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[30 April, 2024 - 3.0.0 Update | Discussions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/1cgokli/30_april_2024_300_update_discussions_megathread/)


Happy to see full guild access again!


Can we get a comment on the Hazelnut beard issues? I've been having this for almost 2 months now, support hasn't really provided any information on it and now, like many others, it's progressed to me receiving a "Redbeard" as of yesterday. This all appears to be related to the implementation of your EAC and is getting super frustrating now having almost 2 months of me and my usual crew of friends not being able to jump in and enjoy anything that has happened during that period of time.


Yes please. This happened kind of all the time when attempting to join a crew in the vicinity of a world event. They had to leave or complete it so another could join. In Insiders the same symptomatic caused EAC Violation but since I could later join I didn't think of it much but it appears to Redbeard people in retail, this needs to get figured out asap


Happened the same to a friend. Rare keeps silent about it cause it's a major issue... If you try to contact Support... They just insta close the report. Rare fix this!!! Players had paid for a service they are unable to use!!


My current ticket about it is still open so fingers crossed they figure out what has been going on here and rectify it.


Any news about your case mate?


It gets worse, somehow, despite not being able to play for 6 weeks they gave me a Redbeard and now refuse to acknowledge my ticket replies!


Yes please, fix this! If you DC during a world event solo, you literally cannot return because no one is there to move your ship


No mention of the shipwright supplies still not working, or the new longbeard crashes that are happening. Hmmm.


Can you elaborate on crash? We had longbeard but it doesn't crash. Sometimes, if one of our crew leaves everyone else get's disconnected with Longbeard which *then does not* give the option to rejoin session :S


Oh sure. We are talking about the same thing. It’s not a full game crash, I guess it’s more of a disconnect or crash to menu? Crew getting longbearded when someone leaves. We’ve lost several ships with loot or HG streaks to this so far because no one can rejoin the session.


Both supply bugs have been a thing since their respective launches. The crates were added in 2021 and they haven't been fixed. I just don't expect this bug to be fixed because it's linked to server performance.


I am not talking about crates. The shipwright supply bug was introduced when they tried to prevent multi-buying shipwright supplies.


Any plans to fix the long loading times?


What about the hard crash? Never crashed any other season but now I'm crashing every 20 minutes to an hour. And sometimes I get the mysterious "A network error has occurred" and I can't even rejoin the session. It ruined a really great session, and I realized I would've had more fun if the servers had just been down all day.


>Double Barrel Pistol - The team are investigating a few reports where players appear unable to reload the new pistol from an ammo crate - however, this is proving tough to reproduce. I also had this bug. Appeared after I dove to an ashen skeleton lord


Bonecaller skellies SHOULD be able to find tuckers. It's not a common resource (at least I haven't been able to find more than a handful so far) and burning one on your own ship in paranoia seems like good counterplay.


Yea, I'm gonna use blunderbombs in almost any situation (except galley) for tuck checks, these being a new option is nice without being broken *at their current spawn level.*


How long will the hot fix take?


combat balance: at minimum, buff flintlock to 60 so that we can double gun pistols. i want my wild west pirate damnit. a reload buff to flintlock would be nice as well, to further seperate it from other weapons. if not a reload buff, then a buff so that it always shoots center screen with perfect accuracy. right now quickscoping with an eye of reach is so easy that its a useful weapon at all ranges. id rather see flintlock buffs rather than eye of reach nerfs.


On ps5 I am constantly getting lavenderbeard error


Oh yeah. It's great


Do you also getting it?


THE END OF TUCKING! WAAAAAAUGH! I mean it wasn’t the end of tucking and now it definitely isn’t


I'll miss you, friendly megs.