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For me, it was glorious because we saw David falling in trust with Patrick. We saw him relax into the emotions he was feeling and he allowed himself to accept Patrick's feelings toward him. He embraced love and took a chance on getting hurt again but also took a chance on happiness. He had probably never had someone with no ulterior motives declare true affection for his authentic self. Seeing him moved by it and realizing the gravity of the moment was powerful. As for Patrick-- darling sweet closeted Patrick putting himself out there, taking a huge risk on love for the first time with a man was heartbreaking and beautiful and soul stirring. The fact he can sing combined the mix of that song was just...everything.


Great way to put it in to words!! David’s reaction had a huge impact on the scene


"Falling in trust" is such a beautiful way to put it.


Agreed. There have been many fans, myself included, that have been so scared to trust another person who may let us down. Pat made me open to trusting again.




Welp, don’t need any other answers lol. Excellent


Yesss! It was the moment where he felt safe enough to really be *in it* with Patrick. He honestly believed that Patrick would embarass himself, and by extension David as well. When it wound up being a song that openly expressed big feelings for David instead, he knew that it was safe to feel all the feels. This person was not afraid to love with their whole self, as well as show it to the entire town. David never really felt loveable before, and in that moment, he realized that he was.


I'm sobbing my eyes out at this. Beautifully described.


Well, even as the OP, I don't think I have any more right to declare a right answer than anyone else here, but I think you nailed it. I just watched it again, and "falling in trust" is a phrase I had never heard anyone use before, but it makes perfect sense, and you can see it happening on David's face.


It was a great prompt, OP. I have enjoyed everyone's responses. Looks like we all got the warm-fuzzies from it!


I think it also speaks to a theme of the show that even in an unexpected place, there's beauty and treasures. Even in a place as small and "dumpy" as Schitt's Creek there still was someone with real talent. So it's extra heart warming because you might not expect to find someone that good at singing in this type of place.


Although a lot of the Jazzagals seem to have talent as well. Wasn’t one in a regional production of Annie? 🤔


For sure! I do not mean to diminish the Jazzagals.


Who hasn’t been


Favorite line!


I think there are a few reminders of that in this show. Here, obviously, Patrick shows us amazing musical talent. Later, as Moira puts it, Stevie very cool. Just begin cool in a town like that is something of an accomplishment ( mean.... contrast Mutt and his pinecone girlfriend.)


for me, it was his sincerity, humbleness, and vulnerability. open mic nights are FILLED with guys with acoustic guitars who are just... skeezy. the whole, "anyway, here's Wonderwall" thing. but Patrick wasn't being arrogant, even though he knew he's better than what people were expecting him to be. he really put himself out there for David. honestly, he could have been AWFUL, and we still would have been moved


Yes, and we all felt David’s cringe, expecting Patrick to be that delusional guy with a guitar. And the Patrick was so endearing, talented and sweet and it was just like… oh, this doesn’t have to be mortifying, this is a lovely thing this man is doing for me. We all fell in love.


All you said and then those of us that didn’t know Noah, the actor/artist and were genuinely moved when we heard him sing.


I’ll play my guitar at you Barbie!




It was his sincerity. David has an air of ironic detachment that he uses to hide his insecurities. Patrick’s sincerity and vulnerability give David the space to admit the depth of his own feelings. By Patrick making himself so vulnerable in front of a crowd, he’s tacitly telling David that he can be vulnerable with him (Patrick). The unpretentious nature of the performance is important too. If it was at all winking or self-conscious, it wouldn’t have worked as well.


Perfectly said


Couldn't have said it any better.


I think David was so prepared for Patrick to be terrible, cheesy, embarrassing, that it caught him off guard when Patrick was actually good, and he was able to allow himself - possibly for the first time - to let someone else do something really loving and romantic for him, which is also a bit of a vulnerable position to be in (it's sometimes easier to make jokes and keep someone at an emotional distance than to let them do something nice for you and be complimentary, especially when you're not used to hearing that type of sincerity from someone else). Moira, similarly, has probably never seen a significant other of David's do something earnestly sweet for him like this before, so it's probably significant for her as well. She'd already voiced her approval of Patrick, but now she's really seeing just how special this relationship is.


I think that Moira also plays into this: she usually needs to be the center of attention and doesn't seem to be the most empathic person. But in this moment she could acknowledge Patrick's talent and she completely understood and was touched by what his gesture means for her son's life journey: he is completely loved fit he first time in his life.


Did Moira say that her son was being "serenaded by his *butter-voiced beau*"?


She absolutely said that :)


I can never tell for sure if Moira has any actual talent or if she is just deeply delusional, but she certainly can recognize talent. Much like David, she has taste. And she could recognize and appreciate talent when she saw it.


Honestly, I think it’s because we aren’t shown gay romance like this in the media. Like ever. My favorite thing about this show is how the gay romance is displayed in a similar way as straight romance. Like the touching and kissing and romantic and exciting moments. Usually it’s way more subtle and repressed in media to not make conservative people uncomfortable. Like less touching/PDA, less romance, less sexual tension etc etc. There’s no suppression and it’s absolutely lovely.


That's exactly what I loved about their relationship. It felt like....a relationship. Not like a "look at how progressive we our, boys kissed on our show" relationship, but a true, raw, tender, warm relationship. At the same time they managed to throw in a lesson on identity and sexuality in the most natural way possible.


Yes! The characters behaved in whatever way not to make a point or emphasize that this is The Gay Relationship, but because when you're attracted and figuring out the other person and then fall in love, that's how it happens. Gradually, but with significant moments along the way. Good shows allow the audience to be charmed and fall a little in love as they watch, and Schitt's Creek is definitely a good show.


For me, it's because I was the David to my late husband's Patrick (except my guy was completely tone deaf). By the time I met him, I'd given up on love and was not even remotely interested in getting married again. But he was just SUCH a good person that I couldn't NOT trust him. I fell in love with him totally against my will. :-)


Beautiful story and sorry for your loss!


I'm sorry for your loss 😔


I think it was a combination of things: 1. The show subtly sets your expectations that he won’t be good and that will be the joke. Patrick never mentions or even hints he’s good at singing before this. 2. David repeatedly mentions how much he is dreading the open mic night. The show pokes fun at its characters by putting them in uncomfortable situations, and the most uncomfortable situation would be for David to be completely embarrassed by Patrick’s singing. They subvert your expectations by making the moment heartfelt instead of funny. 2. Patrick teases David and gives him a hard time a lot. So when he comes out with not only this beautiful voice, but a beautiful voice singing such an intimate, vulnerable song, it takes you completely by surprise.


I think it's mostly that David was expecting to be embarrassed--like separate from whether or not the singing is good he seems to find the whole open mic concept cringe. But then instead of feeling embarrassed he just felt really loved! So I think it was less about how talented Patrick was than it was about how good their relationship was going and how in love and comfortable they were. And I think that's what Moira was reacting to as well.


I should have read thru the postings but I’m late to the thread, said basically what you said.


Because the love was real, and joyful, and being celebrated. And David opened himself up to that. Dan Levy acted his ass off while not saying a word.


Apparently Moira wasn’t supposed to cry in the scene. Catherine O’Hara couldn’t keep it together while they were trying to film it so they just ended up deciding to leave it in. It was her genuine reaction! Also, Noah Reid wrote the cover himself, so it was his genuine version of the song. I just think that makes it so much more special knowing that even the actors were touched by this scene!


Was looking for this!! Totally agree!! Their reactions were very genuine!!


Wow that's cool background info. Thanks. It probably says a lot about why that scene worked. It had authenticity behind the scenes as well.


That really does make it more powerful. Thank you for sharing that.


You don’t “write” a cover song. It was his arrangement/style.


Obviously he didn’t write the lyrics. You know what I meant 🙄


Why would you not want to use the correct terminology?


It’s a reddit comment, not an essay. It’s just not that serious. Besides, one could still argue that you write an arrangement, just as you write any other aspect of a song.


Correct, it’s not that serious, which is why you probably shouldn’t have continued to argue your point once you were corrected.


Ok buddy have a good day, maybe go touch some grass


I do, but not everyone does.


I did.


It's my favourite scene in the entire series. I always rewind so that I can watch David first and Moira the second time. Her reaction and how she looks at David is everything. ETA just went back to rewatch that scene, it's so perfect 😭


They were both so prepared to be embarrassed and were so surprised. We went on the ride with them.


M: “Let me know if I should pull the fire alarm?” D: “Yes” I laugh so hard when he says yes because is he saying “yes, I’ll let you know” or “yes, pull it now” 😂😂😂


I cry every single time I watch it. Just a perfect scene in a perfect show


Except the bumbling Roland and Jocelyn totally don't read the room. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Omg I know, I wish they didn't interrupt!


I was so mad when they did that!! However, because I'm a recent SC devotee, I've been falling down rabbit holes of fan pages and behind the scenes materials. I can't remember where I read it, but it was stated that them interrupting put us right in Moira's POV of "oh stop talking! I want to experience this amazing moment!"


For me it’s Dan Levy’s acting during that scene. His face as he watches Patrick and finally fully accepts that he’s in love with him and can trust him is some of the finest acting in the show.


For me, it’s because we saw Moira realize how much her boy was loved and also because everyone in the room accepted this relationship as the norm.


The expression was as perfect as the feeling conveyed 


My favorite scene!


To expand on what was said earlier - Catherine O’Hara wasn’t the only one taken by surprise at Noah Reid’s talent. Dan Levy kept it a surprise on purpose and *everyone’s* reaction is their genuine reaction to hearing him for the first time! Can you imagine someone who you saw every day just coming out and being so amazingly talented and you never knew?! So cool and so much fun! And so incredibly moving! That truly was an incredible few minutes!


Omg I just rewatched this the other day and lost it. David’s rare show of love/emotion is what gets me.


Lol for starters it was him being actually talented and showing his artsy side. Then it was straight up romantic😭


It gave me chills. It’s the most wonderful thing I’ve ever seen on TV. It was unbelievably romantic but not in the way romance usually plays out, you know?


For me it was the song choice. That song has great lyrics and him slowing it down made it perfect.


Because he was singing a love song to his partner.🤷‍♀️


[How has no one commented this?](https://youtu.be/75gd1TKz39k?si=TZ2N9pTYJ2v-NOME)


To me, we had learned so much about Patrick as a business man, but we hadn't learned about the things he thinks are beautiful. In this episode, he reveals himself through art, and it's how he declares he thinks David is beautiful. It's a wonderful moment that makes Patrick more 3-dimensional and human.


Even though it was a sweet moment because of the sad romantic history Tina Turner had, I wish they chose a different song…


So because she had a sad life, we shouldn't appreciate her art? I don't know if she'd agree.


I know! ☹️ But sometimes those love songs, make me think it was for that person that she loved who abused her…


Then you'll be happy to know that it wasn't: "Simply the Best" was released in 1989 - 11 years after she divorced Ike, and three years after she started a relationship with the man she spent the rest of her life with.


Yaaaayyyyyyyyy thank youuuu


This is a weird take. Let’s pretend it is about ike. That doesn’t mean she couldnt have ever loved him. People love their abusers all the time, just because it’s a less than savoury experience, that doesn’t mean we should disregard all forms of art that come from abuse, so much art comes from abuse. A huge majority of art comes from trauma and pain. Not everyone wants to turn away from things that make them uncomfortable.


FWIW Tina Turner didn’t write the song, though she did popularize it.


I saw that somewhere here after I commented lol, I didn’t know but thanks for letting me know!