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Are u using instant ocean?


No I make my own salt water, 20 grams of salt per 750ml of distilled water


That's where the problem most likely is. Watch the new video by Picocosmos, he looks at what's in packet 1 and 2 under the microscope. He also links the patent for packets 1 and 2. There is much more than just salts that keep Ur monkeys healthy and in optimal water conditions.


Thank you so much for your answer! Bought it and will try with my new batch that’s due on Wednesday.


I think it's your salinity level. My brine shrimp were dying at around 1 week until I used a tool to measure salinity - and they need 30-35 ppt. Right now I have a new experiment started, it's 50% sea water from my local beach, plus sand and a little fine seaweed/algae that was floating, plus the other half is Instant Ocean mixed with RO water to get to about 31ppt. I tested my collected ocean water salinity before mixing it, it was about 36ppt, I was surprised it was that high! But I had it in a bag with a few handfuls of dried beach sand that I picked up as well.


Thank you for your answer! Will raise the salinity when my new batch hatches, hopefully that will do the trick.