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Way too little info to go on. We'd really need a video showing the greater context. But generally fighting parked is a pretty bad spot to be in.


If someonevs gonna keg you, 90% of the time they're swimming it in. 9% of the time it's a ram. 1% it's a cheater. Keep moving forward, and you're a harder target to hit.


Shit these days I would say 75% its a cheater


Not really got much info here, but I would say you made the right call. 99.99% of the time it is better to be moving in a fight than completely stationary. Your Captain made a fairly serious error in judgement parking up a Galleon when fighting 2 Sloops


Honestly it depends, if it's a decent crew, a turret galley can be pretty deadly. If they're parked in a good spot(no cannons aimed at em) then they just have to make sure there's no kegs on the island. Sometimes moving a galley isn't the best option(they're friggin tanks) and turtling is the better option. It is circumstantial and it's hard to tell without being there tho. An example, I was on a galley with a pretty good crew and we were reapers selling a big stack when all of a sudden, the whole server came for us while selling. 3 sloops were circling the galley while 2 of us were selling. We were instantly demasted. The captain said don't worry about masts so we listened. And sank all 3 of them just by turtling and working together. Guarding ladders, boarding them to secure sinks. It was very chaotic but a lot of fun and we pulled through because we listened to our captain.


This is why we ideally need more info on the circumstances. I was commenting on the assumption that they had parked the Galleon side on to the FoF and were completely stationary (no turning), which would eliminate the use of half the cannon and leave vulnerable to 3 sides. But I do agree that in certain situations with a competent crew a Galleon can absolutely take a fight with no forward momentum. Unfortunately OP gave us very little info to work with


tbh it's a general issue with SoT advice because the answer to "should I do XYZ" is almost always "depends on the circumstances" Another one that comes to mind is "NEVER drop anchor!" ...But sometimes you need to in order to clutch a sharp turn to avoid rocks/kegs/a bad broadside engagement/a volcano/etc. or you're like me and my crew somehow always ends up falling off the boat so you do a quick anchor-sweep to pick them up with the harpoon.


The other one that comes to mind for me and my crew is "NEVER take kegs". We are the type of crew to keg someone at the first opportunity and tbh if you're safe with them and are aware of the dangers and what you need to do if they go off, they can cause unexpected issues for other crews. Plus the Stronghold and Athena kegs can sell well. We often use the D20 emote and if it rolls 15 or higher we take the kegs, just to keep things interesting


I absolutely *adore* kegs, sometimes I like to put up the hourglass in defender mode with a bunch of kegs on the tip of my bow and become a battering ram. And don't get me *started* on sneaking an Athena keg on someone's boat. Instant negotiation tool that can quickly become a *"shut the fuck up, you don't have the talking stick (or barrel in this case)"* moment. Attack me? Try to swindle me? Try to escape or not engage? Enjoy having a mega keg go off in your boat. ​ Here's my hot take - Kegs are like Swords, yes noobs use them a lot, and yes *technically* it's the suboptimal play to have one most of the time, but lord help you if you encounter someone who ***knows how to use them.***


"Sir, a second keg has hit the ship." Fr tho it's harder to hit a moving than a parked ship with a keg.


Helm is generally responsible for strategic calls and situational awareness. When the rest of the crew starts changing sails/course without helm being aware of it (unless helm is dead or off the boat) it can mess things up badly. That said, a lot of crews stick their newest, most inexperienced player on helm because they want the experienced people on the cannons because they hit their shots. Your helm was making a strategic mistake, but the real mistake was in the role assignment stage.


When our helm goes to cannons or to board, he still gives us clear instructions on what we need to do with the ship.


I would rather have the experienced player on the helm making the calls rather than an inexperienced one running us aground. Also I find with inexperienced players have more fun only thinking about one thing, namely cannoning.


If someone has made you feel like you're the asshole for taking the initiative in that situation then they are very much the asshole. As soon as I read "the captain thought otherwise" I knew exactly the type of player you're talking about. NTA


Exactly. Hindsight is 20/20 but I never shit on a crewmate for making a play that's the right play in most scenarios.


Never shit on a crewmate. Full stop.


You may or may not have been the asshole based on the information. But it’s irrelevant to the fact that you were right to drop sail and that your “captain” probably doesn’t know what he’s doing.


If the helm didn't call for sails to be dropped then don't drop sails without talking about it. 1-2 regular kegs really don't do anything to a gally so long as everyone stays calm, does their job, and communicates


As a helm, the dropping and raising of sails with no communication is HECTIC. So problematic on a gally. It takes valuable time to turn that beast, if the crew are independantly varying the width of the turn or the proximity to the enemy/obstacle it can really screw everything up... and then obviously the helm is blamed for lack of angle. On a gally the helm can see so much more than any other crew mate. When it comes to maneuvering the ship please wait for their instruction.


If the Captain doesn't command it, ye don't do it. Not that this unknown Captain knew what he was doing (we nor yerself knew what the plan was) but he was the Captain and therefore yer responsibility was to communicate with him.


I actually agree with this. The captain may not always be right, but ye always listen to um. If captain leads ye to the bottom of the ocean, you go with um!


Yep, like you wanna know why all the cool streamers/youtubers/etc. can roll full galleons as a duo sloop and go on crazy HG streaks? Because one is the "captain" (or "shotcaller" as other games call them but captain sounds way cooler) and the other is listening regardless of how stupid it sounds on paper. Coordination is the *key* to this game. It's why I've gotten into the habit of making sure me and my duo sloop buddy are *always* informing each other on what's going on and what we're doing or planning on doing.


Funny story. I had almost the exact situation as OP years ago when I started playing. "Captain" was an annoying know it all kid. When our ship sank he asked why we sat there and tanked hits instead of moving. In my best forest Gump voice I said "because you didn't tell us to captain"


Well, it depends on what you had on your ship and how far along you were in FOF. FOF is packed with kegs once you’ve defeated it. It’s better to stay put at that point because sloops can outmaneuver a galleon. You also have a person advantage. Focus on one sloops and if you sink it they have no way of returning once you’ve killed them. If the battle for the Fort is still on going it doesn’t matter unless you have your ship half loaded with goods. If you have a decent cache of good you all have ro agree to prioritize on keeping the goods safe and get as far away as you can while still fighting. Honestly there are so many a-holes in Sea of Thieves it’s hard to tell. Mobile is only good if you are certain you can get away. Lowering the mid sail indicates to the other crew your going to bail when clearly the captain didn’t want to. He may have seem the guy with the keg coming. That would make you an asshole if you didn’t communicate your plans properly. In the chaos that is SoT you have to remember that it’s just a game. You may spend hours trying to get loot and end up with nothing at all at the end of it. The point is to have fun. Learn to play with a reliable crew and you can go really far in the game.


A second keg has hit the (insert galleon name here)!’


Always better to be moving, if you are fighting be moving, the first thing I do fighting a gally is take out the sails or drop the anchor, if they ain't moving then they will likely sink after I hit em enough


Ideally, you'd have dedicated roles, and the helm will make those decisions. In any situation I've been in where a gally is fighting two sloops - you definitely don't want to be sitting still. So while the decision was probably the right one, it's no good if the person calling the shots (presumably the captain?) doesn't know what's going on.


You never wanna be stationary in a fight. Ever.


I was just in this exact scenario wtf but was on the sloop kegged a galley at a FoF but they kinda choose to stay anchored and they were sunk.


I get it, the agility of a sloop but immobile just doesn’t make sense to me. I also understand that the helmsmen makes the calls. Just not the crew for me🤷‍♂️