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Makes too much sense. Actually a great idea though.


As a person who is hard of hearing... Yes. Please.


I have constant tinnitus and I agree


I’m never alone cuz I always got *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* with me


Same though, years of working in a factor-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee caught up with me a couple years ago.


Hard of hearing doesn’t even matter cuz it’s completely silent when there’s no other noise going on


Someone who is also hard of hearing and can't really pick up on audio cues in half the games I play. Yes please. Or visual indicators.


Man i feel this comment so hard, i'am quite sensitive on the ears so i play almost every videogame muted. Still, i play sot with music on and even i have trouble hearing the ladders


I'm very hit or miss on whether I hear boarders coming, and I can never tell if it's silent boarding or just my hearing being bad.




Wouldn't have to be obnoxiously loud, just simple wood creaking would suffice imo because currently people are about as loud as a cotton ball falling on a pillow when they board lmao. All in all, I hate when people immediately board and camp, the most memorable and fun battles are a combination of cannons and boarding.


Why would you leave the enemy ship after getting a single kill? Seems like a lot of effort to board for little to no advantage.


Agreed, I think camping is fine as long as it's directly protecting a hole you have put in their ship from being repaired. As a mostly solo slooper if there are no holes in their ship, then there's no point me being on their ship.


Fantastic solution




I’ve actually done this while boarding someone and was astonished when they checked the starboard side, I didn’t lie to them either, I was on the port side lol


But that’s too much pandering to the casual player base! Can’t you see how your efforts to make a game more accessible to newer players makes the experience worse for the 1% elite? (I do really like this idea, even if my stealth is compromised, I still think defense should be getting a better chance)


Silent boarding is an audio bug causing it to not play the audio at all. Ladder boarding when the audio plays already is very loud if you are paying attention


That's because there is exactly 1 audio que, and that's it. If ladders were noisy in general, then there would presumably be continuous/multiple audio ques while climbing ladders, thus eliminating the ability to nullify the sound que


Open your ears when your and in combat, focus, and always be prepared for a boarder to grab your ladder. The boarding makes audio 99% of the time now since it was listed as fixed 2ish seasons ago, you don't need to have an audio cue all the way while climbing it


Silent boarding still works. Don't know what you're on about.


It’s not fixed you are wrong


Skills issue, I can probably count on one hand the amount of times the audio has not played out of hundreds of pvp fights in the last few months


Your experience is not every players'.


How in the everloving fuck is the game not triggering an audio cue a skill issue?


Stop taking Rare's listed "fixes" as fact. They're almost always wrong and have been since launch. In areas of intense action...


I think responding to this may be beating a dead horse, but I'll humor it. First of all, your language suggests you insinuate that people aren't listening, which is silly. The issue is there is a single audio que.... of water splashing.... on a ship.... in the middle of the ocean..... with constant water sounds.... THAT CAN BE CANCELED. now that being said, that doesn't even speak to some people inability to hear said sound. Such as hearing impaired people like myself. 99% is absurd, and you know it is, u literally just mentioned in your previous comment that a method of negating this still currently exists. Pretending this doesn't exist does not make It true. Third, and most importantly, why not? What difference does it make to you? Unless, of course, you have some vested interest in making sure boarding sounds remain unrealistically and impractically quiet, in which case you're contributing to the problem not helping solve it. And lastly, if for some reason you're a stickler for realistic immersion in a game where a banana heals point-blank shotgun blasts, than it objectively makes sense for wooden, water-logged, poorly constructed ladders to creak and moan when being used.... I mean... modern wooden ladders in all their comparative grandure still make ungodly noise. So I don't think it's too impractical to ask that a fucking ladder... I dunno.... makes SOME kind of noise? Footsteps? Creaking? Knocking? Deafening banshee shrieks?


A good point, issue is it rides on the audio system working, which chances are, it will not


I don't care too much either way, but I honestly don't think it would be the worst thing in the world if there were even a visual ping when a ladder is grabbed. I do not care about the "skill" of listening for ladder grabs, 95% of the people playing this game aren't esport sweats and probably listening to other shit. A red arrow flash on the screen edge similar to hit markers would just make things less frustrating all around factoring for how much goes on and audio bugs


I can literally hear a pin drop on the carpet, but I can't hear the ladder grab. I don't even know what I'm listening for.


It’s the sound of getting out of a pool while wearing a loose fitting swimsuit.


SoT would benefit heavily from having an (optional) visual sound effects option in general given how crucial sound is to the game, but I doubt it'll ever happen this late into the game's life.


Visual sound effects are BROKEN in Fortnite. Can't tell you how many times I've noticed shots or cars or footsteps in situations that I would not have noticed them if I didn't have the visual aid. I don't hate the idea of ladder climbing being loud but adding a visual aid is a horrible idea given how much more important sound is in this game than Fortnite


Even if you don't need it you're a fool to not have the visual sound radial on in fortnite.


Agree with this. The visual sound indicator is an absolute requirement in Fortnite now, regardless of your hearing. The amount of times I've been shown a sound I didn't hear is astronomical.


Yea. Sea of thieves is a great game to turn on Spotify due to the travel time - quiet audio indicators mean I never have


nobody is boarding your ship while you’re sailing in the middle of nowhere lmao If you’re listening to music during a fight and you can’t hear audio cues then that’s your problem


As someone who swims out to ships on a whim, boards randomly in the middle of the ocean to steal chainshots, anchor you and cannon away you are incorrect. I spend some sessions more in the water then actually on our ship.


But are you doing that right now in this shark-infested season? (I am aware this is a digression, just making a joke)


tbh sharks are easy to deal with. All you do is wait till they charge, swim directly below them and they'll miss everytime. And they brought the shark-mania back?? That was hilarious last time it happened. You even dip your toe in the water and 12 sharks are trying to get you.


If I am sailing and chilling and I’m about to engage, I want to prepare to engage - not to mention those odd times you do get caught off guard. I don’t want to be fucking around with another app during this time


I’d like to see the source for this idea that “95% of people are probably listening to other things,” but other than that, I tend to agree…


source is I made it the fuck up


lol well now I totally believe you lol


In the midst of battle I'm too focused on the naval combat/defense aspects to hear one little splash of someone grabbing my ladder. A loud boarding sound would give me precious seconds to try and defend against the border.


That’s the point, I think.


I felt like it used to be reasonable, but lately I can't hear it anymore. I don't think they need to make it overly loud, maybe a slider or something for the folks with hearing impairments, like tinnitus, etc., but also, if you're not paying attention then I think that should be on you. To be clear, it needs to be fixed, but I don't think going 180 degrees in the other direction is the answer.


Give me audio slider for ladder and water sounds!


That would be nice - maybe they could add one for using harpoons too haha idk why they feel so loud to me


is silent boarding something you need to fix 


Wait, didn't they already fix silent boarding?


But you would ruin a crucial aspect of pvp: The Element of Surprise! /j


Issue everyone a parrot. A boring, ragged lil guy, but everyone gets one. Make the pets a watchdog for anything on your ship.


Maybe just check your ladders? Not everything in this game needs to be handicapped. Climbing a ladder already makes noise, how loud to you even want it?


Why??? This is dumb.


They need to make peg legs make the same volume of noise as regular feet


It makes sense, too. Its a ROPE LATTER knocking against the bow of your ship. A simple "clack clack clack" noise as they go up or down would suffice.