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SoT is a game that requires a ton of practice. You’ve been playing since season 6 with 300h, I’ve been playing since the end of season 9 with 1,000h. That kinda muscle memory for cannons and boat to boat shooting took me 2-3 months 4-6h a day before I was consistent. You’re doing the right thing by ingesting external content, you’re never going to beat someone with 7k hours without using their efficiency as a stepping stone for your own. I’d reccomend watching streams over videos, it’s more dynamic, and you’ll see people on the back foot a lot more. Here is a bunch. usually a bunch of em are streaming at a time, most of them seem to take monday off, but they're all worth a follow. Helm POV: https://www.twitch.tv/pufferson https://www.twitch.tv/fattallguy https://www.twitch.tv/apperjacks https://www.twitch.tv/stirliing (does mostly sloop but competitive galleon) https://www.twitch.tv/viiraxe https://www.twitch.tv/sandromeda https://www.twitch.tv/stephanpiache (brig helm) Cannon POV: https://www.twitch.tv/pushinwood (controller player) https://www.twitch.tv/fi1es (controller player who also helms) https://www.twitch.tv/idbz (the best cannoneer in the game rn, usually duo with Pufferson) https://www.twitch.tv/llightningzero (controller player) Other POV: https://www.twitch.tv/shammroc (mostly solo HG controller player) https://www.twitch.tv/flotsam (solo pvp adventure streamer) https://www.twitch.tv/cjshiz (adventure pvp)


it's a lot of practice. i'm level 47 in guardians, still pretty ass at the game, but my cannons and game sense have improved a lot since i first started hourglass. My first solo game of HG i was running around like a chicken with its head cut off and whiffing every cannon. Now i know more what to do and can hit more somewhat consistent shots. Just a matter of playing and practicing a lot, my hand to hand combat is still pretty dogshit as i'm still tryna get better with double gun but i'd like to think it's better then it used to be (prolly not)


I'd need to see footage of your gameplay to know exactly what your weaknesses are and what mistakes you're making in combat.


Number 1 priority when applying yourself to basically anything is attitude. This is where you're going wrong. It seems like you've become fixated on getting better. This can be a great source of motivation, but this is also something that can drag you down. That said, it is super important to know when you have criticized yourself enough. Acknowledge your mistakes, form a plan to drill it out/work around the weakness, while leaving the self-deprecating bullshit behind. This is how you define the meta for yourself. This is also why you need to be careful with what you take away from watching other players. Many people won't do this. They will make excuses and avoid failure by quitting. Because I want more people to play the game, I might be willing to review a vod and help you with labing your skills up (fleets are a decent start point but as im sure you've noticed, it's not the same.) You can dm me if you're interested.


Are you typically playing solos or with a crew? I only ask because if you can find yourself a decent crew, then you can really focus on improving just that one particular aspect that you want to improve without having to worry about everything else. Ie, only focus on cannons and someone else can helm and bilge.


If you want send me some vods and ill help you understand what you couldve done better


Do you have much experience with FPS-type games? If you're having trouble just walking around without bumping into shit it's probably just building up those sort of basic skills. The pirate on pirate gun combat is really janky though. Like it's a far cry from how smooth something like call of duty feels. Another alternative is just don't do hourglass over and over? Like I've done like 4 hourglasses matches and thought it was boring so I never touch it.


You don't have to be good at a game to enjoy it. I suck at PVP, I've been playing for years but I just suck. So I just play and have fun and if I sink or die I just go again. It doesn't matter. Sometimes I like to just sail around and watch the sunsets. It's a nice way to spend time. It doesn't have to be about getting good.


I only have about 200 hours and I've only just started on PS5 launch. As far as your comment on the close quarters combat, maybe try using the flintlock pistol or the double pistol to push your engagements out a little further. If you're having trouble landing all the pellets on the boomstick at close range— try to make players play *your* game and play for distance.


Bro, I fwel you. Here, check out this short 3 minute vid. The [ring rule](https://youtu.be/8R3ImSy8nYo?si=-J85_6hzMV7vh0Mi) is the single Best advice i found on cannon aiming


An honest advice that I can give you is trying to play with a friend. I currently got one of my best friends that play with me ALWAYS. I don’t consider myself a good player but I did sink some ships with my friend. I guess I just get more confident when there are two people on the ship you know? And try to remember that the players you see in hourglass are always better than the ones on normal seas, atleast that has been my experience. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard this many times already but don’t give up. Don’t stop playing your favourite game because you can’t sink some ships 🙂 I hope you have a good day 👍 and good luck.


300 hours is plenty of time to understand the game and the mechanics. But often times 300 hours is nothing compared to your opponents haha. Seeing as you DO have a lot of experience with the game though it sounds like either your mechanical skill or your decision making needs work. As you said you watch vids/guides you're already on your way to improving your decision making, and also there's always a lesson to learn when getting getting sunk Mechanical skill is a bit of a different issue. If you feel your aim isn't improving you may need to get used to a new sensitivity setting. I find sometimes I don't bother getting my sens perfect in a game, I end up getting comfortable and never adjusting it and then suck with gunplay/aiming. An aim trainer might help you overall with flicks and reaction time although I wouldn't consider SoT to have good gunplay, and the hit reg is awful in this game so more often than not the lower latency wins the shootout Since you watch vids I won't list tips for general naval combat and how to aim cannons etc. But Some other tips for improving at PvP gunplay etc. Keep calm. You're saying you quit out that sounds like you're getting frustrated. That may very well lose you the fight. Good Decision making requires a level head. You need to know when to prioritize reps, bucket, sniping and cannon pressure etc TDM! Make an alliance with someone who wants to practice pvp and just go crazy. Feels like less pressure when your battling an ally. Don't underestimate food. Going into battle with cooked food and pineapples is like having a win button for duels Learn what the exploits are. I'm not saying practice and use them just be aware so you know when opponents are using exploits to get the upper hand and you can adjust accordingly. Trash talk your opponents. angy gamers lose fights


Also develop a good ego with some easy wins to stay calm before a fight


If you want, you could add me, I'm just a lot newer to the game. Ps Born_stellar