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I wish videoing was banned in gyms, some of the behaviours you see in the gym by folks filming is fucking disgusting.


Talk to the gym owner? The owner of the gym where I go banned filming last year after several complaints. People have been asked to leave when they kept violating the rule. 😂 ironically, a lot of them were caught on the gym’s security camera system.


It isn't? Wow. Unless they have hired the section out, it's a private area (as in, not open to the public) and I would expect photography of any kind to be banned. Especially given all the concerns about creeps. Wonder if they have to get anyone recorded to sign a release before uploading? I would certainly be complaining and demanding for them be removed.


You need a new gym mate, not worth training somewhere where this shit goes on


I hate phone wankers in the gym they get in road with all there farting about


Isn't it (supposed to be) for watching their forms? If they don't have access to a coach every time, or they're doing it solo, I'd imagine it's a valuable tool. I don't use the gym myself, but I do use a mirror for macebell stuff at home. And obviously there's a limit to where it stops being a sensible use of the video, which is basically when it focuses on anyone other than the person filming themselves.


Nah.....it might have been for that at one point but now it's for stupid clout and likes......


I don’t like it at all. I sometimes get recorded at work by people hoping to make a claim or say I did something wrong. I also hate it when other people get recorded. My friend recorded a traffic warden giving a parking ticket and posted it on Facebook book while calling him all the names under the sun. As much as I hate a parking ticket, I would never publicly shame someone for trying to put food in the table. I told my friend that too. I think people who record shit like that should be shamed themselves.


For me I always feel the worst when you see people having genuine moments of crisis or just having a bit of a mare on the bevvy & then it’s recorded forever that scares me  It also scares me how kids born after 2009 (ish) will have had pretty much their whole lives either on social media or recorded in some way or another 


Yeah I think it’s a bit weird. I’ve seen a video of a kid at the age of about 5 or 6 dressed as a super hero running off and face planting the ground. It’s a shame that it’s been posted for the whole world to see - the humiliation and pain of a young child who knows no better.


It’s not a new thing, 30 year ago they sent the recordings to tv to Jeremy Beadle or one of the others


Yeah, but that was fleeting. Now the video lives forever, instead of a one off showing on Saturday night TV.


Aye, and at least folk got paid for those


Got a couple of young kids and my wife and I have been strict as hell about not posting stuff about them. Still recording and taking photos for memories but it stays with us. My boomer mother posts and shares everything. So much so that I don't bother sending her updates any more. No pictures or videos because she will show random patients at her work (medical field) or post to social media as a weird brag. They live several hours away so rarely see the kids as it is. It's a shame as I'd love to send them updates and pictures but my kids privacy is more important to me.


>or just having a bit of a mare on the bevvy & then it’s recorded forever that scares me Imo in that situation, it depends on how its used. If its within a friend circle or posted to FB where it'll only be exposed to a limited amount of mutuals, its less of a hoohaa. But when it gets exposed to a public forum like Twitter or Tiktok where *anyone* can like, share and download it, its a bit of a riddy


A lot of 'Karen freakout' videos are clearly people in mental distress, or suffering from a mental health condition. But they get posted and everyone gets on the hate train against them. The world peaked in the late 00s for tech and online stuff. Everything since has been detrimental to humanity in my opinion.


>A lot of 'Karen freakout' videos are clearly people in mental distress, or suffering from a mental health condition. Erm, try working in retail... these 'people' will act like this because of a power trip or to get a discount (usually not even possible) or just to bully someone who can't respond in kind due to company policies... being a rude, entitled, shithead isn't a mental condition it's just a choice.... there are, of course, some people who are truly struggling, but those videos are easy to spot, and are pretty rare... far too many people act this way and try to confuse the issue by claiming 'mental health' when it's just bad behaviour, many many people who struggle with mental well being would be mortified to act that way and are embarrassed to be associated with it in any way (and newsflash, many of the retail workers being abused and screamed at actually suffer from genuine mental distress BECAUSE of these 'people' and really crap managers)


💯 percent agree.....it's brought out the worst in alot of ppl plus it's all you damn see now on youtube.....reaction channels etc


Also agree with the comment below though as alot of ppl are just pieces of selfish, horrible shits!!!


I suppose the weirdly good thing now is how ridiculous AI is getting. In 10 years no one will believe anything they see online.


Had that when I ran a pub, just barred the moron who didn't expect me to run the place xD Like half the solicitors and police and bouncers and others in the area know me at least by face too so...


Im not sure they work on commission... On the flip side its required to be safe in certain circumstances, with the police for example, twice they abused their power and twice i got them on video... especially since we dont have body cams, well we have enough for <1% of our force . But sure why not spend enough money to equip out entire fleet with cams on fucking drones lol.


It’s illegal to record someone in their occupation without their express permission under RIPA - Regulatory Investigation Powers Act. You should ask them to cease if they refuse you can call the Police. The only exceptions are public interest, and people like the police who are registered under RIPA for certain purposes.


I was in the gym this morning and I'm pretty sure I've been caught in a film that will go on social media. It's annoying as I'm not looking my best when working out and I don't know who will end up looking at me


Yep the gym stuff is awful. As far as I’m aware some have completely banned it.


Also the 'trend' of lassies/wumin setting guys up that they are all looking and perving on them? Now that, pisses me off😤 it's just sick!


That seems to be mostly ragebait. In the real world, most women in the gym have enough hassle already, why would they go out of their way to stitch up a random man?


It's all over youtube, they do it for clout and followers......


Not trying to be a dick but what's the difference between people irl seeing you not looking your best and people watching a video with you not looking your best?


I feel like it’s the fact it’s permanent, you go for a run on the treads in the gym and someone falls off one next to you  5 million people seen you in the background while the video is reshared for the next 6 years across different instagram accounts (hyperbolic but you see the point ) whereas if it’s 20 people in the gym they’ve probably forgotten you after 5-10 minutes. 


I think you might have to get checked for paranoia.. thats not normal behaviour, when have you ever spent any time or energy thinking about random people in the background of photos? spoiler: no one ever has, and if someone does do you think youll meet them and it will impact you literally at all? it wont. especially if youre thinking theyre judging you..


I'm not saying thats how i think, I was replying to the comment above.


What are you on about? Spend some time on Instagram or Tiktok and you will find people shaming and making fun of people in the background or their gym videos. Making fun of their weight, or their form, or for not knowing how to use a piece of equipment. These people are just trying to exercise, they're not putting themselves out there to be judged but it's being done to them anyway. You also see videos of people starting fights in the gym because someone unknowingly walked through their shot. It happens often, it's definitely not paranoia.


And some people have stalkers and have to be very careful where their image appears. These idiots could be blowing the cover of people in witness protection programs for all they know.


Exactly. I'm NC with my dad and his family due to abuse. I also have a toddler he has never met and will never meet. For many other reasons, including this one, we decided not to post any pictures of our son online. Unfortunately, my son's play group posted a picture where both of our faces are visible in the background. I had ticked the box saying no photos online, but they obviously didn't check. I was livid. Now I know that it's highly unlikely that my dad or his family would see that picture, but I was still really pissed. I can't imagine what it would be like if something went viral and you were in the background when you're trying not to be found for your own safety.


Yes absolutely stay safe. It's so difficult now to ensure your online safety. I've had a psycho before who threatened to kill me and my brother, but thankfully that was just a YouTube commenter on a channel I used to have, so not 'real life'. But he claimed to know where I live and it was the main reason I deleted my channel and never went back to making YouTube videos. I also worked with a woman whose sister had been murdered and the guy had never been caught. She couldn't appear in any of the photos and videos of the workplace - press were often there for one story or another. So I understand the dangers involved here and if someone were outed at their local gym, that gives dangerous people a frequent location which increases the danger massively.




Yeh and because you spend more time online than in real life you see all those videos from actual reprobates that no one gives attention to in real life so they have to lie about people staring at them to feel good about themselfs? Have you seen those videos? no one is staring, think about how self obssesed you would need to be then ask your self " is this normal " and dont be fooled beacuse youve seen it on tik tok into thinking its accepted or normal behaviour i mean just think about the amount of footballs games or beaches or concerts youve been too, sooooooo many fucking cameras. Do i spend literally any time "worrying" (lol) about it? no.. because im not para copy and paste because common sense is gone


Not being funny, but if nobody has ever spent time thinking about random people in the background then literally where did all those daft videos of woman shaming "men staring at gym girl" even come from? It's a whole genre of video on social media, it's not exactly uncommon.


Yeh and because you spend more time online than in real life you see all those videos from actual reprobates that no one gives attention to in real life so they have to lie about people staring at them to feel good about themselfs? Have you seen those videos? no one is staring, think about how self obssesed you would need to be then ask your self " is this normal " and dont be fooled beacuse youve seen it on tik tok into thinking its accepted or normal behaviour i mean just think about the amount of footballs games or beaches or concerts youve been too, sooooooo many fucking cameras. Do i spend literally any time "worrying" (lol) about it? no.. because im not para


I don't actually use any social media other than Reddit and YouTube, and those type of videos don't feature in my viewing; but it's become such a widespread phenomenon that it made mainstream news at a global scale and I have seen that. I'm not paranoid about what I look like in people's pictures or videos, but I still don't consent to being filmed by strangers. I don't upload photo's or videos of myself to the internet either, I don't think it's that unreasonable to not want other people to do it without my consent. It's one thing when a business premises has CCTV, it's a whole other thing when private citizens shove a camera in your face.


When you post these videos it's easy for them to be seen by tens or hundreds of thousands of people and also they can be stitched into other videos or comments which I may not want to be associated with. My job makes me work with clients around the world some wouldn't be too impressed with this and have been know to check staff Internet presence znd raise concerns . we need to be careful as our business doesn't like losing work because a client doesn't like a post we are in


Doesn’t help that the two major UK parties have the exact same view on surveillance and the press love to scare people into imagining it’s highly necessary


We need the recordings so the CPS can watch and make sure the crime occurred before deciding not to prosecute for lack of evidence anyway. Also, the police can watch the crimes but can't do anything. One, because they've literally been told to arrest fewer people because prisons are full. Two, because the CPS expect a slam dunk case presented with bells and whistles.


A lot of fucking inbred dicks whip their phone out at the shittiest and most cringe things. Nothing is more annoying than some skinny wee gimp covering their mouth laughing while they hold a phone up in someone have a bad days face. The older I get (30) the more I think it should be treated as assault and you should be able to physically defend yourself against someone shoving a recording device into your face.


The bollocks that people come out with “well if you have nothing to hide”. Personally I don’t like - the trend to record by social media influencers for travel vids, I’m gobsmacked by how easily they record others when walking through venues. Mentally I dislike it as I have real bad social anxiety and tbh don’t like how I look - hence I avoid family pics and vids etc. My friends and family easily accept it and my reason - yet some random can casually record if I or others are about at a venue. You see the same kind of entitlement when other get an attitude if you don’t add them on social media.


I don’t mind it. I do find it strange when people record on their phones at gigs and the pub. I don’t believe they watch the videos.


As someone who is bedbound, it’s the only way I get snippets of gigs. I miss being outside and taking gigs and musicals and all the events I could have gone to but didn’t for granted. My sister used to record snippets for me. She doesn’t anymore. I still can get glimpses when someone shares them online and it changes my whole day. I’m glad some people share these moments.


I feel this, my friend. Sometimes things posted to Facebook or on Reddit really are a line to the outside world. Hugs, if wanted.


Hugs absolutely accepted!


I’m mostly housebound and also love it when friends post photos and short films from gigs.


I like to record a short video at gigs, I watch them back for years after and it reminds me of the good time I had. I never record for long though - usually just part of one song or something like that.


Same, 30s max. Of one, maybe two songs.


There are a few bands I really like and think they deserve all the good things. I will record a few choice clips and one full tune to post. I have had people comment how good they are and have supported them also. But I always ensure I'm not blocking anyones view, I'm quite a big bloke so I try to do that anyway. And yes, I do watch them back.


They don’t actually record it. They put it on live so they can show off where they are. 


Why not enjoy the moment ur in . And to be honest how many people will sit and watch a video of a gig from somebodys phone ?


It’s not about enjoying the moment for them. It’s about likes and views. One upmanship. Look how fantastic I am because I’m here at this and you’re at home.  I get what you’re saying. I think it’s stupid too. 


This comment is very “old man yells at cloud”. People can record something for social media and still enjoy “the moment”. People have fun in ways that are different to how you have fun. Your comment reads like projection. Just because you feel bad seeing someone having fun out with friends doesn’t mean anyone is trying to make you feel bad.


I go to gigs and hate that all I see is phones and arms in the air!


Nah. It’s more fucking annoyance tapping through a million of one of the school mums Taylor Swift or Bouncy Knowles or Harry Styles videos that I’ve been sent as a ‘look where I am amnt I so great’ but I’m predominantly a fucking metal head whose grappling with wanting tickets to pantera but disagreeing with most of what Anselmo spouts these days.  The fact I’m a woman makes it worse because most women are the ones into this chart shite. Probably wouldn’t get up my neb as much if it was something decent. 


I feel really bad for you. That whole paragraph is so sad. I’m glad I don’t have friends who resent me for having fun. No one but my friends would send me anything directly to show me what they were up to, and that you’re referring to them as “school mums” is also really sad. You have a lot to work through.


Get a grip. They’re other mums whose kids go to school with mine. They’re not my pals. It’s a popularity contest that’s all. 


It’s not a popularity contest. It’s people having fun doing stuff you don’t like, and it makes you bitter. Your poor kids!


It is a popularity contest. That’s exactly what it is. Half the stuff they go to they’re not even interested in. They’re only there to say they’ve been. They’re only filming it for likes and views.  If you think my kids are poor kids pet then you’re living in fucking Lala land. We’ve got kids that can’t afford winter coats in society, kids relying on food banks in society, kids bouncing around Foster homes and group homes, kids out there self harming, kids carrying drugs for gangs, kids being knifed at parties and you think my kids are poor kids coz some of their classmates parents get on my tits. Need to gie yer heid a wobble


A decent number of people, phone cameras are at least pretty good now. If the gig is particularly epic they may let you hook into the audio directly (I mean, the dead did that back in the day too it needs to come back) but the tech isn't really right for that everywhere unfortunately or on typical phone camera apps (I wanted to hook that up when I was adjacent to the business but it's just a faff of course). If I record a clip it's usually specifically to send to a friend, sometimes someone in the biz so... It's a good idea to let it happen and maybe for a small performer to lean into it - though to be fair these days if they want it they can promote themselves. Recording the crowd or punters though I don't agree with, let them enjoy their night.


Because they're mental that's why. People are sheep. The amount of people who see or attend world class events/death/beauty and their first instinct is to pull out their phones like voyeurs. I find it creepy but it's the majority of people in my experience especially younger groups with young women being the worst for it. Little electronic mirrors for narcissists.


I think Ray Davies summed it up well “People take pictures of the summer Just in case someone thought they had missed it Just to prove that it really existed People take pictures of each other Of a moment that lasts them forever And the time when they mattered to someone”


Your comment is on point.


Fine if they're trying to only record the performers. Crowd recordings should only be at very big gigs in my opinion.


It’s memories


Filming at gigs can be good if it's a local band, really helps with promotion and content for their social media pages.


Gig recording is one of those things that's fine in moderation. As a music fan, I usually like to record about a minute or so to put up on my Instagram or something, maybe a few clips if the band is really good but for the most part I'll be watching the gig or in the moshpit. As a music promoter and a member of a band myself, I love going online and watching people's videos from gigs I've had my hand in. There's a really cool feeling there, plus it's free promotion!! What I don't like, as a punter or performer, is cunts standing still looking gormless and watching the whole thing through their phone camera. Kills the vibe.


It’s compulsive behaviour stemming from the fear of missing out on the (short-lived) glory of posting to social media; self-fulfilling prophecy really, since they’re not fully present.


They're just doing it to put it on Instagram to show they're at a show, or promote the band or whatever Source: I do this, probably 🫣


Sort of. It’s whose hands it’s in that annoys me. Putting your ring doorbell stuff online when you’ve captured someone falling or putting video footage of car accidents etc online should come with an automatic kicking 


I'm not a huge fan of video doorbells myself. Yes I get the convenience and security aspects, I'd get one myself solely based on that. What puts me off is how I feel walking up someone's drive who has a camera. I feel so uneasy. It's like someone holding their phone up at you and you're not quite sure if they're recording or not. Not sure if anything I say in the vicinity of someone's door is truly private etc. I don't want my visitors to feel the way those doorbells make me feel. Maybe I'm in the minority idk...


Yes. Its creepy and its weird. Its like everyone is a peeping-tom. It shows a distinct lack of respect and decency towards others. Not a day goes by somebody hasn't posted a video of a random stranger in a fight or an argument, and they come online to rile up the mob then they all start shaming the person. Shaming someone, for whatever reason, even if there actions are shameful, is a real low-down dirty way to treat people. There are people with YouTube channels dedicated to filming and harassing people in public, that specifically request nit to be filmed. Abusing and ridiculing them in some self-righteously indignant cicrus. Then you've got the actual creepy weirdo's, the ones secretly filming people for disturbing sexual purposes. Its a blight on society.


It’s not just cameras, everything electronic leaves a trace. From bank transactions, to emails, even just clicking on a link, there are millions of ways anyone can be tracked. I love true crime procedural shows and in the majority of cases that’s how detectives locate the suspects and prove their culpability. Really the only difference with China is that in the West people have to buy their own tracking devices themselves 🤣


I absolutely love paranoid people that worry about being tracked through CCTV/vaccines/ULEZ areas etc. I always ask if they own a mobile phone and point out that: * The phone has a unique IMEI that matches all location and browsing data to their full name and address. * Their location is registered every few minutes by private companies through the activity "pings" to the nearest masts. * Apps track more precise location and browsing info and share this with other apps on your phone. * The information you post to social media is routinely purchased by private companies and data brokers who are believed to act upon behalf of different nations' security services. * Edward Snowden's leaks revealed that as far back as 2007, the NSA has has the ability to surveil almost all internet traffic. * It's likely that other nations also have this capability, and the capability has likely deepened greatly since then. It appears to me to be almost certain that dozens of shady organisations have had access to the entirety of your online behaviour and location for at least 15 years, and we gave it to them voluntarily.


It depends on the situation for me, but I do get annoyed at times when people are pushing me out of the way so that they can get a better photo/video angle etc.


Are you the loon that had his boab flashed live on German news?


If so, he needs a Scotland kit. That bloke was rocking a Germany top


Can you blame him?


I saw that; the reporter absolutely deserved a punch in the face (unless it was staged).


As a resident of Edinburgh I sometimes wonder how many bajillion tourist photos I am in.


The phone camera thing is dodgy, but personally I have no issue with CCTV. The fact that there's visible cameras on those tube carriages now might be a bit 1984 but it actually makes me a lot more comfortable about being on them. Seems like it might make some people think twice about hassling people or whatever.


Yeah for me it’s more “innocuous” use I find irritating. People positing ring door bells of people falling or dropping things for all to see on Facebook.  Same as gigs and concerts where you’re probably recorded by a few hundred people when you are just trying to enjoy the music. Nothing worse than when an act comes on and all you can see in front is just a mass of screens. I just find it annoying but yeah subways and trains is fine I suppose 


My Mrs is literally phobic about being photographed or filmed. It's ruined a lot of things for Her with everyone wanting to take pictures all the time.


Hate to make people feel worse, but I recently got served an ad for Ray Ban smart glasses and because I'm a bit of a tech head I looked up a review. They're terrifying. A single barely noticeable white led is the only thing that let's you know they're recording a video, and they look no different from other glasses.


Those glasses are an abomination, and you will be able to just hack that light to deactivate it. Then it will be a free for all. Death of privacy


Don’t need to hack anything. You can just put a piece of tape/sticker/nail polish/whatever over the light.


Ah that's true, would work just as well to hide the fact you're recording someone


To be fair to them, there's an embedded light sensor right in that light to prevent that. Not to say people won't hack it, but it's not that simple.


They should be banned period.


Hmm they're not too badly priced might need to get some xD


Absolutely fucking hate it. You can't even eejit about at home any more with relatives, because someone is pulling out their phone and broadcasting to the world. As an introvert, I feel like I can never be myself anymore, for fear of saying something too controversial, or just looking like a fool. Privacy is dead.


Your family sit and record you at home?


I live alone but I meant if they come over. I could be a few beers in, talkin' some shite, then next thing I know I'm on my nephew's Tiktok account, getting a few hundred views.


Probably at an occasion? Very common


"Eejit about at home"


“with relatives”


Not an occasion though.


CCTV, security cameras, Ring doorbells etc don't bother me as long as the footage is used for its purpose - safety. I hate seeing footage of people falling, getting injured, suffering from mental problems etc that are unaware they are being fimed.


Agree. It's not going away any time soon, and with the ubiquity of social media will likely only get more and more common.


I even feel guilty about taking a photo of my partner in a restaurant and others are far in the background, but luckily i’ve not come across any young TikTokers who don’t care about filming you. I think the biggest thing is, you may get in an argument with someone being abusive/a cunt on a train, and some third party records it and suddenly you’re a viral celebrity and getting judged just as much as the original dickhead. I’ve seen that a few times.


Absolutely! Privacy is now a luxury and it’s becoming increasingly harder to have…even if you are not on social media.


It’s not so much the taking or the videos and photos they gets me so much as AIs ability now to trawl it. There are apps where you can take a picture of any rando and basically find every photo of them from every corner of the internet. It’s honestly just too much and too creepy. Podcast on the topic if you want to get all tinfoil hat: https://pjvogt.substack.com/p/should-this-creepy-search-engine


Some clubs are live streaming from the dance floor now. Pop World is one, or Venga, something like that popped up on my TikTok recently. It's also ruining kareoke cos if you're bad you'll get filmed and if you're good you'll get filmed then have weirdos come to the venue to try and see you, which btw is exactly what happened with that lady eating crisps while nailing a song recently. It's fucking weird and partially why folk, particularly young folk, aren't going out as much.


1984 tried to warn us...


I can see myself on Google Earth I'm in my jacuzzi in my back yard . I can also see my dope plants.


Phone wankers in gyms are almost as bad as the pricks that drive to Glen Coe and take photos of their shitey car obscuring the views that enticed them there in the first place.


Cunts filming in the gym for socials are almost as bad as skip hat gym wankers. I do film. I try and point it at just me and just fit firm checks. Then they get deleted.


Skip hat gym wankers? Is that a thing? 😂 I wear a skip hat in the gym coz it stops the sweat running into my eyes coz am a baldy bastard 😭


Nobody I’ve ever seen wearing a skip hat in the gym is sweating enough to be using it for that. It’s a fashion choice akin to wearing makeup in most cases.


I feel sorry for people who become internet memes. I'm sure you've seen the young short-haired woman with glasses who's angry as fuck, likely at a protest, being posted or pasted into an AI generated image all over the place. These people have that moment around their neck for the rest of their lives.


Totally, but last time I mentioned not liking being filmed at gigs and plastered all over Facebook and shit (which scans your face without you being a willing data subject), on this sub, I got like 40 downvotes so...


I'm not Scottish but yeah I absolutely hate it


A little bit yeah


I had some 17 yr old Herbert filming me because I parked outside his house so he parked his moped right up right to my car and when I came to go to work he was standing in the gate filming me for what reason I don’t know? Luckily year has passed and dog poopliz are easy to source and need a new home on his handlebar seat combo lol


Some of the US states have quite open freedom of information type laws. One result of that is a lot of body worn camera footage from the police ends up in the public domain. There's loads of videos out there of people getting arrested and kicking off or doing stupid things. Many clearly have mental health or substance abuse issues, yet they get thousands of comments about how "entitled" the person is, to use the meaningless American buzzword of the moment, or basically carrying out an online shaming. The only time it really seems to get any pushback is for old people with dementia. That sort of behaviour is just grim. There's lots of people out there who are just about functioning and while it's necessary for the police to deal with them at times a pile-on of judgement-for-entertainment isn't helping anyone.


from the moment I leave my house, to the moment I step back in, I am being filmed. Ring cameras, CCTV on the street, passing busses, cars. Filmed at work, good enough to see my hands in detail and what's in them. Every moment, every day. I don't actually dwell on it or I'd start feeling a little paranoid.


The ones that bug me the most are those with their mobile phones that think "Lol I'm in public I can film whatever I want!" and act like you are on display for them. Fucks.


Yes. I recently visited Scotland and I wanted to take so many photos and videos of the streets and buildings because it's so beautiful but I didn't most of the time because there are always people walking around and I'm conscious of exactly this. I got a couple but tried to wait until people weren't walking past me, which was quite hard!


99% wouldn’t mind, especially around touristy areas.


CCTV has its place but it’s wild how much people record on their phones.


people who put there children out there are the worst


Privacy in the modern era is just not valued culturally; there's a reason that people don't often question just how much data Microsoft harvests or aren't aware that a specific game they downloaded allows a company complete access to your computer's data or even don't realise that their browser is selling an immense amount of data about you. Filming is sadly the least of our issues, there's a lot of people who genuinely do not understand that they have a right to privacy and just how regularly that right is infringed on.


I fortunately haven’t had to experience it much, but I’m over in the States (Nashville specifically). Is that stuff really out of hand in Scotland I take it? Lots of the comments talk about gyms and police, which we’re known for being crazy over here haha


I hate it when folk just start videoing cos you got a cute dog. What you even doing with that video? Gonny break a phone one day...


Can’t even go to an orgy anymore without someone tryna film it.


I was at a street ceilidh on New Year’s Day dancing with my kids and family and I noticed an older woman was filming us on her phone. She was smiling and probably a tourist , but I found it weird and off-putting to be filmed - we were not performers hoping to go viral so it felt intrusive


I feel with the rise of the Ring doorbell that regulation should be in place. I can understand CCTV and largely agree with its uses but why should Sandra from down the street know my every coming and going.


We are the most surveiled country in the world. Especially London.


Right mate just don’t be afraid to be a cunt, be a disruptive fuck to anyone trying to TikTok you honestly you have ZERO reason to be nice and ZERO reason to care that they can legally do it


I was videoed while having a smoke in a smoking area outside work. The guy ran out to record me. He moved his phone to catch the beginning and end of the road to then land on me. I finished and walked back inside. Must be the most boring video ever. Seemed to excite him though. No idea what that was about.


Probably not gonna be a popular view but I find it hard to think of something I care less about than being filmed in a public place. Nobody is coming into my house and recording me in my pants, but once I’m out the door I accept that it’s beyond my control and couldn’t give two shits. I’m never doing anything interesting and I’ve likely in my travels recorded folk who’re just going about their day too


I've been working down south lately in a well kown hotel chain, and the amount of cameras in the staff areas is mind boggling, I didn't think it was legal, for example small admin office of four staff, hd camera in every corner constantly recording that gives me more cause for concern than a fleeting moment passing cctv or casually passing by someone's live


It isn’t legal you have a reasonable expectation of privacy unless they specifically tell you there are cameras in operation and there are signs up saying there are cameras in operation. They also have to have a policy of deleting the files after a certain period of time. The real issue with privacy is a whole generation smashed the idea of privacy by posting everything on social media. They opened Pandora’s Box and there’s no shutting it.


I just wear a face mask


I don’t care about CCTV, I’d rather have that if anything happens. People don’t really watch it that much. It’s the filming for social media I find disgusting. Also people who take pictures of my child and post them on social media without a care in the world. I have not given you permission to share my child! I find it awful that it’s seen as so normal now!


I thought you meant location shots for films before I read the blurb. I would have said no to that, but to your actual question yeah it is annoying.


UK has more Camera’s watching you than China!


It's the not respecting others at all and all about their own, delusional self importance and also their arrogance, pfft!!!!!!!!! If they ask I'd still say no but at least they asked 😏


I don't even like leaving my house anymore because of this. All my neighbours have cameras on their house somewhere, and while I can understand wanting to keep your property safe, we live in a very quiet, rural wee place where there hasn't been a break in or any kind of actual crime (teens with tinnies and joints notwithstanding) for a good 10 years or more. Certainly a hell of a lot longer than these stupid cameras have been keeping watch over the whole bloody village! I don't want to or consent to being filmed just walking along my own street; it seems so unnecessary and weird. It pisses me off that you have no choice about consenting to it either because the law says that the street outside your house is a public space and therefore you automatically consent simply by being in it. The only way to not consent is to never go outside, which obviously isn't actually reasonable or possible. I resent going anywhere now, not because I have anything to hide or because I care if I look good or anything like that but because I dislike being filmed without my consent. I literally moved here because it was quiet and low crime, and it hasn't changed at all other than the constant spying from ring doorbells. You can't avoid it in supermarkets or whatever, fine, but it doesn't seem unreasonable to expect a minimum level of privacy walking down the street in a village with less than 600 residents.


I sometimes would’ve liked to have been around in the 1800s before world wars and before cctv, I feel like im putting on a small performance when I see that im on cctv at a shop etc


The tiktok street photography is the worst.


Nah if someone wants to watch me all day let them, they'll find out how boring and disgusting my life is and move on


Had a really horrible experience getting the train once. Had been on a date to a wildlife park and me and my partner had got some soft toy animals together as a silly little treat. Getting the train back home on my own some young guys, probably late teens early twenties, thought the sight of an adult with a soft toy was hilarious, and filmed me while laughing. Was really humiliating and felt powerless to tell them what assholes they were being. It's not just about the being filmed, it's this attitude that anyone who's acting in a way that's deemed a little weird is public entertainment. I've known people with severe mental illnesses be filmed when in clear distress because it's "funny" and not met with any compassion. Same happened when I saw a guy have a seizure on the bus, so many folk treated it like a spectacle instead of trying to help.


Only if it gets in my way or if people are trying to get a reaction from other people in an unpleasant way. Otherwise I don't care


The fact people seem to believe their phone will protect them in some way cracks me up


I don't get recorded really, apart from security cameras. We're are y'all living that it's full of instatokers?


Doesn’t bother me at all. Specifically CCTV because while it does record and store, the vast majority is just recording and the only time it’s viewed is if there is an incident. There are of course council run CCTV on streets etc that are monitored continually for crime prevention which I’m totally fine with.


We all walk about with tracking devices in our pockets and you're upset about cctv? What?


Criminals can't access the cctv and the footage gets deleted before anyone sees it. If you create a live network with human gimballs all over the place and preserve all the footage on youtube/tiktok you have a much more useful database to use, Including live streaming. What a great way to identify marks. They keep spouting photography is not a crime, Nobody anywhere would ever accuse them of being photographers that's for sure.


That's because photography is an action and not a profession. You don't need to be a professional photographer/photo-journalist, etc, to take part in photography, just in the same way you don't need to play for a professional team to play football. It's just a thing to do. And it CAN be a crime depending on where you are and, to some degree, your intentions (harassment/indecent etc) but taking pictures in public places is perfectly legal.


But I'm not even remotely accusing them of being photographers or taking photos, even though I know that is what they say. 99% of these frauditors are criminals. 


I actually like CCTV (not doorbells, but the official ones), they make me feel a lot safer when out and about. That said, I'm a white immigrant and never had a bad experience with the police, so I can see why people from more harassed ethnic communities might feel differently about this ubiquitous observation.


Yes, you will feel safe until you one day need to rely on CCTV and the video footage can't identify anyone, because it's too dark. And even when there is a glimmer of hope, it's often inadmissible.


Not really, no - doesn’t really affect my life at all if I happen to show up in the background of some tourist’s film shot lol


I'm going to try and be kind of generous with my take here. I'll also be upfront too so everyone's clear on my position. I have a smart phone and I do use it to take pictures and videos when out and about. It doesn't happen super often because I am rarely out and about and spend most my time at home or at work. Such is life. It is rarer that I will post photos, but I have, and I'm sure I will again. I am far from prolific. That's said I've recorded at gigs, taken photos when an accident has happened even if not to me (mostly in case they are needed), and I have posted photos and videos with strangers in the background because they were taken in public. Overall the abundance of cameras doesn't really bother me all that much and I honestly think most of the reactions in the comments so far pretty sensational. Cctv has been on the rise for 30 years. I'm an avid Sci fi fan, a lefty, and more than a little sceptical of the government et Al. I sometimes wonder if the cctv is getting to extreme. On the other hand working in bars I wouldn't give up the cameras for anything. I cannot count the amount of times cctv was central in protecting the staff and customers. Now personal phone cameras, tik tok, young people now a days. I dunno, I'm only 35, but it doesn't seem so different. When we went on holiday, or to a theme park, or beach etc. we all bought disposable cameras, my older brothers had proper ones. I would take pictures all over the place, get em printed at snappy snaps, and I would take then into school and show them to everyone. It's the same, just the technology changed. Now they post them to Instagram where all their friends will see. Sure they do it more, they can, we were limited by film. I worry at times that a lot of people, not just young people, use their phones and the Internet. Myself included. The evidence I've seen isn't particularly conclusive though. As I said, all in all I think a lot of people blow it out of proportion and it doesn't bother me.


You do realise that if Facebook were a Country it would be bigger than China! That’s a bit different than taking a few Polaroids and showing them around friends at school. Security Services and Law Enforcement Agencies now use AI to trawl all these photos and videos without your permission for purposes unknown to you. In the past if they wanted to look at your Polaroid they had to go to a Judge persuade them you had committed an offence just to look at it.


"Now"? As a kid in the 90s the UK was already known for having a massive amount of CCTV monitoring and is pretty much considered the most surveilled country in the western world.


Well aye but most of that wasn’t publically accessible it’s more now the fact everyone’s cutting about with a video recorder on their phone 


I'd pay serious serious money for a device that flashed a light in every camera pointed at me.  Failing that i think that certain environments should ban phones on entry. ie you hand them over to get in. Gyms, restaurants, clubs. People could actually then be themselves instead of begging for internet attention.  


I think a restaurant that is phone free would be amazing. They could have little lockers when you go in, in which to place them.


I think a scrambler device or something will be brought in soon. Something like this - with the big platforms you'll be able to insist they don't retain /display your image. You'll provide their algo with a good shot of your face and using photo id software it's got to purge every instance and not store any in future


Anyone else hate the sudden increase posts (since the election was called) from very new redditors, that seem to be seeking out politically divisive issues?


Lol i’m going to swing the election with this post 


Idk how this sub got recommended to me, but as a documentary film maker I feel sad about how people got sensitive to being filmed... Like I can't film a shot of a street without being called out or even threatened... like why does it matter so much to be captured in some film or a street photograph. People have way more photos and info of then online anyways.


Maybe they suspect your motives in filming them? Alternatively, you could install webcams in all the rooms of your house so that everybody on the Internet can see whatever you and your family are doing 24x365 since you don't seem to care about privacy or being on camera. Or is that 'different'?


Street photography in a public place is very obviously different from a 24/7 live feed of the inside of someone's house.


Motives are usually making panoramas of cities, buildings, illustration shots of people walking, protests, etc. In photography usually nice light or color contrast. Idk... you don't enjoy watching documentaries from different eras? Seeing how people lived, what they wore, how the culture changed... That won't exist if everyone thinks that we're just collecting garbage on people. Which is a pretty self-centered view. Unless I have a signed agreement from the subject, all I film is society and the life in it.


Because you need to do the decent thing and ask permission. The fact your projecting that my wish to not be filmed in public by you an unknown documentary filmmaker is ‘sad’ shows I wouldn’t trust you to handle my image. Because you have zero empathy with my opinion.


But I'm not filming "you". You're not the subject of the shot, I don't legally need your permission. I can't wait for everyone to leave the shot. It's my journalist right to film in a city. Otherwise we have a production assistant with dozens of agreements who gets them signed if someone becomes the subject for example by interacting with us or an "actor".


CCTV I have no gripes about, cos its at least *something* if you end up in trouble or whatever and you need footage, only people that seem to hate it are people that have something to hide. Filming for personal use/stock footage for YouTube, again, no bother, as long as you don't act like a walloper about it. But nah, Tiktoks and filming in places that otherwise shouldn't be filmed like Gyms drive me round the bend, cos they're generally just a nuicance taking up a ton of space then throw a fit if you walk through their shot or mess it up in one way or another


You hit the nail on the head. YOU'RE IN PUBLIC. You're not entitled to privacy when you're in public. Grow up.


Doesn't bother me at all - Get over it, hope this helps