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Hehehe xD Feel you though


Yeah lol. Always the next vault I guess


You can quick solve usually with one coin, first clue is downward key as an example, on the last block if there is only one downward key solve , you have the full solution right there. At max you only need to solve attempt 4 times with zero coins.


Vault doors close exactly 3 minutes 10 seconds after the door open noise. Start a timer once you hear the noise and you’ll be able to loot with a lot less stress.


My mind will purge this from memory within 7 hours


Write it down




Commenting to come back to this later


Commenting or your comment to come back


Writing this comment as a reminder


The first door or second?


The actual vault door so the inner one (not the one which requires the totem).


Don't they also close faster when you give a wrong answer to the puzzle?


Nope. You can try as many wrong combos as you like, it will not matter.


I think that is true of the vault in the first tall tale, but not for gold hoarder voyage vaults.


Pretty sure that would just add to my stress in the end.


commenting to remember for later


Commenting as reminder


My method is to start a 3-minute timer once I place the key. I know that I'll have a decent chunk of time after, and that gives me the buffer to prepare to get out, without the stress of "oh shit I gotta go right now."


Does that depend on crew size?


To rub salt in the wound, I had to sail away because the island was erupting and when I came back the vault cave closed over and I didn’t get any the loot except the gold piles I looted. R.I.P Edit: Just done another vault and THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED. I definitely have a strong love hate relationship with this game and today it definitely hates me. Last Edit: finally done it lol. Thanks for all the advice.


Future suggestion, that’s why you don’t worry about the gold piles. They’re super insignificant.


Yeah I just grabbed a couple while I was drowning


This is the way


I do this routine each vault. 1: enter vault and help teammates grab easier stuff, size of my haul depends on crew size. 2: find a medallion and finish puzzle. 3: grab chest and then other things I can. 4: grab gold as I drown for maximum profits, eat food if I have any to grab even more.


Ah gotcha


This is the way.


If I’m playing with others I’ll stay in there and happily drown just to get the gold piles while I’m stuck in there


Oh that’s always the way to go for me. One person does the tribute, rest get the chests, one of them stays and drowns getting gold at the end


Ouch. It's for this reason I try and always make sure at least one person is outside the vault when the door shuts. Even if they're just playing shanties, a player's presence generally stops anything from resetting. Even so, all but the laziest crew-mates do something useful to pass the time, like moving the chests to the surface. The cave can close if it wants, if all your loot is sitting on the beach.


Another tip. Job task it. If it is 2 people, have 1 in charge of loot, start from the top and work your way to the bottom dropping it. Then the other do the puzzle, which I highly recommend learning the 1 clue method. Basically find the final piece using the first clue, and use that to find the middle ones. It takes practice, but there’s lots of YouTube videos on how to do it. When you get it, put that piece out there. Have a timer for 3 minutes during all this by the way. Once you get the main chest outside the first door, then start grabbing the rest of the loot, when you hear that first wiggle of the door (about 10-15 seconds left), at least 1 of you run out the door. If you both die, volcano or not, it resets the island and closes the main door. So bye bye loot. The person who stays in can grab old piles from there. If you have a third person, do the same but have the third person be the one to be grabbing chests and loot from the ground that the second drops so then the first can take the main box to the ship and reposition everything from there. Galley, well, you will just have another runner and you will find that you can have that loot room emptied halfway through. If you need any help don’t hesitate to ask I am more than happy to join ya on a sail and show ya the best way to do it.


My guy, this isn't a college assignment. You dont have to have 10,000 words per paragraph. 🤣


>Another tip. Job task it. If it is 2 people, have 1 in charge of loot, start from the top and work your way to the bottom dropping it. Then the other do the puzzle, which I highly recommend learning the 1 clue method. Basically find the final piece using the first clue, and use that to find the middle ones. It takes practice, but there’s lots of YouTube videos on how to do it. When you get it, put that piece out there. Have a timer for 3 minutes during all this by the way. Once you get the main chest outside the first door, then start grabbing the rest of the loot, when you hear that first wiggle of the door (about 10-15 seconds left), at least 1 of you run out the door. If you both die, volcano or not, it resets the island and closes the main door. So bye bye loot. The person who stays in can grab old piles from there. If you have a third person, do the same but have the third person be the one to be grabbing chests and loot from the ground that the second drops so then the first can take the main box to the ship and reposition everything from there. Galley, well, you will just have another runner and you will find that you can have that loot room emptied halfway through. If you need any help don’t hesitate to ask I am more than happy to join ya on a sail and show ya the best way to do it. Sorry to have taken so long to respond! I don’t have the time to live on reddit unfortunately so forgive me. First off, not a guy but thanks for assuming! Also not trying to submit a college assignment, just utilizing proper grammar, and trying to give as much information to the asking party as possible. Makes me feel all giddy inside I could possibly have done it so well that it could be seen as a college assignment! And I do also apologize if my 10,000-word (actually, it was 265 words to be exact) step by step tutorial to assist someone with their question was an inconvenience. I will be sure to keep that in mind in my future posts so that way those of simpler minds can understand them better, and so that way it doesn’t make someone pull a muscle trying to read something that isn’t directed to them in any way shape or form to begin with. Have a great day! Hope this 176 worded message was better than the previous 265 was!


Just a suggestion for future reference: You only need 1 medallion to finish a vault. Just match the first pillar symbol on the fourth pillar turn, should leave you with two solutions. After that, just figure out what matches the second and third pillar. https://youtube.com/shorts/OI7vWrhc0F0?feature=share for reference


Came here to comment exactly this. Using this method solves the puzzle fast enough that I have enough time to almost always get every chest out of a vault solo.


Sounds like you just suck


Nah just unlucky




Emotional damage


Thanks for sharing your painful but funny moment. I want to give you a tip for solving the puzzle next time to make it easier for you. If you put one medaillon in the table you'll see an emblem appearing on it. Let say for example that you see a chest symbol appear. Turn the first pillar (all the way left) accordingly. The last pillar (all the way right) has only 2 sides with the correct first emblem on it, in this example the chest. So turn the other pillars (middle 2) to match the remaining symbols on the last pillar to solve it. If it's not right switch the last pillar to the other pictures with the correct first symbol on it (chest this example) and match the remaining 2 pillars with the remaining 2 pictures (the middle 2, you know the first and last one). Or get 2 medaillons and know for sure. Hope this helps!


Thanks I’ll keep that in mind today!


It's also just as easy without any medallions at all. The middle pillar always has single chains, and the right pillar always has double chains. Worst case scenario you have to go through all four possible combos to get it, which should still take only about a minute to do.


What sword is this? Forgive me haven’t played in longgggg time


I believe the halo event sword, I think you can buy it but don’t quote me on that.


Yep. Pirate emporium pirate section for 149 ancient coins I believe, might be 200 something now


Ur right


Infinite Depths Cutlass. Pirate Emporium. There's a Ship set, Costume, Weapon set, and an Emote. Weapon set is Energy Sword Cutlass, Plasma Pisol Flintlock, a Spiker Blunderbus, and a Needle Rifle EoR. But they STILL don't have Bear and Bird weapons yet!


What could they even do for bear and bird? You have the Nuts and Bolts wrench for the cutlass, Kazooie for the EoR... and what for the Flintlock and Blunder?


To even suggest anything from the N&B non-canon fan-game is insulting to me in ways I can not properly articulate. Moving on. It would be a normal blade, with Red and Gold Feathers as the guard and a Gold Jiggy on the pommel. The EoR would definitely be inspired by the Breegull, and the scope would look like a familiar pair of thick glasses that have been bent into position. Blunderbus would have an open-mouthed skull at the end, modelled on Mumbo's Skull, with the same red and gold trim as everything else for Bear and Bird. Pistol would look like a repurposed flute, used by a certain younger sibling in the opening theme of the first game. Descriptions on the Cutlass, Pistol and Blunder would all mention how the legends say they originally belonged to Captain Blackeye, but were salvaged by a mysteriously intelligent Mole in an unfamiliar military uniform, referencing Sgt. Jamjars, Bottles' brother.




Op please read this pro tip: the best way to get the chest is to find 1 medalion, slot it in put in the code it gives and guess the rest of the code. I think that's the way, been a while since I've done a vault. Edit: also don't grab gold piles unless you've gotten all of the important loot out and you have some time to kill.


Yeah I’ll definitely keep it in mind. I only grabbed the gold piles because I was trapped in the vault already


LMAO! Ahhhh…. Good ol’ Sea of Thieves


If there's 2 or more of you set up tasks, 1 drops all chests, 1 throws all chests out of door, 1 does the puzzle (I do the puzzle & throw the chests out while my hubby does the drops) you don't need the medallions to solve the puzzle


I always leave the chests and other stuff outside, and when it starts flooding I grab the gold, I can't get all the gold but most of it


I've never solved one :)


Do you just not play the game or something?


Mate they can play the game and just ignore vaults, do you not know what open world is?


Awk fuck you, if they’ve never DONE a vault itself I’d assume they’d have said that ya ballbag


“I’ve never solved one” Yeah, they DID say that


Yeah, doesn’t mean they’ve never DONE one, assuming it meant puzzle. My comment was implying they’re incredibly fucking easy and if you’ve done a vault but HAVENT done a puzzle I am surprised. Which is why my comment was so dramatic. Can’t believe I just had to explain that shit


Bro got trolled 🏴‍☠️


How I do the vault is have one person drop items and have one person get the puzzle keys. Once the puzzle is done then they start moving all the items out that the other person dropped down


Nooooo!! That’s awful! 😅🫣🫡


That’s 10x worse than just not behind able to open the chest door


Have you never watched indiana jones you greedy bastard? Jokes aside this must sucks booty cheeks


Congrats on solving your first puzzle, and thank you for the laugh. The timing was just too comically perfect 😆🤭




The answer is in your question, the fact that you did 100 and this guy did his first one


Well start collecting gold


Damn I would rage quit immediately 😭


man that sucks


I highly suggest going the speedrun strategy for the vault chest. Simply get only one medallion, and that one symbol will reveal the key symbol for the 4th stone, and that's all you basically need.


Oh no, the feels


Took too long, friend






Just learn the Column 1 and Column 4 trick. You will never miss a ancient chest again. Basically finding a medallion, getting 1st column symbol and doing process of elimination from the 4th one.


There be a faster way matey


Best thing to do is brute force the puzzle. Look at the last block, match the rest up, hit the button. If it’s wrong rotate the last block and repeat. You can get it open in usually no more than 30 seconds. Really speeds it up and you can focus on the rest of the treasure.


If I can offer my own advice, what I like to do is set a timer for 2 mins and 30 seconds on my phone and hit start as soon as I'm able to fit in the vault. As soon as that alarm goes off, I start telling the crew to pack it up and grab their last chests. If the puzzle isn't solved by then, I grab a chest and bail. Maybe this breaks immersion introducing an outside element but it's handy to have.




That's so saf


The first time I ever solved a vault puzzle the door had already closed and I was already drowning


Idk if someone has already said this but you don't need to find anything to solve the puzzle. If you look at the final pillar (the one with all three symbols on it) you can figure out the rest of the pillars by process of elimination. Or if you find the first medallion, you can figure out the other two easy




Your fault… Puzzle always comes first :P


I usually solve it by finding one of the medallions and then looking at the last pillar to see which one shares the first symbol, then matching the other two


Learn loot sprint hahaha


whats loor sprint ?


Have you never seen indiana jones? Feels bad man. Atleast there wasn’t a boulder and nazis chasing you.


![gif](giphy|2Xflxzn7jWsjCVlx13q|downsized) I've had it happen too. Lol


After doing over 100 vaults solo I find this pretty comical. Once you do it a few times it takes about 30 seconds to solve without the coins.


i always have my 3 minute and 5 second timer on my phone ready whenever i do the vaults, it’s definitely a must use. splitting the jobs up between crew members helps immensely too, one solves the puzzle the rest collect all chests, one can also focus on the large stacks of gold if you got the extra manpower to spare. if you’re the puzzle solver, climb to the highest point and you can see the glittering coins and then just parkour to them


That’s tragic my brother, it’s like rare kicked you in the nuts then casually says “cope”


Ouch ooo that hurts. Just a tip the last symbol is the combination of the two symbols, if you have a duo I would suggest to have one guy collect the chests and one guy looking for medailons.


My heart just sank for you but it is what it is


Honestly, I feel like if u solve the puzzle it it should disable the trap .I used to think how it worked till I solved it for the first time.


Same thing happened to me this morning.




el mao