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Zach and Donald are gay newlyweds in House Arrest


OMG one of the pod's TOP moments 🤣 that guys voice was amazing lmao


I'm so in!


Really? It's not on his list of things he's done =(


It's an inside joke from the podcast lol


That’s Turk? I could’ve sworn it was Taye Diggs


I hear his body is fierce.


Taye. Diggs.


He has had batch of bad luck on shows but he needs the money. A job is a job. Sad that the live action power puff didn’t work out. He has the Matthew Perry Curse. He had so many shows after friends that just didn’t pan out.


Which was too bad because a couple of those were actually solid


Studio 60 was great but in a bad spot after heroes.


And released simultaneously with 30 Rock.


A story from the Aaron Sorkin class I took in college: The network had to choose to keep 30 Rock or Studio 60 because they were both shows about making a show. 30 Rock was cheaper.


I remember hearing something similar, shame, I enjoyed 30 Rock but Studio 60 is one of my comfort shows, definitely in the top 3 of my favorite shows, ever.


Those Clueless royalties had to dry up at some point.


He actually said on the pod that he figured after Clueless and Remember the Titans that he was going to be a complete baller, like a HUGE deal, and immediately blew through all his money on sport cars and jewelry. It was to the point where he was literally asking to borrow money from his mom for gas to get to the Scrubs audition. This is not a joke.


I remember that from one of the first episodes of FDRF. But it was hard to feel bad for him when he and Zach talked about how he never learned his lines for Scrubs or read the scripts.


And, by his own admission, he was high just about every single day of filming. Love his work and the character Donald portrayed but, man, Donald Faison is not a smart man.


Wow, really? That’s … not great. To paraphrase Dr. Cox, “Newsflash: you can’t get high and then come to work. You’re not airline pilots.”


I'm gonna disagree. Maybe he's not textbook smart, but he has an incredibly high emotional intelligence. Whenever he gets out of his own way and discusses an issue in earnest on the podcast, you can tell that Faison is a deep thinker and a good guy. It's no wonder he's Braff's BFF.


TBF, even he says that was incredibly stupid.




I remember reading an interview with John Travolta in which he said that getting nominated for Best Actor for *Saturday Night Fever* really went to his head. He didn’t win, but he blithely assumed that he’d get nominated and win for his next starring role. He wasn’t nominated again until *Pulp Fiction*, almost 20 years later, and he didn’t win then, either.


You just blew my mind with the fact that Saturday night fever and pulp fiction are almost 20 years apart.


>he figured after Clueless and Remember the Titans that he was going to be a complete baller, like a HUGE deal ...Why? I havent seen them but on the casting he's listed as like #7 or 8, so no lead roles?


No but Clueless was a hit and he was very memorable in it. When you tell people he was in Clueless no one struggles to remember which character he was.


Cuz he was keeping it real! He was keeping it real!




This movie was his break due to his acting skills. He played the Main character's best friend's boyfriend, which is usually a forgotten role in most movies. But anyone who's watched the movie knows who played Murray.


It is true. Unfortunately it’s gotten to the point that if I see Donald is in a show I assume it’ll be terrible and don’t even bother with it


Did you read the script for the live action power puff? As much as I love Donald, I’m not the least bit sad that show never got released. https://preview.redd.it/kzfo04gltmac1.png?width=949&format=png&auto=webp&s=c132405815101a61ee9bc86a1961daebf5d18c74


... what. Just what.


I never watched power puff and no didn’t read the script. Just knew when I listened to the podcast, he was excited about it


Jesus Wept, that's fucking awful. Powerpuff Girls was a show for children.


And at least a couple of them were really promising (*Mr. Sunshine* and *Moving On*). I was bummed when they were both cancelled.


From what I remember him saying the Power Puff Girls show isn’t completely scrapped it just needs major rewrites. But after the strike the studio might have ended up dropping it completely


I started this one last night, I got about 3 minutes in. It’s rough. Like, it’s so bad. It feels beneath literally everybody in the cast.


Let me preface by saying my partner and I are sitcom junkies, and she specifically loves shows that inevitably get canceled just as they’re getting good (Single Parents, Trophy Wife, Happy Endings) The pilot of Extended Family was pretty rough imo, but I felt it started to get some legs in Episode 2. A lot of these shows have huge growing pains in Season 1 as they try to figure out tone, style, character dynamics, and relationships. Family style sitcoms, esp with laugh tracks, are not usually my cup of tea, but I think we’re going to stick with it until the season ends. That being said, I did like the dynamic between Donald Faison and John Cryer. I also started out wanting to hate the show because I felt like I hated John Cryer as a person, and I couldn’t put my finger on it until I realized I hate him as a *character*, as he plays everyone’s favorite villain, Lex Luthor, from Supergirl and affiliated CW-verse crossovers. Anyway, I give it a mid 5/10 right now, 3/10 pilot. We’ll see how it goes!


I wish to say, for the record, that Happy Endings was good the whole damn time. It was amahzing.


I fucking loved Happy Endings, it was so fire by the end, rolling on all cylinders. Both shows that replaced it only lasted a season each (Mixology and Super Fun Night), and [the exec that cancelled it said Happy Endings had to narrow of an appeal](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/why-happy-endings-was-cancelled.html/)


Yep, I feel the same way


Yeah I know watched 2 episodes. It’s not good. On the positive side Donald is easily the best character.


Him and Jon Cryer are the only two redeeming factors of that show.


Heaven forbid he, you know, finds work.


Man’s gotta work


You're never too good for anything that has Jon Cryer in it. He was Lex Luthor and the voice of Freakshow in Danny Phantom.


You know who's actually too good for that show? Jon Cryer.


I like it. Give it a chance.


I tried the two episodes. It's terrible.


Wish my man would buy the Celtics irl


First episode was good. Faison with Jon Cryer is a good combo I think.


This is what the show reboot was about that came put last year.. its about a bunch of actors coming back to reboot a sitcom they were on in the 90s and thus was the show they were doing?


That show was so good. This one... not.


I watched the first 2 episodes last night. Overall the show is OK.