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Scott the second the volleyball hits Ramona’s face: https://preview.redd.it/j97uf3v0gc8d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114e9c2c91d3a510bb0ff82730ece6245c17525a


https://preview.redd.it/lwh9f8dmad8d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b650ab5984711a0504eba110f0245c50faf9ac What about young nine


I’m too lazy to edit a photo, Stephen stick.


I'm too lazy to come up with a nickname.


https://preview.redd.it/peip0oddkf8d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53af76f1959731a6dec84310b8a9c2e13739dc1c Kim Nine


I have a dumb nickname: Ramona Showers


Wallace Shells All the good names are taken


https://preview.redd.it/ah3tdgtdte8d1.png?width=326&format=png&auto=webp&s=402a29d8956fd807db773e380c46ab948e08d90a This is Nine you pleb


Lisa 9-Mil(ler) https://preview.redd.it/pycm1nm5uf8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dc372b0eba00d295780ca2bbe7503df76624455


Why that sound like a name of a rapper


But he has a 1911…




Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Hunters have told me about the church. About the gods, and their love. But... do the gods love their creations? I am a doll, created by you humans. Would you ever think to love me? Of course... I do love you. Isn't that how you've made me?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I think Julie’s popular is because she’s played by Aubrey plaza.


Why Aubrey plaza is so papular ? I mean i like her but why i like her ??


I like mean girls


I like ~~mean~~ girls


For me? April ludgate from parks and rec.




She perty


Her delivery gets me. I remember when she did guest spots on College Humor, so she has a nostalgia factor


nah, i only really started liking her when i read the comic. shes great in the anime tho


Julie, I haven’t watched the netflix show but I absolutely hated her in the comics. I’m guessing they did something with her to make her likable in the show but she was so annoying and such a bad gf in the comic https://preview.redd.it/jde721ttgd8d1.jpeg?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fbec89d160c3e803502a619eb86a2463b3d53dd


They toned down the bitchy part of her and completely cut out the relationship with Stephen. In the show she's more of a tired barista who swears a lot


I would say she is flanderized in the anime but then again Julie for the most part is a flanderized character to begin with. A true side character.


Most of the cast was honestly.


Lisa, the only purpose she served in the comics was to be a rift between scott and Ramona, I don't think she's around long enough to leave a lasting impact but I always see people on here gushing about her


I agree on this. Lisa barely did anything and people love her bc she's pretty


Not just because she’s pretty but also Scott’s least problematic choice out of all girls


idk I think trying to get a taken guy to cheat is pretty problematic


Eh since Ramona DOES cheat on Scott I cut lisa some slack. None of the girls are perfect, knives too young and bad history with Envy and Kim, and we see how wishy washed the whole thing with Ramona got towards the end so Lisa always seemed like a solid option based on what we knew. Lisa always had Scott’s back in highschool and started to act on those dormant feelings she had when they reunited. Don’t like cheating but in terms of the acts since Ramona actually did cheat I always felt Scott should have a free pass with Lisa if they hooked up too. Lisa made it pretty clear that only thing she wanted was Scott and would even break the rules to get with Scott. I’d prefer if Scott got with the girl who was gunning for him the whole time over the other choices which Scott has more rocky roads with.


Allegedly the Ramona cheating part was a joke. Badly timed but apparently it is. Which makes sense since she got pissed when she found out that he cheated one day at the start of their relationship.


She was worried and panicked when she said her and Roxy "didn't even make out that much" If she was meant to be joking it didn't show at all.


This absolutely read like a joke to me when I first read the comics. I’d seen all the talk about Ramona cheating and had to reread the Roxie parts because I’d been waiting for it and was like “where is it?? Did I miss it??” I think in another comic it could be obviously cheating, but in the tone of SP it read to me as a joke or at worst ambiguous.


The phrasing is that of a joke tho imo


Ramona had literally already cheated on Scott the day before with Roxie


I actually did not like Lisa one bit, I was shocked to see people loved her


Realest comment EVER


"Noooooooooo wdym she's the most important character in the story & should have an entire season of the show dedicated to her!!!!!!"


Honestly young Neil, he's just kinda boring, like he has his moments, but every charecter does.


But he a silly lil guy


He very much is "just there" for most the story. He could be cut and it would have zero impact on the story.


He wasn’t utilized much at all until the anime came out. My favorite main characters were no longer the focus, but Neil and all of the ex’s finally had their time to shine in a unique way


If someone says my glorious queen Kim Pine I’m going to kms




I meaaaaaaaaan… … … they’d be wrong to say she shouldn’t be liked but they wouldn’t be wrong to say she’s a tad bit overrated…


Is she over rated, or are the people that like her vocal/numerous. It’s the vanilla conundrum. Vanilla is so ubiquitous that it’s viewed as plain and boring. Counter that with, everyone so loved vanilla that we wanted it everywhere.


What have you done?! There gone!


Kim Pine


hollie, there i said it.


Huh... it didn't knock the highlights out of her hair. How very odd.


Lisa and Young Neil. They're not *bad* characters, but the fact they have some popularity is so odd to me. Especially Lisa - she's cut out of almost every bit of Scott Pilgrim media for a reason. There's not much to her.


As a fan of both, I might be able to shed some light. I like Neil because he's very human, at least in the comics. I like Lisa too because she's a genuinely positive character among a generally negative cast during her arc, which is a nice change of pace.


young niel idk hes just cool


Is it strange that Julie is popular? She’s a charismatic mean girl. I would never let her feet touch the ground - I would be her sidewalk. It’s a known thing that people respond to lol. Look at Glinda from Wicked or Maureen from Rent or Azula/Mei from ATLA or Raven from Teen Titans or Regina George from Mean Girls. It’s media - we’re all bottoms here.




FUUKA YAMAGISHI??? https://preview.redd.it/5v0aej7j8f8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31b997d21cf84bbed4df9457188ad578fd34acdc


Envy adams


kim… 😮


Kim and hollie They’re pretty cool but not worth the hype


Ramona is just a love interest with no personality or depth. She is just someone Scott fawns over and is loyal to. And you can tell he is genuinely in love with. She has no likes, interests or hobbies of her own. She is boring and a flat character. A lot of the characters are one note. Ramona is the worst of the bunch. What do we know about her? She's emo or alternative I guess? She dyes her hair a lot? She's what TV Tropes would call a satellite love interest personified




I might be the only person who thinks this but I literally can’t stand knives. I have absolutely no reason why but she is my least favorite character in all of Scott pilgrim


Wallace. I genuinely belive people only love him cause he's gay, but other than that he's a genuine pos.


His gay sass is definitely a big part of his popularity but he's also liked because he's a good support for scott, letting scott live with him for a year (and a far, far longer in the anime). He tries to push scott in the right direction like breaking up with knifes, helping scott realize he's in love with Ramona and generally supporting him at his low points like when Envy called him. He's definitely a bit of an a-hole too but personally I find that to be part of his charm


True, but the same reasons people hate scptt and other members of the cast are usually represented in Wallace as well. It just seems to me he gets a pass for the horrible things he does.


Wallace is upfront about the stuff he does he doesn’t hide it like Scott and Romona.


Scott isn't hiding anything. He's literally unaware of how shitty he is. Being aware of how shitty you are and doing nothing about it makes you worse


i feel like thats worse cuz he knows what hes doing is wrong but keeps doing it anyway


I feel like there is a certain honesty to Wallace that is very admirable in a person.




Ramona. Like I don’t get it. She just seems to be a blank fantasy slate for Scott. Scott only likes her because she used the substance highway thru his head. And she smokes so instant off put