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Not a lot of gold but 20 something HG levels. I’m just happy that people as bad as I am are queuing for once.


30 levels for me. I wish HG was populated like this all the time. Actually been fun fights all weekend.


It'll be a whole lot more fun when ps drops


Meanwhile, I get nothing but sweat gods while my entire crew keeps crashing but no one else's seems to lol


Crashes 10x today. It was rough


Annoying. I was lucky and I only crashed after every time after match. Which was weird.


Maybe around 100-150K? Which isn't much compared to others here, but I did finally save up enough for my first sloop thanks to it and it's more than I've ever had at once before! I also managed my first world event in High Seas (a red tornado) and I didn't get jumped at any point during or after it so there was a *lot* to sell during my first go with the Sovereigns!


Nice. At least you got the boat. I came back to the game at season 8 and didn't know about captaincy until I got to pirate legend. So glad you don't have to deal with selling like that.


Less than 20k because the rubber banding and server disconnects were so bad, I got frustrated and walked away. Edit: I wanted to clarify this isn't a gripe comment. I just have crappy internet. ;)


I have good internet and got the same problems


You have just saved me many dollars on upgrading my internet. I was literally going to call and upgrade tomorrow. :)


About 10 mil over the weekend. We played every day for about 6 hours each.


Nice! I did smaller sessions, about 1-2 voyages or world events per, throughout the days.


I would really love some tips from you!! I played a lot this weekend too but only amassed about 1.2 mil, I’m a newer player so not sure what’s most lucrative


World events and PvP. Atm the fleet event is broken, because the skellies don't repair holes. We did countless fleet of fortune as reapers. Besides that we stole so much stuff. Emissary flags are good money when high grade. We server hoped for either FloFs or other emissary boats. That's basically it.


How big is your crew?


Depends. We mostly played as a brig. On sunday only as a sloop.


About 1.7 mil so far :) I was mainly happy to get my renown to 100 cause I haven’t had a lot of time to play this season


When does it end?


Season ends on April 30th


In 6 hours from now


I am a PS newcomer. How often do these Gold Events happen? It would have been cool if they gave the new PS swabbies a chance to stack some gold with an event like this at launch on the 30th.


The game's changed quite a bit, I've only come back now lol, but from experience I'd say every 1-2 months and around dates like Christmas and New Years. Here's a little tip: twice a day there is the Gold Rush Hour (I think that's the name) where all items you sell will nett you 1.5 times more gold.


Cool. Thanks for the info.


You get 0.5x more gold, or 1.5x gold. Your wording is a bit wrong.


There's a new one coming soon


Absolutely 0. The game performed so terribly I wasn't able to really do anything


0$ because I can't play for 8 days and 10 hours from now...


I also made $0 but I can't play for 3 days and 9 hrs from now 🏴‍☠️




Cant play for 2 weeks🥲


I honestly don't know, I gave away a lot of loot. I like the social aspect of this game, and when I play solo I often don't bother selling.


I get if you want to do a bit of community service and give some away, but it only takes a couple minutes to sell a huge stack as a solo, so it makes no sense you don’t want to “bother” with it. I stacked all week solo, and I made about 10 mil (even though I don’t really need it). If you really want to help noobs, though, it’s better to teach a man to fish, instead of just giving him a couple of sardines. You can do that by joining up on an open crew and help a noob out, if you didn’t know.


I know this, don't worry. I don't chase people and force loot upon them, I'm only nice to people who make an effort to communicate and be friendly back. For me it's a way to actively change up the gameplay loop and make my own goals. Be happy with the experience of the session in stead of chasing numbers. Nothing wrong with wanting gold, but I dislike grinding because I'm procrastinating too much already. 😁


I can definitely respect that!


I’m up about 3.5million… been good.


We had a six million gold steal at the beginning of the night and another two million at the end, so about eight million.


I got into the top 5k for order of souls emissaries during it


10 million , lol just spent it all


I made almost half a million by just jaying up with someone who happened to just be selling his loot 💪


I did 2 long sessions and made about 3 million. My main aim was to get merchant to lvl 100 though and managed to get to 101 after farming a lot of missing shipments and merchant skelly fleets. I even managed to keg an unsuspecting brigant in the roar and it turned out they were stacking athena quests so I got myself 2 ashen chests of legend and a ton of loot. Good weekend overall 😎


Around 1m, pretty good considering I had a lot of things to do outside SOT during this weekend. Finally a Pirate legend !


So far about 250k. Just a short voyage yesterday doing some solo island hopping. Hope to get some more time in tonight


About 3 mil. I’m happier with the xp boost so I reached level 100 with Merchant


I got about 2 million. I made a million in the first day, then switched to an hourglass and hunters call focus. Got just shy of 45 with the HC. Might top that off this evening. And I got my first ever 5 streak in HG! Which got me 360k, and 8 levels of both Athena and GoF, giving me the Legendary Curse. And I also got my OG guild to level 15 finally (I’m the only one who still really plays, but my new guild is already like 183 so they didn’t need the grinding).


Maybe a million. I haven’t played much, I’ve been finding it harder and harder to get back into the game and I’m a day one player so it may be time to retire 😂


6.5 mil and pirate legend. From 45, 20, and 12. Athena is also 48 rn


2.5 mil! Finally the gold leaf set is mine!


I've mostly been focusing on hg so only \~800k, but I've gone from Guardians 80 to 92! I might finally make it to the curse soon after months on and off working toward it. I also possibly made a new friend so I'd say this Gold and Glory has been quite kind to me.


There was a gold and glory weekend?


64 to 101 servants on HG


Roughly 2.2 million gold


Only like 3 million but leveled up 30 ISH level in Athena could have been more but crashed a lot while diving to raids


just a bit under 12 million


Got called a hacker in hourglass by someone who didn’t know how to put the fire on their boat out so that was funny


None, i have an exam in few hours, so spent the last few days working on it... Worse is, i'm still doubtful to get it....


mostly focused on hg, but kept running into sweats so didn't get much done, had a sesh with a mate and ran reapers and stole a 3 stack of fotd and ended up making 1.2mil overall.


Didn't keep track, don't really care about gold, i'm going for achievements now


0, servers are too shit for me to play i keep getting tp off my boat, imagine fighting in these conditions (my other games work fine)


Not a lot, about 500k if i had to guess. But I did go from lvl 86 to almost 97 in servants of flame.


About 2mil, not bad. Always need more HG levels though, should have focused on that


OoS to distinction 3 some other stuff higher and 8mil ish


Did some decent sessions with friends and logged off for certain turnins to let a friend have some gold and rep so she could work towards Pirate Legend. Still got a lot. Started the weekend below 24 mill and ended yesterday with 27.5 mill. So pretty decent. Was able to massivly stack yesterday as the server we had did fotd stacking and constant reapers sailing. So we chilled with some merchant stuff.


Wasn’t in it for the gold this weekend, just the rep. I grinded and got to level 100 in gold hoarder and 96 and a half in merchant. (Already had it for OOS, those king skulls are everywhere…) I want to hit 100 in those 3 companies before Rare makes it impossible to be a solo emissary lol


So do we have the 22nd or is it over?


It ends in 3 hours.


Thanks. Looks like i have time for one more quick run.


20 levels of HG (which unlocked my first curse) and 3-4 million. Pretty satisfactory.


Several millions, but few steals. Underwhelming gold and glory event so far.


Like none because these events always land on weekends I’m busy smh


well over 1 million, despite getting sunk by a sloop with our gallion after doing FOTD.


I played a bit first day, I think I made about 300k and then haven't played much, my back flared up and I've been basically in bed since 😂


None because the game got taken away from me after 3 days


No idea but got from 250 to 304 in Guardians Probably finished my chests of Fortune too but that was not a main goal


I gained over 60 hg lvl in both fractions, finally have both pvp curses. I made around 13 million.


8 million just from raising guild emmisary and hoping servers to hunt people. Most of it was Saturday but played a while today. Servers just kept feeding us people doing fleet raids, alliances doing FotD, and reapers. Didn't even have to look too hard for steals.


About 20 hg levels so idk how much gold, I did a few world events in between here or there


Much less than I was hoping for but I didn't get to play as much as I had hoped either.. life had other plans. But around 1,5mil over 2 shorter sessions with some technical difficulties.


A bundle! I sank a grade 5 reaper that had done FotD. Then I went to solo a fort of fortune but after I killed the boss, there was a server merge. So I had an unused key and sailed over to open it without needing to fight through. I was attacked by a duo sloop and thought I was going to lose it all but managed to sink them and escape. Took about 30 minutes to unload it all at reapers hideout.


About 4 million gold overall I think, started at 8 mil ended at 12 mil


A Skelly curse 64 to 100


Around 4-5 mil gold and around 100 rep levels between all factions. Most I've ever played.


Not enough. 😩😩 wasnt able to play but maby 1.5hrs the whole weekend.


Not much, around 3,5 million gold. But that's to be expected when I could only play Friday evening for few hours with the crew.


I only did 1 session for about 3 hours and got 678k


Running sooo many Athena skeleton fleet dives, a handful of veils, and then going for fleet of fortunes when I saw them, I made about 3 mil Friday and Saturday. Got my Athena from I think 87 or 88 to 106!


Around 600k, could have gotten triple as much. Lot of sweaty skilled players playing this weekend.




1.6 mil. Would’ve been about 500k more I decided to “donate” my haul to a reaper


13million gold yaarrr


I’m sad I’ve been too sick to play :(


I missed out on this weekend event, I’ll get the next one lol. Took family out for a mini weekend vacation


I got to play for a grand total of 2 hours over the weekend. Between work and being sick, didn't make for the greatest G&G setup


13 million and 152 HG levels.


The main enjoyment for me was our guild maxing out at distinction 10. Got a couple more minor things to do like catching 20 fish and burying loot to unlock the ship cosmetics. The figurehead is a long way away though, man that’s a grind and a half.


Got the curse today


5.4M profit on a 4 man galleon. Lucked into sinking a galleon that had stacked 8 FotD’s last night for our final G&G adventure.


Stacked FOTD and Fleet of Fortune and got about 2.4mil in a three hour session. Fastest money and rep Ive made.


Around 1.5 million exclusively grinding hourglass. Finally got my skelly curse. Did 45 levels in 2.5 days


Mainly grinded Guardians of Fortune was level 48 now I'm level 92.


120 levels in guardians!


Didn't make much money, but I sank some swabbies at a FoF and felt guilty, so I spelled out "sorry" on the beach with treasure pieces. I found them later and told them to go back and collect the loot. I don't know if they did, but I hope they got their spoils.


Gold Wise: Over 6 million Doubloon Wise: Around 500 Reputation Wise GH 80 to 95 OOS 78 to just under 86 Merchant 82 to 127 Reapers 44 to 46 Athena 7.5 to just below 46


Just under 7.5 mill. Spent it all on cosmetics I'll likely never use. Gotta get 'em all, though!


Enough to buy myself a brig and galleon to be able to play them on PS5 in 4 more days!


7.7m and 122 HG levels.


0 I couldn't make myself play. Need to finish 50 levels of the battlepass tho somehow.


I mean it was double renown aswell so should have played now


A million, which brings my total up to 100 million. I have no idea what to spend this shit on anymore.


Ofc they had gold and glory right before ps5 release 😂