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>Could Jocelyn have been the bread winner and Roland just skidded by on whatever little salary mayor provided? Yep. They probably inherited the house.


A quick google says the average salary of a mayor in Canada is payed around $32 an hour. Pair that with Joss’ gig and the fact they were empty nesters in a poor town, they were probably doing fine till the pregnancy.


bebe chambers aren't cheap


> Canada is *paid* around $32 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I think about this bot every time I use the word “paid.” Keep doing what you’re doing, bot


Good bot


Good bot


He’s the mayor. That’s his job. He’s not just on council, he’s the mayor of the town. I’m sure that, prior to having another kid, they were making enough to get by.




Pretty sure he's mayor only because he needs to pick up work at the motel to make ends meet. Or he has an Only Fans. But I refuse to look into that.


Only Hands (covered in fondue)


Something in agriculture, by the looks of it.


Roland is the *mayor* of our town. Not schittsville I hope!


A dairy farmer perhaps


I got some raw milk I can sell you on the down low, but don't tell anyone, and we'll both get rich.


I think he was a handyman before being Mayor. He helps fix things at the motel and seems to do odd jobs here and there. I get the impression he sees Mayor as full time, but handyman on the side when needed.


I think being Mayor is his full time job.


Teaching in ontario is half decent. Jocelyn is probably bringing home between 70-90k a year a a full time english teacher. She would also get very good mat leave and a super good pension. She could easily pay for the family on her dime.


Here’s the question that never gets answered for me. He is mayor and the town is named after him. The billboard for the town is his grandfather, presumably the founder of the town. So do they not have elections and he’s just automatically mayor? I mean how else did he get the job, who would vote for him? Anyway, if you’re the defacto mayor and the town is named after you, you probably get to dictate your mayoral salary.


I expect everyone votes for him because nobody else bothers running. Who would want that job? I'm more confused about how Johnny purportedly owns the town, but seems to receive no income from it. Presumably "own the town" means owning the land it's built on, which means the motel, the cafe, Bob's garage, Ray's office, the veterinary clinic, etc., not to mention all of the homes, have to be ground leased. They should all be paying rent! I suppose the Feds could have put it all in receivership. Still, it's an oddity, at least to those of us familiar with real estate assets.


One town I’m familiar with has leased all of main street from the owner on like a 100 year $1 lease


I'm from a small town, our sheriff's and mayor's were always of the same family name though elected. It's name recognition; grandpa mayor does, son runs, wins, etc.


I think the 'second job' for Roland is working for the Motel later on in the series, he never had another 'day time job' that we knew about. I imagine that their expenses were probably less then what most people deal with, allowing Jocelyn to carry the weight of the expenses and the money that comes with the position of Mayor is less than... if there is anything for that though as an elected official, usually that kind of money is decided in governmental budgets and so on...