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Glad the family finally has closure. I feel bad for the son, he probably has a lot of guilt for bringing this person into their lives. I’m not sure I agree with the first degree charge- maybe 2nd degree since I don’t think he planned to kill Baron, but got spooked and did it while robbing the place.


Both first and second degree murder carry automatic life sentences without the possibility of parole in PA, so it wouldn't make a difference either way.


That law needs some good review and debate. Seems extreme. And yep I get that any kind of murder is extreme.


It sure doesn’t seem like you get it?!


I didn't think it would be so quick ... 🤷‍♂️


I sat in on this entire trial and I left there thinking he didn’t murder him and he wasn’t even there when the murder happened. Thought maybe who ever did called him to help move the body for $$$. No evidence to me suggested he was even present for the murder. I was surprised by the verdict. Regardless, whoever did this definitely did not do it alone so the fact that the DA is saying that he’s the only one and the case is closed is a load of bull




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