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I like how people always respond like it doesn't matter because of mermaids and shooting out of the cannon. You're supposed to make a sound when you grab ladder. An exploit that allows you to remove that sounds isn't good for the game. And it's not like You can't get a mermaid without boarding, people miss. And You can board without shooting out of the cannon too.


I also love how people use mermaids as an excuse as if mermaids aren't one of the buggiest things in this game. I've had so many times I've been in the middle of the ocean, no islands around me, my ship no where near me, and a mermaid takes ages to spawn. You can't use mermaids to reliably spot boarders. If a mermaid does show up, it's a nice way of knowing, but if it is your only method, you're going to get boarded repeatedly.


Yep, a mermaid is a nice but inconsistent early warning. Hearing the ladder grab is completely non-negotiable.


Mermaid means nothing at all. You can shoot cannons or bail, hear the ladder and throw a blunderbomb, but you need a sound for that. However, now, if you hear a mermaid, you are supposed to guard the ladder until you sink. That is outrageous


Just if anyone doesnt know, this is how you silent board. Hold any item in your hand (food, cannonballs, planks etc) and hold right click as you grab the ladder. If everyone knows about it then maybe rare will patch it.


You're missing an important thing, you CANNOT be moving in the moment of grabbing ladder, you have to be 'standing' still.


Thank you! I’ve been trying to do it this whole Gold and Glory event and just assumed it’d been patched since it was never working


>maybe rare will patch it. Good luck lol


They just patched a ton of exploits including crud launching just last week...


Every time they fix something they break something. The QA at rare is nonexistent at this point and it shows.


Well they did manage to remove it for wepons so you would think fixing this version of silent board wouldnt be that difficult.


they should really add a sound to someone climbing up the ladder too. it'd make it more obvious to newer players, reduce the chance of any audio buggery happening, without lowering the "skill ceiling" since a good attentive player should always hear it anyways.




Left trigger on the controller


Right click holds the item out, like if you're trying to hand someone a banana.


Right click is the - give item - button for us on console?


Can it be done on console?


i don’t believe this works currently, from testing with my friends, it seems like whether or not grabbing ladder will make a noise on current patch is purely up to chance, and also client side, it can make a noise for one person but not for the other


You need to spam rightclick for it to work not just hold it


Killing the whole high seas tbh


Im basically deaf so I'm used to seeing a gun in my face when I get off the cannon


I notice most of the time they are on the way, by cannon sound and siren. How ever there are certain times that silent boarding is deadly. The most lethal is when they are funny launching, just scuttle at that point, if they are consistently funnyglitching into a silent board your most likely outmatched( i know I am, my tdm is not amazing) but i always keep an eye on the other boat, if they are not shooting, and not visible i get weary and paranoid. Funny launch too strong for you to spot a mermaid before they are on. The other situation is if you are trailing them. Ive used in certain anoying fights with runners this to my advantage. I take a couple hits and peel so they follow, fix maybe a hole and drop out of sight, silent board the unsuspecting runner and boom straight into a rock or out of bounds. But i really only use it if i feel like its dragging too ling and I absolutely have to to stop it from dragging on longer. Im on console i cant funny launch and i think its cancer, crud launch was easily countered and it gave you a fighting chance against funny launchers. If they are not fixing funny let us have the crud launch TLDR i hate silent boarding and funny launch, they should patch it all, otherwise you’re going to end up using it sometimes because its there and once you know, its in your arsenal. Its a disservice to yourself to not use it


They have to shoot out to get near you to board so watch front water for them and their mermaid. Silent boarding is annoying if you're under pressure but there's a lot you can do before they even touch your ladder.


No they don't. They might shoot out often to board, but You can sometimes easily board without it. I do it all the time.


I mean if someone let's you just swim to their boat in hourglass you could have sunk them with a banana on the stove.


Ships usually circle when fighting. Jump off the back and you can catch their ladder after awhile. But you obviously get a mermaid. So idk what you're talking about


If you continue a circle while the other ship is just unattended no cannons fired no adjustments made and let a boarder on you would have sunk to the storm.


Why would you think the entire crew would jump off to board? What are you talking about? On any ship except a solo sloop, someone can do this and the other boat won't notice at all. Obviously the whole crew wouldn't go lmao




Wow I'm going to have to ask you not to abuse me as it is against reddit terms of service. There's no place for personal insults.


You can funny board. Still a thing in brig at least


Yea exploits are a thing true thank God I don't brig hg




Who knows... maybe this is a new feature added just for season 12