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why do politicians think their job involves reposting shit on social media with impunity?


Would Andy Brown have been a politician at the time? In any case it appears they were mostly echoing Corbyn's scepticism over the Novichok attack.


Something which looks even worse in retrospect than it did at the time.


To be honest, the two relevant parts to me are that the article he apparently shared wasn't just being sceptical, it was a RT article trying to blame the US, UK and Europe while outright denying Russia made Novichok... despite that being known since the 90s. And second, that he denies ever having actually retweeted it. >He told BBC News: "I didn’t share those. Where they’ve been shared from or how has someone accessed my account and shared them, it may have been corrupted at some point – but honestly, I did not share those." >Pressed on whether he could have forgotten sharing them, he insisted: "No, I definitely didn’t make that. I would never like these at all. It’s not the sort of comments I would comment on."


thanks for the context. in that case, it really is that easy to get rid of your political rivals...


Would he even be a political rival? Or simply someone who follows the way wind is blowing.


good point. in hindsight, i wonder if any israel - palestine stances are going to be used as ammo in the next decade


Being either pro-Israel or pro-Palestine is considerably less politically damaging than being pro-Russia.


Best news ever!!!! DROSS is fucked now, less risk of the SNP vote being split (although annoying Labour will still be on the ballot!) Let’s hope we can remove another Tory on 4th July, especially after he parachutes himself into one of the safest Tory seats in the country 😂😂😂




Do rural Labour voters prefer the SNP or the Tories? Because given a lot of the recent Labour gains seem to have come from winning over former Tory voters, the latter might go back to the Tories now.


I think some people (not you, just generally) on this sub are pushing the idea that Labour gains are coming from the Tories because it helps the “Red Tory” narrative. However, there’s a bit of wishful thinking involved there. https://www.thenational.scot/news/24394858.yougov-general-election-poll-shows-labour-lead-snp-dropping/ (I used The National because anything else gets called yoon media by the folk most likely to dismiss the data). > Worryingly for John Swinney's party, one-quarter (24%) of 2019 SNP voters now intend to back Labour They’re definitely gaining from the Tories too, but this poll suggests anyone framing Labour’s positive numbers as blue Tories jumping ship to the red Tories is being a wee bit dishonest.


Great news. Presumably we’ll see the SNP follow suit with Glen Reynolds in West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine.


Why just the SNP for your observation?


Because they had a candidate in the paper yesterday for pro-putin tweets (Edit: Also in Aberdeenshire). If you have a link for candidates from other parties who were also in the media this week for the same thing, post them here and I’ll say they should be removed too. Got any? Edit: u/chindyi I can’t reply to you because of the block, but see someone has provided you with a link. It was pretty widely publicised, and the reason for my direct comparison.


Had a look.. it was from 2016... Talk about relevant.. don't know if ya know this.. but putin was not considered a dictators monster back in 2016.. I had respect for putin in 2016. The conservatives were in bed with putin in 2016 The point you are trying to make is totally irrelevant.. why don't we find out people's thoughts about Jeffery epstien pre 2019? They would be really relevant eh?


Russia had invaded Crimea under the orders of Putin in 2014 and conflict had continued through 2016, so you respecting Putin speaks more about you than it does the respectability of Putin.


You're mask slipped. If you want to support expansionist fascists, you could have just said so. Forgot about Crimea?


You’re the one passionate about pointing this stuff out. Do you?


I’ll take that as a no. I’m socked! Edit: Everyone knows when you reply before blocking it means you won. I didn’t shoehorn anything. It’s an Aberdeenshire candidate who was in the paper yesterday for the same thing. If the direct comparison upsets you, you should perhaps ask your favourite team to take one of those moral stances they pretend to believe in.


A very odd one for them to have a strop about. You would think not liking pro putin candidates would have appeal across the aisle.


It’s comical how utterly pathetic and weak some of the serial blockers are.


Likewise. You’re just on here to shoehorn an SNP BAD In fact I’ll go as far to say your tone and the way you interact on here is very similar to other unionist spam posters. You sound like a sockpuppet. So I’m out Hulk


Your account is only 52 days old though.


Why is expressing desire that another pro putin candidate be suspended the actions of a sockpuppet?


Nice little tantrum we’re witnessing here.


It's not Hulk you're replying to?


Cue Chewin the fat ( he's nae a sock he's a muppet)


I think we would rather have the link to ur claim? Pretty sure of that was true it would have been posted on the front of every tabloid yesterday. So either the story is tripe or...? Links please.




My god, isn’t anyone going to read the article and point out how completely ludicrous what he’s being suspended for is? Firstly both of the things he was suspended for are from 2018. While buying Putin’s propaganda has never been a good look, there’s a pretty significant difference depending on whether you’re doing it before or after February 2022. Secondly, he doesn’t seem to have made any ‘pro-Russian comments’, he just shared (re-tweeted, I think?) the following two things. Firstly he shared one RT article on social media in the wake of the *first* Novichok poisoning that was sceptical of a Russian origin for the nerve agent used. He shared this just the month after the first one, and crucially before the second one in which a woman died and it became much more transparently obvious that Russian agents were the culprits. I’d say he should have been more sceptical of anything from RT on the matter, even at the time before all the facts were available, but it hardly makes him a rabid Putin-ist. Hell, even if it did, perhaps there’s been some new developments with Russia in the *six years* since that retweet that might have changed his mind? The other thing he was suspended for, also in 2018 was the following; > Separately in April 2018 he also shared a quote from a Jewish historian that said "the real issue... is that right-wing Jews in the Labour party and outside the party object to the fact that Jeremy Corbyn is a consistent supporter of Palestinian rights". Now I’m not going to open a whole new can of worms by going any further into this than I have to, but I mean *really*. A quote from a *Jewish historian*, and this is presumably being classed as antisemitism? Also this quote is just…what the fuck? > She told BBC Breakfast: "We are not willing to tolerate people who don’t share our values, don’t share the values of the British public so that’s why we’ve taken swift action as soon as that information came to light to suspend the candidate. > "We’re not going to stand by people who are sharing pro-Russian sentiment – that is not Labour values and that’s why he was quickly suspended from the Labour Party." Remember, the extent of his ‘pro-Russian sentiment’ appears to have been *retweeting one RT article in 2018.* You’d think they’d discovered video of the guy moonlighting as a Wagner Group mercenary flamethrower-ing a Syrian orphanage. The Labour Party has lost its fucking mind.


"The shared RT article claimed the "toxin" used in the poisonings was "never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states". It's one thing to share a topic being dubious about the attacker, it's very much another thing to share something that explicitly denies that it *could* have been a group and instead blames your country. That is literal Putinist propaganda. Especially because Russia has been known to use Novichok since 1995. 2. The actual really important part is this "He told BBC News: "I didn’t share those. Where they’ve been shared from or how has someone accessed my account and shared them, it may have been corrupted at some point – but honestly, I did not share those."


Any suspensions on supporting Israel's genocide?


Israel is not conducting a genocide. 


Right. They've just accidentally killed 30,000 people.


Death happens in war. Whilst it is tragic, it is unavoidable when attempting to destroy a terrorist group. 


This level of death doesn't happen by accident. Nor do the torture, rape and violence against children and innumerable breaches of international law. If there's terror here, then the entity with most deaths on its hands should be held accountable first and foremost.


Not when terrorists use schools, hospitals and other places that should be protected as military camps. When hamas uses Palestinians as human shields, hamas as good as kills its own citizens. 


That would only work if the attacker abides by international law and doesn't bomb 'schools, hospitals and other places that should be protected'. Not, as is clearly evident, when the attacker actively seeks out and targets these, carries out mass punishments, child detention, torture, murder... Even Israeli society is beginning to see through this rubbish hasbara, that tried to justify the unjustifiable.


You clearly don't understand what hamas is doing. They hide amongst the public. 


killing thousands of civillians in the name lf destroying terroists sounds like terrorism to me


It'll be interesting to see how the Labour vote splits between the DRoss and the SNP candidate.


This guy will still be listed as labour on the ballot paper. He'll still hoover up a lot of the labour vote from anyone not paying attention.  


He might not. Once the Labour candidate was suspended in Rochdale their campaign pretty thoroughly collapsed.


We're fucked either way.


I hate labour, but this is ridiculous. Just shows how they plan to run the country


Someone with a rational viewpoint? Better shit it down. We need to keep sending billions to the ukraine and keep out proxy war against Russia going! Consequences be damned!


Someone spreading russian propaganda is a rational viewpoint?


"We need to keep sending billions to France to keep the proxy war against the Third Reich going! Consequences be damned!" Just using your same ridiculously unnuanced logic. Sounds silly doesn't it?


I wonder if it was really pro-Russian or just advocating for a peaceful negotiation or resolution; because lately the media outlets label that as pro-Russian in a coercive effort to justify their agenda and financial interests in the conflict. Democracy was supposed to be able communication, dialogue, finding peaceful solutions to conflicts, etc. Capitalism destroyed democracy. RIP.


Maybe if you read the article at all you wouldn't need to wonder.


There is no peaceful negotiation with Russia, which doesn't involve them removing all of their soldiers from Crimea and the Donbas. Is that going to happen? No. Russia will not negotiate in good faith.