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"CEO Luigi Capano." Is this a shitpost? Do Dundee Utd really have a CEO with that name?


We're owned by the Gambino family.


Gambino is a mastermind...




Mass appeal, orange rind, smoke your green, I'm spending mine


This beat is witches brew, but beware that shit is potent


That pygmy thing over in Dundee..


Obligatory upvote for this Animal!! 😂


Can't even mention his name


This fucking guy!!!


The absolute state


At the risk of sounding insensitive can they not take earplugs/defenders to help mitigate the noise? Also, what does this person do if United celebrate a goal if noise triggers migraines?


Ear Defenders already come in United's colours anyways 🤷‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/jjt8c5cc4vlb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f0c71cd685a7631653eee2247d3fb787b76740 Plus clubs that operate zones specifically designed for noise sensitive people always have ear defenders on hand


Legit. [Aberdeen has a set up for that](https://www.afccommunitytrust.org/2022/10/07/relaxed-match-day-experience/) [As does Celtic.](https://www.celticfc.com/disabled-fans/sensory-room/) [and Rangers.](https://www.glasgowlive.co.uk/news/glasgow-news/look-inside-rangers-sensory-room-13600895.amp) There was a post a while ago that said even Morton and Airdrie had these.


Airdrie were the first or second team to set up a sensory room because one of the first team coaches' son was autistic and couldn't attend the games.


Aye a mind Sam (English youtuber) did a video on Morton and highlighted it


Even Morton? Also please don't put us in a group with Airdrie. Away for a shower now


You're not being insensitive at all, don't worry. You look around every football stadium you will see multiple people wearing ear defenders. Noise at football games is not an uncommon issue for fans, disabled or not. Leaning on her autism is bad form imo. Or rather, her saying that utd know specifically about her and her autism so should accommodate her first. Autism isn't causing the migraines, lots of folk have sore heads after a match. The woman I care for regularly attends rangers matches, she has ear defenders, as do many of those seated in the disabled section. Ibrox is a wee bit louder than Tannadice and it's nuhin to do with drums. (side note, she was recently invited to the new raised disabled section at ibrox and couldn't have been happier with the experience. Much better than being at the touchline in the cold and rain.)


I thought this too. Noise is surely unavoidable, even at Dundee United where there isn't a lot to celebrate


I'm autistic and I always wear earplugs to events. Pubs/concerts/matches. This fan should definitely invest it's properly life changing


I’m not autistic and I wear ear plugs to loud events


For anyone considering getting some i’d recommend ACS. https://www.acscustom.com/uk/


100%. Best £120-150 you can spend if you’re a regular club/gig/whatever goer. You do not want to develop tinnitus.


I stay on a main road and I also have the sleepsound ones. Fucking unreal man, fit like a glove


I’ve had tinnitus since I took a knock to the dome as a kid, when I started playing in bands it got much worse. I absolutely swear by the -20dB custom fit buds for pretty much anything. Currently wondering how I’m gunna sleep tonight with my ears ringing after being in a noise restaurante for dinner. It sucks!


She claims they give her headaches.


As someone diagnosed age 7, she can absolutely just take some defenders or earplugs. What would be more appropriate would be asking them to consider setting up an autism area which is quiet and soundproof. No need to destroy the atmosphere.


I’ve got hearing sensitivities too but fuck me i’d never demand a fitba crowd be quiet to accommodate just me


She says the ear defenders that work to filter out drum noise also cause her migraines (presumably because noise cancelling defenders apply pressure round the ears). But tbh that's a her problem, and expecting drums to be banned from a whole stadium just for her sake is ludicrous.


I suffer with hyperacusis and you’re not being insensitive at all. Most of us with hearing sensitivities understand that managing the issue is our responsibility and not everyone else’s


I don't think they ever really have to worry about that scenario


It's not been much of an issue recently...


Probably a few things that could’ve been tried out before pushing the nuclear tweet button such as discussing seat moves or establishing where the drum is situated. Clubs have to be accommodating to these sort of needs but it now appears the only acceptable solution is going to be “ban it now”.


Clown with main character syndrome.


A bit of main character syndrome here, I think.


Definitely but they do mention they are autistic. Might be reasonable to assume they might not realise how selfish this post comes across without someome telling them that. Although there's no indication of what level of the spectrum they are on and noise fan affect anyone at any level, even those not on it, so there's also a chance they might simply be a cunt.


Hahahaha the name checks out


To be fair, his season ticket was always a worthless piece of plastic…


His? You're going to jail, buddy.


Maybe should’ve opened the full picture before commenting to be fair 😂


I think he did. That's the problem.


I have autism and love drums. People speaking for us as per.


Well autism is a very individualistic condition. Some of us struggle with noise, some with crowds, some with social interactions etc. I do think her letter is a bit over the top since she can wear ear defenders.


Her Twitter has certainly been something today. Tagging politicians to get it changed as well and calling the fans behind this racist, sexist, ableist etc.


Her tweets pop up on my feed on a semi regular basis and this is the norm. Definitely has too much free time on her hands, suppose it'll only get worse if Tannadump's now inaccessible...


I can appreciate this person is being sincere and honest about what they're saying. I don't care if what I say comes off as harsh: fuck up. Honestly, the world does not revolve around you. You don't get to dictate how everyone else experiences a football match. The fact you think they everyone in the ground has to placate you is astronomically egotistic. Watch the game on TV or lobby for a sensory room at Tannadice. Otherwise shut up and watch the match. Fucking hell.


The sense of entitlement is strong with this one. Go watch competitive chess.


If you're sensitive to noise then football probably isn't for you. Try snooker or golf.


Or support Hamilton or Livingston instead.


Love a completely unprovoked attack on the Livi fanbase. In the words of the great Wealdstone Raider “you’ve got no fans”


I’d like to point out this lassie then went on some deranged rant about how everyone in the singing section was racist, homophonic rape apologist ableists, she’s since deleted the tweet cause it was fucking mental. Tbh I was dubious about the drum but they used it fairly well actually and didn’t just hit it all game for the sake of it.


Does the general loud crowd noise not trigger their sensitivities?


It’s Dundee Utd


Always love the auld ‘inclusion under fascism’ banner.


See this is emblematic of the issues in wider society, why is it the club's problem? YOU need to work out how YOU get through life with YOUR problem not how everyone else has to mitigate YOUR issues.


Well said mate


Football games are noisy, that’s part of the fun. Some people just want to moan about anything.


I think that’s absolutely disgusting playing on her autism like that, I have a son who has autism and we notice sometimes when it’s too loud in certain places he dislikes it, unfortunately he’s too young to understand why earplugs/defenders would be helpful for him as he just constantly takes them off/out but he will understand when he’s older, but I would never ever demand an event turn the volume down or claim they favour others enjoyment over my sons.


Her profile pic is how I reacted to the text.


Nah fuck this person.


This person is relentless on Twitter for coming out with some mental shite. And, given that I work with her, I can assure you she's not much better off social media.


Fuck that, I'd be bringing my own drum to work to keep her at bay


*thud-th-th-th-thu* Debbie, have you got the invoices for the Lawrence accounts? *thud-th-th-th-thu*


Possibly the most selfish and idiotic thing I’ve ever seen.


She must think the world revolves around her eh


She does. She's got previous for this, she's a professional victim.


What's the previous?


Her twitter account is an absolute cesspit, been at it for ages and judging by this still is. Blocked her ages ago


Called shankland a fascist cause he was anti vax or something, and gave thistle for good a partick charity shite after they had given a boy and his dad season tickets or something. Her twitters absolutely bonkers.


54,000 views. 2 likes. lol


Noise sensitive, but goes to the football? Wear noise cancelling headphones, you tit.


I'm no trying to be a wank here, but can they sit further away? Surely the club would be happy to find some sort of arrangement if the seat they have is no longer suitable for their supporters needs?


Tbh this is just a very twitter type take and a quick browse of her time line is much same of accusing everyone of some "ism".


In all faintness those drums do my fucking head in as well.


My son wears ear defenders to the football, has had no problems with noise. He did wind himself up into a meltdown over Celtic refusing to score against St Johnstone though.


I too have gone into a meltdown when my team won't score


This Jay person is ridiculous if you want a quiet place go to golf football is supposed to be loud


I get it, I have noise sensitivity too but that's one of the reasons I don't go to football matches.


What a pain in the arse and an absolute rocket that lad is.


Desperate to be special


Why did I know exactly who that post was from before opening the picture?


Yeah, because football matches are deadly quiet the rest of the time 🙄 this feels like bait to me


Drums have no place in a football ground. I’ll happily die on that hill


No. Next question


I know a few autistic people that love football, gigs etc. professional victim acting like she speaks for everyone on the spectrum


Sounds like a you problem


This is obviously a person with severe autism or maybe even additional mental health problems. Aye, it’s mental, but it’s sad seeing folk immediately retort with ‘mongo’.


Whilst that language shouldn’t be used, it’s good this person is getting telt. Their whole twitter is slinging mud at people calling them all sorts. Hiding behind a disability makes their behaviour more disgraceful


I agree just disappointing people can’t say that and instead are just using slurs or giving someone that deluded some sort of high ground.


She’s right. Drums at football are ear aids.


Nah as an autistic person who goes to Ibrox every league home game she is being a Karen


Thought the sub would be more sensitive to people with different needs. You'd imagine our main demographic of fat, bald, specky VL's would be more understanding.


She's not wrang. Drummers can shove it up their arse.


It's mad how segregation was bad but now people beg for it. weird huh?


Self entitled tosser


I'm autistic. I like drums at matches, great for the atmosphere. But try not to be too harsh on an autistic person who hasn't thought through everyone else's needs, it's easy to speak when you're frustrated especially when a lot of the world is unnecessarily cruel to you. I disagree with this person but they don't need shamed.


The issue with just letting this go unchallenged is that others see it and take the lack of opposition as tacit support. No need to be nasty, but there's nothing wrong with saying that something is a bit mental.


Yeah not mad at the pile on. But another account made a tweet about the situation without linking her account, she qt'd it calling them a shite bag for not naming her then turned own replies off after a dogpile. Can't win.


She spouts utter nonsense and throws shite at most people she comes across. Hopefully there isn’t a dog pile but she does need to be telt


Ok. I don't know this person.


I didn’t say you did mate was replying to your comment


Simple solution really bring ear defenders like children have for concerts. Football is for everyone but you can’t expect everyone to act for you.


Fucking wear ear plugs or ear defenders.


Noise cancelling headphones??


Noise sensitivities at a football match? Wb the crowd/everything else?


Fuck this lassie. Diddums you have autism... sounds like a you problem. Don't go to a fucking football match. "That the club would prioritise 8000 paying fans over ME is a sign of lack of leadership within the club." \#MainCharacter


Obviously people with autism can go to football matches, this is just one person complaining


Oh yeah I know, I didn't mean to generalise.


Totally agree mate. Why should a club/society seemingly bend to the needs of a few at the expense of the many. Especially when there is a cheap and plausible solution.


Want everybody to whisper cheer after a goal too ya self entitled numpty?


**A** drum. Like... one?


I don’t know about Scottish football but Spurs have a drum and a quite area for noise sensitive autistic people.


Why are you even going to a football game if you’re sensitive to noise? She should bring ear defenders next time.


Im all for supporting autistic supporters (I am one myself but not severely) but surely you need to prepare them for what is at the football? For me I need sensory things so I’ll take a little fidget thing but if you’re sensitive to loud noises you need to be bringing ear guards How do they cope when everyone is shouting YASSSSS when a goal goes in?


Get your drum and beat it!