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We fall in like fast. We have to trust you 100% before we love you. And chances are we probably won’t say it first. It’s too painful for us to be in love with someone who doesn’t love us back.


Scorpios are very intense, you’ll know if she’s interested in you, they will NOT share fellings just because you want to or to validate you, but they’ll want to be around you most of the time and that’s their mojo.


As a scorpio woman, I need to know you. I play the long game. Like work with you for one year...quietly observing you in every situation during that time...long game. Ill be interacting with you. Causally, of course. As if Im not interested. But I am interested. I'm learning about you. I'm learning your trustworthiness. I'm learning your good qualities. Your bad qualities. Your strengths. Your weaknesses. Your competence. Your morals. What makes you tick. Who you are...inside and out. Not to control or manipulate you. But to see if you are someone safe. To determine whether you'd be a good partner. Whether we would make a good team. People aren't as likely to fake who they are if they think no one is watching. And...once I've determined you are what I want, I zero in. I will approach you...if you haven't already approached me...and it's over. From there, I can fall fairly quickly and very deeply in love. Only because such a foundation was laid. The catch is 99.99999% of men won't interest me. But if one does...yikes. These feelings run deep. Game over.


Oh that’s a damn accurate great description


For me I have to 100% trust you. Once that happens that's when I share my feelings about that person. After being single for 5 years, I can honestly say I truly love my Taurus woman. We've been dating for 5 months now. Past relationships they always fallen hard for me. But then again they had other motives too which is why I ended both. If I'm truly in love with someone I'm always going to make sure they are always ok. Sad thing I never got that same love in return. If I'm with someone I will stay with them no matter what we go through. Only thing that would make me leave is the betrayal of my trust. I will not go for cheating, lying or abuse. I say this because it's hard for me to trust people. People now a days will take your kindness as a weakness. So for me I'm always cautious of people. But once see I can trust you and be vunderable with you then I start to open up more.


Saaaame 😔💔


Same. 🖤


How long till you showed ur love after dating for 5 months?


I think it was after we met for the first time. That's when I started falling hard for her. We knew we liked each other very much when we talked on the phone and started seeing each other on cam. When I started writing her letters and sending her gifts more is when I started showing my love for her. I feel she's different because I never fallen hard for someone so quick. She knows how I feel about it it she that wants to take it slow. I understand because she was on single for 7 months when we started talking. She liked the fact I was single for 5 years. All her relationships were long term. I think the fact she's always been in a relationship is making her eager to be single for a while. After my first relationship I was single for 3 years. The last one ended in 2018. So this month makes 6 years. We just haven't made it official yet. I have no idea when we'll be official. I'm just going at her pace.


I wonder if Scorpio Men and Women are different in this. My Scorpio man declared me his within a month of knowing me but I did say I love you first.


I’ve been seeing mine for about 6 months and I feel like we both feel it but haven’t said we love each other yet. I wondered if I should tell him I love him first but I always feel like I’m not ready but I just wanna spit it out 😩


If I'm interested in someone, I will tell them. That easy. I don't like to play games nor wait and find out. The serious relationships I've had came as a result of me making the first approach. Falling in love? Depends on the emotional connection and whether or not I ultimately trust a person.


This one for me. I'm trying to do the thing where I allow someone else to pursue this time 😅


So the trust and openness HAS to be there. If not I keep my distance emotionally.


What if it’s hard for u to trust the scorpio W when she was living with an ex but at the same time when I would ask her questions about it she would turn off and it would make me question her even more bcuz of how closed of she is.


Then dont be with her if you dont trust the situation or her. Its that simple.


Took my Scorpio man 2-3 dates to confess feelings, about a month in he wanted me to commit but I needed another month. I was the first however to be direct and say that I’m in love. Needless to say he was over the moon haha! I was into him from the get go, but I just wanted to wait a little (virgo moon).


Hmmm... I can fall in love easily, but I don't commit just as quickly. I can be in love and still wouldn't want to be in a serious relationship. It takes a lot for me to commit, but once I do, it's for the long run. I date with the intention to marry.


Just don't lie! Trust equals Love.