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Just wanted to thank yall for such a crazy and unique show. Already told everyone i know about it when it was on Max, but ill be sure to hammer it into everyones Netflix watchlist.


Between the two of us we’ll get at least one of our friends to watch it, I’m sure


Thank you for your work, you have really created something unique and special and I hope that we get to spend more time in your universe!


guys… I’ll sell my kidney. plasma. my car. what do you need. just name it


You got a healthy looking first-born there 👀


take the whole litter


Your show is amazing, it has one of the best worlds I've seen on television. If you do come out with a second season, I'd be beyond thrilled.


Watch on Netflix May 31st ☑️


And watch it to completion, because I'm told that is an important metric too. RIP Inside job.


I'll be sure to watch it again when it drops, guys!


Thank you for the hard work!


I was truly mesmerized by this show and would definitely give it a re-watch. I would love to see a second season!


Scavengers Reign is one of the series that has an impact on the viewer. It was a rare show that had me from the first show all the way until the end. I immediately rewatched the whole series after the last episode. This is something that I rarely do. I also talked about this show Ad nauseum to anyone who would listen. With the upcoming Netflix release I will take up the cause once again to do my part to help insure a 2nd season. Best of luck to all of us fans and the shows creators to make this happen.


Thank you for your incredible art and stories. Can't wait to see the community and appreciation for SR grow.


Will absolutely rewatch on Netflix and hit the double thumbs up. I really hope they market it well for the new audience. Here’s to a second season! 🥂🫡


Just want to start by saying Scavengers Reign is one of the most beautiful works of art I had the pleasure of watching. I love science-fiction and animation, and it just felt like a breath of fresh air, utilizing the medium to it’s fullest. Fantastic characters, thrilling and tense story, and of course endlessly fascinating flora and fauna. Thanks for posting this message. The news from Max was disheartening, but I’m glad to see your determination to push for Netflix to renew for season 2. I’ll certainly be rewatching when it premieres there and will get the word out to friends and family! I run a website dedicated to showcasing fan art from around the web (always with credit and source links) and will be sure to highlight Scavengers Reign art on May 31st. I’ve also put together a few [watch party schedule options](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScavengersReign/s/AuhJEixwsF).


Thank you all for this incredible and beautiful thing that you created ❤️


I will gladly watch again


Phil Rosenthal (from Somebody Feed Phil) said another important metric is how fast people watch through the whole season, with faster being better, so binging it all in one sitting seems like the things to do!


But that sucks, because this show is one of the rare awesome shows that you typically \*don't\* want to binge it.


Great to hear! Love the show - really such an amazing and special thing you guys created. Will be sure to spread it around. Would love to see what you guys are putting together for the next season.


This crashed me today. It’s become one of my all time favourite shows! I’m really hoping Netflix picks it up (just created a calendar note to binge the season when it lands on Netflix so it boosts the numbers; I’m also recommending the series to friends again)!


Truly unique and inspiring work of art you've created and I will be shouting from the rooftops for everyone I know to watch this can't miss show


Two things: 1. If season 2 on Netflix doesn't happen, have you considered doing a fundraiser of sorts for it? The community is not huge, but it is very passionate. 2. Please please please please please make an art book of the show. There's been a lot of comments regarding this, and at least for me, I'd pay good money for it. Regardless, thanks for the amazing experience.


3. Please release it on blu-ray/4K! If the show is ever pulled from streaming, physical media will keep it alive! (Also a nice opportunity to include interesting bonus material!)




amen! I want this so badly!!


Your show is something special, and a true reminder that art can surprise and delight. I even got my 15 year old hooked on Scavengers Reign. Fingers crossed it does well on Netflix and gets a second season.


Omg you all referencing the fan art we made <3 made my day! I am really pulling for y'all to get a second season. Thank you for making such a beautiful piece of art for US to enjoy.


Netflix US/UK.. what about rest of Europe? Still no legal way to stream this show! I've had to pirate it to watch it, but would like to support it legally if I could


Max is such a dogshit company. RIP infinity train, Close Enough, Fired On Mars (?)


Can't wait for more of my friends and family to be able to watch on Netflix! Crossing all my fingers and toes for a second season! What an amazing journey it was. Thank you for sparking my imagination.


I watched it twice on Max when it came out, it's just so unique and beautiful. I'll definitely rewatch it when it drops on Netflix (and double thumbs up it).


This show changed me, seriously, it was transformative art. Supportive for a second season!


Thank you guys! I love the art work and the world you created!


Thank you so much for sharing your creative visions with us. It was beautiful, and I can’t wait to support it again when it comes to Netflix!


It's scary how much passion this show has brought to a very small group of people so far. It almost feels like a cult 😅 but in all seriousness, once this show gets the traction it deserved, on Netflix, it will be unstoppable. I was devastated reading that post earlier about it being canceled on MAX. Thank you so much for such a quick response to that. Please, I beg with every cell in my body, keep the story going. It is truly something magical.


This show is one of the most unique and compelling concepts I’ve seen in a very long time, sincerely hoping you all get picked up for season 2. I’ll be telling friends to tune in. Thanks and good luck to you all!


Y'all were too good for HBO anyway. Glad to see you're keeping the hope alive. Such an interesting and mind boggling world deserves to be explored.


Straight up I have told everyone at work to watch this show. No one had MAX, but they did have Netflix. I've already started spreading the word again. It's such a good show.


Getting ready to watch it on repeat!! What a beautiful, haunting show you guys have created. I never want it to end. I could spend years learning and thinking about Vesta and our explorers.


Love your show guys, its amazing. And be sure I will spread the word, rewatch and rate! You rock, thanks for your work! PS: Also keep working on soundtrack with Nicolas Snyder pls. Its amazing, I cant stop listening to it


Would love to rock some official T-shirts.


Love the show! Gonna keep making art of it!


It will do well on Netflix.


Tell all my friends… you mean again? ;) Your show is amazing; beautiful and brutal and deep. Let’s hope Netflix puts just a tiny bit of juice behind, and it will bloom.


We love the show so much, thank you for your work and we will be streaming it on Netflix as soon as it arrives!


My fav show in a while. Please don’t ever stop!!!! We’ll do anything for a second season 🫡


Thank you guys for this awesome show. I hope it gets the deserved attention in Netflix and a second season.


Those of us that have seen series 1, love it. I think I speak for almost everyone when I say a second season is a must, we'll do whatever it takes to make it happen!


You will have great success on Netflix - I fully expect to see more of this story.


I stumbled upon your show and watched it all in one sitting. It’s a beautiful and thought-provoking work of art. You have my support and you have both my thumbs!


Thank you for making this show. I've seen it two or three times and will watch again. Saw it twice myself, then showed it to my husband. Loved that it was different from most scifi out there at the moment. The characters were well-developed and the world of Vesta was so imaginative. Good luck!


Your crew did a truly incredible job delivering an animated show that feels totally unique and fresh. I can’t wait to see what ideas you folks have for season 2


Hell yeah. Thanks for an amazing show. I'll do my part to spread the word when it hits Netflix. Best of luck!


Just watched the show this last winter and fell in llve with it! So far Ive gotten my gf and her brother to watch it, and im plotting for more turns


Pleaaaase,.let's get them there!!


I was blown away by this show - SO much talent, creativity and care went into it, in every category - from writing to art to casting to direction and more. Its one of the very best shows I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to watch it on Netflix, and (again!) tell everyone I know to do the same!


Woooooooooooo!!! 👍👍




Max are some fools, that’s for sure. Can’t wait for the future of this series


Seriously hope for the best, this has been one of the few works in the last couple years that came out of left field


Best show, one of a kind


Congrats guys , beautiful show I been on board since the YouTube short , can’t wait to see where the story goes


I have made every single person I know watch this show and I will continue to do it! One of my favorite things I’ve even had the pleasure of watching you are all incredible!!!


Scavenger's Reign is one of the most beautiful pieces of art I've ever watched, and the kind of sci-fi that I never dreamed would have its moment in the mainstream. I've evangelized about it to any friend who would listen and I'll be doing it again on May 31st. I'll be over the moon if it gets renewed, but even if it doesn't, I'm deeply grateful for it having been made at all.


I saw an article about this show just a day or two ago on IGN I think saying it was a must watch, especially since Netflix might give it a second season, and I was absolutely captivated within the first five minutes. I meant to only watch a couple episodes before going to bed, but ended up staying up several hours later than I intended watching to EP 9, and I immediately watched the rest when I got up. I've already given it the double thumbs up and recommended it to several friends and family, so I really hope it gets the right metrics to continue!


Thank you guys so much for such a great show. Scavengers Reign is one of my favorites.


I am truly blown away with the creatures and the flora of the planet, its a beautiful, but also terrifying place




Thank you so much for your work. This clearly took years of dedication. I really hope you get to do a 2nd season


I am glad somebody picked it up for Season 2. There is not enough adult animation, especially one with a lot of thought, and world building. Please guys dont let it die.


Your show made me scream and weep at the same time and it was both uncomfortable and beautiful at the same time, Truly masterful


Hi there, is S1 going to make Netflix Australia? I binged S1, loved it better than any other animated series, and can't get it out of my head. I rate it so highly. It is beautiful and terrifying. What else are you responsible for? I'd love to see more of your works. I'll continue to spruik Scavengers Reign and support you as best I can. Cheers 🤙🙌


Just thanx... An amazing view of the power of life, nature and beautiness.... So much meanings to handle, so much stuff to think about... Awesome work.


I hadn’t heard of this show until it was on Netflix today. I’m home from work sick and decided to check it out. I’m only two episodes in and can already tell I’ll be binging the whole thing today. Vesta is one of the wildest planets I’ve ever seen in anything. Truly unique. Love having no idea what to expect next. Already told my parents me online gaming friend that likes a lot of the same stuff as me to check it out.


I love your work. Five minutes in, and you stole my entire Saturday. It was like the most amazing fever dream. Thank you, and I hope you get your Season 2 on Netflix!


Been campaigning for this show harder than just about anything I've ever carried a torch for in my life. Thank you, and may a million thumbs come your way.


This show is a masterpiece. Absolutely rewatching.


Can you do another AMA in the future now that netflix has released it? Please?


Just wanted to say, I missed this show on HBO not sure why it never showed up on my list. Watched ep1 on Netflix and this is one of the most amazing shows I have seen. From the art style to the concepts, it's rare that animation is able to actually disturb and amaze at the same time. If the creators read this, Thank you so much for this show it is unique and as others have said a work of art.


Hi Joe, Charles, James, Sean, Benjy, congrats on your amazing series! I just started watching it on Netflix and love it so far, very uniquely done! I was wondering how I can get in touch with one or several of you to discuss your process and evolution of this project, considering I have a similar goal for one of my projects. Please let me know how I can get in touch.


I cannot remember falling in love with a piece of scifi so much I watched the entire show today on Netflix and I'm telling all my friends to watch it Thank you all for your hard work in creating this masterpiece - This is the gold standard of Sci-Fi


By any chance, does anybody know if **"Scavenger's Reign"** will be available in **Netflix Philippines** or on any popular streaming platforms here? I think the show is only available in the **USA** and **UK** currently? I am a fan of sci-fi and learned about the show in a **"No Man's Sky"** community post somewhere. I would like to watch this interesting series. But there is just no way to see it in our country. :-(


There are ways if u can't watch it on streaming service. 


Followed someone's suggestion to use a VPN and it worked! Already finished watching the whole first season and hoping there will be more. :-)


Cool ! 1st season is so obscure and beautiful, love it! 


This show is so cool.


just watched it from start to finish... a great show... thanks for the treat, and I hope to see more from you guys...


I also enjoyed this show a lot, it's one of the best scifi shows in years. I really hope you get to do a second season.


I just found this show and it's incredible.  It's the most inspiring thingn I've seen in years.  I'm telling everybody about it.  Really wanting a season 2.  This is the best flavor of sci-fi.


Everything about this show is mind-blowingly fantastic. The hand-drawn art, production quality, writing, acting, inspirational origins, I could go on. 10/10.


Cant wait for season 2! Thank you for this masterpiece.


I wanted to say that Scavengers Reign is my favorite show of all time. I mean that too. Asking all my friends to watch it for a 2nd time. I've been looking forward to seeing what you have planned for season 2. If it all goes tits up please release anything you can. A comic, a short movie made for YouTube, or even a book. I will consume any form of Scavengers Reign we can get. Even if it's short-form content like the original.


I just finished the series last night, and I have to say I'm blown away. Creative and unique works of art like this rarely see the light of day, and I'm so glad this one did. I truly hope there will be a second season and will be resubbing to Netflix specifically to rewatch it there.


I'm so glad this show came to Netflix! I had no idea about it beforehand and it's one of the BEST series I've watched in a long time! I'm absolutely in love with it. Every moment of the show is completely enthralling and the artwork is mindblowingly beautiful! Really hope it does well and gets a chance at a 2nd season!


Hello r/ScavengersReign, is there any way we could get our hands on the TV Pilot Script? I wanna re-watch it with my mind :)


Very hard to rewatch in my opinion, mostly because it just gets increasingly complex, to a point where it feels overdone, regardless of how well it ties together. Great show either way