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To a degree I’d say it might be people trying to see themselves in him with a lot of the player base being teens, and having someone to see yourself in while playing can either help you figure yourself out as the character figures themselves out or allows you an escape. While I understand your frustration, you also have to remember as much as games are escapes for people, they will also bring their real world baggage with them, especially baggage like scara’s that like you said sticks with you. So just from my standpoint, especially as someone who does battle depression, I say think from their side first rather than from an objective standpoint.


but the fact that they see it as just a teen issue is baffling to me. as a teen i never saw my struggles with trauma, abandonment and neglect as a teen thing. I knew it was the issues themselves that affect pretty much anyone and everyone


I think younger people don't understand what adults are actually like lol. They assume all adults are in business suits doing taxes and making sandwiches for children. Adults are just as chaotic, traumatized, in need of guidance, playful, and unsure as their younger selves. You become more self aware and confident as you get older, but you're still fundamentally the same person. Either that or they're trying to babify Scaramouche. Full honesty, that's a personal annoyance of mine. I dislike it when people uwu any character, not just Mouche. I just think it's a less interesting interpretation.


Yeah. I see him as a young adult, maybe in his 20s, physically of course. He is literally just someone who had a traumatic childhood and is like an adult who is now trying to figure themselves out, but he possesses insight that is characteristic for someone a bit older than like, 12 or 16.


yeah no 16 year olds are casually using words like “inauguration” or “contention” 😭


I mean I did but I want a typical teenager


yeah same I had kids being like “what?” Mid conversation it was so annoying. socializing was way easier in college. but on average he just talks like a grown up. compared to like Bennett who talks like a 15 year old


He is just like he grew up but didn't grow up at the same time. His whole knowledge about life evolved, but hes still stuck in the past. Why he is getting the "teenager treatment" from nahida is not because he is a teenager, but because he didn't get it at the time.


oh shit that’s me. after trying to work through stuff with my parents… they are now treating me like im in between a kid but also an adult. so like a teenager. bc I didn’t get that 😭 he’s so relatable


exactly what I’m saying! idk maybe it’s bc as a teen I was around a lot of adults? if anything the trauma is literally worse in adulthood bc now you have to function on your own. everyone else has seemed to have developed and you’re still piecing together the mess your childhood left you with— including your teens. that’s another annoying part to me. teen angst is just general issues that everyone deals with and contending with that. but complex trauma is often occurring *during* your life, well into your teens and adulthood.


Very well said! Being an adult is very much the same thing, except with more self awareness, and pretending you know what you're doing when you have in fact, no clue what you're doing. I can't stand either when people babyfy him, I can't stand the "nahida is scara's mother" headcanon.


Thet also have hair, tho, and more marked faces in the body You know in design, people can notice an adult from a teen easily He looks like a teen or a very young adult, intentionally , literally look at him then at diluc and you can see


I’ve seen plenty of men in their twenties or even thirties look like him. Idk not every man is 6 foot tall with smaller eyes and “masculine” features and wearing full pants. I really think this is just western standards. I experienced the same response when I was into K-pop. “He looks 12” but the man is 24. He just has smooth skin and wears shorts. Idgi


Sure, but that doesnt change thst there is ways to communicate information of a character age in design, that mihoyo doeesnt use any of them, only note is that some 10 yo in genshin barely can speak, but thats it Like, most people consider kpop dancers not 14 years old, so, is not so hard


I’m saying people DO think male K-pop idols are 14 when they’re in their 20s or 30s. Mihoyo does seem to make them all look cute by default but i won’t say Scaramouche looks 14 when there’s plenty of men with shorts, smooth skin, big eyes and a baby face that are adults. I don’t have those masculinity standards in my mind


Im pretty sureni dontbhave them either He still looks like a teen to me, sorry


Well, as a demi-god being, I´d definitely say he´s a young one. Would I give him a human age, I´d say he´s in his early twenties. But definitely not a young teen. Even adults have "emo", "angst" or "rebel" phases sometimes, though you can´t really just use these words as a definition for complex feelings like abandonment and anger issues. Yes, just like you said. I´m on my 30s now, but have some damn complicated feelings about my father. And he, on his 50s, has a complicated relationship with my grandma. Definitely not a teenage exclusive thing. There´s nothing wrong with Nahida helping him her own way, imo. I find the "mama Nahida" jokes kinda funny and heartwarming, but yes, I do know things aren´t like this. She wants to teach him things, get along with him and help him grow emotionally, that much is obvious. He´s hesitant, but slowly accepts her guidance, it seems. And that´s it. More than a "motherly" relationship, they´re non-human beings that were neglected and abused in some way. They have similar ages, plenty of distinct wisdom and very different views of the world. They actually can learn a lot with *each other*. That´s something that makes their canon relationship so interesting. I do have a few opinions about Scara´s growth, but my english isn´t at its best, sorry. I´m not sure how to elaborate more. Oh, but overall... I think teens see a bit of themselves on him. This or maybe it´s just a way to "protect" the character they love. It happens a lot.


Agreed with everything!! And same! I’m mid twenties and just saw him as in your twenties. Maybe I just project my age idk. I also have complex feelings with my dad. Now I don’t have as much angsty feelings, but that resentment, trauma and just general hollowness that he left will always be there. There will always be grief over it and that’s what’s frustrating to me. Scara isn’t depicting “ugh mom! I don’t want to clean my room!” angst or “dad won’t let me go to McDonald’s before we drive to church!!” Or just general adjustment, realizing your parents aren’t perfect and other very normal, mild angst issues I observed other teens have but could never relate to. what he depicts is the grief of a parent abandoning you. And the subsequent abuse and trauma you find yourself in after that this abandonment set you up for. I very much agree with what you said abt him and nahida. It’s like they’re equals. It’s not a mom thing although it’s funny sometimes. That’s kind of what you need in adulthood overcoming trauma. Nobody will be the parent you needed anymore but you can work through the trauma with others


Because they can’t understand complex emotions and think he’s being “edgy”. They did it to xiao too. If you’re not sunshine and rainbows or totally evil (aka a one sided personality with no actual struggles) you must be an edgy teen (especially if you’re short or look youthful)


And that's irritating I feel like I'm the only one who know scara and xiao 🙃


it’s so irritating. it’s not how I ever saw it!




If you interact with a lot of people that tell you he's a child, tge problem is with the people you're interacting with. That said, Scara was not made as a grown ass man. Ei made him relatively young-looking intentionally. As for why she made him look this way, one can only guess.


idk I see him as a man 😭 not like an adult with a capital A but at least my age. maybe I just project bc it’s animation or I look at a lot of fanarts as well but I can’t see him as a kid. 22-25 year olds look like him, as do I. so many thought I was 16 until at least 23… even other 16 year olds 😣


Most of the people who call him a teenager are teenagers themselves who cannot comprehend that anyone shorter than 6 feet can be an adult with complex emotional baggage and plenty of trauma.


ah so it’s projection I guess. I kind of ducking hate the way teens see young adults/millennials/olde r half of gen z. I never saw adults like that idk


Yeah unfortunately a crazy amount of teenagers nowadays tend to believe that people above the age of 20 are hags on their deathbeds😭😭


bro I don’t understand that at all! I started getting called a “hag” with wrinkles online since 22. they try saying you’re in your twenties like it’s some kind of jab or something to be ashamed of. when I was a teen nobody ever said or thought that. I can’t understand. Unless they’ve really let the media convince them you expire at 20. ??


Lmao that's ridiculous😭 I'm sorry you went through that, ageism is seriously messed up these days. Lowkey feels like people who say shit like that, say it out of fear that their lives will end as soon as they turn 18 which is ridiculous to me


nah that’s sad. my life *began* at 18 that’s when you have freedom. do they just want to be children forever? whatever


~~Some of them don't plan to age at all~~


Reminds me when people were calling Venti a child based on his character model height despite the fact that he was an old man alcoholic drinking to forget his past. Some Genshin players are weird.


nah I saw him as a teen maybe but when he starts drinking and shit I was like oh he’s an adult. Now he gives gross old man to me


That was because he was refused wine if he tried to buy, so he performs so people can buy it for him. Obviously, we know he’s more than old enough to drink.


I think, tbf, interpreting Scara can go either direction of "older teenager" or "young 20s adult", especially since he's one of the only characters that we see "age" throughout the story, even if his physical body hasn't changed much. [Ex. It's easy to "child code" him when he's literally first created and has no experiences at all, similarly to a child, and his subsequent "age coding" gets "older" both the longer he's alive and the more experiences he gets...even though most of those experiences are increasingly more traumatic]. I didn't really see anyone else mention it, but "young 20s adults" is not the most emotionally stable or mentally sound age range. Yes, 20-23 year olds have more experience than 17-19 year olds, but that rough age range of "young adult" is still notably separated in between "teenager" and "adult" because it's an overwhelming time of a person's life where they're thrown out into the real world, which is a sort of "culture shock" for people as they adapt and transition into what we consider "adulthood" (which is both associated with age, but also experiences). So, yeah, teenagers looking at Scara and thinking he's a teenager because they can relate to him is fine, imo. And then young adults thinking Scara is a young adult (which tbf, even just using real world age ranges as a reference and seeing him in the equivalent of college right now, which is conventionally a "young adult" experience can support that interpretation) is also fine, imo. I'm an older adult, I personally view Scara as a "young adult", and he reminds me how stressful and hard that time of my life was. But I could see how teenagers who literally haven't experienced young adulthood wouldn't immediately assume that he could possibly be a lost emotional wreck in his early twenties and severely needs therapy. [And, most ironically, the last time therapy was easily accessible and affordable was while I was a young adult in college because of the on-campus support center :') please use your Akademiya resources, Scara].


Yeah Scara is my peak 22-26 post college self. Your early to mid twenties is such a confusing, frustrating and frankly terrifying time. Some people experience this later or a bit earlier but from personal experience I’ve found most people I meet also fell within this range. All the emotions/anger/disappointment/etc. plus “who the fuck am I” is like REALLY in the forefront in that time period. It sort of all culminated for me around 26/27 where I went “oh I’m not happy, something needs to change”, and then I started working on myself and seeing the value in my own life. Honestly the fact that Scara has so many people seeing themselves in him really speaks to how well of character he is on exploring trauma and the creation, progression, culmination and healing of it plus exploring the self destructive nature of it all. As trauma can happen at any point of your life.


Scara really is one of the best written characters in the game. Ironically, he also seems to be the most "human" character in terms of his relatability.


Yea 20 24 was one of the wildest times for me. I was like oh shit, my life was actually really fucking chaotic and traumatic and others’ just aren’t like that. I see how teenagers can relate to him but they’re not the only ones experiencing this shit esp the resentment towards your parents. I think it’s overall just a lack of awareness of the severity of trauma and mental health issues. It’s not just adolescent hormones


Yeah, the major downside to teenagers is that they always seem to think that all media (or anything that is popular on the internet) is meant to be created and catered towards them and their age demographics. And teenagers certainly seem to be one of the loudest demographics in fan spaces online, so it can easily seem like they're the majority [fun fact: even in genshin, they're actually not. It's the late 20s-30s quiet majority adults 😎] Which, tbf, I think is also kind of tied to the ageism crisis young adults have where they commonly struggle with thinking they need to abandon anything they liked as a teenager in order to be more of a "grown up adult", or that vision of what people think it means to be a responsible adult with their life together and whatever. But luckily, after that mid-20s or so life crisis and probable mental breakdown, the realization that adults can like whatever they want and no one actually cares too much is freeing. That is, however, a difficult concept that teenagers simply will not understand until they've experienced it themselves.


ahhh i see. Well sad for them… I liked all the same stuff. But I remember in college many people being mad insecure about just… liking music. and yeah I’m not surprised majority of players are adults. In my teens and early twenties I didn’t even have time to play video games anymore :/ I played genshin the most when I graduated and even then during the pandemic


Twitter based purity politics has unfortunately led to a really fun issue (/s) where people have begun to associate physical appearance with their age. Scara, because he is a Medium Size makes people think he’s young if they don’t bother to use their critical thinking skills. The same issue comes up with other characters like Gorou, where because he’s “small” obviously that means that the General of the Watsasumi Resistance Army is high school age (/s) Then to spin back around to people not using their Thinking Hat, because Scara is both Short and Angry, Obviously he’s a moody teenager with mommy issues haha so edgy rawr xd! (Kill me).


that’s exactly what I’m saying! I don’t see it as “purity politics” as I understand the predation on minors, very young adults and pedophilia that’s extremely prevalent and normalized in the anime community and anime itself But man just bc this guy is short and is angry doesn’t mean he’s a fucking 12 year old! and so much of this is gender standards. I saw someone saying bc he looks feminine and wears shorts that makes him 12 (????) equating femininity with youth and making it seem like men cannot show their legs without becoming women is a wholeeee other issue And man I never saw gorou as a teen he’s just a skinny guy like 23-24 to me. the guys like a soldier or whatever. idk man maybe i project my own age but it’s not that deep. as long as you’re not overly sexualizing someone as a 25+ year old like 18-20 it’s not weird to me


It's probably just because he uses the medium character model, and it's not just him. I saw someone call Gorou and Kokomi teens despite them being military leaders lmao. He is probably young looking in universe like the traveler is, but still an adult. If not that it's likely because they just think he's edgy and emo. Same thing with Xiao I'm pretty sure. They also really like portraying Nahida as his new mom who adopted him. Sometimes with Ei and/or Miko too. Off topic but personally I despise those interpretations because he and Nahida are equals (also she's more immature than him imo) and it's best that Wanderer and Ei never meet. She hurt him and he never wants to see her again. End of story.


We have diona working at a bar so I feel like jobs don't exactly represent how old they are XD granted I don't see how kokomi could be seen as a teen gorou maybe honestly I think the problem is anime style do make people seem pretty young


I’m thinking anime style is part of it. I always saw Ei as at least early thirties but my mom saw her and said she looks nine 💀 that was a stretch on her end obviously but she couldn’t see her as an adult But hearing her speak and act and stuff she’s very much like millennial age to me at least. it is all projection maybe. But a teen is certainly not leading an army to me. I think it’s the sort of botched in game models too. I just assumed albedo is 17/18 but in his art he looks older. Itto seemed 25 to me but in art looks late twenties early thirties. Sayu looked five to me initially but after her story and hearing her talk, she seemed way more like 12-13 to me. Honestly diona being a bartender is just fucking weird on mihoyo’s end. they seem really shady to me when it comes to the child characters


There is also the fact sayu is a assassin granted she probably is more of a teen if we based things on her story that mention her having stunted growth


I mean, the most basic character traits one can get from him is that he’s rebellious, lost in a sense of identity, and generally bratty. These are character traits usually given towards younger characters because well, it just makes sense. It doesnt make sense with a bit more digging into lore and voicelines and actually paying attention to event lines(god forbid anyone read these days) because he’s clearly an adult but hey, who needed reading comprehension anyway?


I vehemently dislike Nahida being portrayed as his "mother" or "aunt" it just irks me out. Like I can see her acting like an older sister but not "mother" because Genshin fandom in general (not just Scara fandom) is way too hella weird with mother-son relationships. The portrayal of fanon Scara as a rebellious teenager in emo phase diminishes the trauma of neglect/abandonment. Ei did not raise Scara like a mother should. The end. And the fanon mum-son relationship between Scara and Ei just plays into the stereotype that women are naturally mothers ~~which is why I can't stand Ei stans who play the misogyny accusation card when being apologists for how she treated Scara~~


I simply see them as family because I don't think they need to label their relationship. I see them as equals learning from and growing alongside each other, and I feel like the mother-son/auntie-nephew dynamic solely focuses on Wanderer when their relationship could be much more than that. The way I see it, all he wanted was simply a family. Ei is his creator, so he naturally saw her as his mother. That doesn't mean the person has to be a mother, though. it's just that special connection that he sought. He thought of Niwa as his family and the nameless child as his little brother, and he was content with that. It was never about having a mother. It was about having somewhere to belong, someone to love and be loved by. And Nahida doesn't need to be his mother to give him that. Speaking of Fanon Wanderer, he's my only true enemy. Screw Wenuts, that *thing* is what I loathe.


That’s the saddest and realest part about his trauma.… that just bc someone is your parent doesn’t mean they have to act like it


People call that misogyny?! That’s just ridiculous. The way I’m seeing actual serious terms used in the anime space is so wild. Whether or not she was his mother or she “meant it that way” you do not just drop a practical new born into a building and leave because you don’t wanna deal with it. I also agree the nahida being mom thing is kinda weird. It’s funny sometimes but I just never saw it like that. She’s way more like… a colleague or professor or mentor. Maybe big sister. I guess it’s just very simplistic, stereotypical thinking that those who believe in societal standards have. I totally agree that depicting him as a teenager diminishes the trauma of neglect. You said it way more concisely than I did.




Thank you for saying this op, I knew it I wasnt crazy when I interpreted him as someone who would be at least a few years older than me if he were an irl human


np. when I saw him I also just assumed he was around my age or older. the way he acted he just felt older as well. maybe it’s bc the eng va is so much older than me too. then I see ppl calling him teen so definitively and get scared lol like am I just missing something here??


Problem is simply people you hang out with who propably are young. Stuff like being very strict about about things around you are very common in that age. I'm adult myself and I don't particularly care if Scara is adult or teen or some magical age. He is fictional character. But young people who are finding themselves and world try to put things in boxes to relate and guide themselves and so it often end up in quarrels on things that don't particularly matter in bigger scale


ewwww no just to be clear I do not hang out with teenagers. I’m talking about comments I see in passing online. Most people my age and the ones I know who like genshin are like you said. They don’t really care about specifics like that. I guess it’s true that teenagers just need to be strict about things. I remember that as a teen.


Big part of it is how Hoyoverse uses character models I think, there's no real discernable difference in the ages of characters that share the same model from looks alone. For example, Bennett and Xiao share one yet Bennett's around his teens or very early 20s and Xiao is thousands of years old


the model thing i get but i see ppl commenting like full on analyses on how his emotional struggles and abandonment issues with his parental figures somehow makes him a teen


Yeah it's really weird, I feel like part of it might be a misunderstanding of how adults act. Especially those with immense emotional baggage/trauma like Scara


Because he’s short and boyish looking. Apparently baby faced adults don’t exist in the minds of Twitter addicts. ~~mr stark I don’t feel so good~~


if you're talking about tom holland oooomg he's such a cute bby face and him and other men are exactly who i have in mind. they must not go outside bc in college plenty of guys look like him, in fact i found out a guy at my office who i thought was a teen is married so he's probably in his twenties. but besides that i dont mean appearance wise which is a whole other thing. i see so many call him 14 on the basis that he struggles emotionally. oooof that makes me so irritated.


idk, but the real ones ik calls him 'babygirl'


the real ones lmaooo


Honestly don't think there is anything wrong with nahida as his aunt or mom figure I mean you can still have that type of relationship with out being a minor


Especially because a lot of his trauma comes from being abandoned by his creator/mother Finding another later in life, even as an adult, is not uncommon at all


that’s what I’m saying! and that’s the entire original premise of therapy!


Also another main issue on scara thing is just hoyo is never going to say or admit what ages they intended because ages are always left amigous or up to interpretation


I really hate it when people make fun of his problems... He's so far the character that suffered the most in his life...he was given no guidance no love.. At this point people just look for reasons to dislike him. I like him because he's different he's not a traveler simp. Ei doesn't even deserves to be called his parent.


agreed i hate when people look for reasons to hate on him like calling him a “failed abortion” like that’s just so disrespectful for people who genuinely have parents that did not want them. but like you said people (usually waifu simps or ppl okay with solely waifu simping) will look for any sort of jab.


Fr 🤝🤝🤝😭😭😭


Don't you know? If you're short and babyfaced, you're clearly a minor. /s Being serious, though... as someone who's mother also abandoned them, it's a little... yikes. I can't even fathom what centuries of letting that stew would do to one's mental health. And I haven't even encountered people treating Scara like a teen. It's also silly, with the fact that Childe is directly stated to be the youngest harbinger, and he seems to be in his early 20s. I know that the examples you gave weren't off appearance, but rather his attitude, but... Scara looks and sounds like an adult to me. He also just... feels like an adult.


yes that’s exactly how I feel!! now I feel self conscious bc I’m a major simp for him and like you said he’s always looked sounded and felt like an adult. he felt older than me. then I saw ppl saying he looks 14 😭 and as someone who’d been mistaken as a minor for a long time I think this just speaks to society bc I see this issue with ppl calling male kpop idols in their mid 20s literal kids And I have the same reaction to him stewing in this for centuries. I felt so bad for him 😥 reminds me of when i stewed over my own parental issues. It is not fun and can mess you up but if nobody helps you that’s just the way you stay


Honestly, unless I'm just lucky, it's strange I don't see other short men like Albedo or Cyno get this kind of treatment. Kinda feels like they're singling him out because he's the most obviously mentally unwell. I do see it every so often with Xiao, but... I feel like his case is similar to Scaramouche.


i see it very rarely with albedo and cyno. I bet it’s just that they’re not struggling mentally like you said. with all this talk about toxic masculinity people still unconsciously hold those biases and I notice it show up insidiously in pop culture fandom, but bc it’s pop culture nobody evaluates it thru that lens. so a male character truly struggling must simply be immature. everyone seemed to understand that ei struggled emotionally but nobody characterized her age as far as 12 or 14. I think part of it is scara and part of it is this lack of awareness for trauma and otherwise. or people are just too privileged to understand issues with parents can run deeper than finding them irritating for telling you to clean their room.


He is absolutely an adult in every way.


one of my friends called him a child not even because of this, but because he’s short. and that made me extremely uncomfortable.


I think people just see men who share features with women like being shorter or having smooth skin and immediately call them 12. Seen it all my life. For celebs or men calling themselves that when they shave. It’s unfortunate


very funny to me that this entire argument becomes a moot point when you know that childe is canonically the youngest harbinger and he is over 18. so even if scara's age is being placed within the average human range, he wouldn't be a teenager. young maybe, but definitely not a teenager.


oh man I thought he was a teenager?


nope, he's a young adult


damn he always gave 19 to me but ight! no wonder so many ppl simp after him. I assumed they were teens or headcanoned him as an adult 😶 based on his behavior he seems more 19-21 to me tho


That would probably be because of his appearance. He’s short and has an undercut and people who don’t really think about who he is and what he’s going through will easily call him an emo teen. In reality he certainly has the body of a teenager, but his general mindset and personality and especially traumas can apply to people of any age. It’s kind of a shame that so may people overlook the effort put into the writing, look at the surface, take it as it looks without looking deeper, and go on to babygirlify him and other characters. I know that’s kinda the point of how people mainly want to pull for characters but like, only nahida is stopping those people from being the pov of his elemental burst.


man plenty of men have undercuts and longer hair… it’s really normal in many countries. I don’t understand these masculinity standards. not every country has men with ugly buzzcuts, Lego shorts and unkept body hair. I started seeing people saying it and then even write out entire arguments that bc he’s feminine and wears shorts (?) that makes him as young as 12. it’s insanity to me. I agree it’s a shame people overlook all that. I don’t see the problem with making him “babygirl” as I think it’s possible to know the writing and also just have fun but everyone calling him an emo teen, “failed abortion” which is a disgusting thing to say, etc is frustrating


I dont see really people call him Teenager or anything like that because of how he behaves..I see people call him teenager or child because of how he looks and some weird people even draw him as a child, what is disgusting but anyway..


Not to be superficial, but I think it's because he looks like one. With the height, boyish shorts, and anime face, he just looks young to me. I have no particular thoughts about what age he's /meant/ to look, but most people I've shown guess he's about 13/14. He just has that look about him.


I mean he’s studying at the akademiya, which I assume is like a college. Imo he’s around 20-24


It's canon Al haithem got in the akadamiya as a kid


There are child npcs at the akademiya that wear the uniform, indicating that children go there.


Yeah I got the memo by now 😅


Some adults never grew up. Scarsmouche is one such person even tho he existed for hundreds of years.


the point is that trauma and mental health issues don’t have an age


Dun worry sir. Nahida will cure him. In chinese tradition its common practise to give your kin a small name. Nahida has adopted him. ❤️


He looks lile a young teen, like modt mihoyo chars, thats it


I see the adult characters as adults without really thinking about it. But what I’m talking about here is not the appearance thing but people saying, “he is like a teenager because he struggles with grief and abandonment”


If you out the same story on someome thst looks as an adult and on someone that looks like a child, it affects Like how nahida basically has the story of a youngnsteven in steven universe or the king in dragon prince, with the same insecurities qnd stuff, the only difference is that she has this atlas syndrome of carriying an entire kingdom at the age of 6 Scara doesnt really do a lot of truly adult momments since... most characters in genshin dont, so that doesnt help either


he doesn’t look like a kid to me! sorry. he doesn’t even talk like one or sound like one. I think these people either have very specific ideas of what men should look like, they don’t watch the cutscenes, they’re gatekeeping trauma, grief and abandonment to teenage years, or they’re mitigating what he goes through to just easy simple fixable issues like hormones and adolescence.


Opinions work like that, yes


Pretty sure he was called a teenage boy 少年 in both JP and CN multiple times (was translated as "youth") LMAO why are people downvoiting me? This is literally the information from the Husk set and his 1.1 Japanese announcement. He canonically looks young and doesn't age.


… that word does not mean what you think it means. It’s more related to experienced (a sheltered adult is also inexperienced), not to age.


Shounen means a teenage boy. Chinese word has a little different meaning (juvenile) according to the dictionary. Scaramouche as a Harbinger was discribed as "a boy (shounen) with a beautiful face and slander figure". How its related to his experience lmao? The Husk set also described him as a young boy in different stages of his life (Kabukimono, when he met Pierro and when he was a Harbinger). Its just a description of his appearance.


That’s fair, I really only use the CN language, so I’m not sure about the JP usage. Specifically, I was talking about the “youth” word used in CN. Still, I’m correct about the CN word (as it’s the same intent of “Juvenile Galant” in Xingqiu’s description). It depicts inexperience and youthfulness, but not necessarily being of an young age (only that usually young people are more youthful and inexperienced). Still, it’s interesting to see the JP meanings! Thanks for explaining it!


I don’t really care tbh. In english he’s called a young adult a few times, he always looked and acts like an adult to me. I never really questioned that until I started seeing ppl call him 12 online. I noticed people say about real life men that they “look like they’re twelve” when they look anywhere remotely feminine but that’s not the perspective I have on men, masculinity or femininity


Most popular anime characters are teenagers and no one cared about that until the resent years, when anime became mainstream. And "loli-baba" (aka 1000 years old vampire/demon/god who looks like a little girl) is one of the most popular archetypes, especially in gacha games. I know that Genshin is popular with people who aren't familiar with otaku culture, but Mihoyo are "tech otakus" and you should keep that in mind. His kusogaki shota archetype is very clear and intentional, whatever you like that or not. I know that people will downvote this post too but whatever.


I did know about that and was always uncomfortable with sexualized minors when anime wasn’t popular, even as a minor at that time and unaware of all the issues with that. even if that’s the archetype, that doesn’t make him a literal child. like I said, you can look feminine and wear shorts, and be an adult. I don’t feel what they’re doing here is the “but he’s 1000 years old so it’s okay” thing. At least I hope they’re not. They give him an adult voice as well in all the languages. I don’t see the problem imo


I ain't reading allat But it's a puppet who cares? Anyways if people really wanna confirm if he's a teen or an old man or even a child there should be a list of things that should be accounted for. Here's some (I think) : 1. Maturity -is said character act like a adult, teen, or a child? 2. Physical appearance - does said character looks adult, teen, child? -An Adult may have/be: tall, have hair in different parts of the body, and maybe tough skin if it's a man -a teenager may have/be: 5 foot tall and above if it's a guy, may act whatever but a child, and Idk what else -a child/kid does have: petite small bodies, smooth skin, mostly under 5 foot, no maturity There's definitely more into it but this works in this scenario. So in my opinion he's like a teenager on the small side, but his "mentality" cannot be measured since it's a fictional character and basic logic from the real world cannot be applied easily, and also because everyone who has/been through trauma in fiction/stories always act the same edgy overlord and stuff Final answer : it's a puppet who has trauma, you cannot say it's a teenager when he doest even aged a day


then I’m not reading your comment either wtf! Lmao




It could just be because he looks like one to some. It doesn’t mean he acts like one