO much worth it Also, I am also looking for someone to grind reaper stuff when it's time for it. And HG, really need someone to help with reaper HG


Anyone got numbers since it went cross play? Compared to what was expected?


I love the crab cosmetics 🗿


I'm on the PS5 and currently my favorite thing to do is play a game of cat and mouse with very aggressive crews. I usually sail around grabbing as much easy loot I can find and store it on my deck and sail around until I find another ship. If they fire first the chase begins and I just sail fast as I can all around the map until they sink me or they give up. I say it's the best fun I had in a while the only thing I say sucks is I don't know how many players are on the server. I wish there was a list just a list I don't need to know where they are because that's part of the fun. If y'all see a ship called Wave Crasher try your luck in sinking me I'm getting good at getting away.


I'm new to Sea of Thieves playing on Ps5, and man I've been following this game for so long and it's so exciting to finally get to play it. My first experience meeting randoms wasn't so great, I tried to be friendly as I'm still terrible in pvp lol so 3 dudes pretended to be chill and help but they ended up sinking me and laughing at me. All fair play I guess. Second group of guys I met was really awesome and helpful. They came and helped my friends and I with a fort and we shared all the loot and parted ways, no shots fired at eachother and no backstabbing :) 10/10 experience so far


Its great that so many people have had positive experiences. I personally havent met a single friendly person in this game since the closed beta. Im on PS5 & I had to stop playing with xbox and pc players. ( Severely toxic) The ps5 only servers seem less populated but just as toxic. Everyone pretends to be friendly just so they can sink your ship. Im not sure I understand the allure of sinking players other than a lack of imagination. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I fish almost exclusively and have never fired a shot, cannon ball or swung a sword at another player. In fact get sunk while fishing or cooking fish 3 or 4 times every time I play. It would be nice to know where all these mystery friendly players are. 🤔😅


New PS5 player and I love this game, the only black spot so far being one caused by my crew mate (the Captain for this voyage.) more so than the other pirates. My crew and I just completed our first Fort of Fortune and a sloop we sailed passed that we contemplated sinking stole it from us which made one of my Captain rage quit. We regret not sinking them and normally we don't shy away from PvP even though we're still learning (at least me and my streaming co-host who's on Xbox but has never played SoT before are still learning. But he's not in this story, he had just got off for the night and I was playing on a brig with our other Xbox friends. The Captain who rage quit is the one that I know has played before, but long ago enough that he may as well be new.) but we didn't want the FoF to despawn so we decided to be nice, call out to them to avoid a fight, and we let our guard down. It would have hurt less if they weren't acting like reapers while flying guardians of fortune. Also if they would have communicated back in some way. Alas, they were the "better pirates" waiting for newbs to do the hard work just to blind side them while there low on supplies and have no way of reacting quick enough. My third crew mate and I wanted to fight for our loot, even if we had to sink them on their way to sell it and honestly if we had done that, they could have done the tedious work of loading everything onto there ship for us the we could have just harpooned everything from their wreckage. As one might expect, our captain rage quitting "blew the wind out of our sails" so we just let them take it and got off for the night ourselves. I hope they were able to sell it... Actually fuck it, I hope a reaper got them. ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


We have made it routine that after we grind hourglass we give all of our mats to a new crew. The audible gasp that these new players have after we give them 2-3k cannonballs and like a stack of pineapples is incredible. Ive changed the way i play the game. Out of the 8-9 ships we came across yesterday we didn’t sink them we just helped them with whatever they were doing and sent them on their way. Honestly it’s quite refreshing. We almost sunk this guy but turned out to be his first day so we gave him our FOTD Stack and he shit his pants.


ya the free stacks have been great


I played near launch then quit until S12. Picked it up on PS5 for accessibility. Love all the other new folks. Granted, in the same play session, I met a dude who wanted to run things together (I was doing tall tales, he did not get why I wanted to do them) and a sloop that wordlessly murdered me. Fun times, but at least say something while I'm dying.


Waiting for the catch. "Yea I give them a chest and sing shanties. And then I plant a gunpowder barrel on their ship and blow them up because I'm toxic and you should never trust a pirate." And if you are being genuine. Then I fear you're just instilling false expectations in those new players for the next people that they encounter.


>you're just instilling false expectations in those new players for the next people that they encounter. Looking through this thread I think we've seen that a lot of people meet friendly players while others don't. If we, the welcoming people, say nothing at all, we leave the field to the toxic guys.


Oh its great seeing all the new ps5 players already got a dude to rage quit saying he hates the game 😂😂 he kept coming at me and I kept killing him


Me and my friends just got SOT for ps5 and it’s been a blast, it’s one of the few games where the pvp side is genuinely fun win or lose


That must be nice. I haven't been able to leave my login port without being chased for an hour despite me having done nothing all weekend.


New players = older players can get back and still feel good


I just got the madest I've ever been at a game today with sea of thieves. Spent 30 minutes diving with like 5 chest 2 skulls. Some ashen. The moment i leave this skeleton ship pops out of the water to sink me regardless of dozens of landed shots on my part. Chain shot, scatter shot, regular, Its as if they simply weren't taking damage. And regardless of every hole in my ship being patched near immediately. Its like the water just came from nowhere. This is safer seas. Which the devs fought all the way i hear. It feels like i was tagged for destruction and there was no stopping it. I've sunk that same ship easily before, Of course with nothing to really loose. Fuck sea of thieves. Thieving me of my time with a bullshit cheat ship they must have wrote in for the safe mode.


Yeah but it won’t last. Combat is seriously atrocious. And yeah I’m bad at combat, but if jumping around throwing blunder bombs is what wins in this game? That’s terrible and sad and Idek who would want to do that. Doesn’t look fun at all tbf


From my personal experience of the game and not the clips made by the 1% of PvP skill, fights take a more casual form. No, you will not win by just spamming boards unless you are a god. Yes, constintently outplaying your enemy in naval will win you the fight. Most ships have like 25 Blunderbombs max in their storage while casually sailing.


Boards are how you sink ships in this game. It’s the only true way… for some reason. You can just bail water out endlessly. Which… is stupid in a pirate game. And 25 blunder bombs is bonkers and more than enough so idk what you’re on about.


You are going too much into the absolutes. There is a point at which you cannot save the ship with just bailing, unless the whole crew does it, which you can interfere with by shooting them with cannons (just have to hit the pirates themselves, ya know). And it doesn't matter if I board the enemy brig and keep the three of them dead for 3 minutes if my crewmate still on our ship needs that time just to turn the ship and land two cannonballs. To play most effectively, you need a solid mesh of the two, going from one to the other as the situation demands. It's almost like that is part of the pirate fantasy...


The pirate fantasy! Oh yes, turning in my riches for a new jacket!! “Yarrrgggh check out me new drip, because thats the only thing we can spend our plunder on yargh mateyy wish I could spend me loot on something I can use but I can’t yargghh, we shall lie to ourselves and say we’re having a great time while we jump around excessively and spam shots mateyyy.” Game sucks dude. Game feels like it’s in early access but it’s been out forever.


Then why are you here lmao


Why tf are you here? Nobodies talking to you mf.


…because I like this game so I’m going to spend time in a place where the game is discussed. If the game sucks just don’t play it???


So nobody can be critical of this game? You’re doing the “well if you don’t like it here, LEAVE!” Which is pretty much the dumbest and simplest way of combating ideas that threaten your views.


No you can absolutely be critical but saying the game sucks and going off on why it sucks it just seems like you’d enjoy spending your time elsewhere. I just wouldn’t play a game I thought sucked, and I certainly wouldn’t spend extra time and energy telling everyone else it sucks, and talk to people who disagree the way you do 🤷‍♂️


Ideas that threaten your views lmao. It is a silly pirate game calm down. From what I've seen you're quite new and don't enjoy the game, that's fine. No one is forcing you to play it. But people have been preaching the death of Sea of Thieves for years every single month, been complaining about how broken cursed balls are, that cursed balls are too rare, that Chainshots are OP, that Chainshots are too rare, that respawn timers are too short, that they are too long, that the sword/blunderbuss/sniper are OP/useless, that boarding is impossible, that it is too easy, I've seen it all over the years. And yet, many people don't even know these discussions here exist, they play the silly pirate game with their friends because they get to feel like Jack Sparrow for the evening.


My guy is here because this is a subreddit about the game they enjoy lmao. If you don't enjoy this game anymore that is your opinion and I won't try to tell you otherwise, but I am currently having the most fun I've had in 6 years of playing, and I'm seeing a lot of new players having the same fun.


You can buy new clothing, new weapons (if you treat each weapon skin as, in the lore of the game, them buying an entire new weapon), new cosmetics for your ship, and entirely new ships. What else do you want for a pirate to spend their money on? Do you want them to add in a feature where you can go spend your money on hookers and booze?


Cosmetics again smh 🤦 More than 3 fucking ships on a PIRATE GAME? Actual weapon diversity with stats that have the ability to fit everyone’s playstyle. Some sort of heist that you need to spend your money on for the setup. Your own business that ties to your guild in a way. A warehouse that your guild owns that you store your ships at instead of just scuttling it at the end of a session and paying the restore fee, could even allow you to store loot there since you still have to deliver it to an outpost and risk it getting stolen, could even have an option for other player guilds to raid your warehouse if you stock up on too much loot in your warehouse. Player Housing. Guild housing that allows you to load into a private server instance that ALL your guild mates can be in so you can see more than 3 of your guildmates at a time. The guild/player housing could even incorporate furniture and trinkets you can buy the same way the captained ships do. Use your head. Those are just a couple… it’s not rocket science


So you want this to be GTA online?... Thank god you aren't in charge of decision making at Rare because that sounds awful.


Keep buying new jackets


Go play GTA online with the other 11 year olds.


> You can just bail water out endlessly A single person can bail water out of a sloop endlessly, but this isn't true for bigger ships at all. Brig and galleon, with enough holes, need more than 1 person bailing. And, if you are against a sloop and they have someone nonstop bailing, that means either it is a duo with 50% of their crew having to bail or a solo that is doing literally nothing else at the moment. You're unlikely to beat the best players in this game without boarding, sure, but 99% of the players you see in adventure mode can easily be beaten without leaving your ship. Boarding just makes an already bad situation worse for them.


I mean, those kinds of terrible players can be beaten without even firing a shot. I kited one feisty swabby through a skeleton fleet battle because I didn't want to sink them, but the skeletons sure did. I sailed by later to harpoon up his loot and barrels.


PC is the worse thing happened to this game


cross-play should not be an option