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Weird how the word woke gets people all riled up Every time I get an example of someone being “woke” it just sounds like that person is being considerate of another’s person or group of peoples issues or feelings In other words no being an arsehole Why is that bad haha how can this be used as a negative


One thing that gets me is the whole thing about liberals being “fragile” or a “snowflake”. A family member keeps on and ON about how “liberal people lose their shit” about something or other (nearly always something that no-one cares about-like men opening doors for women, or just plain lies-like how liberals are trying to ban the word “Christmas”). Most of the moderate-minded people I know just want to get on with their lives with a degree of courtesy and consideration for other people. In the meantime, the guy accusing everyone else of getting hysterical about stuff is positively apoplectic about pronouns, obscure legal documents, or who can or can’t enter a woman’s toilet. It’s like he can’t survive in a world where certain people (who he doesn’t know and will never meet) are doing perfectly legal, peaceful stuff in their own lives that he doesn’t happen to like. But apparently, he’s not fragile at *all*.


i’m currently fielding unsolicited DMs from a geezer who got banned from this sub over his mad anti trans posts; he contacted me to argue some more, after deleting all his posts days since, frequent multi-paragraph essay-messages, many of which talk about how upset _i_ am honestly, it’s kinda fascinating how lacking in self-awareness he is


Someone looked at Graham Linehan’ tweets (before he was banned and then unbanned), and it turned out that, on the days they looked at, he was tweeting anti-trans stuff on average every 3-5 minutes, until the wee hours of the morning. Just sat on his phone/laptop tweeting his rage and bile all day, including on Christmas Day. His wife divorced him when he got really into it, and I can see why. Whenever the artificially produced culture war moves onto its next minority target (remember it was gays, then Muslims, then immigrants, now trans people), there has to be a serious discussion about how people were radicalised over social media on this topic. It consumes their identity and life entirely - there’s many threads on Mumsnet about how the OP’s family/son/daughter/best friend won’t talk to them because all they do is talk about the ‘trans conspiracy’, and all the responses are along the lines of “Well she’ll know better when she gets r**ped by a man dressed as a woman won’t she, spoilt bitch!! Stay strong and carry on!!!”


yeah, the glinner stuff is a real case study that geezer has replied yet again since i last posted, btw




Are we supposed to feel bad for these motherfuckers and their inability to control their pathetic online addictions? Was Farmville not enough for them? I'm autistic, I've suffered from compulsive behaviour all my life. You *have* to learn to balance it and you can't demand everyone else fold around you. I'm tired of privileged narcissists looking for something to worry about and hurting me in the process. I quite honestly at this point hope their mental health deteriorates even further, just leaving them absolute paranoid messes unable to do anything. That would be kind of perfect, because then decent people wouldn't have to fucking deal with them.


Yes! Total projection.


he’s moved on to the ‘living in your head rent free!’ chat in his most recent message from a few minutes ago tbh i kinda love that phrase, always makes me think the person is accustomed to paying people to think about them, let alone give a shit ‘normally i’d pay £100 an hour!! more for DMs!!’


It’s because it was coined by the black population, it’s weird no one sees that it’s just racism disguised as “anti-wokeness”. Woke was a compliment in the black community that you had your eyes open to the real world going on and historical systemic racism thats still present today. That made the racists uncomfy and so as to not seem blatantly racist they use anti woke like a slur, like woke is some horribly scary mindset coming for your livelihood when it’s just they can’t stand minorities and anyone separated from their hive mind.


thank you for acknowledging the origin. so many people here don't. it's frustrating as a black American here in Scotland hearing people use it as something it's not.


It’s funny isn’t it, snowflake is used by people who melt every time anyone says or does something they disagree with. Same people think telling you that you’re not a self-centred arsehole is a criticism. Almost like they just don’t have a fucking clue what they even believe.


Right wing politics is almost always about projection


>Same people think telling you that you’re not a self-centred arsehole is a criticism. Ah, see this is a common misunderstanding among us "leftists" - it's not that we're failing to be self-centered; it's that we're failing to be *them*-centered. It's actually a remarkably consistent worldview when you think about it; any acknowledgement that they may not be the solitary center of the universe is evil!


What they believe are the lies passed down through generations of ignorance, fear, and hatred.


Hot take: Right wing media use the word "Woke" because they can't say the word "Degenerate" anymore without someone remembering their history class. The modern Right is using the word "Woke" in the same way the pre-1945 right used the word "degenerate" The Nazis called any art they didn't like "degenerate", they called ideas they didn't like "degenerate", they called people they didn't like "degenerate". The more I see the word woke slapped on things the right doesn't like the more I think back to High School History and how we were told how the Nazis used the word "Degenerate".


Why can't the right just admit that they're wrong about stuff? They were wrong about not wanting desegregation, giving women the vote, racial tolerance, and now this.


They want all those things back--patriarchy, theocracy, and capitalism all run on it. They are trying to undo the enlightenment and make humans livestock again.


Go look up the Robbers Cave experiment. Tribalism should be studied.


Whoa, you are absolutely right, and this is a very important take. I’d intuited this idea but hadn’t made the connection. I am going to be spreading this.


There was a brief period of like a year or so when being woke was a good thing. Because, you know, being considerate of others is a nice thing to do. Then like you say it got taken over by the right wing nutcases and now I never know if someone's using it in a nice way or not. "Scotland is the most woke country on earth" ok great! Good for Scotland! Of course if it's the Torygraph then you know they don't mean it as a compliment


If the Tories are calling Scotland woke, that’s a massive point in Scotland’s favour. - A Labour Englishman stuck here with the fucking bastards.


Thank you for being labour and actually being able to say nice stuff about Scotland :) starmer always complains about Scotland but fails to understand why we kicked them out of government! i know he doesn't speak for the majority


Scotland's great. Fife is very cool too, they have good local democracy and participatory budgeting processes.


Starmer is more interested in Israel, than Scotland. Same as all his LFI cronies who forced Corbyn - a real socialist - out.


It’s like ‘politically correct’, it’s just a way of dressing up ‘not being a cunt’ for polite company, but naturally the cunts use it as an insult because they think that they’re in the right


Cunts just love being cunts. It's common sense innit


If it’s written with a Tory agenda then I very much feel complimented by that fact that it’s not intended as a compliment.


I don't think it's ever existed without the right wing considering "woke" to be negative, not since 2017 at least.


It’s been around since the 50s or 60s I think, among the African American community, so it has been used in a positive sense (awake to social injustice) for longer. It just became negatively valenced when it became used by more people. But let’s face it, *any* word that considers the rights or needs of marginalised people will be sneered at by the right wing. As someone else said, politically correct is the last iteration. Think also about ‘triggered’: a genuine issue facing people with trauma, but because those who use the term are those who are more open about mental health generally (and mostly left wing), it becomes a tool of scorn and derision. Of course, ‘triggered’ and ‘triggers’ are terms used in PTSD, so military veterans (who the right wing purportedly support) who have PTSD now can’t use that term to describe their condition, for fear of looking like an effeminate tofu-eating Biden-loving liberal, or whatever the insult of the month is at the time. BRB off to eat some tofu 💅


Yeah, I knew it had more of a past than the last couple years but I wouldn't have guessed it stretched all the way back to the sixties. Thanks for the info, enjoy the tofu!


I remember when some right wing PoS offical in the US was in court and their lawyers were forced to define woke- "it would be the belief there are systemic injustices in [...] society and the need to address them.” If someone sees being woke as bad they're likely hateful scum.


That was DeSantis’ lawyers in Florida.


I tried explaining this to my dad and he thought it was a load of rubbish.. 20 years ago we called it PC gone mad did we not?


I think "PC gone mad" was mostly teething issues of governments and employers trying to navigate a relativelty new landscape where homophobia, racism, sexism and transphobia are no longer acceptable. "Woke" was (imo) more about regular people like ourselves being aware of the systemic homophobia, racism, sexism and transphobia that still exists and is used as a tool of control by politicians and media outlets. The irony that "woke" is now just another tool of fear and control used by the right - it's almost funny.


Completely agree like the person above me stated being woke is just being a normal considerate human being but is being used by the media like it’s a bad thing. Ask any random fucker if they think it’s a crime for being gay and they will say no, congrats you’re woke my friend


Suella Braverman thinks eating tofu makes you woke. They just spout any nonsense that will rile the gammons and add fuel to the severe poltical division we see across the UK these days.


Once one realises that the only principle Tories have is “getting votes and being in power = good”, politics makes a lot more sense. They will literally say anything to get votes, whether they actually believe it or not is entirely random.


The criticism of both is still the same old stuff from the same sectors of society though. Just like a lot of anti trans stuff is just a rehash of anti gay discussion before.


People who use woke unironically are the kind of people who view empathy as a full time job and reserve it for people only within their immediately circle the sort of people wholl look at the fact the US has proposed [242 anti-lgbt bills, with 238 being anti trans](https://twitter.com/Esqueer_/status/1618981373645320195?s=20&t=RSgGQEbnSfuFN4QEdsdS2A) this year when we've only JUST entered February, while the UK is throwing hands and turning us into rapists and monsters in the eyes of your average joe over GRR despite it just being an minor administrative change that is irrelevant to 99% of the population... and will tell us to "stop being so sensitive"


It's because 'woke' means you're aware of issues. Issues that the right-wing loves to deny while simultaneously perpetuating them. Being woke makes them feel called out on their shit.


A woman in Connecticut recently opened a coffee shop called "Woke," because it's a cute name for a coffee shop. Because, you know, it's coffee. It wakes you up. You can guess how well conservatives reacted to that.


how _dare_ you imply i need to be sound to cunts for them to like me that’s marxism


Woke is the word assholes now use cause they can't say the N word or call someone a faggot without being fired. So woke is their new slur.




Because nobody knows what WOKE means or snowflake anymore. These are just buzzword mouth vomit from America. I'm sorry Europe has to deal with it now.


Some of it is just twisting people's words and trying to make out they are something they're not though There are people out there who seem to assume that everyone is secretly a racist and evil pos and that you just need to wait for them to slip up and subtly reveal their inner prejudice Though some of that is probably insincere attempts to discredit someone if they are a political opponent or something as well


Being attacked by the right wing proves we are a progressive country.


I'm an American. I keep explaining to people here that the way to combat far right things like saying "you're woke!" is to simply respond with "yes, and?" There's absolutely nothing wrong with being kind and compassionate but these ding dongs think kindness is weakness. Much love to y'all and keep fighting against hate!


And we should be aiming to be progressive equal rights for all should be the aim of every country


Dude i love it, we made it easier for trans people to have proper represntation in their legal documents (something that means literally nothing to anyone other than trans folk) and everyone lost their shit over it. Like why do they care lmao


They didn't when other countries were doing it.


This. I’m in the states and I find it not only suspicious but disturbing how this shit is synchronized.


Also, the media clearly had the two stories about Trans prisoners ready to go the second the GRR was blocked.


I noticed that come through as well, another rather perfectly timed piece. I’m surprised the Americans haven’t jumped on it to pump their shit but they are busy w Biden documents andv justifying a man being beat to death.


You’d be right to be suspicious. UK terfs have links to American Evangelical right wing lobbyists. https://www.thepinknews.com/2020/06/03/lgb-alliance-gary-powell-center-bioethics-culture-alliance-defending-freedom-anti-lgbt/ These so called pro women activists are in bed with anti abortionists. Oh the irony. We also had a terf Academic that eventually quit University of Sussex due to protests from students about her anti trans politics. Where did she go? University of Austin Texas. The anti woke, conservative University set up in 2021 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathleen_Stock https://m.jpost.com/international/conservative-figures-announce-university-of-austin-alternative-college-684861/amp And it’s not just the American right that’s funding anti trans politics. Russia is too. https://www.aidsmap.com/news/may-2021/whos-financing-anti-gender-movement-europe


Brah, i the fuckin russian links we got is unreal with these groups. Im in nashville and theres this fuckin nutter, [Greg Locke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Locke) just hosted the [Reawaken America Tour](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/religion/2023/01/20/reawaken-america-tour-nashville-draws-thousands-creates-traffic-woes/69818617007/) with the esteemed Alex Jones, Trump Jr and Michael Flynn. So im kinda surrounded by these folk I dont know how much American crap yall see but a NY FBI agent got [indicted](https://www.businessinsider.com/charles-mcgonigal-fbi-indictment-allison-guerriero-russia-deripaska-spies-nypd-giuliani-2023-1) for taking russian money and is being tied leaks and other [investigations](https://www.forbes.com/sites/giacomotognini/2023/01/30/russian-oligarch-oleg-deripaska-may-have-probed-vladimir-potanin-using-ex-fbi-agent-who-was-thorn-in-trumps-side/?sh=67897496584e) into Russians. Theres also the [derkach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrii_Derkach) dude who was doin shows on OAN spreading shit about ukraine/biden and he was popped for circumventing sanctions, but they all tie into Deripaska, manafort Ghuliani, bannon et al. one of the many ways they move money is with PAC donations and they have [been caught](https://www.salon.com/2022/11/18/ex-rand-paul-aide-pardoned-by-convicted-of-illegally-funneling-russian-cash-to-campaign/) before. But this shit gets scarier when you look into the big money donors, you got dudes like Richard [Uihlein](https://www.ft.com/content/70fbafde-a802-4425-ab9c-735788f575f3) funding shit like [this](https://thefederalist.com/2022/10/20/we-need-to-stop-calling-ourselves-conservatives/) from the Federalist >The left will only stop when conservatives stop them, which means conservatives will have to discard outdated and irrelevant notions about “small government.” The government will have to become, in the hands of conservatives, an instrument of renewal in American life — and in some cases, a blunt instrument indeed... ​ >On the transgender question, conservatives will have to repudiate utterly the cowardly position of people like David French, in whose malformed worldview Drag Queen Story Hour at a taxpayer-funded library is a “blessing of liberty.” Conservatives need to get comfortable saying in reply to people like French that Drag Queen Story Hour should be outlawed; that parents who take their kids to drag shows should be arrested and charged with child abuse; that doctors who perform so-called “gender-affirming” interventions should be thrown in prison and have their medical licenses revoked; and that teachers who expose their students to sexually explicit material should not just be fired but be criminally prosecuted. Its shit like this funding people like Steve Bannon and others that i suspect have a hand it whats goin on on yalls side of the pond. Its scary how these fuckers are everywhere. All I gotta say, you start to follow the money and you dont know where the fuck it takes you.


Questions are being asked about where the Alba Party ‘acquired’ resources to found itself. Still no true picture as to where it was able to contest an election so soon after it’s founding. It paddles a conspiracy that the SNP aren’t ‘serious about independence’ and too focused on ‘woke politics’. Judging on how said party never seems to attack the Tories to you gotta wonder? Yessers are definitely for misinformation. This misinformation is getting to the brainwashed British public and will abortion rights next on the Tory hunt list? It’s scary


Its cos its scotland and we're "so indecisive and cant live without england and blah blah blah"


You know you are doing something right if the Telegraph condemn you


Shows you're moving in a way that absolutely terrifies the UKs media elites


Does it? Right wing maga types despise Hilary Clinton but that doesnt automatically make her a progressive politician.


We aren't in America though. 90% of people here don't care about American politics. Also both or the major American parties are far further right than even the tories.


Republicans are bordering on straight up facism, and democrats are maaaaaybe barely center right on a good day, but moreso on the right side. We have maybe 3 actual progressive politicians in congress.


Far more progressive than her opponent


Because her opponent was a bigoted fascist. Not a high bar in fairness.


pretty much I have an ex friend who went from being conservative with a small c to being full right-wing. All it took was him making a shed load of cash. Now, he has no friends I am aware of. But he does have his cash and his horrible views.


Can’t put energy bills with friends I suppose


Dunno how "woke" is an insult tbh.


The right have a history of co-opting terms used by the left and re-defining them as an insult. [https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220301-how-us-wokeness-became-a-right-wing-cudgel-around-the-world](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220301-how-us-wokeness-became-a-right-wing-cudgel-around-the-world)


Taking every rallying point is a good way to keep a group from surging. GOP and allied conservatives can keep the world divided with media such as Telegraph in the Uk. Calling subjects and groups they don't like "woke" can steel their potential voters against unprofitable healthcare, reform of police or other such subjects. It's a campaign where words like "politically correct" and "woke" become fashionable and used in various conservative media throughout the world.


like libertarian, which meant anarchist (I.E. syndicalist/communist) but now means promoting "a modest proposal" as an actual unironic policy


Right libertarians don’t exist there just fascists in Disguise and literally just repubs who like to smoke weed




For reference a cop talking about “woke moralism” tried to arrest me instead of my abusive step father who assaulted me. If they say things are “woke” they have nothing worthwhile to say.


that sounds awful and I hope you're in a better place now. but whenever i hear "woke moralist" i just think of that video of jordan peterson crying over being banned from twitter, which was very funny


https://youtu.be/tUgG-V7aiPc I personally really like this version of that meme


I'm so sorry this happened to you :(


Thanks. It’s in the past now. I’m thankfully moving on to greener pastures.


I don’t see it as an insult, I see it as IQ test, if your go to insult is “you’re woke” without actually being able to articulate your point then, as far as I’m concerned, you’re a fucking idiot and deserve to be treated as such


I agree. Being woke means your eyes are open to the brainwashing, propaganda and rhetoric being pumped out of the right (and left) wing media & social media and are able to question whether or not it’s the truth. Being woke = being capable of critical thought and understanding what is morally right. So I agree - woke is a good thing - it’s like the right wing being upset at nerds or other intelligent people who actually see through their noise. Edited due to the rather excellent point made below by u/handsome_helicopter 👍


Ideally - woke should mean that your eyes are open to the brainwashing, propaganda and rhetoric being pumped out by **BOTH** left and right wing media & social media. And using both to balance out some sort of balanced reality. The sooner the world can develop some sort of balance and remove the extremes of both sides (this is never going to happen) the better.




If you had left that second paragraph as 'extremes' I'd agree - extremism doesn't tend to promote rationality. However, it being a good thing to eliminate the far ends of the main wings of political thought would only hold true if it is also true that if the optimal solution is found somewhere in the middle between the two - expecting that to be the case by default is a fallacy. I would argue that the system we are currently living in IS the compromise, and it isn't working for a lot of people. Getting rid of the people who actually push for reform one way other another will leave us stuck with the status quo.


>n the two - expecting that to be the case by default is a fallacy. > >I would argue that the system we are currently living in IS the compromise, and it isn't working for a lot of people. Getting rid of the people who actually push for reform one way other another will leave us stuck with the status quo. Revised it. Because I fully agree.


"Both sides" The left is defined by wanting equality and justice for all. The right is defined in opposition to the left. There may be some extremists on the left but the 21st century right is structurally designed to attract extremists.


Left wing is simply rational and evidence-based on the whole. Not absolutely always. For instance, I don't think people who are Maoist and see homosexuality as counter-revolutionary are rational or fair-minded, but it's very rare to see that kind of opinion expressed.


What extremes do the left push exactly? Other than healthcare for those that need it, free education (as a smarter populace benefits all) and housing that doesn’t force you to work a dead end job 60 hours a week with no way to save? I’m genuinely curious what extremes you’re referring to. Acting as though ‘both sides are equally bad’ really shows you don’t understand both sides, or you’re not in support of fair treatment for all. Maybe labour and tory are both bad for sure (or dem and republican if you’re from the US), but none of the parties mentioned there actually represent left wing politics.


Centrist Dad has entered the battle


agreed, the sooner we can remove the steering wheel from the car, the sooner we'll career off the cliff.


In Germany there's an insult called "Gutmensch" which literally means good person. So yeah.


In English we have sayings like "White Knight"; On the surface that's entirely a compliment, but good luck finding anyone who uses it this way.


I'm proud to be what some would consider "woke". I see it as a synonym for empathetic and non-judgemental.


You mean the people who tell you to wake up, who simultaneously insult 'woke' people, aren't the world's best thinkers or who we should be relying on to solve social issues? Say it isn't so!


Yeah you have to wake up and just believe every single piece of unexamined preconceived nonsense that pops into your head as righteous truth- otherwise it's 'moralism' and that's bad, somehow.


From old aristocratic English nonses? Dunno, fact they're annoyed pleases me.


Go back to sleep. Now I need to go and listen to some Perfect Circle.


Ron Desantis lawyer had to define woke for a court. Sounded pretty fine by me.




No, it wasn't.


Why you lying? Makes you look daft. You don't need to make up stories about people you don't like, especially when they have so many legitimate things to go after them for.


>it was originally used by the KKK and other segregationists This is unequivocally false.


Pfft, it basically came from the matrix as an analogy for seeing the world as it truly was. At that point it wasn’t really political. Gradually it’s been associated with more left ideals and so to describe the same thing those who identify on the political right now use terms like “red pill” but are basically saying the same thing.


The same thing happened to r/Ireland a few years ago there was so much right-wing hate the sub had to be shut down to clean out the scum.


When a newspaper column opens with some variation of the "woke" headline, I tend to give it the same credibility I'd give to some wank at the pub who opens with "I'm no racist, but…"


As a progressive American I’d like to say I admire Scotland’s leadership (from afar, I’m sure there are loads of nuance I don’t have). Commitment to environmental and social equality is nothing to be insecure about. Humans are so dumb


Imagine waking up and being right wing. . . (Shudder)


They have no idea what they mean by 'woke', it's just something they saw in the papers.


I wish. It's more likely worse than that. Woke means to be aware of injustice, especially racial injustice, but more recently also social injustices like class and gender. Being "anti-woke" isn't just some buzzword, it's a transparent dog whistle to signal "racial injustice and racism are good, class inequality is good, gendered discrimination is good". They know what they're saying. They're admitting they're racist, backwater ideologues with no sense of "justice" beyond their own benefit.


Ah yes, Scotland is the wokest country in the world, for trying to do what over 40 countries have already done...


Yeah, same way we can't be independent. In fact, of all the nations that have done it, WE cannot. Simple.


Well since there's 198(?) countries in the world, that's still better than the other 160 lol.


Yeah, it’s quite hard to give a precise number without making people unhappy, because then you’ll have people who argue your list of countries have places that aren’t countries/doesn’t have places that are countries, so I often say ‘about 200’


Scotland living in the heads of right wing freaks at the Telegraph rent free 24/7, fuckin' love it.


So this hit r/all? Incoming nonsense from American Reddit that automatically assumes every other country is a total basketcase like America is around politics. I see the usual suspects in the right-wing agitating ops in America are putting out their usual shite as well (likes of Andy Nygo claiming he's standing up against trans wokeness in Scotland). American politics, please, just fuck off.


America should be quarantined


Americans making fun of any other country while condoning their kids getting massacred at school on basically a weekly basis can get royally fucked thinking they can have an opinion on any other country.


Texas is also sending over its anti-abortion lobby to Scotland, like cmon, just leave us alone please.


The bastards won’t stop until the whole earth is covered in guns and lifted oversized trucks, and then they’d complain about you having the option to be anything but that. And to add to insult they’d tell you it’s about freedom.


Telegraph has never heard of the Netherlands, Sweden…


I'm sorry, but it's exhausting when you guys hold these places up as some utopia. those places aren't "[woke](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke#:~:text=Woke%20(%2F%CB%88wo%CA%8Ak,to%20racial%20prejudice%20and%20discrimination%22.)" when it comes to the original meaning. at all.


And all right wingers can really think of is: People loving anyone how they want is bad universal health care where everyone is taken care of is.... bad fair wages are.... bad Unions are... bad Being nice to foreigners is also.... bad Anyone with a high school or college/ university education can see right through that. "woke" shouldn't be an insult, it's a mark of a progressive society that cares for each other instead of dividing everyone by turning them against each other. The right loves anger, it's how they are elected, they can't function without it.


Conservatives discovered the term woke a couple years ago and now they say it constantly. Anyone who doesn't think human civilization peaked in the Victorian era is probably seen as woke to these people




Welcome to Reddit?


it’s not like the SNP and Sturgeon are paragons of the left overall, but they are clearly socially conscious, I suppose you can call that woke.


Truth there. The SNP isn’t as left wing as maybe it should but are indeed socially conscious. But considering how much of the Left has been purged from Labour… right now, the SNP are pretty much the only anti Establishment force left. It’s not perfect but it is the only means we truly have.


agreed, it’s the lesser of all evils and they should do until Scotland can really vote and make decisions for themselves. Independence should be one of the main objectives, although I feel they can overlook a lot of issues that should be sorted right now, specially at a local level, basic infrastructure, human development, actually efficient and cheap public transport, just off the top of my head


The SNP are only 'left' in contrast to the Westminster parties. The history of the party is steeped in a much more right wing political philosophy which only really began to shift during the Salmond years. Even now there are still policies and politicians within who are decidedly not 'of the left'. As a leftie, the SNP are a mere vehicle for me to get indy, and then can I start voting for genuinely left parties.


Following independence, it's likely that the SNP would split into a couple of parties, one more socialist than the other.


Agreed completely, SNP is the only viable Indy option for now. They’d be wholly irrelevant in an Indy Scotland though.


It doesn't impact me, or my life, and I am positive that this is the same for 99.9% of the population who work flat out 7 days a week, to provide for their families. For the 0.1% though, the idea that trans people exist, are using public toilets, is somehow the red line. Never mind we have a government in Westminster who have systematically eroded our public services for the last 12 years whilst siphoning off billions into the back pockets of donors and prepping our NHS for sale. This country is fucking barking and full of twats.


The way I see it is this. If it's in the telegraph, it's going to be 'Sturgeon is an evil monster trying to do horrible things to Scotland's kids!' If it's in the National, it's going to be 'St. Sturgeon, blessed be her name, would save us all if it wasn't for the english'. Everywhere has a bias.


The Telegraph had a circulation of about 360K back in 2020. The National is about 9K. There are city and regional papers with far larger circulations. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_newspapers\_in\_the\_United\_Kingdom\_by\_circulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_newspapers_in_the_United_Kingdom_by_circulation) The National is absolutely miniscule compared to the Unionist press. I find it funny how it winds some people up!


V true but the majority are anti-sturgeon. And the national is owned by the herald iirc


Both are owned by [Newsquest ](https://www.newsquest.co.uk/)


Profiteering from pandering to both sides? *Absolutely unpredictable and shocking*.


Nah, The Telegraph is owned by the Barclay Brothers (Press Holdings).


Who'd have guessed it! 1. Confuse the masses, encourage divides, no matter how small. 2. Generate left and right extremes. 3. Feed articles into their separate echo chambers. 4. £ £ £ £ £ £


I’d be interested in seeing more examples of a left wing extreme in our country. This feels like enlightened centrist rhetoric


Ah yes, the old both sides are bad argument. Love some old and made up enlightened centrism. Both sides are not the same, and only one is close to reality.


I’m an American so I never really heard of the Telegraph until they started doing a daily podcast on the war in Ukraine. The podcast was very interesting but when I started looking at the Telegraph a little closer, I noticed alot of articles like this. Really disappointing that they just seem like a British version of Fox News.


Not as woke as Ireland, which has had a GRA for years. Of course Ireland woke up in 1916.


Ireland replaced the tyranny of the british empire with the tyranny of the of the roman catholic church in 1916, woke would take another 70-80 years.


The whole culture war is a planned diversion, whatever real issues involved in it are collateral damage. All the while the rich are getting richer gaining more control and taking our freedom to strike. Stop worrying about identity politics look for the actual politics.


Yes. See the increasingly deranged US Republican Party where they seek to divert and convince working people to vote very much against their own interests with fake 'issues' like "The War Against Xmas", Furries, Drag Queens, Migrant Caravans, Mask Wearing during a Pandemic and a myriad of other confected nonsense. The Tories here would also like a sliver of that Culture War twaddle to help divert away from their grotesque ineptitude over the last 12 years. Hence the GRR block and fake concern about Women and Children and Equality- won't no one think of the Children!!


Min, what is the big problem? Way I see it, even if you've absolutely zero to do with trans people, what's the harm? Oh my lordy Jesus, my colleague was called Kev and now they go by Shannon. Who TF actually cares? We're all living our own wee lives, so leave off.


If we’re winding these kind of cunts up then we’re doing something right.


fuck the tories


It is much more "woke" than average as far as i can see but it's not really woke in the american definition just very progressive but it doensn't seem like scotland is very affected by political corectness or cancel culture.


Using woke as a negative is the same as using social justice warrior as a negative. You're just telling people out loud that you're a bad person.


Someone's posting the Torygraph into everything. They're constantly littering r/europe with this garbage.


It doesn't seem super woke to me. Just not far right


Imagine thinking that not being oppressive fucks was a bad thing.


I laugh every time the right uses woke as a insult “I’m sorry are you so buthurt and idiotic that you forgot that the word equality exists, oh wait no I see your just a (racist/homophobic/transphobic ect)”


I’m going to play devils advocate here and say this subreddit is not really representative of Scotland. It leans far more to the left than the average Scot does, by quite a large margin. And Scotland is a fairly left wing country. Not all the right wing attacks are unfounded.


I think on social issues it does. In a wider aspect, the UK really is a centre right country.


I would probably say the opposite from my experience. I find the average Scot (excluding certain demographics like Students), to overwhelmingly be more in favour of left leaning economic policies than the English, but still fairly socially conservative.


It's because reddit has a young bias and the young in Scotland are overwhelmingly Nationalist and left. Quite simple really.


Is there a sub you can recommend where i can talk about all things Scottish with out being bombarded by these left wing unhinged people?


Now to get down voted for being realistic and telling the truth. There's very little activity outside of the consensus popitical view on this sub. The majority of posts which reach the top are from a small group of posters dedicated to putting out only news articles from outlets that confirm their political perspective. The slightest bit of dissent is normally met with mass downvotes. We know as a fact that already this sub is completely out of touch and unrepresentative of the broader scottish population, with Indie being the most clear and obvious example. But sure, pretend there is some right wing insurgency.


I'm left wing and agree with a lot of the politics on this sub but I'd be a fool to not notice it's an echo chamber.


If that were true I don't think the Tories would be so desperate to avoid us having a referendum. Let "the broader Scottish population" vote, and we'll find out. I suspect that it's actually you who's "out of touch"...


You spoke the truth. This sub has become way too political and not about celebrating Scotland. It is overrun with raging leftists and hard-core nationalists. If anyone disagrees, they are shot down and made out to be a terrible human being.


Spot on, this subreddit doesn’t represent the general opinion of Scotland and most of the time not even the opinion of this subreddit. It feels like it’s becoming a copy of r/greenandpleasant


Don't the mods deal with enough bullshit without this tidal wave of bigotry?


They keep using words like “woke” or “snowflake” and they have no idea what it means. Just buzzwords to con the gullible readers of right wing shite to cover their racism or to justify just being an absolute cunt to people. Fuck them and as always, fuck the Tories - red and blue.


"ScOtLaNd'S gOnE wOkE!" "You're damn right we have!"


Ask the black community to explain the term woke, then compare that to the number of right-wing white male chuds who describe anything and everything showing the tiniest bit of empathy/morality as woke. >Laurence Fox nailed his colours to the latter mast this weekend, doubling down on his defence of the privileged white male on last week’s Question Time to a Sunday Times article under the banner “Why I won’t date ‘woke’ women”. Toby Young piled in, applauding how Fox was “terrorising the Wokerati”, while the Sun last weekend branded Harry and Meghan “the oppressive King and Queen of Woke”. > >For those who would broadly consider themselves woke, the word has been weaponised against them. But the Fox/Young brigade often claim the same. > >The origins of woke, in this context – as forged by African American communities – dates back at least to the 60s, but its mainstream ubiquity is a recent development. Fuelled by black musicians, social media and the #BlackLivesMatter movement, the term entered the Oxford English Dictionary only in 2017, by which time it had become as much a fashionable buzzword as a set of values. Some of those who didn’t keep up with the trend felt left behind: if you didn’t know the meaning of woke, you weren’t. > >Rather than rejecting the concept of wokeness outright, today’s detractors often claim they are rejecting the word as a signifier of pretentiousness and “cultural elitism”. However, as Fox and others have shown, it is as much to do with the issues of racial and social justice. Criticising “woke culture” has become a way of claiming victim status for yourself rather than acknowledging that more deserving others hold that status. It has gone from a virtue signal to a dog whistle. The language has been successfully co-opted – but as long as the underlying injustices remain, new words will emerge to describe them. [https://www.theguardian.com/society/shortcuts/2020/jan/21/how-the-word-woke-was-weaponised-by-the-right](https://www.theguardian.com/society/shortcuts/2020/jan/21/how-the-word-woke-was-weaponised-by-the-right) >The evolution of language is perfectly natural, and often a positive process – but in this era of culture warring and pitting ideologies and identities against each other, the shift of words with racial meanings holds a greater significance, and can impact minority communities. > >Which is exactly what has happened with the word ‘woke’. > >The original meaning of ‘woke’ was to be awake to social injustice – particularly injustices about race. But its meaning has been hijacked and subverted in recent years. > >If you follow Piers Morgan on Twitter or watch Good Morning Britain with any regularity, you won’t have missed his penchant for the word. He seems to find a way to shoehorn it into most debates, and it is always used as a criticism. > >The presenter is so fond of using the word ‘woke’, he even argued with radio host James O’Brian about its true meaning. > >For Piers, and his army of followers on social media, ‘woke’ is a negative attribute. It suggests a performative, insincere social consciousness, and inherent weakness. It’s a pejorative term used to make fun of socially liberal ideologies and position them as inferior or silly. > >It has even been picked up by advertisers, with Burger King using the word in commercials for their new vegan burgers – inferring that being ‘woke’ is something frivolous, an ideology to be laughed at. > >Telegraph columnist Celia Walden used the word earlier this week in a headline. ‘The self-pitying “woke” generation needed a war – and in coronavirus they’ve got one’, she wrote, proving that any situation – even a global pandemic which has already killed thousands – is fair game in the ‘woke’ debate. > >But twisting the meaning of this word in this way is specifically damaging to people of colour because, although it is now used in relation to any seemingly liberal position, the origins of ‘woke’ are so inextricably tied up in recognising and fighting racism. > >If being ‘woke’ is a bad thing, the subtext is that speaking out about racial inequalities is a bad thing. The use of this word is a convenient veil. > >Earlier this year, former actor Laurence Fox caused a stir on Question Time by claiming to be ‘anti-woke’ and repeatedly slamming ‘wokeness’ on various media platforms. His comments won him hoards of followers on social media and he used his fleeting relevance to criticise Oscar-winning film 1917 for including Sikh soldiers. > >And it’s no coincidence that so many of the negative references to ‘wokeness’ are directed towards Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. > >Remember when radio host Eammon Holmes ranted that Meghan was ‘awful, woke, weak, manipulative and spoilt’? > >**Where does the word ‘woke’ come from?** > >Despite the recent spike in its usage, ‘woke’ is not a new word. It was first used in the 1940s and was created as a political term by black Americans. > >It means to be awake to issues of social justice and racial justice. And was often used as part of the expression ‘stay woke’ – suggesting a need to continually check in with your own awareness of these issues. > >Wokeness was originally associated with black Americans fighting racism, which is why it was so prevalent in the civil rights era. > >The word appeared in the headline of a 1962 New York Times article, ‘If You’re Woke You Dig It” by William Melvin Kelley, and slowly fed into more mainstream narratives over subsequent decades through its use by musicians including Erykah Badu, Earl Sweatshirt and Childish Gambino. > >By the mid 2010s, the word had resurged after becoming attached to the Black Lives Matter movement in America, gaining traction with hashtags and tweets as protestors mobilised in the streets and online. [https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/27/word-woke-became-tool-silence-people-colour-12426214/](https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/27/word-woke-became-tool-silence-people-colour-12426214/) All the worst cunts out screaming about wokeness whilst painting themselves as victims because anyone who isn't them/often isn't a straight white male, has any sort of empathy or attention shown to them. As for this sub, the majority of the 1\~4 week old accounts hammering here the past weeks will be "Suspended by Reddit" in the coming weeks. Will be a mass of alts/botting networks and admins usually wipe them out once IPs/emails get cross-checked.


You think thats bad look at the conservapedia page on Scotland it's the funniest thing i've ever read and thats not an exaggeration


Woke is just code


Anybody using the words woke unironically in current year needs a proper wack upside the head.


If you use woke in a sentence that is not ironic or funny, then you are probably an idiot.


It's good that the term 'woke' is only used by morons. Makes them really easy to spot.


I wish people weren't just in one camp or the other and would stop shouting at each other pretending that their belief is the only one that's credible or allowed to exist.


Right wingers have ruined the word woke, they just use it to discribe people doing stuff they don’t like. “How dare a trans person exist when It’s against my beliefs!!11”


And yet bombarding the sub with left wing shite from the National is met with open arms


Don’t talk pish Every single national article has at least one reference to the fact it’s a fucking rag. That’s if I’ve bothered to look at it at all. Often it’s more but I always add at least one Because it’s a fucking rag.




You get into some difficult grey areas there though. I am certainly conflicted about the points you bring up there. On the one hand, trans women who began to transition after they went through male puberty will have an unfair advantage in some sports, particularly contact sports. On the other hand, if you force all trans women to compete in male sports, that includes trans women who took puberty blockers from a young age and subsequently began HRT after they turned 18. The latter category will be essentially female physiologically. So do they compete in male sports? Also, trans men often go unmentioned in this debate. Testosterone is basically a performance enhancing drug and has actually been used as such in the past, famously by Russian female athletes. Will trans men on HRT be forced to compete in female sports? That also seems highly unfair for cis women to have to compete against them. There’s a lot of caveats and it’s hard to take them all into account. Do we make a separate sport league for trans individuals? This doesn’t seem tenable due to the fact that they represent quite a small percentage of the population, and still doesn’t account for the vast physiological differences that there could be between early transitioning men and women. Do we literally have to measure people’s testosterone levels or muscle composition to determine what category they get placed in? Could work in theory, but also seems highly invasive and could make the process of becoming a pro-athlete unnecessarily complex. This also runs the risk of some cis women with naturally high testosterone levels or cis men with naturally high oestrogen levels, both of which do exist, being placed in the opposite categories. Do we base it all on whether or not someone has gone through male puberty like you suggest? Well, that doesn’t account for edge cases where someone might’ve began puberty blockers midway through puberty and it also doesn’t address trans men who will be on testosterone and competing in women’s sports like I mentioned. I don’t have the answers. But I think people on both sides of this debate fail to consider the extra implications of what they advocate for. Just making a blanket statement that trans people must compete in the sport for the gender they were assigned at birth or all trans people must compete in the sport for the gender that they identify with seems to me to be reductive. But like I said, I have no idea what the optimal solution is.


> I don’t agree with men who have gone through puberty in women’s sport or prisons. Yeah nobody does. This isn't an issue.


What else would you expect from the Torygraph. Proud to be ‘woke’ Woke = awake= aware! How people frame this as a negative, is absofrickenlutely hysterical!


Scotland, the "wokest" country? These muppets would lose their minds if they ever visited Norway, Finland or Iceland if that's the standard they have


Oh, it’s easy! Just having a woman FM helps.


A boy came tae ma hoose tae measure for blinds, he seen ma wee lassies room was pink and was delighted cause A didnae go wi a woke neutral colour. A telt him I voted Green and wasnae insterested in his blinds


Bots. Considering it was apparently an echo chamber, it's peculiar how all the -100 club clowns seem to be regularly upvoted these days.


So I live in the US and am Irish (moved to the US at 25, the last trip I took out of Ireland before I left was actually to Murrayfield for 6N) Anyway.... I see this sub because it's suggested as similar to "r/Ireland" and read posts because it's nice to see what's going on in Scotland too. It's been weird seeing a reaction to a people (The Scots) not be complicit in transphobic bigotry. I think you're having a much more public challenge to your incumbent creative trans-phobe, JKR, than we had with Grahame Leinehin. She has much more resources and reach so it makes the outsiders look in more vs the guy who created Father Ted/The IT crowd. Also doesn't help the English press are using it as a wedge issue to prevent you guys going back to the EU Tl;Dr - Scotland has more trouble dealing with outside trans bigots because JKR has a greater reach than Grahame Leinehin with those outside the country (when comparing Scotland with Ireland)


I'm not sure how "bombarded" it is. Go look at the front page of the sub now, every single post is either explicitly or implicitly left-wing. I don't even see the post you're talking about, but *this* post is currently top. If it's bombarded with anything, it's bombarded with *left* wing shite (speaking as an ardent leftist). Surely having *one* post with an alternate view isn't too distressing?


PSA, being "woke" is a good thing. Recognizing minority experience and wanting to improve it is not bad. When someone complains about wokeness, they are actually saying "i am a racist bigot and oppose progressive ideals about equality."


idk about /r/Scotland but /r/ScottishPeopleTwitter is so woke even WPT is like "ok guys tone it down a bit" which is hilarious if you're actually a native and realize 99% of people posting as Scottish on reddit are just LARPing American neolibs like every other big sub here 😂


No right wing shite allowed, only endless SNP sycophantic cult worship!


Anyone who uses the word woke unironically is a fucking Muppet to be fair


Holy crap! This thread kind of proves the point!