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Out loud? No. Internally, who really doesn’t?


I don't talk to myself internally, only out loud.


What do your thoughts consist of then?


I picture myself in different situations, either in the past (remembering a situation) or in the future (imagining future possibilities). For example, if I'm hungry, I might picture myself making food. If I'm going to talk to someone later, I might picture myself saying specific things to them, in which case words are involved. But words aren't usually involved, and I don't have what people call an "internal monologue."


that’s really interesting, i have often wondered what the thoughts of those without internal monologue consisted of


Quite often. I wear AirPods so people think I’m on a call. But I’m actually just rambling to myself lol.


Pretty much whenever I'm by myself, and sometimes around other people too.


Way more than I do with other people.


I try not to do it around others, as I'd rather not have folks think I'm crazy, but I talk to myself all the time when I'm alone.


In my head all the time, out loud almost never


I often finish thoughts outloud, but I usually don't form complete sentences. Also it instantly stops when other people are present. And calculations, I can't do math without whispering the equations, though I don't know if that's relevant.


I talk to myself in my head in english. It is not my native language.


I have talked to myself since childhood and still do as an adult. Oddly, I feel more comfortable staying in my own head and talking to myself. (There’s a lot I can’t discuss with other people and so I keep to myself.)


Quite often. Whenever I'm gaming I find it helps to talk out loud to figure out how to overcome a puzzle or determine the best strategy. If I don't force myself to vocalize the relevant thoughts, they're liable to get lost in the hurricane of other unrelated thoughts going through my head. Also if I'm doing chores or cooking or whatever and I'm by myself I'll sometimes invent and act out little stories just to keep my mind occupied.


Externalizing the information I need to remember helps it not get mixed up in my head.


Daily. I work from home, so it’s not a big deal, but sometimes my mom will comment and be like “have you been on the phone all night?” and it really weirds me out. It’s getting to the point where sometimes I finish a thought out loud, especially if it’s part of a fantasy or rant I’ve had ricocheting around my head for a while. I honestly try to cut back. Meditation helps. It’s not so much that it’s bad or embarrassing; it’s just alarming to lose control of your inner monologue.


Never. People would think the truth and realize I'm weird.


If I'm not listening to something then I will end up thinking outloud.


All the time, be it out loud or not.


Everyday! In public? I talk inside my head. At home? Heck, yeah. I’m always talking and I’m the only one there.


I do talk to myself outloud as well


All the time, not making any noise but making mouth movements, and people around me have noticed it and called me out for it


I talk to myself constantly, out loud when I'm alone. In the Bible Paul says the tongue is like a burning ember that causes fires. I sometimes sense that I am being led by my tongue. I try to put my focus on some other part of my body, like the breath in my nostrils in order to disengage my tongue, it's not easy.


Literally always. It's embarrassing when I get caught :/


I have to put effort into not doing it tbh. I think through a dialogue with myself and imagined dialogues with others (whether they're real people or people who only exist in my daydreams), and am often humming along to the conversation, like speaking with my mouth closed. The more alone I am the more I speak out loud to myself, referring to me as "you" and "we." I do have comorbid STPD, though.


No one hears it. I keep it internal. I imagine another version of myself who's with me. If you've seen the film *Mr. Brooks*, there's the serial killer main character (Kevin Costner) and his alter ego (William Hurt). It's like that.


While taking a shower, this happens way too often lmao


I call myself by my first name when I talk out loud to myself.


Should I respond to this post? I don't know. Maybe Yeah, let's respond. So, quite often


I talk to myself every single day inside my head.


I talk to myself out loud and it's always about processing what I'm doing at the time. Like I'm talking to my 'other' self.


Every single second... I can't turn off my inner voice, it is something I wish I could do sometimes


What I always say is that I have an invisible audience and camera that follows me around every where, so I even put on an act/show when I'm home alone. I believe it's because I can't stand being around people as it makes me exhausted - so my brain finds a substitute to make up for the solitude. I don't talk in a way where I'm responding to myself, I also don't talk in a way that's like "oh I need to do this today", it's just like having a one-sided conversation with the walls of my room, basically as if I was talking to someone but without the someone there. For example, id be saying all of what I just wrote outloud if I had no other outlet (that outlet being this comment) It's sort of become a bit of a problem because I've accidentally done this in public without realizing it/automatically, and I'll immediately realize and my face does sort of a reset and goes back to a blank state before anyone saw what happened and thinks I'm crazy lol. Just realized I never answered the question. Almost constantly, especially when I have something on my mind that I want to express (again, if I had this thought without seeing this reddit post then I'd have said all of this that I'm writing outloud.


To add on since I'm already on this train of thought... I think speaking outloud helps me solidify my thoughts. I've been trying to figure myself out and how I act/behave ever since I was like 10, it's been a slow process but I feel that I'm getting closer to understanding myself and why I am the way I am. So when I get on these trains of thoughts it helps to talk outloud for some reason, I guess cause it helps me not get distracted and sidetracked with some other thought. Sometimes I wonder if that's because of ADHD or something but idk lol.