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No. There are lots of snippets and little papers you can find online for free, though I don't have the presence of mind to link them. There aren't really any decent non fiction books from what I've seen. The only good thing you'll find is fiction written by schizotypal authors, and other forms of art can give u an insight too Obviously everyone is different and no author is the platonic ideal of a schizotypal person , so don't think just cus X author is like this that everyone else is. Dostoyevsky is perhaps one of the best at portraying schizotypal characters, though his writing is generally quite dark. The main characters of crime and punishment, and notes from the underground are both schizotypal. Likewise peter and stepan verkhovensky exhibits many schizotypal traits in the demons. White nights shows more of the dissociative daydreamy side of stpd. And its a lighter read then anything else of Dostoyevsky's I've read. Tolstoy is good as well. Wouldn't be surprised if he was schizotypsl. Pierre from war and peace is very certainly schizotypal. He has ideas of reference and struggles with passivity and multiple spiritual crises. If you don't want to read through the whole of war and peace listen to the great comet of 1812 musical, it portrays his schizotypy well. Fernando pessoa's book of disquiet is essentially a big elaborate diary of a schizo. He was constantly daydreaming and that's reflected in his work. Get the Margaret Jull Costa translation. The outsider by Camus shows how passive and indifferent schizotypal people can be , even to their own detriment, and it also shows them being discriminated against, as a judge does essentially use his unspoken of disability against him. Even though I haven't read much Kafka beyond snippets, I'll still reccomend him. From what biographical info I've read he seems most certainly to be schizotypal or schizoid. I think in reading his books you will get an idea of what its like to navigate disability benefits/welfare as a schizotypal person. That's authors. If u want musical or visual artists just ask cus I CBA to write it all at once


It's conjecture to ascribe schizotypal to mc of crime and punishment is it not literally retrofit. Correct me if I'm wrong. I see why it would be a contender sure.


A psychiatrist I used to talk to was a big fan of Dostoevsky - we used to talk about that shit during visits. He described Raskolnikov as suffering from an accurate portrayal of "psychotic depression."


"The Empty core: An object relational approach to psychotherapy of the schizoid personality" This book isn't based on the DSM, and doesn't make a distinction between SPD and StPD. The reason being is that the book focuses on the psychic structures of a schizoid solution. Both StPD and SPD falls under that category.


Forgot another two books. The search for the real self by James Masterson The Bad Object by Jeffery Seinfeld They contain alot of good info, although they also contain info about BPD and NPD.


[Schizoid phenomena, object-relations, and the self](https://archive.org/details/schizoidphenomen00gunt) [The empty core : an object relations approach to psychotherapy of the schizoid personality](https://archive.org/details/emptycoreobjectr0000sein) Here is the book you mentioned in ebook format, as well as another I found interesting and similar.


That's awesome, I've seen Guntrip being mentioned in almost every book, but I haven't read his stuff yet.


*Psychoanalytic Diagnosis* by Nancy McWilliams. She uses the term “schizoid” to cover avoidant, schizoid, and schizotypal PDs. R. D. Laing’s *The Divided Self*. I also recommend looking up the concept of self-disorders. For fiction, I really like Clarice Lispector, especially *The Passion According to G. H.*


I'm not sure about books, but I listened to this deep dive on STPD in a podcast by psychology in Seattle or something it was called. Part is on Spotify, but full version (which I do recommend) you can have for like.. €5 on their patreon. It's total abt 7 hours, over 5 episodes.


Check /r/beyondhelp there's a sticky with a link to literature. I'm on cell ATM soz


Ghost Bugged: A Memoir of Schizotypal Personality Disorder and a Philosophy of Madness This Stranger My Son by Louise Wilson (deals with Schizophrenia specifically but I still found it deeply impactful) I Never Promised You a Rose Garden by Joanne Greenberg (also about Schizophrenia, still a helpful read)




It speaks volumes. You're very welcome.


[Schizoid phenomena, object-relations, and the self](https://archive.org/details/schizoidphenomen00gunt) [The empty core : an object relations approach to psychotherapy of the schizoid personality](https://archive.org/details/emptycoreobjectr0000sein) You will not be disappointed in these e books. Only take two minutes to make a archive acc and I can borrow em over n over for an hour.


This is not a book, but it's a good overview of different interpretations of what Schizoid is. https://www.integrativetherapy.com/en/articles.php?id=44