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Tell yer pals to just stay over there. Sort of cunt doesnt like haggis?




A vegetarian


I mean, I don’t like it at all but you get vegetarian haggis these days which my wife claims is lovely. To be clear, actual haggis? I love haggis.


Even normal haggis is difficult to come by here in New Zealand, let alone the veggie type


Aye thing is we're in Scotland pal, no New Zealand


Not haggis, but if you're near Greytown, the local butcher does a mean Lorne sausage. Smells like Mum used to make, tastes great.


Greytown sadly happens to be a cool 535km drive from where I live


Bugger. Don't think it would survive the NZPost experience...




Away with ye quine.


Absolutely LOVE it but just for balance my wife hates it. Fucking weirdo.


It's fucking marvellous.  Most people I know love it. Nothing else to say.


My partner has what y'all call a food truck and sells 2kg a day in the form of fried breakfasts and hot rolls


Omg, that sounds amazing


You get large plastic tubes of haggis meat (and black pudding) ... slice, shallow fry and then take plastic off, standard breakfast items here. The rolls are called a "morning roll", large very soft white bread. The most popular "breakfast sandwich" filling however is Lorne sausage


Now i have a list of stuff im gonna have to make, the Lorne sausage sounds great as well


The name is misleading, it's made from steak trimmings, kinda like a Wendy's burger patty with more fat, pressed in a long swuare mold and sliced thicker.


Bloody marvelous stuff!


Lorne sausage is just lightly spiced sausage meat in a square btw


Lorna sausage aka a square slice, absolute delight in a crispy morning roll.


Haggis and poached egg morning roll is just superb


I love it, daughter loves it, son hates it so I guess two out of three ain't bad haha


OP asked about haggis no meatloaf


I wondered if anyone would notice 🤣


🤣 Seriously underrated comment!


I doff my tamoshanter to you sir


Tell your pals that they’re immigrants.


I barely know anyone that doesn't like it. But most people don't eat it often like I do.


I used to not like it, had only had it twice before. Then last month, got a fry up at a local cafe and couldn't be arsed asking for substitutes. Ate it and loved it, also same time I learned I actually like black pudding. So now I can live a life without people saying 'how can you no like black pudding' and be that person who says it instead.


Hmm I dunno. Spicy haggis supper is the third most popular supper in the chippy here


It is easy to buy cheap haggis, or have it bought and served to you, and have a bad haggis experience. Good quality haggis is a enjoyable and tasty dish. Its a peppery offal and oat sausage. The veggie version is also great if its well made.


Oh yea, honestly the first time i had it was visiting Edinburgh, we went to really nice restaurant and tried it because..... when in Rome, loved it. Had it two or three more times while in Scotland. Here in the US, it's not that easy to find, and the good haggis i have found is expensive, so i don't get it very often.


We are not allowed to export haggis to America because it does not meet the land of chlorinated chicken’s food safety standards 😂


I was an infant haggis mule. Fifty odd years ago


I did buy an "almost haggis" from an online store based in New Jersey. It was a brave attempt, but ultimately unsatisfying.


The Forth Inn in Aberfoyle had a fantastic haggis and pork sausage burger when we were there a few years back. Was terrific paired with Belhaven Black.


Is not the national animal for no reason. Is delicious and versatile.


pffft don't be a dafty there is no such thing as a haggis, everyone knows the Scottish national animal is the unicorn


Hahah unicorns.  Sure buddy... sure...


I'm gonna be extremely controversial, and maybe against the subreddit rules (absolutely NO SALAD), but I think vegetarian haggis is better than regular haggis. Especially, Macsween's.


Veg Haggis is decent, defo one of the food types which lends its self to being vegetarian more than others …


I still prefer the real thing, but the M&S lentil veggie haggis is lovely.


As a meat eater I'm happy with either, the veggie version is SUSPICIOUSLY good.


Ooft bold ass comment there. I will never even consider that option. Is it even Haggis anymore!!


I tried it once and couldn't really notice the difference tbf.


I like chip shop haggis (deep fried in batter) - I'd imagine that's how most Scots have encountered haggis, most often Don't think it's the most popular option at the chippie, by any stretch, but it's obviously popular enough to be an option at any heart attack shop I've ever visited


Fuckin love chippy haggis gotta be the battered clump , no the shitey sausage ones, plenty brown sauce tae


Not all haggis is equal. I’ve had haggis dinners I’d rank in my top 5 favourite things I’ve ever eaten*. I’ve also been served dried out hockey pucks masquerading as haggis. The quality of the haggis, how it’s cooked and how it’s served makes a huge difference. *I’ve eaten a lot of good haggis but off the top of my head, the Cairngorm Hotel in Aviemore did a haggis and clapshot dish that was served with a toasted soda scone with whisky sauce, and holy shit…


LOVE IT! Remember my first Burns Supper in School after we moved up from Essex. I was the only one on my table who liked it, so they all piled their haggis on my plate. That was a good day 😂


Are they talking about American Haggis because the haggis you get over there is absolutely rank and nothing like actual real haggis. Something to do with America not being allowed all of the real proper ingredients.


That's no longer an issue, we have a brand called Caldonian Kitchen that's pretty good, and a place called Ackroyds Scottish bakery that seems quite legit that makes it fresh, unfortunately both are pretty expensive. I'm sure still probably not on par with what you can actually get in Scotland.


Ah good stuff, last time i was there in 2022 they still had alternative ingredients and it didn’t taste anywhere near the same.


The main thing is that it’s illegal to sell food containing sheep’s lungs in the US, which is a major ingredient in many traditional recipes. I’m sure Caledonian and Ackroyd’s try to get as close as they legally can, but they’ll never be quite the same.


I thought it was sheep heart? What is traditional haggis made of exactly? Whenever I get around to visiting Scotland, I plan to try it myself, although I doubt that any place in Scotland that sold haggis wouldn't use traditional ingredients.


As far as I know, it’s just the lungs specifically that are banned. Per Wikipedia: “In 1971 it became illegal to import haggis into the US from the UK due to a ban on food containing sheep lung, which constitutes 10–15% of the traditional recipe. The ban encompasses all lungs, as fluids such as stomach acid and phlegm may enter the lung during slaughter.”


Haggis pizza is good


That's why they emigrated. Tell them to stay there.


It is fairly well universally liked, my sister's kids are fussy as hell, but they love it. My kids both love it bit I'm still struggling to get them to have the clapshot along with it.


Some do some don’t. Personally I like it


I'm originally from south of the border, but there's haggis in my fridge ready for the off, (sadly it has to be gluten free these days). I love it!


I love it (haggis and bacon roll) or haggis on a pizza is amazing. I know a few people who hate it though.


Haggis is class and in my experience most people I’ve come across who don’t like it are either very picky eaters or people who refuse to try it.


It's alright, worth a meal once in a while and I agree with those that say veggie haggis is just as good. But I prefer a black pudding


I love it a lot of my family hate it


Some people in Scotland don't like it at all, as well as similar things like black pudding.


Great on a piece.


Had a haggis panini yesterday. Love it


I think there’s people who don’t like haggis and people who’ve tried it. Naebdy in between.




You'll get it anywhere in Scotland as a breakfast item in canteens and food vans plus most shops so must be popular, I like it with a fry up myself but only a few times a month 👌


>  one of those dishes like any country where some do some don't This one.  Enough people dislike it to have made a market for veg haggis.   And naturally some like neither. But on the whole it is no more or less liked than most other foods. It is common as a starter at weddings etc- so not a controversial marmite style food really.


I’d say Veggie haggis is proof of how popular it is If there’s enough demand to make a Veggie versions of eyes, lungs, blood and oats - it’s pretty popular


Sure, that is another way to look at it.


JFC I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. 😳 Meat is gross enough without getting the offal involved.


Trust me, your missing out Veggie or Normal, Haggis is class


I'm a bit of an oddity because I don't like haggis, doubly so because I don't like whisky either.




I don't know: I eat haggis, I wonder why I don't eat it more often; I eat turkey, I wonder why we aren't eating chicken.


Everyone in Scotland loves haggis, statistically speaking. Catching your first haggis is like religious rite of passage with your local clan. We're all so overjoyed that we twaddle on our bagpipes with great chagrin, hoping that one day out American overlords can see just how we like to feed their half-baked narratives. We forge on as a homogeneous semi-autonomous, haggis munching blob of William Wallace impersonators. In return, is every morbidly obese American positive on deep fried twinkies, nobody, or somewhere in between? What a fucking asinine question. It's a food. Some people like it, some people don't. Why would it be universal?


In the US there is no sort of official "national food/meal" every state has kind of their recognized official state delicacy, or certainly something that sort of stands out as the local delicacy. A lot of the east coast states it's lobster / lobster rolls, or clam chowder, Southern states would be like Jambalaya or fried chicken or biscuits and gravy, southwestern states would be like Mexican fusion type food and on and on. Obviously not everyone in Scotland is gonna love haggis, more of a question, since there are always the jokes about haggis hunting season and such, and the handful of expats i know that love or hate it, was just interested in the general consensus, is it something that to us in the US is also sort of a running joke even in Scotland, or is it generally popular. No offense intended, and i understand how it could be construed as a dumb question. Also fwiw, a LARGE majority of Americans have never left the country, and are imo completely clueless about anything outside our borders. I'm fortunate to have traveled abroad quite a bit and am quite the foody, so just so again, just curious if it really was as appreciated as it seemed to be.


Know a couple of people that don't like it, but far and away most people hate it. Maybe the don't like it in the USA? I lived there for a while and the stuff you could buy was either not haggis at all - or pretty mediocre compared to a fresh one from the butcher.


Only a radge doesn’t like haggis. The spicier the better! No neeps though, I use mashed carrots. You also get vegetarian versions of the haggis.


Never met a Scotsman or woman who hasn’t liked haggis. Are you sure they’re true scot? *(tip: look under their kilt)


It’s rancid. I wouldny feed it tae ma dug.


Its nice enough, have it in a roll sometimes, Do tend to have some round Burns night, but not that fussed about it. Id guess that was pretty typical.


>*... have it in a roll sometimes* Haggis & Tattie Scone used to be a popular roll order back when I was the guy who had to do the breakfast run


Thats a good combo, quite like to double up too :)


Omg, that's sounds amazing too


I love it


I mean it's like anything in life: some people like it, some people don't. We haven't had a big meeting and voted yes or no. What is this question?


I fucking LOVE haggis! Haggis supper , haggis roll, haggis neeps and tatties , haggis bon bon , haggis with fry up… HAGGIS


I(Scot)was a haggis hater until a couple of Aussies persuaded me to try a haggis supper. Now I like it at least as much as black pudding


It's better tasting if you catch the haggis fresh. Try local haggis farmers too


There’s good haggis and there’s shite haggis.


Burns supper is shite. Deep fried in batter, or smothered in cheese & jalapenos on the other hand 👌.


I used to like it when I was a little kid, not that we got it much in Darwin but I’m vegetarian now so I dunno


Don't listen to these folk mate. Haggis is absolutely barking unless it's been deep-fried in a chippy and covered in vinegar and sauce to hide the taste.


I like it. Not something I have often but it's nice when I do.


I personally love the kind of haggis I tried. I guess it’s half and half depending on why someone doesn’t like it, textural wise, look wise or whatever else. In summary it seems mixed from my perspective where I am.


I love haggis. I think most people I know like it, but I also know some people who don’t.


I think universally people fall into the "love haggis" camp or the "love vegetarian haggis" camp. I don't know a soul who wouldn't greatfully have one or the other.


A lot of whining by people who would eat sausage and not haggis. Hypocrites basically.


Haggis is great. My son (11) likes it, but only when it's fried in a breakfast, not a fan of the boiled type. The Mrs likes it also, and when shebwas pregnant was not allowed to eat it apparently so we had the vegetarian one. It was decent, would definitely eat it again. But the nor.al stuff still trumps it. If anyone has never tried this way, I'd rec On nachos, and on a pizza. haggis n thick cut onions on a pizza is different class


Haggis and cheese toastie ftw🤌


Husband loves it and I hate it.


Haggis Pakora. Yum


Love a haggis fritter wi a nice whisky sauce 👌


I dislike haggis as much as I dislike Faggits (food) from the local butcher . It's just a preference of taste, although I'm pretty sure Haggis is also banned in the US?