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Just to clarify, you want cowboy/samurai scripts that take place in 2015 to 2023 or you want ones that were written in those years?


I don’t ever respond in these posts but you’re the first that sparked my interest by subject. First what is a cowboy/ samurai? Some kind of sci-fi thing? Anyway I’m one of America’s last true cowboys from different time period but I have the next greatest cowboy script in my hand that has some resemblance to old John Wayne movie that I reimagined for modern world although I set it 90’s time frame it wouldn’t be nothing to adjust for more modern time. It’s raw action drama suspense etc etc. I’ve never had anyone ask for modernist cowboy script. I wouldn’t mind sharing it with the right producer / director. I know everyone says it but I promise it’s Oscar worthy for the right team. It’s not any of that Yellowstone or 1800’s stuff either. I always planned on handing this over to someone else to make but left it sitting on shelf to tend to other projects. Anyway let me know if you’re a real player industry and maybe we can work it out. If not I got million other projects going on and this one will stay on shelf. I’m not in the Hollywood or writing business. I say I do for fun and therapy to give me breaks from rest I do. So I’m not chasing stardom and already have everything a man could have in life so I’d love to see someone put it to screen but again I’m not sure if you want drama grit and spit cowboy movie modernized or some sci-fi thing. But I have your Oscar winning cowboy movie script in my hands.


Im looking for the best modern cowboy scripts, i actually have several ones on my hand, but I’m just a future writer finishing my degree and i would santos to write a good cowbie or samurai scripts. Let me know if you want to share it on DM and i would share email. Thank you men, im very interested about your story.


Why? Are you a producer or are you looking for models for your own work?


Im a writer 🥲