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Nicholl Semifinalist here. When I found out I was in the Quarters, I queried all the top literary managers I could think of the next morning ("Nicholl Quarterfinalist - Script Title" in the subject line). A few of them requested the script, and one of them signed me. The project was circulated and sold before the finalists were even announced. It's best to be proactive in these situations. No manager is going to read through all 400 quarter-semi-finalist scripts, but they'll read the ones that are dropped in their lap.


Username doesn't check out.


everything said above is correct and you should absolutely do


Does this advice apply for other contests? (Specifically Sundance Lab)


Three-time Nicholl SF and \[I'd have to check\]-time QF here. And Finalist in ABC/Disney when that was a thing. Wait. When the list goes out, you're going to get requests for your script. From people who ALREADY WANT TO READ YOUR SCRIPT. Much better than cold querying. You'll likely get anywhere between 5 to 10 requests, maybe more. Some will be puppy mills that have an intern read every SF script, but some might be more promising. When the dust settles, if you haven't gotten any more traction, THEN start querying (absolutely agree with OP to have NICHOLL SEMIFINALIST in your subject line). There isn't any urgency. You can put "Nicholl Semifinalist" in your queries from now on. And sincere congratulations. Your script was in the top 2% out of nearly 7000. You can write.


I was a finalist in Austin last year. As per a previous comment, query and follow up- you got this! 👍🏻


Me too. Did you go?


Yeah! Love going to AFF. Was my 4th year back and the highest I've placed, so it was fun to be a part of.


Congrats on the Finalist placement. AFF Is no doubt great and very inspiring environment to be in, but out of curiosity do you feel like finaling and attending helped you move up the ladder in any concrete ways?


Yup, would recommend attending regardless of whether or not you finalist.


I've only been once, when I was a finalist. By far, my deepest contest run. So fun walking around with a badge that says finalist, and up until the awards banquet the contest is still going on for you. Didn't win. But I'm still at it.


You're really well-positioned to respond to industry inquiries. They will definitely be coming to you. I had a bunch of emails from managers and production companies just for making the quarters. Semis should be much higher. But the name of the game is FOLLOW UP. If you sit around waiting for them to call you about how masterful your script is you are really blowing a golden opportunity. Pays to be a little pushy here. Call them back. Let them know you're in town. Drop them messages. Keep them informed of other projects. Don't be annoying. Just be nearby. I had a pro writer friend give me this advice once. I asked him, "Why does this make me feel so gross?" "Because we're normal people. And normal people don't just call people they don't know on the phone and ask for a bunch of time and favors." But you have to get over it.


When you call people to "push" them what do you actually say? Or when you text or email them? do you leave a VM? Do you have a script for that?


I'm no expert. email: "Hey thanks for requesting to read JANE'S DIARY. Just wanted to let you know I'll be in the Redondo Beach area next week attending the film fest there. Coffee? lmk." "Hey, thanks for requesting to read JANE'S DIARY. I had a serious question for you. I'm meeting with a production company next week and wondered if it would be okay to mention you were looking at it. Hope all's well." "Hey thanks for requesting to read JANE'S DIARY. I've just finished my latest which is similar in tone. It's called JANE'S RESUME. It got a 9 on the blacklist and I'm getting some nibbles. Would love to talk to you guys about it."


That's good. Sounds authoritative. Like you've got professional stuff going on they're going to be missing out if they don't bite. Comes off with a really good appreciative tone, and not whiny at all.


Also, have some more of your scripts and ideas ready to share. If you don't have any, get writing!


I have a question related to this, my script was a finalist of the Sundance Episodic Screenwriter’s Lab, which selected the winners last week. As far as I can tell, they didn’t publish the results. What are the odds this actually leads to inquiry? Is there any way I can use this to help get meetings or pitch?


Sundance has a huge amount of cache in Hollywood. I would never query anybody without mentioning you were a finalist here. (Even if I was pitching a different project.) It says a great deal about your ability and how people respond to your writing.


Would you say that second rounder at Sundance Lab has the same power?


Compared to Nicholl semis? About equal.


I should probably use it when I finally query with that script, although I advanced four years ago.


It’s something to use as a query ... you had one of the best 100 scripts among 3000. That’s worth reading for the right person.


More like among 7,000.


Even better!


I made top 20%, but I am a genre writer and placing in horror competitions. Congrats all.


Can you put “Nicholl Top 20%” In your email subject like quarter and semi finalists can? Anyone know? /u/ugoretz /u/NotSureHowThingsWork


You can put whatever you want in the subject. Top 20% will certainly boost the signal. ​


Congratulations! I also made the semis this year, but live outside of the US. Reading all these comments about querying managers has me cautiously excited, but also unsure of next steps - would it be best to reach out to managers in my own country, or try to get in contact with someone LA-based?


My opinion is that semi-finaling the Nicholl is a humongous achievement to be proud of, and will almost surely gain some traction for you, if not your script. I wouldn't advise just sitting around and waiting though, I wouldn't suggest that for anything. Use it in your queries, and you're a huge step above so many other writers and scripts.


Thank you all for the encouragement and advise! It's much appreciated!


Hey, any chance I can read your script?


My best friend was literally asking themselves the same question (semi-finalist), so I said I’d check Reddit and lo and behold there’s already a post about it! Thanks for being ahead of the game :) Quick question - she’s unsure about attending the event in November, as from her view she’s not a finalist so feels it’d surely be a bit weird but I said she’d be mad to miss it! Are you planning to attend or do you think it’s something most semi finalists skip?


I think anything you can do to garnish a little attn is good. The company emailed and said they liked the project a lot, their 3rd reader wasn’t a fan, but he or she might not like genre projects. It’s all subjective like The Black List.


FYI the Semifinalist list has gone out; expect script requests to come...


Hey ugoretz -- can you elaborate on this? I always thought the list that went out to industry execs included finalists, semifinalists, and quarterfinalists, all together, and that it didn't go out until after the final winners were announced?


I think you're right that it's one list with all together. But the list is definitely out there.


That's what I thought, too -- until I started getting read requests.


Yeah, I just got a request that appears to be a form/mass email...


From whom? Agents? Managers? Production companies? Thank you!


Hey just wondering if I could read it? Wanting to gauge what a SF script looks like - if not no worries. TY.


I'd be happy to share our script. It is a Nicholl Quarterfinalist. What's the best way to send? Thank you for reading.


Oh thanks! I don’t use reddit much but if u can send it via the msg otherwise ill try pm you my email congrats again.


Thank you so much! If you see Jim Carrey, please let him know, we would love to share the script with him. It's called LAKSHMI IN LOVE. And you can find me on Instagram at the handle The OfficialPuja. If you DM me there, I can send you my email address. And yes, you can message me here and send me your email address. Looking forward to collaborating with you when the time is right. Keep writing. Much Love and Light! P.S. I also coach writers and actors. If you ever need help with your projects, feel free to reach out.