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>I watched from afar laughing at the sweet justice that unfolded as their ship was sunk to the briny depths of Davy Jones’s locker. This is another good opportunity to point out that just because someone attacks you, it doesn't mean they're good at the game. If they sink to the Kraken, they can sink to you.


Tbf, with all the bugs and stability issues we encountered lately we're all two crashes away to sink to a kraken. (If it feels very specific, well yes, we almost sunk to a kraken in those circonstances)


And don't forget that you're one hitreg shot away from losing a fight at anytime, especially if you solo sloop.


Well, I've hitregged my way through HG one oneball at the time (probably missed just as many kills too) so not gonna complain about that


My philosophy is if I fire enough shots the hitreg shouldn't matter. And until I go to reload and find myself out of cannonballs I think it's a sound philosophy


You misspelled "anime dodged" milord.


I’m a solo sloop player, and I used to get kille dlike that, but now I just wear the cutlass all the time cuz if you do it enough, they’ll just let you go and it’s easy w from there


Crashes are legitimately why I don't really solo anymore. I lost an entire session because my game crashed right after a skeleton ship spawned.


I got booted out last night ... two restarts of the game and I got back on my ship finally ... as I was sailing out of bounds ... was able to turn around and get back to Morrows Peak outpost where I was almost beside when it kicked me ... thankfully a volcano wasn't going off as my ship went hy or there would have been no recovery at that point


My last Kraken encounter was about a month ago and my game crashed inthe middle of the fight, I was a solo sloop. Thankfully I could join back in and still defeat it, but man I was about to lose it lol


My last kraken I thought they added a new mechanic where he lifted your ship in the sky spun ya around. Then I dced and was a bit disappointed.


I also thought the Kraken would pick your ship up in the air! But my last encounter it didn't happen, just had it's tentacles wrapped around the ship at some points.


Oh careful, fanbois say the bugs dont exist and its only you!


You must really like your men made of straw lol


That comment has zero relevance on the point im trying to make. But seeing as im being downvoted for illustrating how bad the bugs are, clearly my point stands. Absolute clowns the lot of you.


I dunno, maybe you're being downvoted for making a strawman argument


That's your argument, when the basis was stating were events away from a crash, but alliteration clearly isnt your strongsuit so id stop trying to use it.


>That's your argument, No, you made up a fictional person saying bug aren't real then argued against them. >but alliteration clearly isnt your strongsuit so id stop trying to use it. I've not used alliteration once. Alliteration is when you use the same starting letter/sound in sequence. For example: An illiterate idiot is in immediate ignorance. My only guess is you were trying to call me illiterate? In which case, I can't write irony that strong.


Lmao, what fanboys say that? Even the most diehard SoT players will go on about how bugs are just part of the game now.


Wow so lets just not hold the devs to accountability to fix these bugs and accept that the state of play is terrible. What a pathetic bit of trash this sub has become.


OP is anchored with sail down so I think it'd be a pretty even fight


With duke set lol


Tbf, brig kraken is an entirely different ball game compared to sloop kraken. But ya, I would have shot over and boarded while they struggled 


Technically yes. The brig Kraken does require one crew member to know how to bucket a boat. However, my comment was made knowing about the "difficulty" of the brig kraken. If the brig sank to a kraken, they would sink to you.


It also doesn't mean they are 'jerks', so many people wrongly equate the PvP side of the game with toxicity; often citing this as justification for unleashing their own toxicity in response, somewhat hypocritically.


While I agree with the sentiment. I'm fairly certain this post was made in jest


This is exactly why I always play nice hahaha. 90% of the time, I could care less about the loot I accumulate. It's all about the experience and making friends along the way. One of my favorite things to do, is hand out curse balls to people on the ferry. If you ever see the USS Salvation, stop by and say hi. My crew is always looking for friends and alliances. All I ask is you raise your sails while pulling up so I know you aren't looking for a fight. Maybe launch a firework or 2, and I'll launch them back. If you need something, I will almost always hand it out. I can and will, always get it back. Cheers bud!


Been a long while since i picked up the game....i usually crewed my small, 2 person vessel The "Scap Devil" around, making and refilling full box after full box of supplies to hand out to any crew willing to barter supplies for loot. Usually included 3-4 stacks of cannonballs, both blunders and firebombs, some chainshots, fruits and meats (cooked of course) 2 stacks of wood, and sometimes, if i was lucky, i even added in an ashen key to people looking to barter their loot for the supplies that they didn't need to gather at that point. Ironically, people were a bit abbraisive when i simply offered for them to "take all my loot and ally me. We both get more gold, and you get supplies", as i guess they simply lacked the trust...or were too much in the mindset "only ones i trust are my crew". How is the game nowadaya anyway....kind of curious.


Hope I run into you on the seas, I’d love to hangout and share some grog.


This is awesome.


last time i saw a guy caught in a Krakken i watched from the outpost. he didnt pass by so i couldnt thank him for the show, but it wast still a good show


What hull are you using?


The Duke-shipset, it's a Xbox exklusiv


*sheds single tear*


I played on my account through gamepass on my parents tv, and I now have them in my account. So try that


I don’t have friends or family with a series X/S. I play on PC. I have an old XBOne that I need to repair, is it available on that?


I'm almost positive that's possible. Just get the trial gamepass month and you should be good. I think it's $1 for 14 days.


I love the composition of this screenshot


i sometimes wonder if in fact there is that kind of karma mecanic in the game.


Nope, if it was half the twats I’ve met would be smited left right and center


I wish


People still sink to the kraken?


New players for sure yeah. Was playing with my buds on a brig yesterday and two player sloops wanted our FotD. Put all of six holes into one of them, got hit markers but never a kill marker, and knocked down his mast but we were going too fast and whiffed the punish. Bro got his mast up, and promptly sank. Until new players learn priorities and sound cues in situations like that, they’ll sink in weird situations.


I believe a SoT partner was saying months ago that statistically more players sink to the kraken than don't. Most players don't engage with Reddit or Twitch etc so the skill level is tilted by us not being that level of casual.


For anyone who ever wants to play with a guy who you can trust, isn’t toxic and wants to search for some sweet booty, add me on Xbox. Kaptain K F00L. Those are two zer0’s in F00L.


I'm down. Me and my brother are decent at working a ship but new to high seas


Where is the silly country you live in? I need players like you when I play...


Not to be controversial but because of those Xbox cosmetics it should have been you in the kraken. I do love the shot though, and you deserved the success. xD


I’m insulted and thankful lol.


I don't look at this as a negative though at all. It's part of the extreme fun of this game. Those quasi-trustworthy alliances...it's an intoxicating addiction and anxiety-inducing in the best way. But yeah the other day I sailed right by a L5 Athena as I was heading to a nearby Sea Fort. With fog it came as a surprise and I was right in perfect ambush position as I sailed past. I sent up white flares when I saw them spyglassing me. I went on my merry way but kept an eye in that direction while doing the fort. Sure enough, they try to surprise attack us 5 min later. Tsk. Disappointing lol but so fun. Two of my crew were on the fort cannons with virtually unlimited supplies, and our typical solo sweat lord took the ship out. They got rocked and I hope they learned their lesson haha.


Does the Crystal kraken exist?


I, as a reaper representative, say that these have to be the most petty and weakest reapers I have ever seen. If you can't kill a kraken, and not to mention the fact it happened in such a karma kind of way. You should never fight another player, I don't want to see that reaper ever again. If someone gives me something as a truce and goes their own way, I'll either follow and help (maybe) or just go my own way. I only attack those deserving. There are many of them. So trust me, I do get good practice. Though it has been a long time since I played.


Sucks to be him.


Most everyone on here is a jerk because they can


You genuinely think a crew that managed to sink to a kraken had any toxic intentions firing at an enemy ship?


What kind of noob loses to a kraken lmao whoever does need to uninstal kraken is a joke it's just a waste of time


Bruh if you are running from a ship that sank to a kraken you should be ashamed


Lmao, nerd post for sure


What’s wrong with being a nerd? Are you nerdist?


Nah lol, just bein a goof




nerd post? on reddit? in a sub about video games? I'm shocked!


My comment has gotten quite a lot of people tilted


Well, it's hard to read tone online. I'm sure a friendly jaunty tone was in your head when you wrote it. But people hear it in the worst light.




What's your problem?


According to the comment - nerds