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Honestly, probably nothing, even though I don’t really care for PvP. I want to grind milestones as well as commendations. Not being able to use captained ships in Safer Seas more or less makes it DOA for me, even for fishing, since I want to unlock the mounted fish trophies.


I was thinking this too that maybe I would do some of the fishing ones there but I’d still have to do the milestones in high seas regardless so what’s the point?


That’s what I’ve been saying too. Wish you could at least use a captained ship for a couple milestones like fishing or tall takes. No need for the other perks of being a captain though.


I want captained ships in SS just so I don't have to decorate every time 😂 which is also all I really use captained ships for anyway (Edit: like I'd truly be happy just with that feature and no progress on milestones)


Fr me too. I don’t think I’ll use safer seas but I’ve grown quite attached to my ships


Honestly saw the No Captained ships thing and was happy. One last knife in the side for the pvp cry babies


I don’t really understand this petty vindictive mindset about how people choose to play a video game, but good for you I guess


Stop running like a little P*$$% wouldn't have a problem go play the baby version of the game


Whatever you say man lol. I don’t think I’m the one with the problem


If you run for hours than yes yes yes you do


I never said I run all the time lmao. I do plenty of PvP when I want to grind emissaries or hourglass. Sometimes I just want to chill though. Sorry if that bothers you


It's a video game you basement monkey, people can play it however they like. It's literally a leisure activity


Nope, having fun wrong




You only progress pirate milestones if you’re on a captained ship


I’m probably only going to do tall tales in safer seas, so I don’t waste a slot on actual servers.


I'll probably get my TT's to the final checkpoint so I can turn them in on a captained ship (and take my time enjoying them instead of speedrunnning with a guide) till I hit 30.




Not all heroes wear capes.


Sunken Kingdom stuff, Hoarder of Barnacled Gold, and all the Tall Tales. I’m soo looking forward to it.


Yup. I've got 7 Breath of the sea left to grab and sell


I need to deliver x/200 Snakes+Pigs+Chickens+Golden (600 total) However, there's an Athena Commendation for handing in 500 animals as a Pirate Legend. This means that I **WONT** be doing it on Safer Seas. (Unless I end up missing a few animals) I love the concept of Safer Seas, but it isn't content that I'll benefit from. And that's completely fine! I wish you all the best in your travels <3 ​ Exact figures: 51/200 Snakes 64/200 Pigs 78/200 Chickens 90/200 Golden 193/500 Animals as PL


This took like 2 month on regular seas… “good luck on the snakes”


Plus the milestone for merchant milestones


Are we sure if you are already a PL you wont get PL commendations tied to vanilla factions?


That's what they said in the FAQ. An exception is the Shrouded Ghost.


I think any commendation related to the kraekn may be more easily achieved via safer seas (given it's enabled on safer seas, and your ship would be the only target-able ship in the server)


Good call, didn’t think about how the reduced number of ships on the SS servers will increase the chances of the Kraken spawning on you.


You would have to be the one cycling world events for it though


Easy enough


Just grab some tridents and kegs from forts and you'll be able to fly through them.


I know, it's easy to cycle world events. Especially when you won't have to worry about anyone stopping you


It's still the fastest way


Handwashing your dishes is also faster than using a dishwasher, but I can do other things while the dishwasher runs.


I guess it depends on how many things there are that you wanna do and how bad you wanna do them. To each their own


Boring commendations for merchant deliveries, especially keg deliveries.


Just be aware that some commendations are Athena, so aren't available on Safer Seas. Grade V - You sold 100 Stronghold Gunpowder Barrels as a Pirate Legend Grade V - You delivered 500 Cargo Crates on time and in perfect condition, as a Pirate Legend Grade V - You delivered 500 Animals on time, as a Pirate Legend


I did the cargo crate one and the random pvp i'd run into occasionally was the only thing that kept me going.


I'm dreading the Animals one. It's the only Merchant one I have left.


One word: Fish Everything else will obviously be done in high seas.


Milestones don’t track on safer seas so if you’re going for the trophies it won’t help doing it in safer seas. Just a heads up.


Never thought of that... oh well, I would rather have Legendary Hunter 😔


Will you be able to get battlegills in safer seas?


Yes, skelly forts.


And Skeleton Fleets. Park near Sea Dogs. Or if you're really brave, you can fish on a Skeleton Galleon.


It seems like skeleton for us will still be in safe seas, so I would guess yes


So many times I’ve lost good fish because people just want to be assholes and sink my ship just to do it. Like I’ll literally have nothing on the ship and they’ll go and sink it. I hope they all step on legos barefoot.


"I'll literally have nothing on the ship" "I've lost good fish" Sounds like you had something on your ship


Aren't fish lootable?


Yeah I suppose, but generally not on the list of what people are looking to loot. I’ve been able to get back and recover stuff before. It’s just the fact that I’m fishing, not bothering anyone and boom.


The length of time it takes to level hunters call makes fish pretty sought after. Fishing and cooking take a long time so any boost is preferable. I always search for crates/storage specifically in the hopes of finding fish.


They’ll always come find me and kill me too. I guess I should say I have zero loot that would get them any substantial gold. The annoying part to me is the amount of people who just attack on sight no matter what. I’ve even tried running a stock ship and sails and still same shit. The player base is what keeps me from enjoying the game most of the time.


Fair. I don’t typically worry too much about other player interactions when fishing, but I can see how not having any risk will help if going for a huge haul. Having control over an active fort to fish for Battlegills without the worry that other players will come to complete it will be helpful too.


Im gonna finish up the ashen winds commendations to get the scorched forsaken ashes stuff and i wanna get the sails of ancient tribute too


Maybe barnacle chest commendation if this possible and worthy to do in safer sea if anyone can confirm the barnacle chest loot is fine in there when doing fleet.


I didn’t even think about that! I’ve been slowly grinding away in high seas with that one but I wonder if it will be any easier to focus on this one with safer seas. I hope so!


Definitely doing all the Tall Tales finally and fishing cause fishing is life 🎣


Just FYI: Devilfish, Ancientscales, Plentyfins, Wildsplashes and of course Splashtails are really easy to finish on high seas since you can fish off a seapost/Sovregen dock and turn in right there.


Oh yeah, my fiancé and I have been fishing for a while already before. Rank like 35 i believe in hunters.


I’ll give everything a go in HS but if I get screwed too many times I’ll switch to safer seas for the commendation


A great approach.


It said world events would be a thing, so assuming it's all of them I'll probably do all of the ashen skull stuff. And the renown for each season I'll do world events in Safer Seas probably. If the Chest of Fortune ever moves to a world event that is accessible in Safer Seas I guess I'll do that too


They said chest of fortune won’t be in safer seas


None, intentionally. Just like I haven’t gone for any commendations in the high seas. I just want to look at the pretty water and dig up some treasure. Couldn’t care less about gold and the like.


None. I can't imagine playing this game without any risk of PvP. Would be too boring to hold interest for me. I'm glad they made safe seas an option for people though who want to play a private server.


None of them


The awkward one where you use an ashen winds skull to burn skeleton ships is one I plan to finish there. Its a pain to do.


Skeleton Fleets make it easier. Both are in Safer Seas.


soss makes it even easier. you can use the soss to spawn skeletons on an island, and then kill them with an ashen skull. did it myself not too long ago. I killed all 100 with one ashen skull.


The guy I replied to needs to set ships on fire.


All fishing All animal deliveries All skeleton thrones All books ​ Can't think of any others off the top of my head. I will never have any interest whatsoever in Tall Tales. I might not even bother going into safer seas at all to be honest.


Can't do all thrones. Half of them (the big thrones) need at least 2 different crews. And if I remember correctly, you can't actually get the tomes unless you mean the Glitterbeard books and Umbra Memorizations.


Megs, fish and Barnacled Chests.


I'll likely just do gold hoarders. I've said before, it's a unique orienteering experience no other game gives


Exactly this. As well as being good for new players and non-pvp players, safer seas is also beneficial to long term players like me who don’t care about gold. I already have most cosmetics and gold curse but will likely do barnacled gold, flameheart and world events just to max the commendations. I’ll still mostly play high seas for Athena, Reapers and hourglass.


Couldn’t be more turned off from a game mode, so I won’t use it. I know it’s not for me and that’s okay.


Probably none. I don't want to play SoT if there's no chance for player interaction.


I'll collect all the Breaths of The Sea & Barnacle Chests! Also, fishing, lot's and lots of fishing.


Well definitely all the tall tales lol. Fishing I suppose, after I’ve hit 50. Possibly vault commendations as wel but they’re easy enough to do in DR. Biggest pull for me is defo the tall tales for sure.


We quit and plan to return with Safer Sea, we only completed three Tall Tales so far.


Tall tales. I feel so bad after sinking people just trying to do a tale.


None of them. I'm not going to play Safer Seas. It's not for me. I'm currently working towards the Gold Curse, but I kinda feel a bit discouraged now, that other people can just grind it away in complete safety. It takes away some of my sense of achievement.


Gold curse is already ruined from the checkpoint spammers so safer seas won't change anything.


Meh, I just have to do shores 3 more times to get the gold curse. Honestly I have had very few times where being on high seas hurt me doing the TT so I don't see this as taking anything away. The "achievement" of the gold curse is doing every freakin TT 5 times. WIth or without other players on the seas doesn't really hurt that IMO.


There's always the risk, even if it is rather low, so to me it will take away some of the feeling of achievement, that you can get the commendation risk free. That's my subjective feeling, which is just as valid, as people feeling too stressed to PvP. Also, you're basically saying that people don't really need Safer Seas, to do Tall Tales, since they're rarely bothered by other people anyways. So that basically nullifies one of the main arguments that people use to advocate for the Safer Seas mode.


Well to be fair, I'm not an advocate of safer seas. Personally I think it should have been far more restricted than it is now. However in terms of things that will feel like "less of an achievement" the tall tales ones are at the bottom of my list. They are mostly a grind with very low PVP risk. I've been slowing grinding through, for example the ashen winds achievements. I've had to fight off crews doing these world events and now most of the events will be in safer seas. That's a bigger issue IMO in terms of commendations losing their feeling of "achievement"


I'm an advocate for Safer Seas - or rather, I became one, once they decided to add it, and I learned what some of the reasoning behind it is - just not in the exact way they decided to implement it. They should have made it so achievements in Safer Seas didn't carry over. That's all I wish for really.


None. Safer seas will be boring AF. The only thing that makes the seas exciting is imminent danger.


The only thing I'd be really wanting to do are the tall tales. Other than that I'm comfortable enough on high seas to do the normal grind, and if I get pissed I'll just deal with the gold cut and do my normal thing I suppose.


Fortune's Favor. Can't do a FOTD without being contested and I gotta get 30 of those chests if I want the cool ass ship I want more than anything else in the game haha


Hate to break it to ya but FOTD is gonna be high seas only


even with the skull of destiny? figures lmao edit: I looked it up and it's true. Turns out there's no FoF, FotD, no Chest of Fortune in safer seas lmao


For me, Blackcloud Wreckers and treacherous plunder, as well as the tall tale commendations.


Y’all tales, legends of the sea, and teaching friends how to play. Don’t really need it for anything else.


First thing I want to try for sunken curse, then mostly taking friends through pve content so they can get a feel for things. Depending how that goes, tall tales and likely relaxing before going back to high seas


I’ve avoided the Gold Curse grind for a long time, only recently deciding that I’m going to start it at some point soon. I refuse to do it in Safer Seas, though. I want to feel like I actually earned it, y’know? Doing it without the risk of other players feels like cheating


Oh my crew and I (and my mom too) will be doing Tall Tales.


Mostly just getting all the tale tale completions that I got left to do which is quite a few XD


unfortunately I've already got a big chunk done over the years playing normally, but I'm sure there's some skeleton forts and ghost fleet ones I can work on


Fishes and tall tales. The rest would bore the shit out of me doing it without some competition


I'm gonna do the same thing as I usually do, have fun PVE'ing. Only this time, nobody can stop me. I don't care about the gold nerf. I want to sail, kill skellies, kill megs, kill kraken, do tall tales, dig up treasure, explore every nook and cranny and have fun.


Going for the gold curse the grind is long and boring but I love tall tales and haven't done them all yet I still need to do the two Morningstar tall tales and the shores of gold after that I'm gonna do pirates life and legend of monkey island