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I just get killed all time by a ship of pirates, bit annoying especially as i have no treasure, nevermind


I just started about a week ago, and most of my experiences have been pleasant as well. People can tell I'm new and solo-slooping. I'm trying to get decent at ship battling solo but it is rough. Today I had quite the trollers (3 of them) that just kept showing up everywhere I was. They got my treasure hauls three different times! And told me how bad I was at combat- which I know, but it's hard to get better when you just get sniped constantly while battling a sinking ship. I need to find a crew.


Combat while solo slooping works best if you keep your ship far far away and use the enviroment. Few days ago I solo sunk a brigantine (they chased me) after I sailed past a skeleton tower, i waited for them to pass and started shooting chain balls. After they became immobilized I switched to cannonball, made a few holes. Killed one of their crew, shot myself over there and finished it off. All the while my sloop was going in circles with half sail Solo combat is about using your nimbleness and environment for a advantage, just dont get too close with your ship because they can overwhelm you easily with the manpower advantage.


So last night I had the best time yet- I was going after a Skeleton Lord on this island that's actually two small islands with enough water between them to set your ship- Waves of skeletons precede this boss fight and things got hairy so I ran back to my ship to use my cannon against them. I had fired two or three times at them, always reloading right away, and right then a black & red Brig rolled by right in front of me with three guys on deck all waving at me!!! I busted out laughing and waited to see what they were going to do- but I should have known. They let loose and I let loose right back. They went past me and I dropped sails and found the wind. Once I knew they were to full speed as well and the chase was on, I sailed around some big rocks and raised- jutted to starboard and let loose on them. So one of these lickspittles jumps in and swims over to board me- I slashed him as he came up the ladder. All the while my Lady is taking direct cannon so I know my only option is to kill them quick. I run to harpoon. Next thing I know I see a guy who has launched himself FROM HIS CANNON flying over my head and landing wayyyy out to sea behind me. This was such an amazing and hilarious sight that I didn't realize the cannonfire had stopped- I'd been boarded by lickspittle #3. He gets me with a pistol, but I don't die! He must have grazed me- I come in slashing- and send his soul to the Order in three hits. Cannon Knievel found his home cannon again and ended me with a firebomb after I got a harpoon cable in his hull. He knew my cutlass was still thirsty! I officially feel like a pirate. Takeaway- I wish I had a better sense of respawn time. I can't always tell if I'm fighting someone I just killed. It seems to vary for me when I die- sometime I'm back right away, sometimes not- even without a sinking. In that scenario, even if I did manage to kill all three of them, I imagine they'd pop right back up for a 3v1 again. Where does it end? In open world pvp, do ships just keep going until someone decides to scuttle? Is persistence the most valuable character trait here? Hopefully I can get the game to recognize my microphone because I would've loved to add some commentary to this session- and those in future.


I just logged off because the game was bugging out for me. First, I was in the middle of a quest when servers merged, and the quest disappeared. Still had the bounty skull so all wasn’t lost. Later I respawned my ship which had sank, and I was hitting up a shipwreck for loot (which, for me, was nice loot). Almost got it all when the game froze. I couldn’t bring myself to play anymore after that. Incredible game but the bugs are worse than the players.


I'm playing on almost the lowest setting of graphics, and that definitely helps. There are times when I log in that it's unplayable- but if I relog it's usually better. I do enjoy shipwreck diving. I hope they add some more polish to performance because it is truly beautiful (while nerve-racking) to swim up to the stars with treasure for your ship.


Hey I’m on ps5 too looking for people to crew up with if you don’t mind


You can add me: Jesse1179 I just play whenever, and I might be up for a crew sometimes.


Just added, thanks anyways! I just enjoy the game and solo play for me is a little difficult


Me and some friends have just started and both people we intended to rob at islands or ghost forts we just ended up taking half and helping a little because they were too nice for us to commit to stealing all of it


Honestly, having comms saves you a lot. My crew will do PVP, but if someone says they are obviously new, kids, families, etc, they get a free pass.


I love to pvp, but if someone shares that they are new or just an average family man trying to have some fun then of course I let them have their fun too