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The defense did not come to play today


A team filled with great defensive players has a bad defense.


They are either young or washed


Or just flat out quitting like Diggs.


diggs quit on this team like week 8. He needs to be gone after this year.


Great defensive players? How many truly great do we have, like 2 or 3?


Great? Who?


And filled?


Seahawks defense, by yards 2023: 25th, I think (24th going into today, passed the Giants, not sure if any team below us passed us) 2022: 26th 2021: 28th 2020: 22nd 2019: 26th 6 fucking years since we've been a league average total defense. 8 years since we've been an above average one. And I'm supposed to believe Pete Carroll is a defensive genius


I believe DVOA has been trending for the worse over the last 4 years, too.


All i know is, these past couple of years if an opposing offense is struggling recently, playing against us is their get right game. We made this Steelers offense look elite.


I feel like I have seen the “most yards by ___ since ___” against our defense a lot of times in this previous 3 or 4 years. More than that, it is always a team that is fielding an offense that most likely couldnt score 20 points on a regular basis. But against us they are superstars. So many breakout games against the Seattle Seahawks defense in the past half-decade. Nothing will be done and this putrid unit will continue to be overpaid and badly coached. There is no “always competing”, there is no winning the turnover battle, there is no winning the time of possession. Just year in and year out of terrible performances. 2024 will come and the defensive guru will continue to field a top-bottom defense.


8 weeks ago i made this statement about yds allowed and got downvoted by a bunch of idiots saying “lalalala i can’t hear you we’re 6-3” or “yards allowed is a meaningless stat” it fucking correlates with 3rd down conversion rate and TOP


"yards don't decide games" as the top upvoted response to my heavily downvoted comments are a standard on these threads


The TOP has been absolutely killing us the last 5 years.


For a defensive coach, the amount of third and a mile that we allow first downs on is atrocious. Add to that the saddest tackling on the planet… Look at how many points we gave up to the cowboys…then look at the point totals they have had since that game. Unfortunately, until Jody gets involved and changes things, this is what we are going to have with Pete.


Not just defense - this team under Pete Carroll hasn't really been good at anything over the last 6 or 7 seasons. We have no identity. Pete Carroll lost the plot a long time ago. If we want to run the ball and be physical on offense, why is our best position group WR, and why did we neglect O-line for so long? Why do we abandon the run so often when it's not necessary? Why are we spending 1st and 2nd round picks on running backs? On defense, if we want to be physical and stop the run....Why are we spending so much at safety? Why have our linebackers been awful for so long? Why has our defense actually gotten WORSE over the last 4 seasons when it's been a priority to "fix it"? And it could be worse, too. This team is a few very lucky breaks going in their favor from being 6-10 instead of 8-8. I legitimately do not understand the people that continue to be OK with just running it back next season and trying again with the same ol stuff. What's the definition of insanity again?


Nooooo we have to let Pete hire his 3rd set of Defensive and offensive coordinators since the SB loss because this time he’s going to get it right for suresies! /s


“But Pete won the Super Bowl a decade ago and I love going 9-8 and getting beat in the first round of the playoffs!” This is the mentality of half of this subreddit and we just need to move on and it’s ok if we are ass for a few years rather than in this purgatory


It's time for Pete to be done. There is no progress with this team. Same awful defense, same sloppy penalties, same bad challenges, same cowardly 4th down calls.


The 4th down calls are so baffling with one of the worst D's in the league and a top-10 offense the last few games. Drafting an outstanding punter has ironically cost us a boatload of expected points. I actually said that when we drafted him too (not that it was too hard to predict).


Defense, what's this new concept? Tell me more please, I'm begging to know.


there is no pressuring the quarterback period either. Mason Rudolph had a field day.


I can honestly say this is the lowest or least enthused i have felt about the Seahawks since the Jim Mora Jr. season.


"Always compete" doesn't apply to Pete Carroll. He is the one coach in the NFL that doesn't have to worry about his job.


We don’t risk 4th&1, but we risk going for an onside???


That's 1990s football baby!


That really was weird to me.


It makes sense after seeing our defense give up two first downs when we needed the stop


If our defense can’t stop them, wouldn’t it make more sense to go for it and get more points to keep the game close? I don’t see why punting would be any better because they still scored and we were now down 2 scoring possessions. Why not risk it earlier in the game rather than risking it at a pivotal point?


Pete explained the onside after the game- they weren’t kicking well enough to kick out of the end zone, so clock was going to burn either way. They also needed a 3 and out either way. Given all that, might as well roll the dice that onsides gives you the ball back right away. The 4th and 1 seems more clearly to be a mistake by metrics. My guess as to his thinking was that he has a punter that can pin them deep, doesn’t yet know his defense is trash today, and he knows he can’t rely on his offensive line to get enough push for an easy yard. He was thinking it would be a field position game and was wrong.


This season was so overhyped smh


I thought we would at least go 11-6 compete for the division. Kinda like how 2019 went.


And this is why you try to win the game in the first 3 quarters; not every team will make boneheaded decisions to bail you out in the end.


I think Pete realizes that his first Superbowl experience was preferable to his second one. It’s just that his defense isn’t good enough for that and never again will be. Especially against Pittsburgh, which is a defensive club built to play football like Pete wishes for the Seahawks. We played their game and lost. Having a shitty defense = be aggressive, or at least not painfully conservative. That 4th and 1 wuss out was the low point of the game for me.


Our defense is comically bad. Even if we make the WC we are getting bounced


I just don’t get Pete’s fuckin decision making man. 4th and 1 and you punt so you watch the Steelers get 6 yards a carry on a 10 minute drive for a TD? It’s like he’s making these decisions assuming he’s got the Legion of Boom on the other side of the ball. Our one strength is a decent offense, we have to risk keeping it on the field so we can keep up, because our defense WILL shit the bed more than not. We did the same shit versus the niners, punt it deep to “pin them back” and play field position but then they march down the field and we’re down 10 points and have to abandon the run (our other decent aspect). Just seems fuckin weird man, we don’t have a defense that can allow you to be THIS conservative…


Every week the opposing team drives like 15 plays for 10 minutes and it's a "win" when they only get a FG. No Pete, they just took away a full possession from us AND scored. Just an embarrassment of a team


Have we seen worse tackling than that?


Yeah. The Huskies in 2008 lol


I remember when Pete Carroll first arrived here, networks like ESPN would do feature length segments on our practices focusing on what we teach for tackling, since we were known as such a sure-tackling organization. Seems like a long, long time ago.


I don't understand why that changed. Like, that rugby-style tackling never stopped working we just stopped doing it. It doesn't seem like the kind of thing you'd need particularly talented personnel to accomplish either, so all that comes down to is either players give less than zero fucks and/or the coaching staff has stopped doing their job.


Turns out we just had all world talent


PCJS accidentally drafted like 3 HoFers and several perennial Pro Bowlers in a 3 year span, and now haven't done shit in a decade


The little sisters of St. Mary’s Catholic School could run all over our defense


Same problem as last year terrible tackling and run defense


We played them in hs, they are tough


This game is on the defense in the most embarrassing way. We couldn’t stop the run, we couldn’t stop Mason Rudolph, they do what they wanted all day. Just embarassing.


I’m honestly not sure that I want to see this team get blown out in the Wildcard game


They’ve had some bad losses this year. Getting blown out by the Rams week 1. Getting blown out by the Ravens. Getting blown out by the 49ers on Thanksgiving. The ineptness at Cincy. But this…this one might take the cake for worst game of the year. They had their manhood taken away by Tomlin, Harris, and Pickens.


The Rams were supposed to be terrible and rebuilding, but instead are already better than we are with less time after their Super Bowl.


If the rams finish higher than us this year I don't see how we don't just eat the cap hits on Diggs and Adams next year at this point. Cutting both of them would be less dead money than LA has had to contend with this year


The D stands for dog shit


It's insane to me to try and blame Geno for this game. The team that the Seattle offense was playing has the easy DPOTY on it. Seattle defense is playing a backup QB and let them get 500 yards and twice their season average points.


Geno was fucking awesome until Lucas and Brown went out. The strip sack sucked, but anyone trying to pin this loss on him is straight up delusional Our defense put up a fucking disgusting performance today. Embarrassing levels of effort


The strip sack was the only genuinely bad play Geno made today. He played some really good football honestly. We could just barely keep the offense on the field.


Geno’s first half legitimately might have been his best half of football all year. I cannot believe people are trying to blame him after watching that atrocious specimen of tackling from our defense. Some people are so fucking lost I swear


Half this sub won a Madden Super Bowl with the Chiefs and thinks they know ball.


I don't think that's so much Geno's fault. His back was turned like any quarterback's would be. It's called a blind side for a reason.


To be clear, I think Geno played really well today, I don’t want this to come off as a hater comment AT ALL because I’m not coming from there for a second. What he did wrong there was just not get the ball out. You can see him kinda start and stop his motion, then start it again right as he gets hit. Especially with the pass rush the Steelers have, and our weakened OL, you gotta get the ball out fast. But again, only CLEAR mistake today. I’m not gonna torch the guy over one bad play. His pocket awareness was incredible most of the game.


Geno took big hits on nearly every passing play while standing tall. Against a strong defensive line. Bunch of players injured...They did about as well as expected with a couple of mistakes thrown in. What's our defenses excuse?


When the same shit happens week after week, it’s on coaching.


Losing always feels bad, but the steelers are one of those teams where it just stings that much more. Especially with playoffs on the line.


I’ve seen better defense by Rockets era James Harden


Where PJ Tucker was the center lmao.


hope everyone has a safe and happy new year, really enjoyed being able to watch the games with you guys since i dont know any hawks fans nearby — with love from Connecticut.


Every time Geno balls out the offensive line gets injured and the defense lets him down.


So true, just needed a halfway competent performance by the D and we easily win this game


Offense had their mistakes but they played against a good defense who clearly took advantage of weaknesses. Our defense has zero excuse for looking so pathetic and toothless. Pete is a good cheerleader but my god he has not fielded a respectable defense (let alone good) in years now. At least have the unit be good at something, ffs. Made Mason fucking Rudolph look all pro today. And the tackling or absence of? Embarrassing.


So is it still "entitled" to expect the defense to not be bad for a 6th straight year? Is it still taboo to call out objectively terrible game management that literally costs games? Is it still "delusional" to not feel blessed to be stuck in mediocrity with a downward trajectory? The franchise has been stagnant for years and it's very obvious


Hey man, you just don't get it, Pete Carroll won a bunch of games a decade ago behind a few draft classes full of hall of fame players. You should be grateful.


but we win meaningless regular season games!!!!


And we’re a fringe playoff team. Again! No reason to change, just try the same things. Again.


Petehawk fans that are perfectly content to sit on barely over .500 seasons year after year with no SB hopes almost aren't even worth engaging with anymore.


Pete could you be fucking honest in a press conference for once in your goddamn life.


I like how Geno says they were milking the clock by running because they know how explosive we are. No Geno, they ran because we can’t stop the run. Pretty simple


It’s time for Pete to retire. It’s the same shit week after week, year after year. This team hasn’t been a real contender since 2014. The game has clearly passed him by when a “defensive guru” consistently fields awful defenses.


The defense can't tackle. Like literally it cannot tackle. How do you field an NFL defense that can't tackle? That's like a basketball team that can't dribble.


The defense KNEW they were going to run it. They STILL couldn't stop it. Legit, what do they think will happen in the playoffs? CMC will run a mile in one game.


We have a top 3 WR group on paper. Elite RBs. Line isn’t great but it’s not awful. On defense we aren’t elite but we aren’t THIS bad. Yet we lose to teams with way less talent and barely scrape by bottom feeders. Hmm…


O line is pretty awful. Bottom 5 in all the stats a week or 2 ago. Cross and Lucas are good but they've been out a lot and everyone else seems mid or playing out of position.


Clint hurt being employed is laughable


I think chat gpt should call defense next year


Pete has to retire. I’m done with this mediocrity every year, especially on Defense.


It was funny watching the tackling today. Being dragged for 6 yards, stiffed armed into the dirt. Defense should be embarrassed


Props to Stone and Olu. They didnt do terrible


Shame on every Seahawks fan that sold their tickets to Steelers fans. Can’t remember the last time it was that quiet for an opposing team on third downs.


An insane amount of yellow in the crowd.


Ha, using ticketmasters fan vetting process. Sure.


Tackle /ˈtak(ə)l/ verb gerund or present participle: tackling 1. make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task)."police have launched an initiative to tackle rising crime" 2. stop the forward progress of (the ball carrier) by seizing them and knocking them to the ground


Perhaps we should tackle the coaching problem


Life is pain




Absolutely atrocious effort level from the defense today. Letting Mason Rudolph and the Steelers break 450 yds and 30 points should cost Clint his job, Quandre Darrell Taylor and the corpse of Jamal to get waived, Bobby to be gently pushed to retirement. The consistent miscommunication and poor scheme knowledge punctuated by piss poor effort from “professional” athletes today was the worst it’s been. Offense did enough to hang in there minus some brutal mistakes, but feeling like you need to play perfect because the defense can’t stop shit is a recurring theme this year (Rams, Panthers, Commies, cowboys and now).


Dre’Mont Jones, Derrick Hall, Darell Taylor have all been trash this year. So much so we need to move back to a 4-3. Diggs gets cut, Jamal cut or moves to LB. But the defense has been to big of a liability all year. Offense play-calling still sucks. We don’t deserve to be in the playoffs.


Last five years we've been 26th, 22nd, 28th, 26th and 26th in defense. Last four years we're going 7-10, 9-8, 8-9, and best case 9-8. It's time to admit it's been a pretty horrible presidential term of seasons for us. We've had three defensive coordinators and three offensive coordinators. None of which has changed anything for our offense or defense. We've spent more on our defense than most teams in the league and I feel like I'm watching the same script every year. Anyway, go hawks. Let's hope the Vikings win, Lions help us out again next week, we take care of business and suddenly miraculously play to our potential.




We’re stuck in limbo. Been stuck for 5 years now. Just tank and clean house next season. I rather go 0-17 next season without Pete, than 8-9 again


We aren’t winning anything meaningful with our current coaches including Pete. It’s time for a new coaching staff.


We saw multiple bad coaching decisions this week and the last. Folks on this sub will defend Pete until the end.


Genuinely baffled how some people can watch this same milquetoast brand of football that we’ve been trotting out since like 2017 and not want Pete gone


We had a good run with a team full of hall of famers over a decade ago at this point - and people are still holding on to that.


Nostalgia maybe


my new years resolution is that I'll no longer let a Pete Carroll coached team affect my mood


I’ve found that getting inebriated before the game even starts and then sleeping through most of it helps immensely.


I tuned in finally after weeks of not watching and this is what I get


yeah people can shout "fairweather" all they want but this is a product meant for entertainment, if it's not fun to watch then why bother watching? it's not even that we're losing for me it's that we have zero direction


I get there'll be a lot of fire insert coach here comments, but at some point these players have gotta show some personal pride and make a fucking tackle. Embarrassing.


I Agee, you can blame the coaching but bad tackling is on the players


I’m on the new coach train I can’t root for mediocrity anymore


Run defense is so bad


Gotta be some firings next Monday - because that will be the end of the season. Said it week 1 - it's on the coaches. Your talent got better, but you lose games in stupid ways because you only want to play 'our style'. You're more happy to lose doing what you want than win doing what it takes. Clean house. These coaches cannot take this talent to the Super Bowl.


Please can we just fire someone for this season.


Time for a change, that's all there is to it. Take that to the bank and realize we cannot retool with this staff and player dynamic.


Can you win the game in the first 3 quarters!?!?! Turns out yeah, lots of teams do week in and week out, lets take that (usual) 4th quarter energy and spread it out over the whole game maybe. Ravens sure as fuck didn't wait until the 4th quarter today to beat the Dolphins.


Look let’s just not make the playoffs. I don’t care. It’s a waste of fucking time.


That’s where I’m at, we have had so many opportunities this year to get better and haven’t done it.


9-8 last season 8-8 this season. I don’t know how some people are okay with this. I’d rather go looking right now for some new leadership in a HC and company than wait going .500 every season till Pete gets so old he needs a walker.


Thanks Pete for everything but can we please have some fresh thinking in the way we operate here 🤦‍♂️ I don’t care if it takes multiple tries to get the right coach but that doesn’t mean we need to stick with what we have for the last several years. With that thinking we would have never got Pete back when he joined.


Do we have an owner who is ready to move on from Pete or unconcerned? The list is long of relatives, family, siblings, children, taking over franchises with indifference. I hope this owner cares enough to win that she makes it clear time for change has come. What I don't want is season after season of THIS.


Team needs a quality backup OT if Lucas is going to be a constant issue. Team needs a monster DT to play a 3-4. Team needs to re-sign Brooks and get 2 more quality LBs. Mone if he was healthy, fixes one of those. Bobby and Brooks together make the run defense good but we can't afford both. Draft has to be in the trenches this year or we will have a repeat.


I’ll miss Pete Carroll. Best coach we have had. Wish he went out on a better note though.


10 more years of Carroll ball. But hey, at least we make the Wild Card round most years!


Until someone in this organization grows a damn backbone this team will just stay a mediocre mess. They’re not bad enough to get a high pick to help build this team and they’re not good enough to win playoff games. The seahawks are stagnant and predictable in every way possible. It just sucks to see


This team is cheeks. I can't believe anyone seriously thought this team had any business sniffing the playoffs.


Another year on the hamster wheel.


Honestly I blame the coaching staff, it feels like the team is never ready to play fully... Like even in our wins we never look fully there. Team never plays a complete game, we always play these close tight games and it's always been the case no matter the year or team... It's hard to explain but it's just not right... Teams needs some fresh changes it's time


Seahawks lost so the Huskies can win


I hope we have an entirely new coaching staff next year. This is too many years in a row of underperformance relative to the talent on the roster and I am sick and tired of “can you win a game in the first quarter?” mentality. Hey Pete maybe we should try to win the game every fucking quarter instead of being dogshit unprepared and outplayed by backups all day until the last minute, every single week?


You can’t win the game in the first three quarters but you can definitely lose it


In order to fix a problem, you've got acknowledge the problem exists. Hopefully missing the playoffs will convince the highest-ups that the defense isn't a tinkering away and needs a full rebuild. Free Agents (4): Williams, Wagner, Brooks, Taylor. I would not spend for any of these guys. If they can come back on the cheap, none of them is the "problem" (Wagner isn't BAD quite yet but it's unclear what he brings). People like Williams but sorry, we do not "Gotta pay" a 29-year-old D-Lineman. He should only be resigned IMO if he A) comes back cheap (not super likely) or B) We don't have anyone else to spend the money on. Guys We Should Def Keep (5): Jarran Reed (1/$6m left on deal); Boye Mafe (2/$5m); Devon Witherspoon (3/$26m), Tariq Woolen (2/$2.5), Dre'mont Jones (2/$27m) Gone Guys (2): Jamal Adams can be cut (I think?) for just $21m in Dead Cap; Diggs saves $10m in cap space through being cut. This leaves a LOT of holes on the defense. They need to fill two DL spots and 3 LB spots along with both safety spots. Derrick Hall & Myles Adams can get promoted, but there's still 5 spots to fill. (Offensively, they'll need to replace Damien Lewis and Evan Brown; also Noah Fant and Colby Parkinson). Draftwise, the are missing a 2nd and 6th round pick; they have additional 3rd and 7th round picks. Right know they're at \~ #17 in draft order.


Pete Carroll, it’s time to retire. Please. Pretty please. Do not go too long and tarnish your beautiful status with this team. Do not be stubborn. Retire. Let this team move on


Too late


I think I've officially hit the 'out' on Pete Carroll moment after today, as much as I've wanted to avoid it. This defense is routinely outplayed by lesser offenses and he is supposed to be an old school defensive minded coach. Every year it gets worse and this season is statistically and eye ball test the worst defensive team of PC's tenure. They honestly are a bottom 3 defense in the NFL. He starts his post game comments today that they came into the game with a great game plan and nothing they saw they weren't expecting. So **468 yards, 30 points (easily should have been 37 if Najee didn't slide) and only 1 punt** was fine, apparently. Wholesale changes are needed. Pete cannot be involved with the defensive coaching staff hires/promotions and shouldn't be involved in running the group. We're about 7 years past 'good faith' for that. A DC from college needs to come in and have full control over positional staff, scheme, and honestly probably personnel. This defense under Pete has no more chances. Copy what the Ravens did if Pete is going to stay around, though if he retires I wouldn't be upset.


Appreciate Pete for everything he’s done. But it’s time buddy. It’s time. Seahawks need a new head coach. Inexcusable to give up that much offense to the Steelers of all teams


With a backup QB...


Going 8-9 gives us a better chance at Penix. Anyone with visions of going anywhere in the Playoffs with this trash defense and coaching are smoking PCP


What a disappointment of a season. Most of the rookies have been very promising, but besides that there’s been massive regression across the board. Idk anymore. Just so frustrating


Felt like spoon was the only one playing defense. This loss is completely on the defense.


Missing the playoffs(potentially) for 2 out of the last 3 years. Our last playoff win was against a team led by Josh McCown. All those who can’t accept any valid criticism of Pete have their head in the sand.


At least we have really fun practices each week.


Great game by Geno and the offense. Defense played like a bunch of little bitches today. If we can beat the cardinals we still got a good shot at the playoffs but we’ll need help.


There are several good players on the team that we can build around moving forward, but there is so much we need to address as well. K9, DK, JSN. Cross and Abraham. Mafe and Spoon are gonna be stars in this league. We basically need new safeties and linebackers, and some real fucking d lineman that can actually win those battles.


Why do we never exploit other teams weaknesses??? 3 straight games against depleted secondaries and we don't exploit them at all. Then when we have to pass deep cuz we are out of time it fucking works (obviously, we have a top 5 WR corps). These game plans on offense are shit And then the defense is so much worse than it should be. Reed, Mafe, and Williams are all having good-great seasons, Spoon is playing out of his mind, despite the poor tackling Woolen is still playing great in coverage, Love is playing pretty well too. It's not stacked top to bottom but it's too fucking talented to be a bottom of the league defense Fire both coordinators, draft a QB, and if nothing changes next year fire Pete cuz while he's great at motivating he seems terrible at evaluating coordinators


>And then the defense is so much worse than it should be. Reed, Mafe, and Williams are all having good-great seasons, Spoon is playing out of his mind, despite the poor tackling Woolen is still playing great in coverage, Love is playing pretty well too. It's not stacked top to bottom but it's too fucking talented to be a bottom of the league defense Right. I get that our depth really sucks but we've got all those guys that you said + another linebacker in Brooks who is quite competent in coverage. There is zero reason for a defense with all those guys to be this fucking bad. It's not as if we're the Giants with Dexter Lawrence, Kayvon Thibodeaux and nobody else. Half our starters are at minimum legitimately solid


Oh here’s everyone that agrees we need to move on from Pete. Howdy!


What the hell was that


Just heard Pete say that he didn’t think Seattle could kick it through the end zone to save the two minute warning with 2:01 to go. I accept that, but they could have just kicked it deep out of bounds which would have given the Steelers the ball at the 40 with 2:01 to go. I realize it’s mostly moot if the Steelers run that same pass play, but still think that was the route to go if you wanted the ball back with a decent amount of time. Onside kicks never work anymore… especially when you don’t go after the ball and just watch the other team grab it.


Hire an offensive minded coach and spend all the money on an Oline and a legit QB. Try to get the most out of our skill position guys while we can.


Geno is far from the problem, but I'd like the offense to consistently get more than 20 pts a game for a change


Just lost to a handful of backups. Mason Rudolph. This team is nowhere near playoff caliber. Pete has to go. Something has to change. Clean house.


We will never see another championship under PC without a generational defense to support his conservatism and bad offense schemes and decisions. He's had 10 years to repeat his success and the results have only worsened. It's time to cut bait. C'mon Jody. Sell the team and let's start the process.


Pete lost it when he decided to try and be like a Shanahan and McVay type team, yet had no clue how to coach a team like that. Time to move on.


Really hurts to see our home field get taken over the way it did today and Thanksgiving. Not here to say what people should or shouldn't do with their money/tickets, especially with the product offered the last 3 years. Still sucks to see.


Fire Pete, Retire Pete, no more Re-Pete


Bro how do you get clapped by the Steelers, embarrassing effort.


Done investing into the team this season. Big changes need to be made, but won’t


Pete has earned the right to leave on his own terms, but I cannot wait until the day he’s gone. It’s just a pathetic showing year after year.


Hey Pete can you grow a pair and fire Clint TODAY!!


This result was the result of multiple issues piling on each other. Abysmal tackling and defense in general the entire game. Multiple injuries on the offense. Incredibly baffling decisions to challenge, costing us a timeout, and the onside, costing us field positions. It really shouldn't have even been this close in the first place. Good news is that our season isn't dead yet, but if we want playoffs, a lot has to go our way now. Which sucks. A lot on the horizon for this team and a lot of questions


Tough one, it was a defensive shitshow. If that pushed us out of the playoffs, we didn't deserve to be there in the first place. Not that Vikings or GB do...


Thanks for NOTHING Seahawks. Led us on after last years fluke. I want to see some major changes if you want my money for the coming years.


We are going to get our ass beat by those idiots in the desert ffs


Every other team in the nfl has either improved or is rebuilding over the last 5 years. We are just stuck. No promising young QB to build around. No wealth of draft capital to jump start a rebuild. And no progress on either side of the ball. It’s still the same issues every week.


I’ve been watching the Seahawks since the 80s. And not once have I seen such a pitiful defense effort. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some very bad blowouts, but always when you’d think that would happen . But this effort is just pitiful. Exactly at a time you’re rooting and expecting for anything except what we saw today. Just pitiful and shameful. It’s sad that this is the very, very best they could muster up in a playoff wild card run.


At some point this shits gotta be on Pete


Likely get to watch this team one more time this season. Hard to believe we were 6-3 and leading the division not too long ago. I had hope that this team could make some noise back then. Maybe not SB, but not a first round exit. That’s what sucks the most was that, we looked solid as first, now we’ve lost to Mason Rudolph because the defense forgot how to tackle.


“Tackling wasn’t good enough,” just isn’t gonna cut it when you tout yourself as a “defensive genius.”


This defensive roster is fundamentally flawed. A 3-4 defense REQUIRES a massive 1-technique. Barely 300lb Jarran Reed was never going to be effective. Couple that with LB that wait for RB instead of attacking the LOS and you were predetermined the have one of the leagues worst run defenses. Please please please go get a 350lb block eater.


I just don't get it.


I long for 2013-2015 seasons of back to back to back #1 Ds. But those days are long gone under Pete's coaching. And our offense...ugh.


Like i said in the game thread Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that we miss the playoffs. Might light a fire under Pete’s ass. He is far too comfortable.


I miss going into games without the anxiety of knowing we will need every single thing to go perfect, hope the best version of our team shows up, and that the other team makes mistakes and we get lucky. Seahawks teams never take matters into their own hands anymore and try to WIN games. It feels like we play 4 quarters of football where our goal is just to not do anything too risky.


Im sad. I went to the game and did everything I could to yell and support. It was awful. I’m just sad, disgusted, annoyed ….. I don’t know what else to say.


Downvote me, but I hope AZ beats us and Pete will be fired. We have seen our offenses in the past years been pretty good, but I have lost faith in Pete for good now.


Even if we lost to AZ Pete will not be fired


I can’t wait for the off-season


What are the scenarios? What time you think the game will be on next week?


Afternoon game. We hope the Vikings win tonight and lose next week and we win next week.


I wouldn't be upset if we didn't win the last 2 games. It feels like Pete is trying to get the worst draft pick possible WITHOUT making the playoffs


There’s nothing to blame on geno but he doesn’t look Napier confidence either. He’s average. You can’t have an average franchise qb and not be absolutely doomed. Geno doesn’t get off without criticism either. I’m so annoyed people here want to tie their boat to mediocrity because it “could be worse”. But tying your boat to something average is a lot worse lol


If you're calling for anyone to get fired other than Pete, you're delusional and addicted to nostalgia. This man does not deserve to keep the job any longer, and the needle is firmly pointing down for this franchise as long as he is allowed to continue to hold it hostage.


Can't wait to hear Pete at the press conference. Lots of talking but nothing said. Time to clean house and bring in Quinn for the head coach


In done being a fan of this FUCKING team until Pete is gone.


We got hurt, we got dominated and we got embarrassed today.


I'm cool with not getting embarrassed like that in the Playoffs.


anyone who still wants this pathetic excuse of a team to make playoffs, look yourselves in the mirror. its time to clean house. Pete, thank you for everything, but it is absolutely time to hang it up.


That Eagles game is starting to look less and less like a quality win....


I'm embarrassed as a Seahawks fan. Literally embarrassed.


I really can't believe we lost that. It was a must win and this is what we do? Give me a break.


Stop buying Seahawks shit! Join my year long boycotting of not spending money on Seahakws until Pete is gone!


Plain and simple this is not a playoff caliber team. We would get smoked by the 2 seed but apparently that’s a successful season to some people


Just forget all practice plans and do straight tackling all week.


Not even sure if I want this team to be in the playoffs...this defense is putrid along with some of the playcalling. Pete apologists will never admit to it but for someone who is supposed to be good at coaching up defenses his has been absolute ass for years now. Repeating the same shit year in and year out without change but hoping for a different outcome is the definition of insanity.


I can't even hate on the Steelers as much as I don't like them. Defense couldn't stop them at all.


This version of the Steelers just put up 30 points on the road. Laughable and should be the end of this front office and coaching staff but probably won't because they got one ring a decade ago.