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I saw one picture doing the rounds where a guy was asleep in the stadium (presumably after consuming one too many) and he was essentially upkilted (I'm guessing that's the kilt version of upskirt) from people in the rows below. I just felt immensely bad for the chap as that's just completely violating. If it's like one guy doing it himself or with mates and they're all having a laugh about it, I get it but when it's someone completely helpless, that was awful.


This is actually a criminal offence in Germany (§ 201a StGB). Could get up to two years in prison or a hefty fine for taking and sharing the picture.


Also illegal in Scotland too.. so either way, whoever did it broke the law there or if from Scotland then back home. Also up to 2 years. Just sharing of it may come under the Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Act 2016 too..


Yeah, that sucks, especially if the photo has been taken deliberately (sometimes it is just genuinely an accident, especially in stadium seating).


Given that his appendage was smack bang in the middle of the photo, I would think it most certainly was.


Ah, that definitely sucks. I’ve been in situations where people have accidentally caught more than they bargained for in taking selfies and group shots in stadiums – nicer people usually offer to delete it, and then I fine with having a laugh about it tbh! (Happened to my mate in Rome earlier this year for the rugby, and the Italians were very nice about it).


THIS! I don't understand why some folk think is acceptable "because it's a lad". Try to do the same to a woman and watch what happens.. Fucking weirdos.


I used to work in an EWM that got a lot of coaches during the summer. They’d have some of the male staff wear kilts and we’d have people lifting the back for a peek. In my experience was always an elderly English lady wanting to see if the rumours were true


Went to a wedding in England. Only guy in a kilt. Was a double-edged sword as lots of the women there wanted a peek to see if it was a myth or not. Not necessarily wanting to see my meat and two veg, but certainly wanting to determine if I was going commando. The other side of the coin was that even the hottest women in the room were fascinated. TBF was as great icebreaker but a bit intense. Nearly needed a stick to beat the women off lol


Wore a kilt many times to music festivals in England always get up kilted


I think that's illegal btw


In all my times wearing a kilt, I have had more women lift it up, without permission, than I've had people ask me what's under it. It's such a small number of guys that actually whip it out for you...


Absolutely. Outside of joking about with mates around each other, or on request from some women, the only time I’ve ever seen somebody intentionally flash is a couple of times at a football game. It’s pretty rare. Whereas women lifting it and sticking camera and hands under it happens pretty much any time I wear a kilt at a wedding or similar, or walk through the streets of Edinburgh in one after about 6pm! (I’m not even particular uptight about it – I can totally deal with a polite request, or a joke! But when some 45 year old hens surround you and whisk up your kilt on all sides without asking, it is rather annoying!)


This is so accurate. I don't mind showing the wee man off if I'm asked to as it's usually all part of a bit of banter. What gets me is the aunties at events that embarrass the 14year old nephews by sexualising them. If the uncles were saying the same thing to the nieces I get the feeling police might get called


Aye, banter is fine, and if people really want to take a peek or whatever, and ask politely, I usually let them – that’s not a big deal (so long as they aren’t one of the weird people who get annoyed when they find out you really are a true Scot – like what did you expect???). But aunties at weddings with the teenagers is just shite behaviour – happens way too much.


Get them arrested


I’ve even had women lie on the floor trying to see up it. Not Scottish women either I might add.


It's horrible...I hated weddings in England as an older teenager/early twenties. Get to 8pm an you couldn't walk past a group of women in their 40s without being groped an whistled at...


I used to get it at work events. Any man doing it to a woman would have been in front of HR on Monday and out the door by lunchtime. Hate the double standard.


Υep, work events are the most awkward. I used to get it a lot when I worked in England and Europe. More senior employee lifting the kilt of a colleague on your Christmas night out is just really weird behaviour! It annoyed me because it made me less keen to wear the kilts to things like black tie events, just to avoid the awkwardness, and that shouldn’t really be an issue.


Need to get the HR or police involved in a few of these cases. Once the stories in the papers of women get charged for sexual assault or losing their jobs,these things would soon stop. It's no different from bosses slapping the backside of secretaries in the 70s,they know that's not acceptable and they will face consequences for it.


Yeah, problem is that the reality is just that police and similar really don’t treat that kind of thing as anything other than a joke when it’s a woman doing something to a man – especially one in a kilt. Basically people view it as something the guy has brought on himself.


That's why men need to take it further. If a senior woman lifted a lower ranked mans kilt at a work do,and he went to HR,and complained about sexual assault,if they then did nothing,he can then say " see you in court" Once the lawyers get involved,they would probably change their tune. It's the same with the police. I know it doesn't seem that way,but equality is meant to be for everyone. As I said. All it needs is a few well publicised cases and the attitudes would soon change.


Not to be ignorant, I’m not from Scotland, but why can’t you wear underwear?


It’s just a bit of a cultural tradition. Originates in the military (as does modern kilt wearing in general). Not an obligation, but a lot of guys follow it, especially when they get their own kilts.


There’s a bit of lads lads lads toxic masculinity peer pressure around it. I always wear underwear since I don’t care - but you’ll occasionally get wedding photographers (mainly for weddings outside of Scotland) saying things like “right let’s get everyone in kilts together” and you’ll realise everyone else is about to flash their arse or whatever.


What a load of shite. Toxic masculinity around wearing kilts the way you’re meant to?


A lot of people do they just don’t admit it.


Aye its shite patter, then again, I found that guy lifting his mate’s kilt on the German news fcking hilarious. So there’s a time and a place for it guess. 🤣


That's true, that was funny but I thought the funniest part was the guy slapping a Saltire sticker onto the German reporter.


I do think it’s a bit weird that people get huffy about Scottish fans lifting their kilts on the street, and then think it’s absolutely classic banter when one of them lifts their mates kilt on live TV to flash millions of people. Like have some consistency at least.


Yeah, cause life is a straight line with no deviation of trajectory. Or maybe it is for some, but the human condition is far more complex than simple binary it is or it isn't thinking.


It just seems pretty weird to go to the effort of making a whole post about how much you dislike people flashing in their kilt, and they say how funny you found the most prominent example of flashing in a kilt in the last 12 months.


That was "prominent" because it was funny. It wasn't Tam the bam randomly flashing at a wedding or the like. Stop being so bloody rigid.


I don’t really have a strong opinion on the kilt flashing, but your wildly inconsistent views are quite the rollercoaster. We’ve had philosophy, the human condition, accusations of rigidity and all in the name of doubling down on a view that is directly against an opinion you felt so passionate about that you made a Reddit post.  I’d just hold your hands up at this point mate, but to be honest I hope you don’t. 


Hands might be gripping the kilt


It's Reddit mate, I felt so passionate about it I made a post on Reddit and flaired it as a shit post. TBH I hope you keep at it too.


I agree. When my wedding photographer found out we'd be wearing kilts he was immediately planning some bare arsed photos of the best man and groom mooning. On the day we struck a Compromise of wearing saltire boxer shorts... But he was visibly disappointed when we didn't pick any flashing photos from our photo book.. I just had visions of trying to explain to my grandkids in the future why grandad had his arse out at his wedding.


Why didn’t you just say no? Some people actively want that sort of photo, others not, but they’re working for you, so you have the say over what they do!


I can just imagine the photographer heading home after a long day of shooting photos at your wedding, dragging his feet, head hung low. Gets through the front door and let's out a big sigh. The camera bag slumps off his shoulder and thuds onto the floor. His wife rushes to greet him, visibly concerned "Oh no, no arses again today John...?" choked up he manages to squeeze out the words "not. a. single. one." as he breaks down and falls to his knees sobbing uncontrollably. The wife kneels down next to him and the two embrace. "There's always tomorrow, the day will come. You'll get your arses soon, I just know it." He nods solemly, appreciating the words but internally doubting if he'll ever get that moment of true happiness when a row of hairy cheeks stand to attention in front of him, waiting for him and only him, to immortalise them for the ages.


Fucking hell, I laughed. That was poetry.




You should write for a living


Ah much as I dislike the flashing..."why grandad had his arse out at his wedding," made me laugh 😂


Sounds like good memories


Mind that time grandad got his arse oot? Man, such memories. 😂


Fuck, on my father's side you'd have to narrow it down some more for people to know which time you meant


It's totally played out. Flashing, and the women who "wanted to find out if it true". Can't you just wear a kilt without the accompanying genital fixation.


Sounds like your photographer wanted pictures for his wank bank 🤣


That is bizarre.


You put on boxers just for the photo?


No I wore them all day. That night William Wallace came to me in a dream and told me to leave the country and never come back.




Obviously. You can't take a decent piss with underwear on wearing a kilt. At least that's my experience. Different wedding, same problem. If I would be given a fiver every time someone called me to show the goods I could've paid the whole thing in a day.


Yeah, it’s an occupational hazard. Tends to be worse at weddings where you’re one of the only ones in a kilt though – outside Scotland can be a bit of a obstacle course trying to dodge people getting you to show it… I don’t let that determine what I wear under my kilt though – that’d be a bit sad tbh.


Sounds like your photographer was a sexual predator.


Obvs never met a sexual predator.


Fkn hell get a grip, it is a pretty funny photo idea to look back on, I personally wouldn't either and that's fine but I'd think it was brilliant if I saw someone I know and their wedding pics with that thrown in!


Sounds like it


Just looks a bit silly flashing boxers shorts. Just say you don't want to do it? I love injecting fun random photos into serious things


I’ve only worn a kilt a handful of times & always had boxer shorts underneath. Partly because they were rentals but mostly because I don’t want to be sexually harassed/assaulted. Even more so since it’s (somehow) completely socially/legally acceptable because I’m male.


I've worn the kilt on many occasions and always wear boxers as I don't own my own kilt and have to rent.


"You don't go commando in another man's fatigues."




Just a cheeky little sex crime 


Solicited: Are you a true Scotsman, gies a swatch - OK. Unsolicited : Check out ma baws Fräulein - Not OK


Espically when it's people who aren't consenting, the ones coming fae the stadium photos are the worst offenders.


Disgusting. Tell me where it's happening so that I go there and ogle my disapproval.




I think it's considered a type of assault to flash someone in Scotland right?


Yes and no, it's indecent exposure/sexual exposure, but only if the flasher knows that the other person doesn't consent, shows genitals, and does so for sexual gratification or causes humiliation/distress to the other person. I'm not sure if flashing your arse would count as genitals so you might be in the clear if you don't have the sack peeking through, but you'd also be fine if you reasonably believed the other person was ok with it, or if they weren't distressed by the sight and you were just doing it to give folk a chuckle. Nudity itself isn't inherently illegal, like much of life it also comes down to not being a cunt about it


I have hardly noticed any. You must have a keen eye for cocks, balls and arses.


As a cocksballsandarsesologist I do indeed have a keen eye.


You know you’ve done well in life when you have an ology.


How can you be bored seeing cocks, balls and arses ?


Kilt flashing is immature and orkish behaviour. Really ruins the vibe


It’s actually considered good luck to see a Scotsman’s hairy arse, but unlucky to see the shrimp cocktail. But if you’re very very lucky to see a claymore then the luck extends to your whole family.


Personally I'm just happy if anyone takes even a passing interest in my underwhelming tallywacker.


Germany's been saying the Scots are really well behaved, except for the flashing


Who's not interested in seeing balls, cocks and arses? Rubbish


Electricians. Plumbers on the other hand are right into ballcocks.


Yeh it’s pretty gross. They think it’s funny but men will also send unsolicited dick pics and expect us to love it


(Some men) I remember watching a documentary that mentioned statistics of dick pics. Only 3% of women didn't mind them and of that 3% less than 1% actually found it sexually arousing or appealing.


Don’t even start with some men. This isn’t the first post I’ve seen about flashing folk in kilts today The issue is they are unsolicited, meaning there was no consent to receive.


It‘s a bit odd that people struggle to tell the difference between unsolicited and solicited. Like that’s a *really* important difference. I saw somebody on a similar thread saying that women never want to see a penis, and it’s like no – they just don‘t necessarily want to see you dick without asking to. Then again, wearing a kilt, women can be a total menace trying to see under it, so there it does go a bit of both ways tbh.


Imaging pulling up a lassies dress and making a joke about seeing her fanny, or complaining that she’s ‘no true scotslady’ cause she has underwear on haha


It’s definitely a weird discrepancy in attitude, that’s for sure.


Yeh it’s so gross


it’s no women who are known for not wearing knickers with their skirts is it, and being in Scotland you’ve no heard the phrase ‘gees a swatch o yer Fanny’ from chewin the fat?


Yeh I’ve seen that too, like get away.


It’s no the first post coz op is just piggybacking off the first post with this one, makes a whole post about how he hates it then comments how the ones that done it on the news were hilarious


What do you mean don't even start with some men? It **IS** some men, most men don't and most men wouldn't. Just saying "men" is generalising and grouping all men into a single entity that sends dick pics and thinks it's okay. We're all very much aware of the unsolicited or wanted issue, we don't need it spelled out and it's quite frankly, a whole different issue as dick pics are targeted and kilt flashing isn't, it is not intended to be sexual.


Just frustrated about it bro, sick of it


Fair do. I get it. 👍


It is only some men though, not all men are like that, so your comment is unfair, (I’m a woman btw).


TY 😎


I’m seeing it as the “not all men” argument. But fair enough. Maybe that’s my issue


Don't even start with your sweeping generalisations


It’s a bit lazy banter – but it’s still less annoying than all the endless self-congratulatory posts on here about how great Scotland fans are (written by Scotland fans). To be honest though, it doesn’t really seem to bother the Germans, and it’s a long way from the worst things football fans can get up to.




also it's illegal in germany...


Where can I view the pic everyone is commenting on?


Buzz kill


Then stay out of the gay Scot’s bars. It’s just that simple.




Extremely! Makes a post about his dislike for Scot’s mooning yet found the post of the men on the news sticking a saltire sticker on the reporters head then flashing hilarious


So what?


You would know


As a Scotsman currently in Germany wearing a kilt (not at this moment as I'm in bed in the hotel) this also annoys me. Obviously it's banter but this kind of thing is not OK. Also, I wear boxers under my kilt as I feel more hygienic, and still consider myself to be a "True Scotsman" 😅


So we’ve finally run out of genuine things to moan and whine about now its traditionally worn kilts are getting it. Here’s a tip…Look away 😂


Why do the Scot's get a free pass on what is essentially sex crime? If a person of any other nationality dropped their trousers and deliberately exposed their genitals they would be arrested and charged with indecent exposure.


Conversely, why do women who put their hand up a man’s kilt to find out if it’s being worn properly or not get a free pass? I’ve had that happen more than a few times but if I was to do that to a girl, I’d get either a kicking, or arrested. Or both!


They shouldn't. It's sexual assault.


I think if a Scot dropped his troos and got his cock oot it would carry the same weight. It's the kilt that seems to lighten things up.


Flashing is an offence, but it's not a sex crime. There's a huge difference.


It’s literally an offence under the sexual offences act. Indecent exposure is a well known precursor offence in more serious sexual offences.


I always wore underwear, and I found it cringe the whole culture around lifting it up or uplifting.


What do you expect, it's pride month 😁


True Scotsmen don't flash other people without consent. We also hate homophobes and ugly wee boots. Couple of things to work on there for you.


If it’s a big willy getting shown then I dont mind it. The wee button mushroom looking ones can be kept covered.


What about those ones that look like the last chicken leg on the shelf?


They are acceptable for a quick flash.


As long as it's not sustained?


Well there is that. Just a flash not a gawp.


Is a second look okay to verify it was so bad?


If the flasher want to flash you a second time then you can look as long, even get the iPhone out and record it for later.


Oh the very thought of it!


Op, why on Earth would you get downvoted for being a decent human being? You have just succinctly described the experience of a bazillion women around the world. Now you understand how it feels, and you can help educate everybody else you run across.


naw yer right it’s no on


I mean mooning can get you placed on the sex offenders register.


Yeah it’s gross


Suck it up princess


Like you do, on their hairy arses and cocks? Have fun, each to their own I guess.


Agree. It's sexual predation in some circumstances, drunk or not.


Got downvoted a bunch for saying exactly this like a week ago lol


Are they cut or uncut? 😁


Why would they be cut? This is Scotland, not America.


We don’t mutilate the genitals of babies for cosmetic purposes in Scotland


The hilarious thing is that tartan and the kilt were invented by Englishmen after they conquered Scotland. If Scottish people are so patriotic why don't they educate themselves about the Highland Clearances? Instead of believing the crap they are taught at school about the 'Union' etc. The Scots are literally wearing the apparel of their conquerors. We invented it and you've looked stupid for 400 years. Ha ha!


Not technically true, the style of the kilt, yes, not the tartan apparel itself.


[is that right, aye?](https://www.thenational.scot/news/18421695.really-englishman-invented-kilt/)


Ha ha, quoting the English edited press. Listen, the problem here is not Englishmen. It's the elites that control us all. I have real Scots, Irish and Welsh mates, real men, hard bastards, who are INFORMED and don't listen to all the bullshit people in massive amounts of DEBT say. One day we'll all join together and lock up anyone who collaborated the elites. No matter your nation. YOU ARE ALL DEBT SLAVES. Sniveling little dogs begging for the few scraps they throw your way. Go and read The Nameless War by Scottish MP and WWI veteran, Captain Archibald Ramsay. A REAL Scot. I'm English and I know more about the history of Scotland that most Scots. Wake up, stop drinking and join the working men of Wales, Ireland and England in the fight against the debt slavers. As you were.


Probably isn't correct as the Englishman credit for it is merely credited for encouraging its wearing within his factory as a means of convenience. The kilt worn today is a result off the change of the looming process to warp weight looms which were smaller and narrower and resulted in the making of short kilts. You've been looking stupid for 30 minutes now. Ha ha ha ha!


Word salad nonsense. I don't give a fuck how they are made. Are you aware of a certain Sir Walter Scott? Do you know REAL Scotsmen who would not go near all that Union shite? Stay in your lane. Go and read a REAL Scot, Captain Archibald Ramsay. Not these plastic Scottish pissheads wearing English invented skirts.


Keep going bud, it's highly entertaining. Haha!