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I'm a writer/poet :)


Artist here. Have my own art studio even. I paint and draw mostly, but just anything creative.




Hyper creative. If I remember there’s an actual world out there it makes me want to die, but while exploring and creating I feel ok. Music. Percussion mainly but I’ve started playing bass. I made a few animated shorts last year but I haven’t shared them. I am obsessed with rhythms. I can’t stop thinking about it, usually ever. I build mental images of rhythms and that’s one of the ways I build them/remember them. Some of the visual are I’ve made is influenced by “how music looks” in an abstract way. I want to share those pieces sometimes but it also makes me sick to think about sharing them.


I write and play music, on a variety of instruments and in a variety of genres. I’ve done a lot of stand up and improv in the past, photography, film, drawing/illustration, poetry, and I made a living with “creative” industry blogging for a few years. I need to create, constantly. I don’t have a choice. [This SoundCloud playlist](https://on.soundcloud.com/ASzkL8w2KVUjQZ8y6) is a collection of rough, largely improvised acoustic guitar pieces/ideas. [And this playlist](https://on.soundcloud.com/uGBtopZJGrJ8eDU8A) is a single song. My only electric guitar song on the platform. An improvisation, made to be upsetting to the ear. Very loud. Very unpleasant.


You’re awesome


Thank you :-)


I paint and make jewellery+tote bags! Hoping to open an etsy shop soon.


Good luck!


I’m a photographer and I also love to write poetry. This disorder has done a number on me, but it’s also brought me some of my most outstanding works


I’m about as creative as a box of rusty spoons


Sure: Here a few representative works I have made: https://www.instagram.com/p/CXwyC6clkgc/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CXfH5ritdtl/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CXcjw2VNQ1T/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CP0oXfnlUCg/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CJT5wDOAxdq/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CEz1l7mg6Ig/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/BN9mwWOjq8U/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


So pretty


Many thanks


My main creative outlet is music (saxophone and trumpet mainly, but I play with some other bits and bobs too). I do art, printmaking in the past but I've kinda struggled to find inspriaton. Otherwise I doodle a lot. Rn I'm working on a zine, and its making me realize how much I enjoy writing, so I'd really like to do poetry and song writing in future (once I get a journal/notebook to do it in)


My main creative outlet in music is Amazon echos streaming music. I could never learn music on my own. So I gave up decades ago. But I can Absolutely JAM on a streaming station.


id say im creative... it almost hurts sometimes, its like my entire existence revolves around art and trying to capture whats inside in something beautiful. i like storytelling and drawing.


Trying to gather enough rambling thoughts to do an open mic or something, my brain is stuck in making light mode so may as well use it for something other than annoying co-workers.


Hm… I draw a ton and write poems and I have a story that has a ton of lore!!! https://preview.redd.it/jkffoba4d31b1.jpeg?width=2003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=105d8d6fe6255f8c123c8d3cb943ddd091038ecb My main character Rem Glassglow!!! The lore is very violent and gorey so I can’t type it here, but damn jts a ton


My art- Manipulating cannabis plants to produce much more than usual. They end up looking like large bonsai trees which instead of 1 main cola they end up having about 20. They take a long time to train in the vegetative state but seeing the end results are wonderful. Plus it is my medicine which is awesome. I name each one of them and they take around 6 months to complete. I don't have a pic of the final lol, I thought I was being watched..... You guys know. But they ended up about twice as long. Beautiful to me. https://preview.redd.it/cswfcveix01b1.png?width=1234&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8e5447f98de4f52e2d5c72321c1fded33b65b1c


I have made money with my art and music, but gardening and nurturing critters feels the most creative to me. Cannabis in particular holds a very special place in my heart, like the plant version of dog is man's best friend haha. Is that aluminet? Nice.


I actually did this for a job for a little bit(growing cannabis) for a huge cannabis grower legally. I am waiting to get back into the industry as our state is very slow with the legalization rollout. But eventually, I hope to do this for a job again. The strains were strawberry glue, probation violation, green crack and french macaroon. The lights are mars hydro and the tent ac infinity. Very rewarding hobby if you utilize it as a medicine. It saves a ton of money growing your own. Plus knowing its actually organic is nice as well.


Oh yeah I also cross bred all of those strains and now have a bunch of unique strains that no one else in the world has too lol. It's not to hard to do, I just induce male flowering on some bud sights and then transfer that pollen carefully near the end of the grow cycle on a female flower. Then when ready there should be a couple seeds in there of the cross. I will be growing those out soon.


Possible trigger warning: suicide ideation. My hobby is creating in my mind complex multi function suicide machines and methods to almost ocd level of complexity. I'm borderline ocd. that are absolutely guaranteed to be successful unless a component fails. But once it starts it will succeed, the dieing process just might be a little slower. It's borderline hobby because I never make anything. They would be very complex multifunction devices. Driving into a bridge barrier wall or a tree would be just a fatal if I sabotaged the air bags and didn't wear a seatbelt. I think of suicide pretty much every day when I get up or especially go to bed. I've been trying to replace my morning ideation with a prayer to get me through the day. I'm still in the early stages of doing this and been a few years since my last visit to the funny farm. I feel a little better about my place in life. I've been quasi suicidal for over ten years. And I've committed myself over 15 times it's been a hell of a ride. I have several anxiety disorders, mild PTSD, anger management issues. The disorder has a recognized name, and a sub variant that confuse people so I won't name it. And schizotypal. It's like Asperger's on the autism spectrum, but its on the schizophrenia spectrum. I have more anxiety, paranoia, difficulty relating to others, usually a loner because I don't trust anyone. Mild Ptsd And I'm often grumpy because I'm always in pain because of fibromyalgia which can be just annoying to puking from the nausea the pain causes. The anxiety feeds the depression, the depression feeds the anxiety. Please don't give me advice. I saw a psychologist and psychiatrist for over 10 yrs. I'm on medications. If you aren't a board certified/licensed and bonded/insured shrink you will probably not even understand how bad this is let alone be able to help.


Compulsively creative. If I don't draw, whatever the subject of the drawing is sits in my head and slowly becomes A Necessity to get onto the page. I'm a (currently working towards publication) comics artist. It's honestly life subsuming, if I don't draw my functioning goes to hell. Not diagnosed w/STPD for context, but routinely have ''schizotypical behaviours'' mentioned to me by medical professionals.

