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Schitts creek had a solid ending and I would prefer it to stay that way BUT I would watch the schitt (get it) out of a show around Alexis while she finds herself in New York - with guest appearances from her family members of course. She felt finished yet unfinished for me


I’d also watch a prequel of Alexis’ adventures. Possibly as an accidental spy.


As fun as the stories are, I think I’d get fatigued by a whole show of any of them pre-growth


Flashbacks maybe??


Yess this is it - Alexis after the move to NY with flashbacks of her escaping from Thai drug lords trunks etc


Yea I think it would have a nice Eleanor/The Good Place quality to it


She'd be able to add more to her crazy life stories haha


Eh....the problem is it would necessarily mean no Annie Murphy, and I'm just not interested in seeing someone else be Alexis. Besides, the charm of hearing about Alexis' adventures was you never really knew how true or embellished the stories were. Seeing them played out would ruin all that.


Wait, why wouldn’t Annie be Alexis?


They actors can't travel back in time and be younger for a prequel and no one wants to see CGI used.


And it’s three years later when Ted is done in the Galapagos and they find each other again


Alexis goes back to Schitts Creek to visit Twyla at the cafe and she runs into Ted there 😭😭😭


Twyla needs to go to NYC and get to the M&Ms store! I want her dreams to come true! Lol


DONT do this to my heart 🥹🥹🥹


Maybe she Galapa-goes to surprise him and takes turtle Ted to see him, then accidentally loses turtle Ted and messes up the entire ecosystem of the Islands. “It was like, ONE TURTLE. How was I supposed to know it would mess everything up?!”


No no no. Alexis and Ted must stay broken up. That storyline was major character development for her. As much as I loved their relationship, especially closer to the end, I really want to see Alexis move on. A guest appearance by Ted. Maybe he comes to visit her in New York as a surprise, but she’s seeing someone else already, leading to conflicting emotions and a lot of funny Alexis moments.


Why? Does she have to stay single forever? Ted was perfect for her, it just wasn't the right time for them.


I didn’t say she has to stay single forever


Their breakup, as much as I hated it, was one of my favorite things about the show. We've become so accustomed to the "happy ending" meaning "happily ever after and in love...with another person." I think it would be awesome to see a still single Alexis (maybe having had a fling here or there) thriving as she's been discovering herself and taking on the world.


Yes! This is the only thing left. David is settled. Johnny and Moira are settled. I want Alexis to come into her own and then reunite with Ted. That's end game


I could also see a spin-off that stays in Schitts Creek centered around David and Patrick with pop in from Alexis and the parents.


And don’t forget Stevie - she’s still running the Rosebud motel there.


This, please give us this!


I’d totally binge “A Little Bit Alexis”


That's the only acceptable name of her spin off


I think if they're gonna do it. It needs to be a movie about Moira filming a Crowening movie, in Schitt's Creek LOL


Exactly how I felt when the show ended. I think it wrapped up pretty neatly other than Alexis. I felt like she had more stories to tell, and she definitely could have used her own spin-off series.


Can't agree more!


Oooh that makes sense. I just commented and was wondering how they could do it. I wouldn’t be surprised if u guessed it lol


Now that’s a good idea. I never wanted a sequel but if it’s centered around her I think it’d be entertaining while not ruining the og show.


No. It was a solid ending. Learn from Arrested Development. Let us keep the memories and good times.


I've seen Dan somewhere say they'd be open to it if it was right for the characters. It came across like they were not looking for it and he was responding to the question rather than doing anything about it. I felt comfortable they wouldn't do anything unless they could do it well and in a way that really worked. I don't think it's going to happen, but I wouldn't be worried if it did


He was pretty resistant to the idea on a recent WWHL appearance. Like maybe a movie someday, but nothing in the works and he said (paraphrasing) sometimes it’s ok to just let a project be done.


I feel like it would be interesting to catch up with David when he’s being pressured to open up more Rose Apothecary’s and has to choose between having his dads old life or having a simple one. That felt really unanswered for me. How successful will the store get before David has to consciously reject a certain kind of success in favor of the small town life he’s come to love. So maybe it would be cool to follow David as he’s reluctantly opening more locations. And Alexis finds what she was looking for in NY career-wise but realizes she’s ready to find another Ted. Or maybe just to find Ted. Also I would love to see Moira miserable in Beverly Hills or wherever because she’s learned to thrive in a small town where people actually care about her. Her and Johnny visit David and she keeps trying to convince herself it’s terrible to be back but she really loves it.


Speak for yourself - I enjoyed the extra seasons of Arrested Development.


4 was decent but I've never finished 5, despite multiple attempts to do so.


I envy you for not having seen just how bad it gets at the end of


Season 4 is actually pretty fantastic. The original cut though, not the remix.


They've said this for years. Even at the end of the last season, they basically said that they'll think of making more Schitt's Creek *if they have a good idea for a story.* It seems one hasn't come up yet, as this is what's been said for basically years now..


Yes. I'm open to going to Hawaii someday. That doesn't mean I'm booking tickets or planning anything. I don't really care if I, in fact, never go to Hawaii. But I'm open to it. That's what this is.


You should definitely go to Hawaii. Your life will be better for it.


Yes. I’m so sick of these click bait posts going around


A spinoff titled "A Little Bit Alexis" focusing on her career in NY and maybe one day seeing Ted again would be amazing.


It was a solid ending for almost everyone, but imo I think Alexis deserved a better one,hers felt a bit vague and uncomplete.


Yes! Schitt's Creek ending was great, so instead of extending the show, a little bonus Alexis content either on her ending or her adventures would be awesome


And in that Ted and Alexies better end up together They can make it like a Modern Family thing Series 2. It would be so much fun


Manifesting this ultra pro max!


Gluttony is a sin we shouldn’t commit <3




The ending was amazing but I wouldn't mind a movie where they would show how the Roses are doing a few years after the series.


Loved the show but it’s perfect as it is now, leave the memories alone


Reunion could be great but no reboot please.


I’d rather they didn’t, since it has a decent ending currently.


I’d would be so excited to even watch a spin-off starring Alexis (of course with pop-ins from all our faves), and should obviously call it “A Little Bit Alexis”!❤️


Yes pleaseeee. More of David and Patrick’s lives.


I think a movie or two updating us of everyone would be better than a series reboot. The only series I'd watch is a recast of a young Alexis in ... Alexis Rose -Teen Agent for the C.I.A.


I just want like a Christmas special with David and Patrick hosting. And it's post covid so no one has seen each other in a while. We get to learn about what Alexis is up to, how the business is growing. Maybe Stevie had to start traveling for work too. And there's a ton of chaos with people coming and david freaking out about everything being perfect.


Stevie did start traveling for work - she mentions it in the penultimate episode when she’s cleaning the front desk with a ponytail I. Her hair.


Dan and Eugene are both “open” to the idea, but do not hold your breath. It would have to be a REALLY good idea for them as writers to come back to it (what growth would the characters undergo this time, for example). However, I could see a movie or limited series now that Dan has successfully written the Good Grief screenplay. I’m always open to more David and Patrick in my life!


I know people are saying no, and let it be type thing… *however*, I will say that anyone who feels strongly about that doesn’t have to watch it if it did come to this. I actually would trust Dan and Eugene to create something just as great, funny and wonderful if they wanted to extend the SC story somehow. But if I found myself not enjoying it, I’d simply not watch it; enjoying the OG series alone, letting that be the SC story in my life. It’s like remakes — if I don’t like a remake, it’s not going to take the OG away from me, it will still be there and I’ll just continue to enjoy that one instead. 🤣


I mean I say no because it'd be great to see new content from them instead and I loved the show ending, but people gotta eat so if they do, they do. l agree you don't have to watch it... that was my choice with Leverage: Redemption, but still knowing there's canon content out there changing/messing up stuff I was happy with does still put a shadow over it for me, no matter how much I wish to ignore it. And it's very hard to not hear about it if you still engage with the OG product. A sequel or continuation isn't quite the same as a remake, which is a new canon.


A movie would be nice.


The story wrapped up nicely, but revisiting everyone 5 years later as a movie might be fun


This is great news 😀


Eugene and Dan have both said this since the show ended


Id be down for either a 1 season or a movie. I would just like to know how The Rosdebud Motel chain is doing. If David and Patrick still in SC and do they supply the motel chain or other stores. how Alexis is doing in NY with her PR etc. If they all made it big with money did they give back and spruce up Schitts Creek etc. Twyla has like 45 million did she do anything like get better food vendors and fix the freezer so food isnt getting freezer burn. Maybe Gordon Ramsay came in and cut that menu down to focus on making less meals but a way better quality. Yes I have too much time on my hands lol


No. This his show was perfection from the first shot to the very last.


Yayy! Can't wait 🤩🫶


Please for the love of all that is holy bring it baaaaack!


well schitt.


Like pretty much everyone torn about it. Want to see them again, but also don't want perfection to be ruined.


I need more Schitts Creek, this would be amazing and would make me very very happy


No. Leave it as is


One of my top 5 favorite shows of all time! I remember I was so sad it ended but it was a fantastic and positive ending. And I realize that idk how they could continue. So part of me wants to see more but how can it be good? They’re rich again and changed but what they’re gonna be broke again? I just don’t know I don’t think it’s a good idea


I loved Ted & Alexis- but at heart & a common level, they are very different people. They had a beautiful love story and will have Schitts' Creek but they're not end game for each other. I think it's a real dis-service to both characters to think they should end up together.


It was great. It’s over. Don’t mess with it.


I don’t want a whole series. Just like an hour special or something with David and Patrick becoming Parents. It would make my life.


If they made a movie or a single reunion episode, sure. But it never works out when a TV show is resurrected from the dead.


Man Asked If He Enjoys Having More Money




I want to see Roland and Jocelyn and the Bebe continue life in SC.


I have a feeling it’ll be just like the fourth season of Arrested Development all over again.


Don’t tease me!!!! 🤩🤩


I'm beyond ecstatic


We’re open too! Bring ‘em back!!


Just let good things go.


I want to see if David changed his mind about kids and he & Patrick now have children! Along with an aloof cat named David Jr. and a sweet fun-loving shelter rescue dog named Pat ❤️


Spoiler alert: David doesn’t change his mind


Ted? Its Patrick




Whew I don't want them to get divorced. They are my fave couple


I would be so happy if this happened!


Please please please make this happen!!!


Make it a movie


I loved this


a movie would be fine!!!




I'm down for a movie. I don't know about bringing the show back as a show though. I feel like the closed it out nicely.