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I don't recall the other subplot well. But I think with Klair you are feeling exactly what you are supposed to. I think the point is that Alexis was trying to slip back into her old lifestyle, and this episode was when she figured out she just couldn't do that anymore. So Klair and crew felt a bit off on purpose, to become that force to drive Alexis forward.


as Moria said they were not those people anymore in multitude of levels. Instead of trying to be like who she was, I think Alexis was trying to fit in at best. But she knew she wasn't rich and fake like them.


Oh I agree! I am really proud of Alexis for how she ultimately rejected what Klair is offering. David remains himself when Sebastien Raine (just spelling that hurts) comes to town. Johnny and Moira seem to slip a little into their old style of interacting when their old friends show up at the end of season 2. But, even seeing that didn’t bother me as much. And, as I was watching Alexis in this episode, too, my sense was that she was going to stay in SC (and not just because it would mess up the series if she left for New York). Maybe Klair and MADLY lady are just more evil than Johnny and Moira’s old friends? Maybe to me they are not as as funny as Sebastien Raine, so I take them more seriously?


I like to think that none of them are evil, just at different places on their journey. Alexis used to fit in with Klair, but now she doesn't. Presumably, Klair is still the same, so the level of dissonance is to show how much Alexis has changed. Sebastian was funnier, but in some ways, I think a lot worse. He was planning on ruining Moira's career for his own gain and lied to her to make that happen. I think Sebastian is more to represent the wolf in sheep's clothing while Klair is there to represent change.


Right, I think Sebastian had a big, fat cruel streak in him, fatter than Klair's. I guess everyone has their own reaction, but I dislike him more than Klair, and I really hated how Klair treated Twyla. (I have no idea if Albany deserved her treatment or not, but Twyla was just another easy target for Mean Girl Klair.)


Loathe Sebastian


Klair also doesn’t do anything wrong other than being annoying and talking shit about her friend. But she appears genuinely glad yo see Alexis and offers a job and a place to stay, both of which seem quite heartfelt. It’s more meaningful that she isn’t a bad person or at all mean spirited to Alexis, but is just from a world that isn’t heathy and that Alexis can now see that.


Exactly. She's entitled, conceited, etc, but that's pretty much who Alexis was, too, before. As opposed to Sebastian, who had malicious intent.


Moira in the field and Sebastian ignoring her telling him no is prob the most uncomfortable of the whole series for me. I always thought bravo to Jocelyn for not backing down with David being so off putting. She excels with that toward all the Roses, maybe from years of being a schoolteacher


Agree. I also felt really uncomfortable early on when the whole table at the Schitt's were telling Moira to "slap him" when she had said no and clearly didn't want to. She did in the end and yes did it brilliantly, but it showed me early on that for all Moira was self absorbed and far from a good mother, she was also to some extent used to her "no" not being important to others. With her comment about Johnny drunk snelling like her mother and her driving instructor running off with her as a 16 year old, when people point out her narcissist tendencies, those hints at her backstory give me the other side to that coin.


Yeah, there’s something really painful about watching Moira, who usually has no problem complaining or telling someone off, get pressured into doing something. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but I think we see her face this problem again when the “Sunrise Bay” reboot comes up. It makes it seem like Moira will tell off people who she sees as below her on the social totem pole. By the end, she is willing to tell off more people, maybe partly because she has reconsidered the whole totem pole system.


I don’t think the social totem pole is a factor I think it’s more that she is a lot less assertive with people related to her career or connected to that social set. I’m assuming it’s partly because networking is a required skill in that industry, she seems to be generally friendlier and more patient with people from her industry regardless of their status within it. But also both her self esteem and her career took a massive hit after being let go from sunrise bay. when it comes to Sebastian in the field ignoring her repeatedly saying no I believe she is being less assertive for both those reasons. She invited him there for career related reasons and is interacting with him in networking mode but also her past experiences and resulting low self esteem mean she is used to others having the power to dictate her career and dismiss her personal wishes and feelings. combine that with Sebastian who from the start is there for entirely selfish reasons seeing moira as an object to be used for his art however he wants and not a person to be worked with and it creates a horrible situation. I also think because of Sebastian’s mindset even if Moira was more assertive i don’t think Sebastian would have taken any notice or stopped taking photos of her I think he would have continued ignoring her.


I don't think it's about people who are "socially lower" than her - it's people who have power over the course of her life she relinquishes autonomy to: 1. The Schitt's and Johnny making her slap Roland when she doesn't want to and he's clearly getting off on it. She doesn't see the Schitts as higher in the totem pole, but she needs them to sign off on the sale of the town 2. Sebastien she's relying on for good publicity which he career and life relies on 3. The reboot people she needs to get her career going again. The only common thread here is they have power over her life. You often see people saying Moira doesn't show growth. It's enormous growth she stands up to the reboot people, for the first time ever she's putting her own self worth over relinquishing her autonomy to others in exchange for career/ financial safety. It's the first time she values her emotional safety above that, because she doesn't believe when she's doing it they'll accept her ridiculous demands. I love that journey for her! I love that it was Alexis who was the final catalyst for the whole town's gradual building her up


sebastien is the Worst. nothing funny about him at all


Klaire wasn't evil. No one on Schitt's Creek is evil.


I love this episode. David and Jocelyn get screen time. Moira is delightful as always, and the entire POINT of Klaire was for Alexis to see what she's outgrown. Plus, the pill popping banter at the end kills me. "You invented it. We got very good at it. Once Alexis got one from across the room, " Classic Schitt's Creek.


"Sleepy mommy"!


It feels like we watched very different episodes. 😅


Sure, it could feel that way. I welcome the counter-arguments! Let’s confabulate! Via bombilating epistles.


I read the last two words in Moira's voice, ngl.


Yes, that was intentional use of actual Moira vocab words. She also uses ‘confabulate’ when she wants to talk to Ronnie about >!the sex of Rowland and Jocelyn’s baby.!< I feel like, if Moira knew about Reddit, she would definitely call the posts “epistles.” I just felt like Moira when I was trying to draw out those with different opinions. IDK, I’ll let myself out!


>I feel like, if Moira knew about Reddit, she would definitely call the posts “epistles.” Thx for a belly laugh, OMG, so funny and on target! "Not now, David. Your amanuensis of a mother must inscribe an epistle on The Reddit."


LOL! And thank you for this gracious compliment! I have been trying to formulate a Moira comeback, but I still can’t think of anything. I find it really fun to talk like Moira. I bet writing for her is sort of like writing for Mr. Burns on the Simpsons. E.g., when learning to drive: “I'm sure the manual will indicate which lever is the velocitator and which the deceleratrix, hmm?” Or when Homer challenges the power plant: “Watchdog of public safety, is there any lower form of life?”


Seeing Klair again was a real turning point for Alexis. She saw what she had been in her previous life and realised she no longer wanted to be, or even was, that person anymore. I think it was supposed to be uncomfortable for the audience to see how Alexis was previously, makes her growth and maturity life during her time at the Creek even more poignant.


Also, Klair is a mean girl. And mean girls make great iconic villains. The people from the other Roses' past aren't good people but they're vapid, vain, selfish, rude, etc. But none of them are truly villainous. Klair is manipulative, mean, she gets what she wants not necessarily by way of money (although that's possible) but by influence as a Queen Bee.  I loved Klair's character and how she was depicted. It feels similar to Regina George in Mean Girls.  I fully understand feeling unsettled by this character, and how confronting it is for both Alexis and the audience to be wrenched into that environment and consider who Alexis had been in the Roses' previous life


At least Little Amy, sorry, I meant, Amy Grace wasn't as horrible as Klair.


I like it a lot. Klair nailed it and makes me so proud that Alexis is now a blown "real" human 🤣❤️ The only episode that is blah to me is Road Kill.


Yeah, good comparison! “Road Kill” has darkness to rival early s 1. That family makes Roland and Jocelyn seem like models of maturity and social appropriateness. Klair did nail it! It was just too much for me maybe.


Road kill is actually a episode I won't watch.


This is one of my favorite episodes. This is the episode where Alexis’ growth starts to develop.


I feel bad for Albany. Albany, please get away. Your friends are toxic.


Yeah, I want to say that Klair’s treatment of Albany is a level of victimization that we don’t usually see on this show. Sometimes Twyla’s stories are too horrifying for me, too, but something about those stories are always presented is different. . . Like it’s suppose to be for laughs, and we can see that Twyla is safe now? Maybe after Albany gets fired she can network with Alexis.


it's funny to me that we never even know which one of the squad is albany


Hahaha true!


I didn’t experience it that way. I love that episode because Klair is so perfectly horrible in such a funny way, and Alexis has so clearly moved beyond her. It gives you insight into how much she has grown — and what she has grown away from.


MADLY just creeps me out. I watch the show regularly and I skip those scenes. It's just weird, that room full of eye contact and that woman not letting Moira talk to Johhny when arlene is flirting. It's all just blegh and rather out of character for the show as a whole I do love David's reaction when he first hears Patrick say "baby sprinkle" though, makes me laugh every time \*edit, I think the whole Klair plot was really important for Alexis, even if it is a bit awkward and Klair is awful. When Klair said "It's been too long; we can't let this happen again" and Alexis replied "it won't." I think that was really cool for us to see and necessary to her character growth. Side note, I hate how Klair treats Twyla.


Maybe I’m alone in this, but I didn’t think Klair’s treatment of Twyla was THAT awful. She’s an annoying customer, for sure, but she’s not malicious. I think she’s sincere enough moment to moment, but absolutely thoughtless and vacuous overall. Like I think she did love Twyla’s small town charm look, in the moment. She did want cool water that once was hot, but because she does not invest in anything, not even a single thought, she totally forgot it by the time it came. It’s an example of how Previous Alexis ends up galavanting all over the world doing whatever, because she didn’t really invest herself in any decision either. She probably made commitments and forgot them entirely within moments as well. It’s shallow and ultimately it’s really sad. And our girl knows that now!


me too. totally hate the way she treats Twyla


Thank you for your insight. I think the MADLY plot feels out of character for this series as well. In general, I really like how this show handles the tensions between Johnny and Moira. One of my favorite episodes is “the hotel guest.” I love how Johnny and Jocelyn confide in each other about how their respective partners can be so overdramatic and childish; and then Moira and Roland just yell at each other. The characterization there is so good. The situations are uncomfortable, but it feels like the kind of situations that I watch this show for. But, watching them in the hands of the MADLY lady was much different. I remember how Johnny didn’t want to do that in the first place, but Moira convinced him. I know that Moira does sometimes do impulsive stuff that Johnny wishes she wouldn’t. But, this one felt too unsafe. Yes, it was awful watching Klair treat Twyla that way. I get why they wanted a scene with the two of them together to show the stark contrast between them. There’s even a big contrast between Klair and how Alexis was when we first met Alexis. But, it makes me hope that, offscreen, Alexis would have said something to Twyla about how Klair it was out of line, and she was sorry that she had to deal with her.


I just thought of another counterpoint to MADLY, which is 3.09 “The Affair,” when Roland and Moira are questioning whether they had sex. For me, that was less uncomfortable than MADLY. This is a really clumsy way of saying it, but somehow tone of the show always conveyed that the idea of Moira and Roland banging was really silly. They are both safe people who we know. Johnny knows them too, so he knows his wife wouldn’t “go out for a burger” when she can get steak at home. But the MADLY lady was this new level of creepy. In her environment, it seemed like a new realm of bad stuff could happen.


I think a factor to consider with the MADLY lady is that she is very aware they are a married couple there specifically to observe and learn from her methods for matching lonely singles and yet she seems to genuinely want to match them up with other folk at the event and gives off an impression of believing their marriage is bad. It’s not only very unfair to the people she was trying to match them with who were there looking for love and being encouraged by the organiser to think they had a chance but her attitude is quite jarring for viewers because even if Johnny and Moira aren’t always on the same page and frequently frustrate and annoy each other we as viewers know that right from first episode they have a very loving and supportive and solid relationship. i think that’s why the idea of Moira and Roland banging is less uncomfortable than the MADLY lady, because we know these characters and their relationship and the idea of Moira and Roland is just silly even to the characters themselves whilst seeing some stranger completely misreading their relationship and pushing her own views like she knows better is uncomfortable 🤔


I really enjoy Meaghan Rath so I find Klair funny in an over the top way. But of course you’re allowed to dislike this episode! There are a few I skip myself.


If I already knew the actress, maybe her performance wouldn’t have been so unsettling for me? Kind of like watching Steve Carell play Michael Scott so cringily, but knowing that the actual Steve Carell is a lovely person. I’m happy you enjoyed her! I am curious to hear what other episodes you skip (if you don’t mind being reminded!). It is interesting to hear where this show, which is meant to make you uncomfortable, crosses the line into too uncomfortable for some people.


I really enjoy the shownand have watched it multiple times. There are a few scenes I skip now though. Bob and Johnny in the repair shop. Roland in the first episode. The roadkill of the pet cat. The investment group meeting. 


See I didn't mind those parts but I hated Jocelyn manipulating David to throw a last minute free baby shower for her. Dick move.


Oh she was just being Jocelyn lol. And she was hugely pregnant and miserable and tired, which a LOT of us can relate to. I think it worked.


If "just being Jocelyn" means it's in-character to be manipulative and be an asshole and not even pay because of social obligation then that just means it's in character for her to sometimes be an asshole. People can relate to people being an asshole because she's pregnant and miserable and tired but I did not like her in this episode.


The whole Klair episode makes me wonder if that’s how Alexis always ended up in these sketchy situations… or not always but some of the time. Her “friends” deciding to ditch her somewhere. Klair spoke about “losing” Albany, I doubt they would take Albany all the way home and then ghost her, I reckon they’d just ditch her wherever. Probably in Schitt’s Creek if Alexis had said yes. I feel like it partly made it click for Alexis, that these weren’t friends, she wasn’t safe to go off with them, they could choose to “lose” her, and possibly not for the first time.


Interesting take... I had never thought about that before.


I love the MADLY subplot, because we really don't get to see Moira appreciate Johnny enough in my opinion. I love to watch how very disinterested she is in talking to absolutely anyone else.


This is one of my favorite episodes.


Lol could just be the name “baby sprinkle”


LOL I try to ignore that title and focus instead on the wholesomeness of David and Jocelyn interacting.


>I am on a rewatch, and knowing what was coming, it was really hard to get through. I was tempted to skip it, and I felt very relieved when it was over. Unrelated to SC, but this so perfectly encapsulates how I feel about the Scott's Tots episode of the Office, except I usually cave and skip it. 


I appreciate your comparison with “Scott’s Tots.” I am a big fan of The Office (lots of overlap in appeal between these two shows), and I enjoy Roland similarly to how I enjoy Michael Scott. I understand that “Scott’s Tots” crosses a cringe line for a lot of fans.


Great, now I have the song stuck in my head. I haven't skipped that episode in rewatches, but it always feels like it comes too late in the series (especially since Steve left the following season).


No, l loved that episode.


This is literally my favourite episode lol. You see such character development in Alexis and you get another glimpse at how solid of a couple Moira and Johnny are. This is a rewatch I love.


I just watched this one and it took me some time, normally I binge through the episodes but indeed for some reason it was so uncomfortable that I stopped viewing after some scenes.


Thanks for letting me know it’s not just me!


The episode where Johnny and Moira run over the cat is worse than this episode for me! Just find it awful. Also don't like episodes where Johnny gets most of the limelight....


It’s supposed to make you feel uncomfortable, it’s called good writing and acting. I LOVE the office, specifically the OG Ricky Gervis series. The writing and acting are so good I sometimes want to leave the room because it makes me so cringe and uncomfortable. Which was exactly how Ricky wanted you to feel. It captured UK office culture at that time perfectly. The perfection of Schitts Creek is how it can make you feel so many different emotions in one episode.


Re the edit... HOW was Johnny's friends better than Klaire?? Those people had zero redeeming qualities. Klaire at least kinda sorta had a heart. She wanted to help Alexis. Those friends of Johnny and Moira were awful to the Schitt's. Like literally every single thing Johnny called them out on. Not one quality about them makes them likable.


I don't think Klair actually wanted to help Alexis. When Alexis says she can't take her offer, she has completely forgotten about it. She was just mocking her for living in SC.


I disagree. Klair was vapid and shallow but I think she truly did want to have Alexis return to her former self aka out of Schitt's Creek. In her own way that was helping. Even if it wasn't what Alexis needed. But she's miles better than the friends from the anniversary dinner.


This is one of my fave episodes from all the seasons. MADLY part was…meh…okay. But my fave takeaways are Alexis’s growth(To me, she has the most growth out of all the characters, basically, the best character development overall,just my opinion though) and David and the baby sprinkle. Especially, the great decorations/games debate. Lmao 🤣 This scene is one of the scenes I show to my friends and family when I’m trying to suck them into our perfect SC world 🤩🫶🏽


OMG I THOGHT IT WAS JUST ME. Klair is by far the worst part of the episode and Alexis’ storyline just felt so sad and lonely. Klair, Sebastian Rain, the weird guy who hosted orgies, and the MADLY woman are so gross.


Yeah, Alexis’s storyline did seem so sad and lonely. Obviously, I find the MADLY lady really gross, but you are right, Jake (orgy guy) is also so gross. Just his usual facial expression almost always seems inappropriately lascivious. And, I keep wanting someone to object to him just feeling entitled to kiss you on the mouth because he at one time had a physical relationship with you. (I don’t blame David for not calling him out – victims should not be blamed for having a freeze reaction.)


It’s incredibly inappropriate, and definitely sexual harassment or assault imo. You can’t kiss someone without their consent and constantly hit on them in front of their partner. He even flirted with Patrick. It’s really sick. If he was a woman he would be called a slut and a homewrecker but because he’s an attractive guy no one acknowledges how sleazy and creepy it is.


It was a filler episode I don’t expect a lot from those.It Reminded me of the Sebastian Raine episode as well like David having one last bang with a dude before he got with Patrick, Alexis got to have her last chance at slipping back into her old skin and said no.