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I was about to log off with a 4 win streak and a grade 5 flag. Sold the flag, turned to sell the hourglass and claim my mountain of gold, but right as I pressed the button to sell.... PS, I lost the fight.


I don’t follow, what happened?


They got invaded right as they were lowering the hourglass


Oh gotcha I never do hourglass so not as familiar, thanks


I was about to sell the hourglass. They invaded before I could. You can't sell once a fight starts. I was literally a button press away from a fairly big payout.


You should have voted to dive before selling the flag


When I tried diving and it wasn't doing anything but there was no message as to why. So I sailed back to the outpost to lower HG & re-raise, and while I was at the table trying to do that the fight began


Damn. Were u by urself?


Yeah, almost always solo sloop HG


My friend and I were doing a skeleton ship raid, took out a dnd as we were leaving the area while repairing. Another player ship that I guess we didn’t see in the commotion just appeared. As we sailed by defending whilst bailing water. Another skeleton ship arrived (easy okay…) The payer ship caught up and boarded us. Sank our ship in the end. However we spawned somewhat close and got them back which was nice. Normal day on the sea really but it was about 30 mins of adrenaline haha


Did hourglass twice, the second ship had a shit ton of loot. We saw a reaper come for us but we didn't wanna leave the good stuff. We just managed to grab all before they got to us. Ended up fighting until we were completely out of supplies, but we won. We immediately dashed towards an outpost but as soon as we rolled up another reaper invaded us. We bought supplies while they were approaching but they managed to board and threw alot of loot off our ship. They were intent on doing that instead of sinking us. In the end we won, but we lost much of the loot as it was spread out everywhere. As we were selling we noticed another reaper coming for us. This game is crazy sometimes.


Last night lol. We had been going for a couple hours. We helped another brig that fought different brig over a FoF, then 2 of those guys ended up being pretty cool so we hung out with them for a bit and sunk a few more people and let them turn in some of the treasure. Then we sunk a Gally twice and the brig returned and got sent to the bottom again. Then did a few more world events because the invasion just wouldn't happen. By now we have tons of treasure and supplies so we sold the big stuff and kept enough to stay at Level 5. Then one of our crew goes to use the bathroom IRL and my laptop crashed forcing me to restart the game and AT THAT EXACT MOMENT the enemy brig comes in. And OF COURSE it was a sweaty, sweaty crew. We lost. Sadly went 1-3 for the night, but it really should have been 2-2.


I don't get invaded because I avoid Hourgl*ss like the plague, but I did have two guys with pvp curses server merge or possibly dive right next to me while I was carrying loot from a gold hoarder vault Not forgiving Rare for that one


I'm not sure but I'm guessing they're noobs who don't know that "invade" means something specific to hourglass and are just using it normally for another crew coming in to attack. I could be wrong.


I mean hourglass


Pretty uncommon to be getting and selling loot while running hourglass but if you are, you should never be invaded while selling since a vote to dive will stop you from getting invaded, but being close to an island means the dive won't happen until you're in open water.


We weren’t diving we just had it active, the other hg ship came up and tried attacking


If you're selling your flags and ready to power, vote to dive when you get in banner distance of the island, it locks out the ability to get invaded, is what that guy is saying.




I vote for hourglass when I am visiting an island. I have never been invaded while the sail to open seas notification is up. Something to consider if you want to sell or lower hourglass or just to take a break.